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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 14:40
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by TeleStrat TeleStrat wrote:

I'm not sure I put much faith in early predictions this time around.
If I've heard it once on cable news I've heard it a hundred times that this election is unlike any that this country has ever seen.
You pretty much have to throw the text book out the window and just take it day by day for the next few months.

oh definitely enjoying it. Day by Day Clap As long as Trump continues to campaign like a fool... do you really think he will be able to turn 8 of 10 democratic leaning state red?  Sure it is early.. but always fun to speculate and Trump isn't doing anything to make early predictions risky IMO.

Mick, I honestly don't know what all could happen before November. 
And I know you guys (and a lot of other people) enjoy this and so do I. Especially with all of the dumb things people are saying and doing.
My point is whether or not there is any scenario that may change the (reasonably) obvious results.
A lot of people can't stand either candidate. Is it possible for the third party to start gaining support and maybe win a state or two? At the same time one of the major candidates will lose a state or two.
How badly would Clinton have to screw up to start losing some electoral votes? 
Could Donald Trump step into a phone booth and step out a political Superman?
Could anything change the outcome of this election. 
If the answer is no, then I've suddenly lost interest.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 14:49
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Well I wish I shared your optimism for 2024. 

you are watching the same train wreck as I am that is the Republican Party... don't assume.. that their substanial internal problems don't disappear when Trump goes. They have a huge problem, potentially a fatal one, and to fix it.. they may have to burn down the party.

That is the story you don't read.  Look no further than the head scratching actions of Ryan. He knows it, they all do.  They are on a high speed train going straight off the cliff.. and they don't know how to stop it.

so yes.. color me very optimism for the long term prospects of a counter Reagan Revolution.. what I am calling the Warren Revolution. 

Wait till ya see my next post when I talk about the under 30 voters. A GOP implosion, having it all burn down could always rejuvenate them. If the Dems don't capitalize in the void..well I'll just pray they do. There is a chance to strengthen the party for a whole generation or two, like the New Deal, they better not squander it just to please a few wealthy donors and the finance sector. Not that we'd survive anyway. The leeches can only suck so much from the country before it dies, and thus they do to. The extreme short sightedness our political and business leaders have shown for several decades boggle my mind. 

oh for sure it would rejuvenate ..whatever came out of it. As I posted earlier.. I think the GOP dies out this ... it takes guts and foresight to fix what is broken and they don't have it.  Not an indictment on them.. it is perhaps simply too much to ask gravy train politicans who have gotten used to getting fat at the trough to suddenly turn into matyr's for their party.

I don't think the GOP can fix their internal problems, the contradiction between who they have to appeal to remain relevant in national elections.. and who they have appealed to have  gotten rich and powerful off of. A bunch of religious zealots, bigots, nativists, and white working class voters DUPED into thinking that who x sleeps with or which bathroom they use in more important than their own financial well being.

I think the realization.. and it will come.. by the 'working class' that the Democratic Party is trying to improve their lives.. not the GOP which appeals to their fear and anger yet does nothing for them. That will be the final nail in the coffin of the party..

in the meantime... as I've said before..  watch the Libertarian Party. There are actually sane rational Republican voters out there.. they will be looking for.. already looking now I suspect.. for a party that they can relate to.. not the hive of fate, fear, anger, and bigotry that has become the GOP.

That breaking apart of the GOP will leave a massive vaccuum for the Democrats to exploit. And yes.. it will likely coincide with Hillary clearing out...and the accendance of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

Edited by micky - July 31 2016 at 14:53
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 15:02
Originally posted by TeleStrat TeleStrat wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by TeleStrat TeleStrat wrote:

I'm not sure I put much faith in early predictions this time around.
If I've heard it once on cable news I've heard it a hundred times that this election is unlike any that this country has ever seen.
You pretty much have to throw the text book out the window and just take it day by day for the next few months.

oh definitely enjoying it. Day by Day Clap As long as Trump continues to campaign like a fool... do you really think he will be able to turn 8 of 10 democratic leaning state red?  Sure it is early.. but always fun to speculate and Trump isn't doing anything to make early predictions risky IMO.

