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Topic ClosedAnyone here an Andreas Vollenweider fan?

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M Joel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Anyone here an Andreas Vollenweider fan?
    Posted: May 25 2006 at 22:32
I was listening to some of the music I used to listen to as a little kid, and Andreas Vollenweider came up. I used to listen to his opening track to the album "Down To The Moon" to relax to. Ah, good memories :)

Anyway, I was wondering if anybody here has heard of/listened to him before, and if there are any albums you could reccommend? Thanks.

p.s. This isn't really prog music, but I couldn't find any other section to post music-related topics, so sorry if this is off topic.

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M Joel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 25 2006 at 23:31

    Okay, so no one has heard of him.

this is an album of his:

I haven't listened to it myself, but I do reccomend if anybody wants to try this guy out, listen to "Down To The Moon". You may not like it, it's classical meets ambience meets something else, but I love it.
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Peter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 01:09
I like a lot of Vollenweider's stuff -- it's uplifting, and often quite lovely.Smile
Yes, Down to the Moon is very good, as are White Winds and Dancing With the Lion.Thumbs Up
To me, Vollenweider is much more akin to prog than many artists that are listed here, but there seems to be somewhat of a bias against -- & lots of negative preconceptions about -- so-called "new age" music among many prog fans.
I have posted on AV as a possible PA artist before, but got very little response. I find that a bit odd, because I listened to much new age in the relatively prog-poor eighties & early nineties, and it was very palatable to this seasoned prog fan.
Perhaps the music has too much beauty -- many just can't seem to tolerate or relate to joy, hope or beauty in music. Anger, violence, dissonance, despair and aggression are what "connects" these days, it seems -- sentimental/soft songs are often roundly condemned as "filler" or "lame." (Witness the drubbing "More Fool Me" and "Kayleigh" regularly come in for here.) Unhappy
We live in macho times, I guess. Perhaps male harpists just don't connect with the obigatory tatoo (how very original!), "frown for the cover photo," "flex that bicep and talk like a moronic inner city street criminal" materialistic, wealth, youth and appearance-obsessed culture that prevails out there. Lie, cheat and steal (even from your friends) to get what you want and "deserve." Hit first. Never apologize (that's being "weak"), drop out of school (because it's "boring" and the teachers "diss" you by urging you to use your brain and rise to your potential), play "Grand Theft Auto" all day, knock up your "ho" girlfriend and abandon her, get a criminal record and really screw up your life (then blame your teachers and parents, of course -- never grow up and take responsibility for your own life and choices, like an adult, because the world owes you a living -- now!)  -- know what I'm sayin'? Dead
Sorry -- I've wandered off topic -- I suppose. Ermm 'Twas yet another trying day, thankless day -- the students are staying away (throwing their last best chance for a better, meaningful life away) in droves. Unhappy
Read to your kids, hug them, and try to give them a sense of self worth. Value education. Teach them some honour and respect as well. Stern Smile
Maybe I need to go to Garten's "Ranting Room" -- or just to bed! Wacko
(Crusty curmudgeon rant over.) Embarrassed

Edited by Peter Rideout - May 26 2006 at 02:37
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
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Teaflax View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 01:35
I've actually seen AV live. Even with the guy in the room, the music is so inoffensive and bland you hardly notice it's there.

It has nothing to do with lack of machoness or an overdose of beauty - it has everything to do with taking the path of least resistance, something most Prog fans tend to have a hard tme with when it comes to music.

It is the aural equivalent of bedroom posters of sunsets and crying kids. I'm sure there are people out there for whom it is the most touching thing in the world, but that is not the criteria for good art (if it was, Celine Dion would be one of the finest artists of all time and Barbara Cartland the world's greatest living author).

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Peter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 01:46
^ Ouch!Ouch
What about differences in taste, Flaxen?
I like complex prog too, you know. I listen to different forms/styles of music for different moods and "purposes."
I don't find AV to be particularly "touching," just pleasant and relaxing, yet deep enough to hold my interest. I loathe the musick of Celine Dion.
Perhaps you have a "tat," and I've therefore offended you?Ermm
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
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Peter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 01:52
BTW, I think "good" art speaks to its intended audience, and I favour Breugel and Bosch over velvet Elvises or crying kid paintings.Wink Eeeee-yew! LOL
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
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Teaflax View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 01:56
Actually, the only thing that offends me is the spurious and unfounded assumption that denial of the perceived beauty of Vollenweider is somehow linked to championing macho attitudes.

