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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 07:54
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by Prog_Traveller Prog_Traveller wrote:

I wouldn't single out prog rock. If anything prog is immune to what goes on in the mainstream. Prog fans tend to be collectors and like the physical format and as such we want to pay for our music. I think it's pop music fans who don't take the music very seriously and don't think about paying for it and just take things for granted. They aren't collectors so they just download stuff for free.

In my opinion to be honest illegal downloads have no negative effect to prog artists, pop artists maybe yes although they have a huge following many of those are happy with a low quality music download. I think those who use torrent sites to download music would never buy an album anyway thus if they listen, like it and maybe spread the music to others it might be positive    

With the above I meant to state the fact that most people who download music illegally will never buy the album anyway, we cannot stop that, most of them even listen to low sound quality, they seem not to care.
Albums are cheap it's costs less than a "starbucks latte", thus those who won't buy music have no effect at all because they won't buy it anyway. I am not making excuses for illegal downloads and yes of course it's wrong morally and illegal.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 08:02
Originally posted by Davesax1965 Davesax1965 wrote:

One from npinho73 - 
"<span style="line-height: 14.3999996185303px; : rgb248, 248, 252;">Of course bands soul less records than a few years ago, but they have more concerts and more people talking about them now and itīs because of that. </span><span style="line-height: 14.3999996185303px; : rgb248, 248, 252;"> "</span>
<span style="line-height: 14.3999996185303px; : rgb248, 248, 252;"></span>
<span style="line-height: 14.3999996185303px; : rgb248, 248, 252;">Er, no. Beforehand, you recorded albums, and the sale of the album funded a live gig. Now, you can't get the working capital to do a live gig, it's incredibly expensive, you have to generate sales and interest, hire venues, PA's - then five people and a dog turn up as it's "prog rock" and not mass market. Established bands can just about get away with it, but they only just break even, making money from sales of merchandise. New bands ? - can't even afford CD or vinyl releases. Sorry to have to mention this but I'm a musician, take it from the horses' mouth, honestly. </span>

I hear you Davesax,
Good point, even when a musician manages to self fund the cd production, it is very difficult to sell enough to break even with the costs. Not easy, most do this for the love of music while having another day job.
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 08:04
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by Prog_Traveller Prog_Traveller wrote:

I wouldn't single out prog rock. If anything prog is immune to what goes on in the mainstream. Prog fans tend to be collectors and like the physical format and as such we want to pay for our music. I think it's pop music fans who don't take the music very seriously and don't think about paying for it and just take things for granted. They aren't collectors so they just download stuff for free.

In my opinion to be honest illegal downloads have no negative effect to prog artists, pop artists maybe yes although they have a huge following many of those are happy with a low quality music download. I think those who use torrent sites to download music would never buy an album anyway thus if they listen, like it and maybe spread the music to others it might be positive    

With the above I meant to state the fact that most people who download music illegally will never buy the album anyway, we cannot stop that, most of them even listen to low sound quality, they seem not to care.
Albums are cheap it's costs less than a "starbucks latte", thus those who won't buy music have no effect at all because they won't buy it anyway. I am not making excuses for illegal downloads and yes of course it's wrong morally and illegal.

I also know a lot of people, on the other hand, who used to buy music legit earlier and have stopped.  The convenience of downloading exactly the tracks you want, and that for free, is unbeatable.  Without in any way intending to dilute the problem of piracy, part of it was also created by the industry missing the bus.  They should have been ahead of the curve. They should have been able to offer music in digital format for a price long before the pirates did.  Missing that bus was costly.  If people had been hooked onto the habit of buying digital music before illegal downloads became the rage, at least fewer of them would have been weaned off it.  But downloading from the comfort of your PC vis a vis going to the store and hunting the racks for the album you need - that was a no brainer.  Now this is the point where prog rock fans get nostalgic about the 'charm' of going to the store and 'discovering' an album they hadn't heard of and buying it and going home to find it was a masterpiece.  Which is all very well, except that it is not the choice that a vast majority of people have made and that really hurts music.  And make no mistake, industry did not push digital onto listeners at that time because they were making a lot of money off CDs. In protecting their short term gains, they put the future of music as a viable commercial activity, which it needs to be for artists to take it up seriously and record and perform, under tremendous pressure.