Mick, I honestly don't know what all could happen before November. 
And I know you guys (and a lot of other people) enjoy this and so do I. Especially with all of the dumb things people are saying and doing.
My point is whether or not there is any scenario that may change the (reasonably) obvious results.
A lot of people can't stand either candidate. Is it possible for the third party to start gaining support and maybe win a state or two? At the same time one of the major candidates will lose a state or two.
How badly would Clinton have to screw up to start losing some electoral votes? 
Could Donald Trump step into a phone booth and step out a political Superman?
Could anything change the outcome of this election. 
If the answer is no, then I've suddenly lost interest.

interesting question.. really interesting.  Let me think on that.. and definitely get back to you on that. Opinions are like a****les.. I've got one as well.  I'll share mine since you ask. I'll do you the honor of giving you a well considered reply because yes..  as it stands... Hillary is pretty much assured of winning by simple math and political reality.  Can that change?


the obvious answer is the most important... if people... like Hillary supporters DO NOT vote.. feeling it is in the bag. That would change everything obviously.. but I doubt that will ever happen. Trump has mobilized the Democratic Party like nothing I"ve ever seen or experienced in my (admittedly) short life.

Edited by micky - July 31 2016 at 15:04
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 15:04
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

I'm not sure what you think Kelvin.. I see 4 states really in play. Can go either way...

Pennsylvania would have been here.. but obviously the very succesful convention, or judging on the polls.. the dumpster fire of a GOP one, put the critical Philly suburbs into the Democratic column.  That is a half a million vote advantage..  Trump can win.. but not likely..

the 4 I see

obviously Ohio... the one battleground state that I think is trending red. Even if is still voting Democratic More on that later, for that is for the working class that are in the GOP camp ... for now...



North Carolina.. a fascinating state A red state going where Virginia has already... transitioning from Red to Blue.  2008, 2012... both elections it was the 2nd closest state in terms of results.  Demographic changes and continued Yankee migration into that state will turn it blue before too long.

to be followed I think.. perhaps in the next 8 to 12 years by Georgia and Arizona.. going from Red to Blue.

but as we showed earlier.. it doesn't matter... PA + Colorado+ Nevada.. along with Va and Wisconsin means 270 for Clinton

I still count Penn as in play, but I wouldn't be surprised if your instinct is correct owing to how Michigan and Wisconsin have been going.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 15:06
nothing is set in stone.. but yeah.. the fun is trying to read the tea leaves based on what we know and what we think we know LOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 15:07
^^^  I hear you, thanks for the answer.  Thumbs Up

Edited by TeleStrat - July 31 2016 at 15:08
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 16:07
Can Trump win?

if Democrats vote.. and they will.. it is not just for President... the Senate is in play.

it is tough... if I was Trump's campaign manager and could be taken away from the lines of coke and underage hookers parading through Trump headquarters I'd tell him this.

1) START f**kING ACTING PRESIDENTIAL.  he will not win if he persists in picking fights with decrorated Generals and grieving parents of soldiers killed in combat.

2)start now prepping for the debates.... the man knows sh*t about anything not related to Trump Enterprises.
The debates could be a disaster of proprotions we have never seen.. he is facing a comsomate poltical pro who knows the issues.. and has NO problem getting as mean and nasty as him.  If he doesn't know basic issues.. like where the Crimea is and who is belonged to.. he is f**ked...

3)talk issues... if he really has no particular policy ideas (which we all suspect) only grandiose notions.... get them quickly... the only way to beat Hillary is offer a 'better' approach. She has offered details, tackle those, not her character. People simply don't care about that.. we are electing a President.. not a drinking buddy.. she doesn't have to be liked.. only known she is trying to make things better for Americans.

