I've just wrote a review. Every time after posting it, I look to main page how it looks. And now I again had to repair <b> </b> tags. But funny thing is that I've never typed them bad.
I first started with "Some tracks..." sentence and continued till the end. Here I also used <b>Melanie</b> tags. Then, I've decided to write a sentence about "Iceberg", so I wrote few words before "Some tracks...".
It moved this <b>Melanie</b> further, on the end of the line. So, as you can see, <b>Melanie</ was on one line and b> on second. This caused all text bellow this to be bold, as brackets were not closed. But they were, but it just moved them to the next line and could not understand that it is closing.
1)Could there be something to do about this dividing tags ?
2)Could system recognize </ and b> as one tag ?
3)Or something completely different ?
If you heard about this "all reviews bellow this one are in italic, this can be cause. Maybe.