Hi, may I recommend you two bands ?
The first one,
Bell Orchestre seems to be an Arcade Fire side project. It's between post-rock and contemporary/classic music. This article may seduce you :
http://pitchforkmedia.com/record-reviews/b/bell-orchestre/ recording-a-tape-the-colour-of-the-light.shtml
The band is or will be touring with
Clogs (that you should listen too!!)
The second one,
propose a free download of a FANTASTIC piece of ambient/post-rock. This
is not something new in music but it remains excellent. I have very few
info about them, but just listen to this and you'll be conviced :
the article :
http://www.archive.org/audio/audio-details-db.php?collection =pleasedosomething&collectionid=pls003
the music :
http://www.archive.org/download/pls003/pls003-01-Sickoakes -Wedding_Rings_And_Bullets_In_The_Same_Golden_Shrine.mp3