ProgArchives has no info about the release Gather Darkness by Arcane.
This is superb Berlin-School electronic music. It needs to added to the database. (I don't know how to officially suggest this.)
My review:
Take three visionary guys who pioneer very dark or Noir-sequenced electronic
music back in the early 70s, give them all the growing pains of very harsh
dimensions, trials, cold, hunger, lack of commercial success even after a base
of popularity and reviewer praise. Knocked down they rise again to release
music that brings them to the verge of “national success”. By 1977 the live
tours begin – all looking very good, then unspeakable horror strikes.
Founding member Max Richter is found dead in his hotel room of a
mysterious demise. Arcane folds into grief and shock and then refuses to
continue without Max. Tragic.
Now, decades later, Gerhard Shreck and Hans-Ulrich Buchloh return with this
tribute to Max Richter release. Digital synths and toys here? No way!! Shreck
and Buchloh decided to pick up the analog pieces that lay broken with their
dreams and create new music with the analog machines of the 1977 era.
They do a super job; melodic, sequenced majesty on par with and passing
even beyond the classic Tangerine Dream sound. Arcane has created
electronic music for the 21st century that brings forward all that was so very
good in the 70s. Arcane holds forth a much creepier, eerie, and dark aura in
many parts of its compositions than T. Dream toyed with. This is not surprising
considering Arcane’s gauntlet they have run to come this far. Just sample the
haunted track "Requiem" and you will see black holes bleed.
To fans of Tangerine Dream of the 70s and that whole era of sequenced
electronics with improv solos, patch cord mazes, odd knobs, curious dials,
and soundsculpting noises that will drive your neighbors insane with dread –
Arcane is a strong contender for king of the T. Dream hill. (Actually Arcane’s
music makes you think they’d just as well prefer king of the Abyss.)
Recommended stuff.
More info here: