Isnt it time..that the topic´s on this great site..get serious??!!
Enuff of the:Name your greatest this or that!
: What to bring on an island!
: Are YES better than ....???
This site my opinion..are one of the best in our progworld.
Sure there are other fine progsites out there..but this one still
holds it mark. So...i can allready hear the response:
"Get down from your high horse"!! "Who are you to judge?"
"What did you bring to this site?"...well...right you are,im
an ex-collaborator on progarchives. But thatdoesnt mean that
my opinion are less,than yours!!
I just think that we (progarchives) need to get out of
If this site are supposed to be the greatest in our progworld...
then...yes you´ve guessed it!!!
Forget the hitlist thing..who´s better than ...blah..blah.....
and the:which guitar player...blah..blah....
yeah i know ive joined those polls once in a while...but seriously
guys...wakeup.......powerfull prog site...powerfull knowledge
....serious commitment.
So whats my thread?? Well here goes:
"What did CAMEL ( the band) use as soundeffect on their brilliant
: Snow goose"...when trying to illustrate goose´s wing???
yeah thats right...go get me!!!