Zac M wrote:
I'm listening to Spirogyra as I type this.
I would try them, I haven't heard Comus or Jan Dukes de Grey (I'm in the minority, I know...), so I can't say if they are in the least bit similar, but I have to say Spirogyra seem to be one of the best Progfolk bands.
Try the French band, Tangerine, as well.
Tangerine is one my studying desk as could get approval soon, I'm studying their case (a bit too West Coast, though) as I am with Mormos
JDDG is highly recommended, and as I PM'd to Tiresias there is the major epic from them as streaming to water your mouth, until you(ve bought the albums (not expensive at Syn-phonic)
Spirogyra 's first and third albums are incredible as well
Also try Tea And Symphony's incredible Asylum For The Musically Insane
here is the link to last week's thread
Edited by Sean Trane - December 07 2006 at 16:04