Edited by rogerthat - October 02 2014 at 08:11
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Meltdowner View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 08:08
Originally posted by npinho73 npinho73 wrote:

No. In my opinion "piracy" make prog rock reach to persons who donīt have the possibilites to know a gropu or album in other way.
I gave you my example, if wasnīt for "piracy" i almost for sure never have listened to Van Der Graaf Generator, or Flower Kings, and maybe never had the chance to know Riverside an others.
So in my opinion "piracy" is good for prog rock, in fact is good to all kinds of music.
Of course bands soul less records than a few years ago, but they have more concerts and more people talking about them now and itīs because of that. 

Piracy is no excuse for that nowadays, there are lots of legal streaming services you can use to discover music before buying them, and even if they don't receive much from it, it's still more supportive than illegal downloads (those three artists you mencioned are on Spotify by the way)

How much more prog concerts do you see in our country?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 08:10
Not to mention that the price differential between CDs and tapes was massive.  I know a lot of Western art music snobs look down on tapes but they were popular in third world countries precisely because they were so affordable.  Music at some price is better than no music at all, at the end of the day.  We could get brand new cassettes of film soundtracks in India for no more than a dollar at most in the 90s but the CD version of the same would cost at least $4-5.  That was too much of a premium, no matter the superior performance delivered by the CD. Today, CDs are sold for as low as $1.5 or $2 at the most.  And that's without taking into account inflation so that tells you how costly CDs were in the 90s.  Costly mistake.  First pirated mp3s came into the market, offering the same songs for a much lower price.  It was until the late noughties or so that music labels here responded with legit mp3 CDs but by then, it was too late.  Today they release soundtracks on Itunes simultaneously with the physical version but it takes a big name composer like Rahman to guarantee healthy sales.  
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 08:31
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Not to mention that the price differential between CDs and tapes was massive.  I know a lot of Western art music snobs look down on tapes but they were popular in third world countries precisely because they were so affordable.  Music at some price is better than no music at all, at the end of the day.  We could get brand new cassettes of film soundtracks in India for no more than a dollar at most in the 90s but the CD version of the same would cost at least $4-5.  That was too much of a premium, no matter the superior performance delivered by the CD. Today, CDs are sold for as low as $1.5 or $2 at the most.  And that's without taking into account inflation so that tells you how costly CDs were in the 90s.  Costly mistake.  First pirated mp3s came into the market, offering the same songs for a much lower price.  It was until the late noughties or so that music labels here responded with legit mp3 CDs but by then, it was too late.  Today they release soundtracks on Itunes simultaneously with the physical version but it takes a big name composer like Rahman to guarantee healthy sales.  
New Cd's for $2.....where can I get these..? Only seen used ones for that price and I been buying cd's since they came out.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 08:37
I think he means Bollywood soundtrack CDs are $2
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 09:37
Yep.  Western music CDs are around $10 or more generally.  Sometimes can pick them up for as low as $5 if they have been in stock too long without takers. Wink
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 10:25
This is kind of relevant to this discussion
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 10:36
I'm curious to know how many people have a copy of the Beatles 'White Album', or better known as the Esher demos, on a bootleg of some type?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 10:39
Yes, it's true.But when piracy came, do you have a lot of prog bands playing or it was more easy to them to play in other countries and make their albuns and sold them? NO. They sold very few records and they have some concerts probably in their own countries of origin.
"Piracy" people like it or not, made music available to a more wider range of people, and by the way, spotify and other streaming services are very recent; back then it was almost impossible to listen to prog music anywhere, even if it has some new internet radios specialized in that matter.
But i agree that people in our days don't gave a chance to a band, they don't listen to the whole album, and if they don't like it at first listen they give up and pick another, but in the normal cd days, what artists sell their albuns?
The big ones and a lot of crap played on radio and on music televisions.
So it wasn't piracy who lead to this state of things, it was very high prices on cds, dificult acess to music, and many cases, very little money to spend on this big love and what really matters; music, always the music.
Why blame the persons of make downloads and not the internet providers? Why they aren't forced to gave some of the money they get from what we pay them to pay royalties?
Why are always the same to pay the bills and to blame? Why the big companys like Universal, Sony and others who made fortunes back on those days and many of their artists earned very little income from sold cds, now that they don't make that much money, the blame is to those damm downloaders.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 10:39
You can be curious but you cannot ask (Rule 5)
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Windhawk View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 11:08
I'll be tossing in a few numbers here, pulled from the publication "Recording Industry in Numbers"- an annual publication by IFPI documenting the economic health of the music business. These numbers are from the 2012 edition, covering sales years up to 2011. I'll use 2011 as the selected year, and select a key number from three specific nations for comparison: Sweden (home of Pirate Bay), Netherlands (where downloading for personal use was legal until earlier this year) and Belgium (next door neighbor to Netherlands which should be directly comparable to the Netherlands due to that).

