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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Trump v Hillary: Are there two Americas?
    Posted: October 13 2016 at 04:37
Trump represents disenfranchised Republicans. Hillary represents Obama's Democratic legacy. But what's at the heart of this great divide that has even seen conservative Republicans at war with themselves and by extension, with Trump himself. Why? What's the real cause of this great political rift that has seen obscenity become the norm? Racism? Feelings of exclusion? The death of the "American Dream"? Are there two Americas that make up the USA? "Repubs & Dems" and "Trump's People"?
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 13 2016 at 06:41
Hillary represents George Soros.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 13 2016 at 06:42
The Republican party is the party of the top 1%.  Fortunately, they need another 50% of the country to align with them in order to cater to the 1%.  This election period the "deplorable basket of people" have risen up and wrested control of the party away from the 1%.  As Mitt Romney commented on a hot mic, there are 48% of people that will vote Republican and 48% that will vote Democrat every time.  It is the other 4% that each party is trying to reach.  (not sure the exact percentages, but that it the gist). 

The Democratic party are allegedly the party of the meek who will inherit the earth.  They cater to the bottom 1% or possibly bottom 48%????  In between, are a whole lot of people who aren't getting catered to, so they have to pick and choose the party that least repels them.  For most white men, it is the Republicans.  For most others, it is the Democrats.   Honestly, I have never understood why any woman would ever vote Republican...but they do (and if Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman are any indication, they be crazy.)  :)

The major problem is that there are too many issues and too many diverse hot bullet political points to be contained within a two-party system.  Ideally, the answer is to do away with political parties so we are voting for people based on their personal beliefs and not the beliefs that they are aligned with due to their political affiliation.  However, it is much easier to vote straight ticket than to try and figure out what each politician actually stands for.  And government would probably be even more gridlock with 535 different politicians trying to negotiate a compromise versus two parties trying to do so. 

The short answer to what I am trying to say is that no, there are many different Americas...we are just trying to cram them into 2 Americas.

Edited by rushfan4 - October 13 2016 at 06:47
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 13 2016 at 08:47
There are 43597250 Americas. There's not just two. But there is one of them that is a cohesive, closed group that has sadly decided to wake up encouraged by the Orange One. It was always there, but it was on the fringes, it was outcast. Now it's almost respectable. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 13 2016 at 08:52
No, there's one and it sucks like everywhere else. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 13 2016 at 08:55
It doesn't suck. 

Well maybe Florida... 

And Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas...

Oh damn the South sucks. 

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Blacksword View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 13 2016 at 10:45
It's not complicated IMO. Trump is a reaction to the plitical mainstream failing economically and in terms of foreign policy. That doesn't make Trump a hero, it makes him an exploiter of a crisis.

The same is happening in Europe; the rise of the right in response to the neo-liberal 'middle ground' screwing up.

One defecting republican - can't rermember his name - said last week he was supporting Clinton, not because she was 'correct' but that she was wrong within established accepted paradigms whereas Trump was simply wrong..or words to that effect.
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dr wu23 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 13 2016 at 11:15
IMO there has always been 2 Americas (not counting the relatively small groups who claim they are independent or libertarians, etc..) dad has been dead for 20 years but he would have voted for Trump ...he never voted Democrat and it didn't matter if the GOP guy was an a****le.
I'm 65 and I still see the same people and patterns. People either lean to the left or to the right....I know very few neutral moderates who actually vote the person based on rational decisions.
So...the right is going for Trump and the left is going for Clinton. Two Americas like always.
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zappaholic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 13 2016 at 12:09
Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

Hillary represents George Soros.

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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 16 2016 at 00:57
There certainly does appear to be at least two Americas, but that tension can sometimes be productive;  the things that do work about the US work well, and the pull between a traditional puritanism and forwarded progressivism can sometimes result in the same messy but inventive progress one sees in any nation of free-thinkers (even if largely ignorant).  Sure I sometimes wish we had the cohesion of a Germany or an England, but they have problems I wouldn't give to a monkey on a rock.  The grass is always greener.
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 16 2016 at 06:03
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

IMO there has always been 2 Americas (not counting the relatively small groups who claim they are independent or libertarians, etc..) dad has been dead for 20 years but he would have voted for Trump ...he never voted Democrat and it didn't matter if the GOP guy was an a****le.
I'm 65 and I still see the same people and patterns. People either lean to the left or to the right....I know very few neutral moderates who actually vote the person based on rational decisions.
So...the right is going for Trump and the left is going for Clinton. Two Americas like always.


tribal politics... learn it.. know it... live it... the center is disappearing andboth sides are moving to their edges... it is.. the Culture War!!! LOL

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 17 2016 at 02:08
Like a giant play of dutch ball
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npjnpj View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 17 2016 at 02:28
As I live in Europe, this is a question to all of you living in the USA.

As a lot of other people, I have been watching the presidential election campaigns with a mixture of amusement and horror.

 Nothing seems to be able to derail Donald Trump’s campaign. He gets his legs shot off (well, he shoots his own legs off, mostly), and still he keeps on coming.

 He’s lost a bit of momentum, of course, but nothing seems irremediably lost for him yet. Everyone’s talking about his unshakable base of dissatisfied misfits and rednecks, but, considering the size of his voter base, it must be much, much more than just those. It seems that the number of his supporters is so large, as to encompass a very large portion of the electorate, possibly sufficient to win the election.

