American Politics the 2016 edition |
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Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: September 30 2006 Location: Pearland Status: Offline Points: 65440 |
Posted: August 22 2016 at 22:59 | |
He is circumcised which I find unlikely.
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Prog Reviewer Joined: April 05 2006 Location: Tallahassee, FL Status: Offline Points: 34550 |
Posted: August 22 2016 at 23:39 | |
Yeah while I am all for no body shaming, I think it's hard to argue that since Trump has body shamed, f**k he's everything shamed, it's justified...and really it's Trump, no one will care
He deserves all the ridicule he can get. Though sadly he's gunna "win" in the long run from all this. I think it may have been cracked just exactly wtf his goal is with all this, since most of us believe he has no want to be PotUS. Saw it speculated he may start his own news network, aided by some of his billionaire (and maybe Russian!) friends. All the publicity he's gained from this being a help. Makes sense to me, I knew there had to be a way all this would just be a profit scheme for Trump in the end. Unrelated the Clinton Foundation is taking some heat, and I say good. About time it 1: has gotten media attention and 2: she's been forced to address it.
Prog Reviewer Joined: November 09 2014 Location: New York Status: Offline Points: 8642 |
Posted: August 23 2016 at 13:14 | |
Turns out the alleged speechwriter/plagiarist for Melania's RNC speech didn't actually work for the campaign, opening up a whole can of worms and forcing Trump to pay McIver over $300 from the campaign five days after the speech.
Prog Reviewer Joined: April 05 2006 Location: Tallahassee, FL Status: Offline Points: 34550 |
Posted: August 23 2016 at 23:24 | |
Yeah, his "eh lets just wing it" style has really started to fall apart. It's impressive and shameful he managed to stumble and thrash his way all the way to nomination for a major f**king party for PotUS...
Anyone hear it seems Trump is finally (later than I expected) trying to 180 on the immigration thing? Shall see how well he manages, if he bothers at all, to try and work this one and will it finally be the thing that breaks his cultish fan base? Also, some disturbing comments from the Jill Stein camp, with her pandering to anti vaccine crowd (even if it's just a political act, that speaks volumes about the green party populace) and her VP choice calling Obama an Uncle Tom...guy has his own history of erm, controversial statements. Give the libertarians credit, they have picked the most moderate acceptable one there is and seem to be trying to keep more fringe elements at bay. The Green Party, not so much I like Stein and Green Party policies but they gotta keep the kookiness at bay, already seeing articles pop up about her being "anti science" and generally loony, ones focusing on her VPs list of questionable comments and her blatant waving off Isis (something along the lines of since they havent directly attacked us Im going to ignore them) yikes....Whatever media attacks come to Stein and the Greens will be self inflicted Bernie has taken a ton of heat for "selling out" not being pure and blah blah but he was smart enough to understand the Democratic Party, for now, is the better vehicle for progress and looking at these recent comments, frankly I'm kinda glad he isn't "going Green" we need unifying words, not divisive, and it's unacceptable to cater to the anti vaccine crowd. While I am for more domestic focus, a rethinking of our relationship with Israel and better foreign policy, can't just say I'm gunna ignore Isis and need to have more tact. People gave Sanders crap for being unrefined and not enough of a politician, but looks like a knife sharp pro compared to Stein
Forum Senior Member Joined: April 11 2014 Location: Kyiv In Spirit Status: Offline Points: 20616 |
Posted: August 24 2016 at 04:22 | |
As for Bernie, he'll be giving free speeches on Wall St. soon. The traitor!
Prog Reviewer Joined: November 09 2014 Location: New York Status: Offline Points: 8642 |
Posted: August 24 2016 at 12:52 | |
More money, more problems for the supposed financial genius: his supposedly improving fundraising is actually costing so much it's hardly worthwhile, and his lawyers, for whatever reason, have been making so much bank... either incompetence or scams and unknown legal problems plague the Trump/Pence ticket.
As well, it turns out the Hannity has been whispering in the ears of Trump and his tight knit group of advisers, and Trump's newfound attempts to court the black vote are decidedly not resonating. But there's something far more important that I noticed flipping through the NYT at my supermarket's newsstand yesterday: the growing number of GOP controlled legislatures has put them into a position to try for some sort of convention of the states to push amendments for the national constitution. This hasn't really been done since the ratification of our current constitution. For better and for worse, what GOP state lawmakers want to focus on is that whole idea of a balanced budget amendment for the federal government. Watch. This. Space.