The key figure I'm looking at is the average amount of money spent per person on buying music. Which is a figure that should be fairly relevant when talking about the effects of piracy. And the figures are puzzling.

Sweden: 16,3 US dollars
Netherlands: 14,3 US dollars
Belgium: 12,9 US dollars

In the "pirate friendly" nations the revenue per person on music is actually higher than in the control country that isn't as pirate friendly. All three countries are on comparable levels in terms of Gross Domestic Product per capita as well, ranging from 37600 for Belgium to 42300 for The Netherlands, Sweden in between with 40600.

One would expect the situation to be rather different, that the "pirate friendly" nations in general and Netherlands in particular to have a substantially lower amount of money spent on music per citizen as long as downloading was actually legal in that country in 2011. Does anyone have any logical explanations for these numbers?
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Bonnek View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 11:17

Honestly I think it's a sort of dark ages for artists right now. Prog or otherwise doesn't matter.
Established names can keep going because they have a fanbase who'll reach for their pockets anyhow.
But honestly, do you think we would have seen Opeth, Porcupine Tree and others become what they are now if they hadn't been so lucky to pre-date illegal downloading by just a couple of years?

They may not have made much money in those early days but somehow they garnered just enough interest for a record label to believe in them and keep them going.

The newt PT and Opeth of the last decade? I haven't seen them. Maybe they are out there, maybe they are even better, but how can they break through now? how are they supposed to sponser a decent recording?

Spotify and Bandcamp? Sjee.. I won't repeat what Dean explained so profoundly.

For myself, downloading / streaming / youtube has been really good for me myself and I.
At the end of the 90s I was fed up with buying (disappointing) CDs that I bought based on one track heard on the radio or a quick listen in the recordshop.
Around 2000 that changed entirely and since then I am a happy buyer of around 50 cds a year, nearly all of them after thorough listening to the availalble channels.

15 years later it looks like this has been a very short-term advantage...
If there are new artist there worth my time then I'm not finding them and when I do by chance I only get frustrated as they get virtually no sales/attention/money meaning they'll probably give up years before they could have developped into something really fantastic.
In case of PT and Opeth we might have been stuck with their first two albusm or so, imagine what a waste of talent that would have been)

PS. If you don't like PT or Opeth, feel free to substitute with Dream Theatre, Radiohead, IQ or whatever makes your day.

Edited by Bonnek - October 02 2014 at 11:18
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 11:22
Originally posted by Windhawk Windhawk wrote:

I'll be tossing in a few numbers here, pulled from the publication "Recording Industry in Numbers"- an annual publication by IFPI documenting the economic health of the music business. These numbers are from the 2012 edition, covering sales years up to 2011. I'll use 2011 as the selected year, and select a key number from three specific nations for comparison: Sweden (home of Pirate Bay), Netherlands (where downloading for personal use was legal until earlier this year) and Belgium (next door neighbor to Netherlands which should be directly comparable to the Netherlands due to that).

The key figure I'm looking at is the average amount of money spent per person on buying music. Which is a figure that should be fairly relevant when talking about the effects of piracy. And the figures are puzzling.

Sweden: 16,3 US dollars
Netherlands: 14,3 US dollars
Belgium: 12,9 US dollars

In the "pirate friendly" nations the revenue per person on music is actually higher than in the control country that isn't as pirate friendly. All three countries are on comparable levels in terms of Gross Domestic Product per capita as well, ranging from 37600 for Belgium to 42300 for The Netherlands, Sweden in between with 40600.

One would expect the situation to be rather different, that the "pirate friendly" nations in general and Netherlands in particular to have a substantially lower amount of money spent on music per citizen as long as downloading was actually legal in that country in 2011. Does anyone have any logical explanations for these numbers?

