Still same. Index is rebuilt and fine.
Might be a Windows update that changed some setting but I can't figure out what the hell it is.
People I'm talking to tell me they've got Cortana working as their search window, on the taskbar,
but my Cortana has been mostly dormant since getting Win10 (it's there, and running, but apparently
totally superfluous). The search that I had a few days ago, mentioned above, was working fine without
Cortana. However, after this problem began (search problem, that is), I tried to get Cortana running
as an alternative method for said search, and it appears that I cannot jump through the necessary hoops;
Cortana doesn't like the language I've chosen and it won't allow me to change it, despite following certain
directions telling me to download and install the appropriate language pack. Still no go.
Allegedly there was some issue with Cortana in Canada but I'm not sure about the details.
One other option I was hoping would work is to change the search settings in 'This PC' to search only
indexed locations. However, unclicking 'file contents' and 'system files' in 'advanced options'
(under 'In non-indexed locations'), didn't do anything to speed up my searches.
I'm just going to have to keep dicking around, but I'm frustrating that things like that are constantly
changing on my system without my ability to resolve. This, along with the daily grinding of my HD by
Win10's background processes--app. compatibility checks, malware checks, defragathon, etc--is why
I am anxiously hoping for them to skip a couple and just gimme Windows 13.
Time for tunes & headphones...the ballgame's about to begin. Don't knock it until you try it.
Thanks for the consideration.
Edited by InstrupsychedeMental - August 13 2016 at 05:43