4)get some sense of empathy.. fake it if you had to..  tough guy talk works great in the primaries. You have to appeal to people that don't all think this country is going to hell but is still great, just with problems that can be fixed with responsible leadership. 

5) ditch your VP candidate.. hire out HIllaries goon squad to make him disappear... and do what he should have done..  take a Democrat and try to widen your appeal. The loony tunes Christians were going to vote for you anyway.. what choice did they have .. this is a general election.. not a Primary. Democrats outnumber Republicans and woe to the Republican that forgets that.

if he does that.. he'd have a chance...  he hasn't and to be honest... it is likely too late to privot to what he should have done right out of hte primries.. A Presidential candidate for ALL American.. not a nominee for a portion of the electorate.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 17:18
Originally posted by TeleStrat TeleStrat wrote:

Mick, I honestly don't know what all could happen before November. 
And I know you guys (and a lot of other people) enjoy this and so do I. Especially with all of the dumb things people are saying and doing.
My point is whether or not there is any scenario that may change the (reasonably) obvious results.
A lot of people can't stand either candidate. Is it possible for the third party to start gaining support and maybe win a state or two? At the same time one of the major candidates will lose a state or two.
How badly would Clinton have to screw up to start losing some electoral votes? 
Could Donald Trump step into a phone booth and step out a political Superman?
Could anything change the outcome of this election. 
If the answer is no, then I've suddenly lost interest.

so I gave my thoughts on how Trump can win.  He is not going to... because he has done everything NOT to do the thing that had to be done. Break up the Obama coalition.  He faced a tough task doing that purely on the issues, as the GOP has obviously evolved into a race of bigots and racists.  Who don't care for the plight of blacks and think Latinos don't belong here.  He is simply making what was hard, next to impossible as he is driving independents apparently into Hillary's camp based on polling movement. not taking away Democrats who have formed a winning coalition.

Let me touch on the other things you asked. All my two cents obviously...

yes.. I've gone to great lengths and vitriol to explain that winner in all this could be the Libertarian Party. They won't win any states but as Donald continues, there are still  3 months of weekends like he had this weekend where he continually embarrasses himself and his party .. and the voters who are not raving bible beaters or fear or hate mongers.  They can and perhaps finally will start looking for a party that represents them.  Again.. Trump is not the problem.. it is the voters that put him there.. and the party that encouraged and provoked all that fear and hate just to 'get out the vote' as they are .. if one can be ideologically bankrupt party that has taken refuge in social conversatism and playing off left vs. right on social issues and doing so by demonizing those on the left.

Do they win any states.. not this time.  The thing to watch is the vote percentage they get.. certain thresholds bring greater visibility and money. The key one is 25%. IF they reach that.. good bye GOP.. they reach major party status for 2020.  Pretty much guarantied an accelarated split in the GOP and reassuring Hillary a 2nd term even if she got caught emailing nude pictures of herself to Putin. LOL

Can Hillary lose the election as it is pretty obvious Trump can not win it. He has shown what we all suspected him to be, completely unsuited .. in knowledge and temperment.. to be a Presidential candidate.. much less President.

I honestly don't think so.  She is no novice.. the one great threat she had was a potential split in the Democratic Party but (perhaps thanks to Trump) cooler and saner heads prevailed, perhaps knowing the stakes involved and the future opportunities which I have talked about,  and the party came together quite fabulously even when it looked on the brink last Monday.  I honestly don't see her, or think her capable of making a mistake that could drive Democrats to alllow Trump to become President. Regardless of her faults, she has never been accused of being stupid or unintelligent. 

Edited by micky - July 31 2016 at 17:20
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 21:41
In downballot news from recent days: Tom DeLay's already planning on obstructing Hillary, and guess who Rubio's going to hang out with!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 22:51
While I highly doubt Gary would win any states, I wont rule out Utah...only because they went SO heavily against Trump, and since the state is extremely Republican...I could see it being possible he wins a 3 way there. 
Long as the people are brave enough to go with what's right, and if any place would I could see it being there. 