Belgians have no clue about rock music whatsoever so that explains the low figure.
Also they are anarchists and too greedy to spend money on anything but french fries, beer and choclats.

To anser your question, I don't really see a trend there.
Sweden is up but they also have most bands/musicians who probably buy a lot of stuff from other bands to support them.
Which doesn't really help anybody...

Edited by Bonnek - October 02 2014 at 11:23
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 11:26
Originally posted by npinho73 npinho73 wrote:

Yes, it's true.But when piracy came, do you have a lot of prog bands playing or it was more easy to them to play in other countries and make their albuns and sold them? NO. They sold very few records and they have some concerts probably in their own countries of origin.
"Piracy" people like it or not, made music available to a more wider range of people, and by the way, spotify and other streaming services are very recent; back then it was almost impossible to listen to prog music anywhere, even if it has some new internet radios specialized in that matter.
But i agree that people in our days don't gave a chance to a band, they don't listen to the whole album, and if they don't like it at first listen they give up and pick another, but in the normal cd days, what artists sell their albuns?
The big ones and a lot of crap played on radio and on music televisions.
So it wasn't piracy who lead to this state of things, it was very high prices on cds, dificult acess to music, and many cases, very little money to spend on this big love and what really matters; music, always the music.
Why blame the persons of make downloads and not the internet providers? Why they aren't forced to gave some of the money they get from what we pay them to pay royalties?
Why are always the same to pay the bills and to blame? Why the big companys like Universal, Sony and others who made fortunes back on those days and many of their artists earned very little income from sold cds, now that they don't make that much money, the blame is to those damm downloaders.
Who needs a record company when you can get your fans to steal from you? That is illogical captain.

Who needs a fan that does not buy music?

I have been buying Prog Rock for 43 years. It has never been difficult to buy Prog. It is easier now and that is nothing to do with piracy. But it was never impossible.

Certainly at no point in their existence have Van def Graaf Generator, Flower Kings or Riverside records ever been unavailable. Not once.

Sometimes I had no money to buy CDs so I had to go without. Some months it was more important to buy food or pay the rent than it was to buy an LP or CD. *sniff-sniff* But I survived.

I do not have the money to buy a Porsche 911, I think Volkswagon AG charge to much for them, can I steal one? If I am caught by the police can I blame the road providers? I pay road tax, that should pay for stolen cars! VW should charge the same for a 911 as they do a Beatle - its practically the same car anyway. They are the theives!!!!! Angry

If Prog is more popular because of piracy then why do bands sell less albums now? Is it because the thieves who steal the albums do not pay for them? Is that not how stealing works?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 11:32
Originally posted by Bonnek Bonnek wrote:

Belgians have no clue about rock music whatsoever so that explains the low figure.
Also they are anarchists and too greedy to spend money on anything but french fries, beer and choclats.

To anser your question, I don't really see a trend there.
Sweden is up but they also have most bands/musicians who probably buy a lot of stuff from other bands to support them.
Which doesn't really help anybody...

This covers all music, not just rock music.

My problem is that I don't see a trend. If piracy has such destructive effect on sales, then sales in the Netherlands should be substantially lower than in neighboring Belgium. Much the same with Sweden really. While downloading is illegal there they have some very well known illegal providers, known by the entire population, and again a negative effect should be clearly visible in the amount of money spent on music. Especially since Sweden is also one of those nations where just about every household is online, and these figures are from before Spotify really got popular too.

There should be a visible trend there, and I find the lack of it troublesome.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 11:46
Originally posted by Windhawk Windhawk wrote:

I'll be tossing in a few numbers here, pulled from the publication "Recording Industry in Numbers"- an annual publication by IFPI documenting the economic health of the music business. These numbers are from the 2012 edition, covering sales years up to 2011. I'll use 2011 as the selected year, and select a key number from three specific nations for comparison: Sweden (home of Pirate Bay), Netherlands (where downloading for personal use was legal until earlier this year) and Belgium (next door neighbor to Netherlands which should be directly comparable to the Netherlands due to that).

The key figure I'm looking at is the average amount of money spent per person on buying music. Which is a figure that should be fairly relevant when talking about the effects of piracy. And the figures are puzzling.

