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    Posted: November 24 2005 at 11:37

A typical long review- do YOU read these? (word for word)

MUSE* Absolution progressive rock album and reviews Prog Related
(Studio Album, 2003)

MUSE* "Absolution"
Review (Permanent link) by Certif1ed
Posted 8:43:21 AM EST, 11/24/2005

SPECIAL COLLABORATOR (Honorary Collaborator)

4 stars   You know, there are times when I want to give an LP masterpiece status even when the context tells me it's clearly not a masterpiece of prog rock. There are generally two of these times, and this falls into both:

1. When an album grips me in the right way, and I simply enjoy it with tremendous enthusiasm every time I hear it, despite its obvious imperfections.

2. When "click and run" cowards do not actually bother to review the album, but simply vote the lowest possible option because they do not like it. That almost always makes me want to redress the balance by voting the highest option.

However, I approach Muse's Absolution as if I was going to be listening to a Prog Rock album and sadly, this is not even in the running for a Masterpiece of Prog Rock award - it's proggy alright, but not proggy enough to compete with Genesis, Gentle Giant, VDGG et al.

In all fairness to Muse, while it's not a Prog Rock album, it is a complete masterpiece and a finely crafted and well thought-out concept, and I think it's just brilliant:

With Rich Costey of Philip Glass and TMV fame behind the knobs, Muse rise to a whole new level with "Absolution" - the riffs are bigger and crush more bones than ever before, the imperfections in the chord sequences are all but gone, Matt's voice sweeps Justin Hawkins away in lung-bursting, wine-glass shattering and spine-chillingly haunting style, Thom Yorke and Radiohead are all but forgotten, and the atmospherics are, er more atmospheric.

It's my habit to do a track-by-track analysis, so I won't do that this time, but simply dip in and pull out the interesting highlights...

The first of which is the introduction, and the second of which is the second track, a towering, apocalyptical colossus entitled "Apocalypse Please". "It's time we saw a miracle, come on, it's time for something Biblical". Stirring stuff indeed, and the music shifts beneath it, with huge power chords trading place with bubbling synths, beautiful quasi-classical dischords, delicate falsettos, pounding drums and crashing piano chords - if ever there was a piece written for the end of the world, this truly is it.

The next highlight is track 3. "Time is Running Out" may contain lyrics that whiff strongly of gouda, but the atmospherics in the quiet sections contrasting with the build ups to the massive choruses are textural genius and just seem to press all the right buttons. The range of guitar sounds that Bellamy uses is quite stunning - especially when you consider that this is not all studio trickery, and he does this live. What he also does live is that falsetto that makes your throat hurt in sympathy. OK, it's not a prog song, but its' gigantic anthemic splendour is surely something to admire.

Ye gods, the next highlight is "Sing For Absolution" - Muse may have produced some of the most beautiful ballads ever on their previous albums, but here they surpass themselves, with a melody of aching wistfulness, and haunting atmospherics. They also restrain themselves admirably on the first chorus, a feat which hightens the drama spectacularly. The only issue I have with it really is that it's very much in the tried and tested Muse formula, so seems somewhat familiar until it reaches the codetta, where Bellamy is at his most impassioned yet, and produces a fine tenor top C in natural as opposed to falsetto voce, with lush guitar counterpoint.

...and so it goes on. Another monster riff from hell kicks off "Stockholm Syndrome", which proceeds to grow and grow until another massive riff kicks in, redefining bombastic to it's core. This is where I run out of adjectives, and words like massive, gigantic and colossal don't seem quite enough to describe what's going on here - Muse don't play heavy metal, but the music is equally if not more intense than even some of the more intense metal bands - quite frightening in a way - and the piano arpeggios only serve to heighten the drama and power of this song. Essentially quite simple, but this is ROCK at a new level, and shows clearly why Muse are prog-related, and why Rick Wakeman himself declared Muse to be a modern Prog Rock band. The riff that finishes this piece defies all words. It's hard to imagine anything better...