Prog Reviewer Joined: April 05 2006 Location: Tallahassee, FL Status: Offline Points: 34550 |
Posted: August 26 2016 at 01:13 | |
Seriously, after making the core of his campaign rounding up all the illegal mexicans and deporting them, Trump now is for some type of pathway to citizenship. This is not only his grandest flip flop yet in policy, also substance.
The pathway to citizenship is what the Republican mainstream has advocated since 2006, and hell even since Reagan when he granted amnesty. Mr take an axe to the mainstream, has just jumped right on board. This is of course no shock to us with working brains We all know he's a full of **** panderer and was gunna abandon his insanity over time. Already accepted the mainstream position on taxes, court justices. It's just amazing to me this is happening. That someone can rise to such a high level the way he did, and then so blatantly give us all the finger by abandoning this truly all some nightmare? On a positive note, this has brought hell to Ann Coulter that vile excuse for a human being who's revived her career by pushing white racism and stumping for Trump is about to release her latest book praising Trump, just as his latest flip occurs. It's almost too beautiful for words. Also shows she's quite bitter about it. Perhaps what we can expect from a lot of his fan base? I really do wonder, if this is the one thing not even most Trumpers can look past?
Prog Reviewer Joined: November 09 2014 Location: New York Status: Offline Points: 8642 |
Posted: August 26 2016 at 14:39 | |
Well, we'll have to wait and see exactly how this flop is received by his voter base - already there's those who understand that there's a betrayal here, and others who are still in that whole cultish denial mode.
Other than that, TIL that the whole alleged "pivot" towards black voters really is just a clumsy attempt at smokescreening, to try and appear all not-racist and so get back to the level of white support Mittens had. This morning my father was flipping through the channels, comes across CNN talking with some former Lieutenant Governor of my state representing Trump, and she was claiming that every last policy position held by black voters were really lies invented and pushed by Hillary onto a black electorate that she also claimed wasn't going to go along with it. WOW. All I could say was "What a comedian!" There are no other words!
Edited by LearsFool - August 26 2016 at 14:44 |
Prog Reviewer Joined: November 09 2014 Location: New York Status: Offline Points: 8642 |
Posted: August 27 2016 at 13:39 | |
Meanwhile in Maine, Paul LePage has been in meltdown mode, firing off all sorts of racist and threatening remarks.
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: October 02 2005 Location: . Status: Offline Points: 46838 |
Posted: August 28 2016 at 08:31 | |
number of the day...
25 I agree ... while the non-white vote, the college educated vote have received full coverage as to the depth of how Trump has driven them to Hillary. The unsung story here is the Catholic vote. It may well be the Catholic vote that sinks Trump and the alt-right. |
The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: September 30 2006 Location: Pearland Status: Offline Points: 65440 |
Posted: August 28 2016 at 18:25 | |
What an absolute loser; you'd think these fellas would've learned from guys like George Wallace and Dick Army by now, but no. No they haven't. Maybe a history class? |
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Prog Reviewer Joined: November 09 2014 Location: New York Status: Offline Points: 8642 |
Posted: August 30 2016 at 15:46 | |
More evidence emerges showing a culture of immigration rules flaunting, poor living conditions, and low pay at Trump's modeling agency. Shocking, but not surprising.
And for today's kneeslapper: Rubio won't commit to serving another full term if he gets reelected to the Senate! Plus he mentions that if he loses the 2020 presidential race, then he'll quit politics. Where have we heard that before?
Forum Senior Member Joined: April 11 2014 Location: Kyiv In Spirit Status: Offline Points: 20616 |
Posted: August 31 2016 at 03:45 | |
This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: October 02 2005 Location: . Status: Offline Points: 46838 |
Posted: August 31 2016 at 14:54 | |
I'll be surprised if he wins his Senate seat this year... I have heard of the Dems getting ready to really invest heavily in taking that seat (at the expense of Ohio's which they are giving up on privately) but 2020? That is interesting.. but we'll leave that discussion for the the post-election autopsy discussion here. He'll be there in the running.. but again.. one of many..the right is full of mini-despots as 2016 was and we'll likely have a bunch of half wits going for the nomination which means the winner will be the one that captures the 'bat sh*t crazy' wing of the party. which means Ted Cruz (crazies + the Fundies) or another Trump-like populist that comes from 'nowhere' tapping into right wing fear and ignorance. that said.. that is the real question of 2016. Do the Democrats take the Senate. They need 4 pickups... Wisconsin? book it Illinois? book it Indiana? very likely so they come down to winning 1 of the these tight races (in Mcorder of probability) Pennsylvania New Hampshire North Carolina Florida Missouri Arizona then there is Nevada.. the one Democratic seat that could flip. I think when all is said and done.. they will likely hold on to Reid's old seat. Latino and woman.. in a democatic leaning state in general. Very tight but should put it out. If not.. they have to win 2 of the 3 toss ups to gain control. I'd say... 90% chance the Democrats retake the Senate. Then the fun really begins as the we get the Leftists v. the Centrists. I do think a deal was cut by Hillary to gain Bernies 'endorsement'. She'll have to defer to the emergining left wing power block in the Senate that may see eye to eye with Hillary on social issues.. but may well be the left economically. Interesting years ahead if that happens... Edited by micky - August 31 2016 at 14:58 |
The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Prog Reviewer Joined: November 09 2014 Location: New York Status: Offline Points: 8642 |
Posted: September 06 2016 at 15:22 | |
So Cheeto Jesus has been trumpeting the fact that 88 former military officials are for him.
