I don't think it's a first time that this issue comes up, but anyways, I think yearly top album page needs a serious lift in accessibility. Imagining myself as an absolute prog beginner, one of the first things I would have liked to do is to get "what's new and hot", i.e. top albums for 2015. It requires quite some time (or being an insider) to realize that you have to first go into top albums from 2014 and then redirect your search to present year.
I think it'd be much more convenient to have a small scrollbar on the right side of the main page with defined links to top albums for each year, starting from, for example, 1966/7.
Another big problem is with custom searches. Whenever I try to paste a custom search link to some other site (e.g. Facebook), the link still opens up as all-time top instead of custom top. I tried to link PA top albums for 2012-2015 and everytime it would link as PA all-time top, and this made me decide to start the discussion.
And also one more thing: I can't still get how to find UNRATED albums with present search mechanism. For effective search, it requires minimum 1 rating to be present, as value of 0 is disregarded. So would be great if the most hidden albums come out as more "searchable".
Have you been experiencing same kinds of issues or is it just me missing something?