Sweden: 16,3 US dollars
Netherlands: 14,3 US dollars
Belgium: 12,9 US dollars

In the "pirate friendly" nations the revenue per person on music is actually higher than in the control country that isn't as pirate friendly. All three countries are on comparable levels in terms of Gross Domestic Product per capita as well, ranging from 37600 for Belgium to 42300 for The Netherlands, Sweden in between with 40600.

One would expect the situation to be rather different, that the "pirate friendly" nations in general and Netherlands in particular to have a substantially lower amount of money spent on music per citizen as long as downloading was actually legal in that country in 2011. Does anyone have any logical explanations for these numbers?
You simply cannot make these kind of simplistic comparisons and draw the kind of conclusions you are making. You are assuming causation when there is no evidence to support it.
It states spend converted into dollars. Does that account for exchange-rate variations (Sweden in not in the Euro)? 

Does this account for price-variation (the cost of living is high in Sweden)?

Is there a comparable (control) study from before Sweden became a clan of ersatz-Viking pirates? And/Or from before the Dutch developed a conscience?

Are the numbers of illegal downloads for each country know?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 11:53
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by npinho73 npinho73 wrote:

Yes, it's true.But when piracy came, do you have a lot of prog bands playing or it was more easy to them to play in other countries and make their albuns and sold them? NO. They sold very few records and they have some concerts probably in their own countries of origin.
"Piracy" people like it or not, made music available to a more wider range of people, and by the way, spotify and other streaming services are very recent; back then it was almost impossible to listen to prog music anywhere, even if it has some new internet radios specialized in that matter.
But i agree that people in our days don't gave a chance to a band, they don't listen to the whole album, and if they don't like it at first listen they give up and pick another, but in the normal cd days, what artists sell their albuns?
The big ones and a lot of crap played on radio and on music televisions.
So it wasn't piracy who lead to this state of things, it was very high prices on cds, dificult acess to music, and many cases, very little money to spend on this big love and what really matters; music, always the music.
Why blame the persons of make downloads and not the internet providers? Why they aren't forced to gave some of the money they get from what we pay them to pay royalties?
Why are always the same to pay the bills and to blame? Why the big companys like Universal, Sony and others who made fortunes back on those days and many of their artists earned very little income from sold cds, now that they don't make that much money, the blame is to those damm downloaders.
Who needs a record company when you can get your fans to steal from you? That is illogical captain.

Who needs a fan that does not buy music?

I have been buying Prog Rock for 43 years. It has never been difficult to buy Prog. It is easier now and that is nothing to do with piracy. But it was never impossible.

Certainly at no point in their existence have Van def Graaf Generator, Flower Kings or Riverside records ever been unavailable. Not once.

Sometimes I had no money to buy CDs so I had to go without. Some months it was more important to buy food or pay the rent than it was to buy an LP or CD. *sniff-sniff* But I survived.

I do not have the money to buy a Porsche 911, I think Volkswagon AG charge to much for them, can I steal one? If I am caught by the police can I blame the road providers? I pay road tax, that should pay for stolen cars! VW should charge the same for a 911 as they do a Beatle - its practically the same car anyway. They are the theives!!!!! Angry

If Prog is more popular because of piracy then why do bands sell less albums now? Is it because the thieves who steal the albums do not pay for them? Is that not how stealing works?

I have to agree with him to one point: the prog selection here is lousy. I've never seen a VDGG or Rush album on any record store I visited; not even a Supertramp album (only single compilations). Sure we can buy them on-line (and that's pratically the only way I do nowadays), but it's more difficult to get into prog when you can't find anything localy
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 02 2014 at 12:26
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

I have to agree with him to one point: the prog selection here is lousy. I've never seen a VDGG or Rush album on any record store I visited; not even a Supertramp album (only single compilations). Sure we can buy them on-line (and that's pratically the only way I do nowadays), but it's more difficult to get into prog when you can't find anything localy
Whenever I'm in a different country I usually find something to buy, when I was in Lisbon I do recall I couldn't find a single Moonspell album, but I did pick up a Triana CD ... which struck me as amusing. It was probably in FNAC... I can picture it now... an impressive old white building that had been converted to an arcade/mall with modern escalators, lots of glass and bright lights... just like in every other European city centre. LOL

I never looked to see if they had VdGG or Rush... 

they had lots of fado though...

However. Amazon is everywhere.

Edited by Dean - October 02 2014 at 12:27
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