I hesitate between calling it an "appreciation thread" or a "complain thread", because those who enjoy must be frustrated that the very promising discography has turned into two false starts.
I read in the Rain of Thought booklet:
"Rain of thought was formed as Newcross in 1982 by the Ezzo brothers and Cade. An EP was released in 1987, various demo tapes recorded, a tune that actually made it to a compilation LP, and an album completed in the early 1990s on computer hard disk which was stolen before release. After all of this time we remain in obscurity and will gladly stay there."
This is how it turns out that, when there's too many hurdles and not enough tailwinds, even very inspired people decide to trust others for publishing adventures.
NB the Rain of Thought cover looks dour, and it takes to see how the sophisticated track titles don't seem to relate to the music that much, and that it was produced by "ohsodditrecords", to get a sense of how playful and daredevil-ish they could get beyond music.
Here's another rare, if not unique on the Web, link that provides some live feedbacks and other infos I cannot find anywhere else: http://prognotfrog.blogspot.ch/2011/03/new-cross-1986-us.html
Now maybe you can provide some more news, infos and links !? With my best wishes to those who are behind those projects... Hello !... YEEEAAAH
Edited by jayem - September 19 2017 at 07:01