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    Posted: June 24 2007 at 16:49
I have edited and corrected 13 albums of polish group SBB.
I've corrected titles, added all time lenghts (with total times) and all bonus tracks.
I also edited all releases information.

All info I’ve taken from: (Polish Rock Archives) – official SBB site - Józef Skrzek dicography

So these are my corrections and additions:
First album is titled "SBB" not "SBB no 1".


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. I Need You Baby (4:39) (not specified on LP cover!)

2. Odlot (incl. Odlecieć z wami) (14:39)
3. Wizje (incl. Erotyk) (18:50)

Bonus tracks (CD):
Zostało we mnie (5:44) * #
5. Wicher w polu dmie # [Obraz po bitwie *] (13:54)
6. Figo-Fago (13:09) * #
7. Toczy się koło historii (8:35) #


Total time without bonuses: 38:08

Total time with bonuses: 79:30


Edited releases information:


LP 1974: Polskie Nagrania "Muza" - SX 1142

CD 1997: Polskie Nagrania "Muza" - PNCD 342 (as "SBB 1") with bonus tracks, noted *

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0320 (released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus tracks, noted #)

CD 2005: Yesterday – Klub Płytowy 5


"Nowy Horyzont" album:


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. Na pierwszy ogień (4:20)

/Curtain Raiser/
Błysk (3:27)
/A Flash/
3. Nowy horyzont (8:25)
/The New Horizon/
4. Ballada o pięciu głodnych (3:59)
/A Ballade About The Five Hungry Ones/
5. Wolność z nami (19:56)
/Freedom With Us/
Bonus tracks (CD):
6. Xeni (6:39)
Penia (15:59)

8. Dyskoteka (6:55)
9. Na pierwszy ogień (6:49)


Total time without bonuses: 40:07

Total time with bonuses: 76:29


Edited releases information:


LP 1975: Polskie Nagrania "Muza" - SX 1206

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0321 (released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus tracks)

CD 2005: Yesterday – Klub Płytowy 6

"Pamięć" album:


This album was released in 1975 not 1976.


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. W kołysce dłoni twych (Ojcu) (9:09)

/In The Craddle Of Your Hands (To My Father)/
2. Z których krwi krew moja (10:14)
/From Whose Blood, My Blood/
3. Pamięć w kamień wrasta (19:50)
/Memory Grows Into Stone/
Bonus tracks (CD):
Poranek nadziei (4:30)

5. Barwy drzewa (2:01)
6. Osiem rąk (4:40)
7. Waldie (9:13)
8. Niedokończona progresja (6:24)

9. Reko-reko (4:31)
10. Serenada Gia Sena (4:54)


Total time without bonuses: 39:13

Total time with bonuses: 75:26


Edited releases information:


LP 1976: Polskie Nagrania "Muza" - SX 1345

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0322 (released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus tracks)

CD 2005: Yesterday – Klub Płytowy 7

"Ze słowem biegnę do ciebie" album:


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. Ze słowem biegnę do ciebie (19:14)
2. Przed premierą (19:29)

Bonus track (CD):
3. Odejście:
Tęsknota / Wyzwolenie / Odejście / Rozłam / Pojednanie (29:07)


Total time without bonus: 38:43

Total time with bonus: 67:50


Edited releases information:


LP 1977: Polskie Nagrania "Muza" - SX 1434
CD 1997: Polskie Nagrania "Muza" - PNCD 395 (as "SBB 4")

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0323 (released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus track)

CD 2005: Yesterday – Klub Płytowy 8

"SBB (Wołanie o brzęk szkła)" album:


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. Wołanie o brzęk szkła (19:10)
2. Odejście (19:47)

Bonus tracks (CD):
3. Bitwy na obrazach (3:48) * #
4. Uścisk w dołku (3:38) * #
5. Muzykowanie latem (16:50) #
6. Fikołek (14:53) #


Total time without bonuses: 38:57

Total time with bonuses: 78:06


Edited releases information:


LP 1978: Supraphon - 1 13 2218 H (CS) (as "SBB")

CD 2003: Supraphon - SU 5388-2 311 (CS) (as "Wołanie o brzęk szkła") with bonus tracks, noted *

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0324 (as "Wołanie o brzęk szkła") - released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus tracks, noted #


In 1979 this album was released in Western Europe with the title "Slovenian Girls" and changed song titles.

