There's an interesting interview with Mike Oldfield and Tim Hodgkinson (ex-Henry Cow) in the latest issue of GRAMOPHONE, the monthly classical music "bible" in Great Britain.
Oldfield talks about the models for his latest orchestral piece, MUSIC OF THE SPHERES. Hodgkinson discusses, among other things, what rock music could gain from the "energy" of classical music.
If you've never read GRAMOPHONE, this issue is well worth getting, since it's the Annual Awards issue, which means it contains all the regular features (a detailed comparison of different recordings of Wagner's RING, a reappraisal of Pavarotti's career, interviews, monthly columns and more than 125 reviews) as well as a gorgeous, highly detailed 25-page section on the best classical recordings of the past year. It also comes with two first-rate CDs. In British newsagents the price is £4.40, but of course it's also available on subscription.
P.S. No, I do not work for GRAMOPHONE, but I've loved the magazine for 20 years and it has taught me a lot about "classical" music from all periods.
Edited by fuxi - October 13 2007 at 05:11