With their astute sense of drama and overall album shape, Muse take it right down for "Falling Away With You", a sensitive ballad style opening, leading to the predictable but very welcome and absorbing huge chorus. The textures are experimentally arpeggiated and highlight the sense of falling away very well in a musically onomatapaeic way. There are more achingly wistful melody lines backed with unusual atmospherics, that segue straight into "Interlude", a tension-builder par excellence, and then...

It might be overplayed on just about every UK radio station, but "Hysteria" simply has the king of all riffs to its credit. I said it's hard to imagine anything better after "Stockholm Syndrome", but this is it. A fairly unremarkable song by Muse's standards is framed and underscored by this perfect creation of riffdom, a riff so awesome that even if you listen to it quietly, your ears bleed. Even the obligatory truly awful guitar solo doesn't take anything away from this riff - you keep listening because you want more - you need more - you want it now... all together, air guitars at the ready...

"Butterflies and Hurricanes" is the next highlight, the soft intro not kidding you for one second - you know that a monster is on its way and, while it can't and doesn't try to compete with "Hysteria", the build-up over a minute and a half is simply masterful, and has that unmistakable prog vibe about it. I'll say it again: How the devil do three guys manage to make so much noise? Did Matt have personal tuition from Lemmy?

The drifting, shifting harmonic progressions are pure bliss, and the string and piano layers provide full pretensions to progginess - the silence dropping into the Rachmaninovian cascades around 3:30 is simply inspired - you'd think Emerson would start looking over his shoulder eversoslightly... Bellamy keeps up the piano backing through the next verse - although it's a bit far down in the mix for my liking.

"The Small Print" is another adrenaline-fuelled rocker with yet another riff that would make Godzilla feel like an ant about to be crushed. Bellamy gets enthusiastic with the textures - this is, after all, what he is best at, and why there are so few guitar solos on Muse's output; Who needs them when the textural development is this good? With obvious inspiration from Johnny Greenwood, Bellamy really has an authoritative style combining rhythm and texture with wonderful angular chords.

"Endlessly" suggests that Muse have been listening to the later Radiohead output, as the intro reminds me a little of the textures that the latter explore on "Kid A", and the textural build-up is gentle and flows well enough, but stands out as a marked contrast from the other material presented here. The change in percussion texture around 1:30 provides an amazing sense of space, and helps to rescue what is otherwise a very plain song by Muse's standards. Some of the textural experimentation is brought forward around 2:40, and brings a new focus to the song, but really, it's just on to the next one.

The problem with a song like Hysteria is that it's pretty much unfollowable, and you really have to stick with "Thoughts of a Dying Atheist" to get the most out of it - and it does have much to offer, despite a couple of harmonic progression issues towards the end of the chorus, especially. However, there is more tremendous energy here, and the lyrics are thought-provoking, if not profound; "It scares the hell out of me, the end is all I can see".

"Ruled by Secrecy" marks the 3rd album in a row out of 3 from Muse in which I feel unsatisfied with the ending. It starts to feel like a lot more of the same, with nothing really new to offer from the deep bag of Muse's trickery. It's worth sticking it out, though, as more Rachmaninov-inspired piano is forthcoming around 3:30, and from there to the end, the ride is very enjoyable (and prog related) indeed.

In summary, then, a slightly over-long album jam-packed with proggy goodies and musical highlights, with more drama per square inch than RADA, and more passion than Mills and Boon. If the word "Bombastic" turns you off, then look elsewhere for entertainment, otherwise, very much an album for everyone (even if you only ever listen to the first half), with some of the best riffing outside "proper" heavy metal - and some riffs that outclass even that. Oh, and a fair smattering of progginess.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2005 at 12:05

And this review is only the "interesting highlights..."!!!

It's far too long. I find it hard to read that much on a screen. Reviews need to be concise and meaningful, but not too short either.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2005 at 12:12
I agree- too short isnt good either.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2005 at 14:46

Certif1ed puts a lot of thought and effort into his reviews. They are never superficial, but are detailed and well composed. He has studied music and is able to talk about it knowledgeably from that perspective. I'm not saying I always agree with his reviews, but then music is about opinions not right vs wrong. I do however enjoy reading them.