"Slovenian Girls" album:


This album was released in 1979 not 1978.


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. Julia (18:50)

2. Anna (19:30)


Total time: 38:20


Edited releases information:


This album is a reedition of "SBB (Wołanie o brzęk szkła)", first published in Western Europe in 1979, with changed song titles.

LP 1979: Omnibus - BUS 1002

CD 1997: KOCH International - 33721-2

"Jerzyk" album:


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. Jerzyk (3:23)
2. Kijek (3:33)
3. Oddech (5:56)
4. Taniec Bulibara (4:29)
5. Garbusek (2:41)
6. Palamakia (6:57)
7. Wołanie o podkład (4:08)
8. Janek (3:52)
9. Władkowa kołysanka (4:53)

Bonus tracks (CD):
10. Debiut Kety (4:01)
11. 11 traktów (4:06)
12. Renia (3:11)
13. Mutraczka (1st version) (4:55)
14. Jak było tak było ale było (6:31)
15. Cierpiarz (3:49)

16. Ouzo (1st version) (4:38)
17. Uścisk w dołku (1st version) (6:51)


Total time without bonuses: 39:52

Total time with bonuses: 77:54


Edited releases information:


MC 1977: Wifon (extremely rare music cassette)

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0325 (released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus tracks)

"SBB" album:


This album was re-released with "Amiga Album" title, so I suggest to name it in ProgArchives as "SBB (Amiga Album)".


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. Tanzbar (3:09)
2. Magische Blaue Stunde (3:07)
3. Hektik (3:08)
4. 2:10 (2:08)
5. Ouzo (4:58)
6. Unterbrochene Erotik (2:54)
Kala (3:33)
8. Tumba (3:49)
9. Mutraczka (4:26)
10. Nr. 7 (5:05)

11. I Wonder Why (4:40)

Bonus tracks (CD):
12. Nervoser Nikolaus (5:15)
13. Tom Cat (3:07)
Gonitwa (2:33)
15. Beci (3:33)
16. Profesor Moog (3:18)
17. Balon guma (5:38)
18. Maskarada (4:11)
19. Podróż (6:40)
20. Trema (3:19)


Total time without bonuses: 40:21

Total time with bonuses: 77:55


Edited releases information:


LP 1978: Amiga - 8 55 631 (as "SBB")

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0327 (as "Amiga Album") - released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus tracks

"Follow My Dream" album:


Correct track listing and lengths:


Going Away: (24:09)
1. Freedom With Us (8:12)
2. 3rd Reanimation (6:13)
3. Going Away (6:36)
4. (Żywiec) Mountain Melody (3:08)

Follow My Dream: (22:16)
5. Wake Up (5:02)
6. In The Cradle of Your Hands (2:46)
7. Growin’ (6:18)
8. Follow My Dream (8:10)

Bonus tracks (CD):
9. Królewskie marzenie (6:41)

10. Wiosenne chimery (15:54)
Dla przyjaciół (7:09)


Total time without bonuses: 46:25

Total time with bonuses: 76:09


Edited releases information:


LP 1978: Spiegelei-Intercord - INT 160.611
CD 1992: Stuff - S-005
CD 1997: KOCH International - 33719-2

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0326 (released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus tracks)

"Welcome" album:


This album should have been named in ProgArchives as "Welcome" not "Welcome (1979)".

It was originally released in 1979 not 1998!


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. Walkin' Around The Stormy Bay (6:30)
2. Loneliness (5:25)
3. Why No Peace (6:04)
4. Welcome Warm Nights And Days (3:02)
5. Rainbow Man (3:38)
6. How I Can Begin (7:00)
7. Last Man At The Station (9’29)

Bonus tracks (CD):
8. Rainbow Man (long version) (5:05)
9. Last Man At The Station (short version) (6:26)
Deszcz kroplisty, deszcz ulewny (4:02)
11. Tuż nad kanałem Ulgi (4:41)
12. 30 stopni w cieniu (5:26)
13. Przy okazji (6:39)
14. Mechaniczna skakanka (5:04)


Total time without bonuses: 41:08

Total time with bonuses: 78:31


Edited releases information:


LP 1979: Spiegelei-Intercord - INT 145.600
LP 1979: Wifon - LP 004
CD 1991: Lion Records -
CD 1997: KOCH International - 33729-2