 I can honestly say I can’t make heads or tails of it. Hillary Clinton may be highly suspect in many regards with her Wall Street deals and so on, but even so it can’t be enough to consider making sexual assault artist and international business con-man the president.

 Now, to my actual questions to the Americans here: how bad is the personal and professional life for the average American person right now? The man in the street, so to say. I imagine it must be pretty dire to consider a person such as Trump, with his track record, as being a serious candidate for presidency. I mean, are there really no jobs, or are they so badly paid? Are the health system and the social net really that poor? Is it too dangerous for the average citizen to go out into the streets?

 What’s going on over there? Why this incredible amount of dissatisfaction of so many, many people?

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Saperlipopette! View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 17 2016 at 03:09
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

Trump represents disenfranchised Republicans. Hillary represents Obama's Democratic legacy. But what's at the heart of this great divide that has even seen conservative Republicans at war with themselves and by extension, with Trump himself. Why? What's the real cause of this great political rift that has seen obscenity become the norm? Racism? Feelings of exclusion? The death of the "American Dream"? Are there two Americas that make up the USA? "Repubs & Dems" and "Trump's People"?
These are polarizing times. The (western) world is a scarier and more unsafe place than it has been for decades. You'll find similar great divides worldwide.  
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Blacksword View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 17 2016 at 04:49
The establishment is in a state of panic, because there is a clear threat to their political paradigms. People make bad choices and behave irrationally when they panic. We should be mindful of that.

Trump supporters laugh off the seemingly desperate implied link between Putin and Trump by the Hillary camp, but at a global level the parallels between what is going on between the two parties and what is going on between the west and Russia right now are quite clear IMO. The old order is being challenged by those who think they have pulled back the curtain and seen the little old man pulling the levers and making it all happen. Now, they want to seize the power from the global banks, the IMF and what other global institutions they think are running the show and do it all differently. It's not thing to with capitalism vs socialism. It's to do with two competing power blocks. One in favour of nation states and protectionism and increased living standards for a few, and one hell bent on globalism and declining living standards for all, and lining the pockets of a small elite.

It'll all end in bitter tears.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 17 2016 at 09:20
I hate one and I have no sympathy for the other...the other is a woman.
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timothy leary View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 17 2016 at 10:12
Let's see
West and East
North and South
Rich and Poor
Old and Young
White and Non white
Male and Female
Straight and Gay
Religious and Not Religious
and on and on and off
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 17 2016 at 23:12
Largely, yeah. 
But these are not monolithic blocs. They are malleable. The two America's shift over time, and they can be pushed, molded. We've seen in recent years all it takes is continual pushing, eventually people will go with it. 

I addressed in the US politics thread but I also have to ask: Is this a bad thing? The two Americas?
I know many lament the divide growing in politics, and it certainly makes life difficult, but: What do people propose?
This divide is over real issues. The two parties are drifting, but: Aren't the issues important? Abortion, gay rights, civil rights, the environment. Economic issues. A "gap" may be growing but these are important ideas the left and right deeply believe in. 

Really, there are more than 2 Americas and perhaps the attempt to keep all those grouped into 2 is finally reaching a breaking point. 

Edited by JJLehto - October 17 2016 at 23:35
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HackettFan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 18 2016 at 18:46
Yes, there are very definitely two Americas. They're highly dependent on region, yet not straightforwardly so. The boundaries meander this way and that. Generally, move between the urban, suburban and rural landscapes and you can see it well. Move across the east coast states to plain states and you can see it even more so that way too. Then again, talk to my uncle and then talk my aunt, and you can see it there too. The brother and sister rarely speak to each other. If they actually knew each other's politics, they'd really have something to argue about.
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JD View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 21 2016 at 12:51
Originally posted by timothy leary timothy leary wrote:

Let's see
West and East
North and South
Rich and Poor
Old and Young
White and Non white
Male and Female
Straight and Gay
Religious and Not Religious
and on and on and off
I was thinking the exact same thing as I read these posts. The universe is all about balance, Left / Right, Up / Down, Forwards,/ Backwards. The question is, "What direction do you think you should be going?" Now, I'm Canadian, so mine is an outsiders view in a way. But I've been working on and off south of the border for a few years now. From Michigan to Ohio, from Missouri to Kentucky, which has given me a small insight to your regional political views. In a small way our last election mirrored your election this year. Two very different points of view, even though we have a fairly well supported third party. In the end we Canadians had to decide what kind of country we believed we were. A Progressive Conservative one under a leader that wanted to ban religious dressings and implement a Barbaric Culture Hotline, or a Liberal one that wanted to provide Equal and Fair opportunity and respect to ALL who live or choose to live in our great nation. We overwhelmingly choose the latter and I believe we became more respected on the world stage for it. That doesn't mean I think the Liberal party is flawless or that the Conservatives are evil (although Harper came pretty close), but I believe we made it clear what we expect the world to think of when they think of Canadians. The US has the same basic choice to make. Yes, there are always going to be issues that no one believes the politicians are working on, or happy with the results of their decisions, but at the end of the day, the leader of our countries are supposed to represent and demonstrate what it means to be of our nationalities. I think the most recent debate and the response from both sides of the fence has spoken clearly, now it's up to you, the voters. Will you be a single issue voter, or will you vote for the choice that most represents what it means to be an American (or as we hear it Merican)? Good luck on Nov. 8th. The world will be watching.

Edited by JD - October 21 2016 at 12:53
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