Well, that, and the tired "kids of today, they don't show no respect!" screed that's been ongoing since before the birth of that Christ dude.
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richardh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 02:08
I like some 'New Age' (Mark Isham,Stephen Caudel mainly) but I found Vollenweider a bit boring to be honest.I do have some of his music but currently it lies gathering dust on the CD shelf.From what I vaguely remember 'White Winds' was regarded as his best.
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Peter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 02:26
People who get offended offend me....
And yes, Teaflax, people have been saying things like I did since time immemorial, (I've read it in 1800-year-old pagan Roman literature, for example) but I and my colleagues -- some much younger than I -- really do see increasing casual violence (even girls commonly fist fight now), short attention spans, a lack of the most basic knowledge of current events, history or even geography, more machismo, homophobia and a disdain for learning and the educated in the young people we try to teach. Too many seem to feel that if they "pay their money," they should automatically get their "piece of paper." (They often say as much when they fail &/or get kicked out)
For the record, I also meet fine, upstanding young people with great minds and promising futures -- just not enough this year. These things happen: hopefully the class of 2005-6 is a statistical anomaly. Plus, I do work with many dropouts /"troubled" youth in my field, so much like a cop, my perspective can be negatively skewed. I'm aware of that, and try to resist the tendency, but sometimes the pessimism overrides the optimism.Ermm
I knew that post would ruffle some feathers, but I guess I needed to vent....
Still, sorry to have offended by venting so publically. Embarrassed

Edited by Peter Rideout - May 26 2006 at 02:31
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
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Dragon Phoenix View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 02:28
Like richardh, I appreciate good quality New Age (George Winston, Stev Roach, Paul Winter, Tingstadt and Rumbel), but Vollenweider does not make any impression on me. That's only to be expected of course. Even within prog, the tastes of all of us differ widely.
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Dragon Phoenix View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 02:29
Originally posted by M Joel M Joel wrote:

p.s. This isn't really prog music, but I couldn't find any other section to post music-related topics, so sorry if this is off topic.


PS: try the Non-Prog Music forum. Wink
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Teaflax View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 02:39
Originally posted by Peter Rideout Peter Rideout wrote:

more machismo, homophobia

Actually, it's a plain statistical fact that homophobia has decreased steadily in the Western world in the last century, and I see no reason to believe that that trend has reversed.

And, yeah, I get why you're cynical. I live right on top of my little town's main square, where the teens hang out on the weekends. And the stuff I see and hear from my second floor window every weekend sometimes depresses even me, the eternal optimist, (but I just need to talk a bit with my fifteen-year-old step daughter to get my faith back).

But, hey, you're out there trying to do something about it. Kudos, sir.
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Peter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 02:40
Originally posted by <FONT color=#ff3300>Dragon Phoenix</FONT> Dragon Phoenix wrote:

Originally posted by M Joel M Joel wrote:

p.s. This isn't really prog music, but I couldn't find any other section to post music-related topics, so sorry if this is off topic.


PS: try the Non-Prog Music forum. Wink
Hey, DP, lots of great albums in your tres cool changing avatar -- our collections seem to overlap quite a bit! Thumbs Up
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
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Dragon Phoenix View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 02:44
Thanks Peter - I picked what I considered my favourite albums at that time, prog and non-prog pop/rock. A more update list of my favourite albums is within my website: .

Edited by Dragon Phoenix - May 26 2006 at 02:45
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Peter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 03:05
Originally posted by Teaflax Teaflax wrote:

Originally posted by Peter Rideout Peter Rideout wrote:

more machismo, homophobia

Actually, it's a plain statistical fact that homophobia has decreased steadily in the Western world in the last century, and I see no reason to believe that that trend has reversed.

And, yeah, I get why you're cynical. I live right on top of my little town's main square, where the teens hang out on the weekends. And the stuff I see and hear from my second floor window every weekend sometimes depresses even me, the eternal optimist, (but I just need to talk a bit with my fifteen-year-old step daughter to get my faith back).

But, hey, you're out there trying to do something about it. Kudos, sir.
Thanks, TF -- much appreciated!
My "evidence" for increasing homophobia (here in Canada, anyway) is all anecdotal/observational, of course. I really hate the way "gay" is now used by the younger set to mean "lame" or "stupid" -- that must make gay teens feel very good and accepted, indeed.  I do see less racism in youth, but I really think HIV/AIDS contributed to a swing of the proverbial pendulum back toward a casual, prevalent homophobia. A couple of years ago, in a highschool classroom discussion of prejudice, for example, I mentioned homophobia (I had to explain the term), and most of the kids loudly condemned gays as "sick" "disgusting" etc. The hatred was palpable. Their worst/most feared/most common insult for one another seems to be "gay" (& recall that the word now automatically carries a secondary negative connotation). Recently, a Canadian teen hung himself because he had been labelled that at school, and this is sadly not uncommon. My twelve year old daughter was called a "lesbian" last week, and she was horrified -- I was afraid she would feel obliged to "prove" that it wasn't true....Unhappy
It was okay, indeed almost cool to like Bowie, Alice Cooper (though he wasn't gay, he was often thought to be), Elton John and Queen "in my day," but again, in discussing music with kids, I have often been asked "is ____ a gay band, sir?" (The implication being that if they are, they are not okay to like.)
Anyway, time for bed (teaching in AM) -- nice talking with you, Fleatax!

Edited by Peter Rideout - May 26 2006 at 07:37
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
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M Joel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2006 at 14:46

Originally posted by Dragon Phoenix Dragon Phoenix wrote:

Originally posted by M Joel M Joel wrote:

p.s. This isn't really prog music, but I couldn't find
any other section to post music-related topics, so sorry if this is off


PS: try the Non-Prog Music forum.


Sorry, I thought that meant no music at all

On another note, Peter Rideout, you seem really cool, man. Thanks for the album suggestions, I'll definately check them out. :) I also agree with what you've said about people, too. I've been saying that forever, nobody listens to me, lol.
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