^ Those three should be strong. And Stranger Things season/series 2 is said to be darker and more mature than the first (I loved the first series).
Having kids, even though that Doctor Who trailer looks really cheesy, it's something fun for the family. I want it to be dark, though (a la Heaven Sent), and it looks like they are playing up the lighter comedic angles from that. And maybe I'm weird, heck I am, but I love Inside No. 9. As for the other only on my list, while I wasn't a big fan of the Netflix Black Mirror overall (preferring the first two series on Channel 4), I'm still looking forward to the new one.
Thatfabulousalien wrote:
Twin Peaks is the only thing I'm highly anticipating at the moment and hell, I'm anticipating it greatly!!!!!!!!!  |
I had hoped that it would come out in 2016 as originally planned, but definitely it's better late than never -- all the more anticipation.
Edited by Logan - February 20 2017 at 17:43