Don't know if any of you got to see the impromptu show on the YES CTTE cruise. But... Edison's Children did a quick little show of Marillion's Incubus live.
Edison's Children regulars Pete Trewavas (Edison's Children / Marillion / Transatlantic) was on bass; Lisa Wetton (John's wife) was on drums and Rick Armstrong (Neil Armstrong's son ... 1st man on the moon) was on guitar. David Hussey (not EC) filled in on lead vox.
While I couldn't find out any information about a new album, I did find out that Neil Armstrong's son is now part of Pete's "Sci-Fi" based Haunted Prog band Edison's Children. Their haunting dark sound combined with producers John Mitchell and Jakko (lead singer of King Crimson) have always caught my attention but i'm hoping that the addition of Rick Armstrong sends the band back to their 1st album, which had a really cool "alien-space" theme. It reminded me of the early themes from Saga like Images at Twilight but with a more Pink Floyd like feel to it.