Whether or not you chose to read them is a personal decision (probably based more on the subject matter than the length) but I think the quality of his reviews is undeniable.

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salmacis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2005 at 15:10

I much prefer long reviews to too short ones; they give far more of an insight into the album in question than 'this band are amazing' or 'this is their best album'. Certif1ed's are amongst the best on the site imo; even though I do disagree, like Easy Livin', with some of his review points, that doesn't at all affect the quality of his excellent work.

And yes, I do read these reviews...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2005 at 16:13

Talking about coincidences... I didn't knew about this topic, and started one myself, talking about the excat same thing (but I wasn't aware of the MUSE review). Anyway, those long reviews are less than help, but at least talks about someones admirations for the band, wich is good.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2005 at 18:00

What can I say?

There are a LOT of highlights on "Absolution".

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2005 at 18:26

1493 words is hardly War And Peace is it?

Prog has never been suitably matched to those with attention deficit disorder!

Cert's review is top notch as is the album he describes.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2005 at 21:32

I actually agree that a review can be too long to hold my interest ... for me the ideal review is in the 4-6 paragraph range ... but I have no problems with someone writing at length about an album that interests them ... to each his own ...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2005 at 03:02
Originally posted by Trotsky Trotsky wrote:

I actually agree that a review can be too long to hold my interest ... for me the ideal review is in the 4-6 paragraph range ... but I have no problems with someone writing at length about an album that interests them ... to each his own ...

Fully agreed with the lenght bit

But Cert makes good very worthy reviews ! They could be shorter, but if that specific lenght is what he needs to review the album according to his feelings I  loudly.


I vave no set rules as far as my reviews lenghts are concerned , but I do not think I ever surpassed 700 words!

Estimation because I never bothered checking!!

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2005 at 04:49
To be honest I *prefer* long reviews...if someone's got something to say then they've got SOMETHING to SAY!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2005 at 04:55
Some might prefer a deeper analysis if they are uncertain whenever to buy a album or not
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2005 at 05:05
^ Couldn't agree more, when deciding to take the plunge with an unknown artist, the more in-depth the review is, the more descriptive of its sound and style the better. Top marks to Cert for his review. Not for everyone but for someone close to buying Absolution but still undecided, it's very valuable.
I'd rather have 1,500 words than 'this sucks, this band is gay, don't buy this s***, listen to Dream Theater instead'
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2005 at 09:14

Originally posted by arcer arcer wrote:

^ Couldn't agree more, when deciding to take the plunge with an unknown artist, the more in-depth the review is, the more descriptive of its sound and style the better. Top marks to Cert for his review. Not for everyone but for someone close to buying Absolution but still undecided, it's very valuable.
I'd rather have 1,500 words than 'this sucks, this band is gay, don't buy this s***, listen to Dream Theater instead'

damn, that was going to be my next review.

Actually never done a review, must pluck up the courage one day. I have respect for people who write serious reviews (or reviews that include alien abductions ) and to read a detailed analysis by someone like Certif1ed would help me to decide whether to part with the cash or not.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2005 at 13:15
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2005 at 14:52

It's horses for courses really - Muse have only just been added to the archives, and it's good to have at least one detailed, knowledgable review of an album. Cert1fied has been responsible for some of the most insightful and best written reviews we've got, and this is no exception.


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salmacis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2005 at 15:36
Originally posted by NutterAlert NutterAlert wrote:

Originally posted by arcer arcer wrote:

^ Couldn't agree more, when deciding to take the plunge with an unknown artist, the more in-depth the review is, the more descriptive of its sound and style the better. Top marks to Cert for his review. Not for everyone but for someone close to buying Absolution but still undecided, it's very valuable.
I'd rather have 1,500 words than 'this sucks, this band is gay, don't buy this s***, listen to Dream Theater instead'

damn, that was going to be my next review.

Actually never done a review, must pluck up the courage one day. I have respect for people who write serious reviews (or reviews that include alien abductions ) and to read a detailed analysis by someone like Certif1ed would help me to decide whether to part with the cash or not.


Oh yes I remember that 'alien abduction' review- I think it was on 'Wish You Were Here'; one of the funniest ever!

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