Skill Wizard Presents...
Another FREE evening of rock and metal worship...
Saturday 10th April
Old Blue Last
Free Entry all Nite
8pm - 2am
L i v e
SECRET HEADLINERS - One of the very best live bands around. A heavy and unmissable set that we can't divulge until nearer the time.
THE LAZE - Literally incredible prog from Liverpool's finest live band. Imagine Chrome Hoof as a 7 piece with a little more metal and less robes.
THRUSH METAL - Metal girls go wild with a raucous lo-fi performance and the best outfits since Priest went denim and leather in '77...
And as always, the finest classic metal, thrash and party rock DJs until 4am
I can vouch that the headliners are one of the finest modern purveyors of psych, mystikal!
Edited by thz lzzz - March 30 2010 at 10:12