No doubt that the Forum pages are just overflowing with often irrelevant, sometimes silly, argumentative, or useless chatter. That is of a concern for many inputs and the way they are expressed do little to support the credibility of this fantastic site. (I also have been caught up with the odd "S Lang-ing" match with some in the past, which I now regret. I should have just walked away, but what if we all just walk away - with a degree of bitterness?) I now use PMs almost exclusively in order to exchange info with some, whereas I'd be much happier to be able to communicate openly - without self-imposed restrictions.
Firstly, part of the issue can be attributed to the ratings (from Newbie to Senior) which encourages a proliferation of inputs in order to have a higher (perceived) status. I doubt that some with 4000 plus postings in the short existence of the Forum, would have had that much info to be dispersed justifying the quantity of inputs. The ratings may benefit from a re-think for starters.
Secondly, I'd propose some limits - by way of a quota - where one is welcome to offer but a limited number of postings in any given time period, daily, weekly, monthly. This would encourage contributors to stick with relevant issues, making them think twice before they exchaust their quota on useless interference.
I wholeheartedly support the egalitarian nature of the site and free speech, but I believe that we may need to find a solution to the situation where the credibility of ProgArchives is seriously compromised by immature and disrespectful attitudes - as it seems now.