Portuguese outfit FramePictures was formed back in 2004, initially as a band seeking to blend the musical styles of bands such as Planet X and Tool. As the band settled they started reaching out to broaden their sonic palette, incorporating references from the progressive rock acts of the late 70's and early 80's into their sound. The choice of moniker is a direct reference to this development, with the former serving as the frame and the latter as the pictures.
They hit the studio to record their debut album in 2009, and in 2010 their initial effort Remember It was released by Galileo Records and their US partner label Progrock Records.
I got in touch with Arthur in FramePictures through ProgRock Records for this interview and he kindly answered my questions.
Your biography has been covered in your ProgArchives profile so
let's bypass the biography details.
But why did you wanted to play this type of music instead of any
other form of music ?
Well. This is kind of tough because I guess that none of us trully
desired to be involved in a prog-rock band like FramePictures. But,
in a way, all of us wanted to perform music that would be the most
creative, independent and conceptual as possible. This is due to the
origin point of all the guys here, which are very different. Mafalda
hails from the pop community and has a jazz background, Drumond was
a young bass player who admired the U.S. Nu-Metal scene, Tiago was
deeply interested in the traditional Heavy-Metal, Helder was a
guitar teacher that dreamed of being involved in a "british style"
hard-rock band and, as for myself, I had pieces and ideas in the
drawer from the last 10 to 15 years for progressive music that could
blend all of the above with some electronic "Depeche Mode" ish
backgrounds. So, as we went along with our early experimentations
and jammings together, we decided to give everyone some slack in
what pre-conceived ideas were concerned and allow everything to be
experimented and tried out. We saw a tiny window where everybody
could be pleased and that's where FramePictures started from. Our
music is the result of a broad bag of influences that we simply want
to mix together instead of chosing a pre-conceived orientation.
What is your musical background and were you involved in any other
bands before you started FramePictures ?
Yes. We've been here for quite a while.
Tiago was very prolific in the Portuguese heavy-metal underground
and had recorded and performed with multiple heavy-metal bands here
in the past, such as "The Whisper" and "Cycles". These were oriented
towards the traditional heavy-metal, with Nordic influences, so
Tiago was more a "Stratovarius" like type of singer. He evolved, I
think, towards a more interpretative and relaxed musician and his
voice in FramePictures covers a broader range of stylistic choices.
Mafalda is yet in her career beginning and has trully a great
potential to become an incredible over-the-top musician in the
future, although she already acomplished a lot. She studied classic
piano and soon was dwelling with jazz and writing her own
instrumental music until she became a session player. Before
entering in FramePictures, she was a freelance keyboardist for
multi-platinum act "EZ Special" and was touring throughout the
country on a daily basis. Actually, now she's one of the
cornerstones of our band and much of our musical ideas start off
from her solo compositions.
Drumond is also in his beginnings but he performs like he's in the
business for decades. His talent was scouted many years ago, but his
interest in architecture kept him away from being commited to music
full time. So, he played in some garage bands before FramePictures,
nothing that could take off seriously, but now he's really out there shinning.
Helder is a talented guitar player that started very young. He took
lessons in his teens, either from classical or from rock teachers,
and started himself a teacher career that keeps him busy still. In
the 90's, he was lead guitarist for a rock band called "Morgana" and
had a touring schedule with them, although they'd never signed a
record deal. I think that he's a driving source of inspiration
within FramePictures and we seem to never find his musical
limitations, which are none.
I'm the older guy in the band.
I've been in the music business in
Portugal for about 20 years now, started with some infamous
indy-rock bands in the 80's and passed through the only "Hair-Metal"
band that hailed from Portugal in the early 90's, which was called
"The Fire". I did 3 records and many Iberican tours with these guys
but then came the grunge era and we split. At this point, I was
gaining experience in sound design and engineering and was
interested not only with drums but also with producing records for
other bands. So I was involved with jazz, pop and mainstream rock in
the last 10 years, either playing or producing, but rock 'n roll
runs deep in my blood. So, many leftovers from the past that
couldn't fit in the music that I played then have found a way out
through FramePictures.
Please give us your long or brief thoughts on your only album
Remember It released earlier this year. How would you describe the music ?
Our music can be described as a hand with fingers widened, like in
the cover booklet of the CD. These 5 fingers represent the musicians
that have independent feelings and identities but belong to the same
hand, or band, and have to work together. In what music and
arrangements are concerned, we try to keep a balance between these
different approaches as we feed off each other of ideas but, as we
put these to performance, we want to be as cohesive as a
single-minded unit. The concept behind "Remember It" is more of a
combination between a story that could easily be told through a book
or in a cinema theater, with lyrics that relate to each other
throughout the songs, with a background of music that could
singlehandedly express the mood variations of that story. I guess
that all great prog-rock music accomplishes this "cinematic" effect,
one way or another.
How is your writing and creative processes ?
Good question. It's tough to explain, really. But I'll try.
We commit ourselves to be in specific phases, which affect our
attitude towards what the band needs at a specific moment. When we
are in what I call the "experiment phase", we simply let go of
discipline and band ethic and play to a tape machine whatever comes.
Then we shuffle through this chaotic mess of sounds and pick up some
pieces that can be worked out and refined. Then we start our
"creative phase", which then develops these ideas to a more
structured and intrincated step in order for us to understand their
potential and what can we do with them. When we amass a large
quantity of these bits and pieces and all is coherent, then we enter
the "conceptual phase", in which we design a kid of blank picture to
be filled with the pieces that suit the best overall image intended.
We need to have material that can influence our imagination towards
something we wish to play and then, when we know what we really want
to do, move around the pieces that are suitable to the idea and then polish it.
How is your gigs situation. Do you play many gigs ?
We are semi-professional musicians but we're really commited to
FramePictures and its future. We keep an opened agenda for sessions
and touring, but our main goal is to put FramePictures out on the
road! And that's not easy, because we're far from the music business
core, at an international level, hailing from a small remote European country. We're scouting and negotiating around different
booking agents in different areas of the World and we're almost at
the point of achieving this last goal. From our part, we're
absolutely ready. Our stage performance is rehearsed, our tech crew
gathered and ready for the call and our logistic requirements are
more than planned and figured out. We don't want to play only in
Portugal. In fact, we want to play internationally first and then
we'll do some gigs over here. We're taking our time.
What is your plans for this and next year ?
First, we need to secure a booking or even a management deal. We
need to prove that FramePictures can be perfectly suited for the
guys who are professionals and work in the business. It's the last
missing piece in the whole process that put us where we are.
Obviously that we want to fulfill the "Remember It" cycle by
promoting the CD on tour before thinking of the next album. With
hard work, I think we can do this in 2011. We are definetly here to
stay and a 2 and a half year cycle between albums is what we're
aiming at for the time being. We have new ideas, but this is not the
right time for exploring them.
To wrap up this interview, is there anything you want to add to this
interview ?
Well. I just want to say that we're overwhelmed with the praise and
acclaim that "Remember It" is having all over the World.
multiplying a legitimate worldwide fanbase by the second and our CD
is allowing us to be respected internationally, which for us is a
dream come true! We're truly thankful to all the people out there
that took time to listen and write good things about us and we're
looking forward, more than ever, to be out there too, at a stage
near them! We work better under pressure, so we want to expand
ourselves out of our borders in order to build a good reputation at
an international level. We're making baby steps towards that goal!
Thank you to Arthur for this interview
Their PA profile is here and their homepage here