It's weird, after someone complained about a certain album with Eelie Craig
Hit and Miss. I checked their discovery and bought all their albums in the past few days.
Hit and Miss the hardest to find.
I can sum up, this is a great band from Austria which was often forgotten.
This band has elements of Camel, Nektar, ELP, Rick Wakeman, Stackridge, Colosseum, Soft Machine, Pink Floyd, Procal Harum.... The list goes on... This band is a
Symphonic/Neo/ Jazz Fusion/ Crossover of music which started in the 70s....

How I rate these albums
1. Hats of Glass.... 10/10
2. One Niter .... 9.5/10
3. Eela Craig debut album 1971... 9.5/ 10
4. Missa Universalis ... 9/10
5. Virgin Oiland .... 8.5/10
6. Hit & Miss .... 5/10
7. Symphonic Rock .... 9.5/10
Edited by noni - September 10 2017 at 18:31