Too bad that Mittens only got 500, and not just from the reject bin. Oh, and the main pro-Hillary pac took a stab at remaking Daisy.
Prog Reviewer Joined: April 05 2006 Location: Tallahassee, FL Status: Offline Points: 34550 |
Posted: September 06 2016 at 23:59 | |
Sheesh, the Clinton's take so much of other people's ideas can't even come up with their own scare tactics?
So the CDC is almost out of Zika money, and congressional Republicans are thus far refusing to increase funding, because I guess the potential health of our babies is irresponsible government. Oh, I stand corrected. The GOP actually was willing to allocate more money for fighting Zika, they just want it to come from Planned Parenthood funding is all! How very reasonable...and the in response to the Dems blocking these bills McConnell says "It's hard to explain why, despite their own calls for funding, Democrats would block plans to keep women and babies safe from Zika"
Prog Reviewer Joined: November 09 2014 Location: New York Status: Offline Points: 8642 |
Posted: September 07 2016 at 12:50 | |
The GOP seats most at risk in the House are seats that are willing to work with Paul Ryan and the GOP establishment, so that even if the Dems can't retake the House, they are likely to make Ryan's job way harder.
Prog Reviewer Joined: April 05 2006 Location: Tallahassee, FL Status: Offline Points: 34550 |
Posted: September 08 2016 at 22:36 | |
Yeah, it's unlikely the Dems will win the House, but they will surely have a massive pick up. If the Senate tips Dem as expected, certainly Congressional Repubs will not have a very good time. They have only barely gotten budgets passed by basically ignoring the Tea Partiers and forging compromises with the Dems. Even if the house Remains in R control, a large D pickup will make force them to compromise more.
Also time for the obligatory "rain on the Clinton parade" post After a swell, (that had everyone writing the history books already) the gap has been steadily closing, in aggregate her lead over Trump is now around 3 points. This is ridiculous. I am sorry, but how on Earth are the overall polls this close, and how are any at all showing it tied? Trump is the worst candidate in modern history and Clinton is barely holding a lead. Speaking of polls, anyone see that one poll showing military folk and veterans favor Trump by double digits? 19% to be exact. This is shameful, and surprising. I know it's her turn (sorry if it offends but we know it's true) but really, the Dems couldn't have fielded a worse candidate. I don't know. I think lots of people have their minds firmly made up, and if by this point...given that Trump is one of the candidates, if you are undecided I am not sure what can really sway you I imagine things will keep swelling and closing like they have with Clinton winning solidly but please keep these 1964-esque dreams tempered.
Prog Reviewer Joined: April 05 2006 Location: Tallahassee, FL Status: Offline Points: 34550 |
Posted: September 08 2016 at 22:56 | |
On a less Dem bashy note, poor Gary Johnson is getting name recognition in a bad way.
His "What is Aleppo" gaffe is already in the media spin cycle (being recycled over and over, getting louder and louder). I totally grant it looks bad since he's running for PotUS, and it's fair to cover the story. BUT, there's been no coverage of the WHOLE story. Like acknowledge his mistake, but then IDK....look into "Who is this Gary guy?" Why is there no discussion of his foreign policy views. He has some good ideas on the subject, and at the least offers some diversity that many Americans would find refreshing/appealing. But nope, every article is basically a nice version of saying "lol omg u believe this!?!?" or trying to portray him as ignorant of the entire Syrian situation. Sad how poor our media really is, and that so few put even a few minutes into understanding more than a headline, (I doubt many even fully read the articles). I almost wonder sometimes if we deserve Trump!
Prog Reviewer Joined: November 09 2014 Location: New York Status: Offline Points: 8642 |
Posted: September 08 2016 at 23:17 | |
Would indeed be nice for the media to actually give Johnson a fair shake, though his position on Syria seems to be "I dunno, work with Putin", the kind of half-baked appeasement this observer can only reject wholeheartedly.
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