Other states that will be kinda to Gary, like Minnesota and especially Maine are obviously blue states. And while I hear speculation that Gary will siphon some Clinton votes away...I don't see it being many at all. 

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2016 at 23:05
Originally posted by LearsFool LearsFool wrote:

In downballot news from recent days: Tom DeLay's already planning on obstructing Hillary, and guess who Rubio's going to hang out with!

I honest to god was wondering if the GOP would ever give up on the SC. Like imagine if Clinton wins, will they suddenly say "Well OK we said lets leave it to the people and yall have spoken, we relent" Right...

I hope if she wins and the Dems take the Senate, she nominates a true liberal, not some center leftist but an honest to god liberal and if the GOP tries to filibuster, go nuclear option. I never have been one to condone that but this SC thing has gone too far. 

Ah Rubio...the nice, moderate, sane guy...relative to Trump and CruzLOL He is a Tea Partier that voted against the re authorization of the Violence Against Women Act. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2016 at 13:59
Yeah Mick I know she's a progressive in moderate's clothing. I actually don't doubt that really, all I doubt is her willingness to go against moneyed interests, and to resist them if offered. I mean she has her beliefs, but will you really go against the people that pay you? It's it just her of course, I have slammed many of both parties for being influenced by this pressure, she's far from alone. But yeah will she stay true to herself/go 100% if donors feel otherwise? The way I like to sum up my concern is with the saying: Climbed the mountain of poo to reach the flower at top, just to realize you lost the ability to smell along the way. OR perhaps a nicer/diff way to put it is the classic story of doing what you need to get to the top, likely for good reasons, but have made so many deals and compromises along the way...your hands are now tied upon getting there.

Edited by JJLehto - August 01 2016 at 14:02
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2016 at 15:36
I have to say, I've been especially p*ssed the f**k off by Trump's obnoxious harrying of the Khan family (plus what's been coming from Corn Hair's fellow travelers), it's a whole new low for this pr*ck. What has helped further inflame my disgust is the fact that, as my mother informed me recently, some dingbats on the Trump Train have been trying to claim that there weren't any stars and stripes at the DNC. THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE FOCUSING ON!?!?!? It's getting personal.

But moving on, I've found some levity - and Mick, you're gonna love this! - from the fact that Michael Savage has just thrown a fit over Hillary's pantsuits and is now threatening to leave the country over it. LOL

Oh, and we're getting an idea of who Hillary's considering for the SC. Unfortunately, Garland tops the list.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2016 at 20:20
Interesting article here about Trump... explains A LOT! Still can't quite believe he picked a fight with.. well.. the ONE thing any polictician...  human being for that matter can.. the family of solider who gave his life for his country.  Sure didn't fit the narrative of Islamic bogeymen they wanted to present did it.

I also made the mistake of peeking in to the Fauxnews website.. figuring it was... this story was buried deeply in the website but one thing that stood out (in the frint print of headlines). The open letter to the Khan family from some piece of sh*t who should have never have been allowed to wear the uniform.  That pissed me off... fair and balanced. gotta to love it.

Edited by micky - August 01 2016 at 20:21
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2016 at 20:31
Originally posted by LearsFool LearsFool wrote:

I have to say, I've been especially p*ssed the f**k off by Trump's obnoxious harrying of the Khan family (plus what's been coming from Corn Hair's fellow travelers), it's a whole new low for this pr*ck. What has helped further inflame my disgust is the fact that, as my mother informed me recently, some dingbats on the Trump Train have been trying to claim that there weren't any stars and stripes at the DNC. THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE FOCUSING ON!?!?!? It's getting personal.

But moving on, I've found some levity - and Mick, you're gonna love this! - from the fact that Michael Savage has just thrown a fit over Hillary's pantsuits and is now threatening to leave the country over it. LOL

Oh, and we're getting an idea of who Hillary's considering for the SC. Unfortunately, Garland tops the list.