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0328 (released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus tracks)

"Memento z banalnym tryptykiem" album:


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. Moja ziemio wyśniona (8:39)

/My Land Of Dreams/
2. Trójkąt radości (7:48)
/The Triangle Of Joy/
3. Strategia pulsu (3:29)
/Strategy Of Pulse/
4. Memento z banalnym tryptykiem (20:56)
/Memento With A Banal Tryptych/
Bonus track (CD):

5. Z których krwi krew moja (10:40)


Total time without bonus: 40:52

Total time with bonus: 51:32


Edited releases information:


LP 1980: Polskie Nagrania "Muza" - SX 1966
CD 1992: Stuff - S-010
CD 1998: Polskie Nagrania "Muza" - PNCD 407 (as "SBB 5")

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0329 (released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus track)

CD 2005: Yesterday – Klub Płytowy 9

"Nastroje" album:


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. (pol. Muzyka, która jest w nas, jest ponad nami) (1:52)
2. Za nami wieki wojowników (pamięci Silesian Blues Band) (4:08)
3. W ogrodzie snu (6:34)
4. Pieśń stojącego w bramie (4:38)
5. Knowing Where You Belong (4:37)

Pisze to życie scenariusze (4:28)
7. ...or Whatever (5:17)
8. Całkiem spokojne zmęczenie (5:41)
9. W oceanie się zanurza Liverpool (2:40)
10. Star of Hope (pamięci Ryśka Riedla) (6:40)

11. Don't Look Back (9:22)

Bonus tracks:
Całkiem spokojne zmęczenie (first mix) (8:13)
video: Całkiem spokojne zmęczenie


Total time without bonus: 55:57

Total time with bonus: 64:10


Edited releases information:


CD 2002: Jazz'N'Java Records - JnJ010

CD 2004: Metal Mind Productions - MMP CD 0338 (released as a part of "Anthology 1974-2004" box set, with bonus track and videoclip)

"New Century" album:


Correct track listing and lengths:


1. Golden Harp (5:50)
2. Music is My Life (4:54)
New Century (6:06)
4. Stary człowiek w milczącym ogrodzie (4:51)
5. Duch pokoleń (5:35)
6. Wojownicy Itaki (5:28)
7. When Was The Last Time? (4:01)

8. Carry Me Away (15:52)
9. PAJO (3:22)
10 Rock For Mack (1:47)

Bonus tracks (digipack):
11. Positive Polarity (2:31)
12. Viator Blues (5:22)


Total time without bonus: 57:46

Total time with bonus: 65:39


Edited releases information:


CD 2005: Metal Mind Productions – MMP CD 0362

CD 2005: Metal Mind Productions – MMP CD 0363 DG (Digipack with bonus tracks)

DVD AUDIO 2005: Metal Mind Productions – MMP DVD 0363

Edited by bialkomat - July 01 2007 at 12:28
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 24 2007 at 17:16
Wow! Nice work! Clap
Welcome to the forum.
"Music is much like f**king, but some composers can't climax and others climax too often, leaving themselves and the listener jaded and spent."

Charles Bukowski
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2007 at 07:12
Yes, good stuff indeed .... I'm gonna come back to this when I've got more time  
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 01 2007 at 06:38
Bump ... I'll try and do this tomorrow
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bialkomat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 14 2007 at 05:00

Why my updates are still not applied?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 14 2007 at 05:16
Great work indeed! Witam serdecznie !

Yes, I know that it's been almost two weeks since the last post... but the site is a hobby for the members and there always are quite a lot of new inclusions and so on being debated, so additions and alterations almost always will be delayed, and rushing will not help.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 18 2007 at 11:11
OK ... here goes ....

SBB No 1 .... done and title changed to SBB (1974)

Nowyz Horyzont .... done

Pamięć .... done

Ze Słowem Biegnę Do Ciebie ... done

SBB (Wołanie O Brzęk Szkła) ... done

Slovenian Girls .... done

Jerzyk ... done

SBB .... done and renamed SBB (also released as: Amiga Album)

Follow My Dream ... done

Welcome ... done

Memento Z Banalnym Tryptykiem .... done

Nastroje .... done

and finally .... New Century ...

All done I hope ... lots of thanks for the info  Smile

Edited by Joolz - July 18 2007 at 12:06
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