*spits lemongrass beer on monitor* God bless Hillary's pants suits.. only that woman could make those things sexy and she damn sure does that.

I did catch there was some social media chatter about the lack of flags on stage. Ermm Good to see people are invested in the issues so important to this country. LOL Whatever... 

I had a feeling Garland would be Hillarys' eventual choice. No doubt he got a sh*tty deal in not getting a hearing much less a vote but Hillary disappoints me here... best find her some gay or lesbian.. better yet.. some transsexual judge just to spite the GOP LOL and remind them of their blatant stupidity in how they handled that...  oh well ..
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2016 at 20:37
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Yeah Mick I know she's a progressive in moderate's clothing. I actually don't doubt that really, all I doubt is her willingness to go against moneyed interests, and to resist them if offered. I mean she has her beliefs, but will you really go against the people that pay you? It's it just her of course, I have slammed many of both parties for being influenced by this pressure, she's far from alone. But yeah will she stay true to herself/go 100% if donors feel otherwise? The way I like to sum up my concern is with the saying: Climbed the mountain of poo to reach the flower at top, just to realize you lost the ability to smell along the way. OR perhaps a nicer/diff way to put it is the classic story of doing what you need to get to the top, likely for good reasons, but have made so many deals and compromises along the way...your hands are now tied upon getting there.

she took the money..  but I honestly don't think she is going to have a choice in the matter.  I think the moneyed interests as it were.. know the gig is up.  The GOP sure as sh*t ain't going to save them and know that Hillary won't even if she were so inclined.  Regardless of what HIllary would be inclined to do.. she will have no choice but to follow the Sanders/Warren lead on this one. Otherwise even if the GOP splits or nominates Cruz.. she'll lose in 2020.. to either Warren or Sanders insurgency from her own party in the primaries.  I think she is smart enough to read the tea leaves as well or better than internet hacks like us... the Party and its core are moving left.. move with it.. or get left behind (voted out)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2016 at 20:55
I didn't get any of you all to come out and play with me on my last over/under question... but that is important ... I see Johnson is pushing 10% in some of the latest polls. All done prior the fireworks of the weekend. Will the dumpster fire of Trumps weekend really start driving that higher...  12, 15%.  With a long way to go .. a long way for Trump to really start losing support of his own voters...  they do have a choice obviously and I don't think they understand the implications of it.  The Libertarian Party will be the death of the Republican Party. Sooner .. or later.  As I alluided to earlier.. 2020.. their pot of potential candidates still sucks...Ted Cruz.. most hated politician in America for President LOLThumbs Up.  if they go 16.. 20.. 24 years out of the presidency.. they will have to address their internal problems and likely would have to burn the party down to fix it.. and the Libertarians will soak up many of the GOP voters. Other than the loony fundamentalists.. they are f**ked.. and no one should shed a tear for those f**kers... they dug their grave.. let them be finally buried a political force in this country. Believe what you want in your personal lives.. but leave it the f**k out of politics...

Anyhow.. to the present...I do like my prediction of 18%

Edited by micky - August 01 2016 at 20:59
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2016 at 21:20
I like your confidence, Mike, and I'll take those terms; 20 odd years 'til GOP bleeds out and is partially absorbed by a Libertine party increasingly ready and tight-sprung to make a move? (or a non-move; all they have to do is wait it out).

Of course be careful what you wish for, maybe a New Conservatism will be worse.   Nothing like Good Old Reliable Nathan Detroit !

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 02 2016 at 02:21
The other thing to consider (looking forward to 2020) is you are about to elect your oldest President since Ronald Reagan so after four years in office neither of them may want to entertain a second term anyway.

To this election, while Micky's analysis is faultless if the campaigns were being fought along traditional voting lines, there is nothing about 2016 thus far that has followed any tradition or trends, or lived up to any pundited predictions. Previous swing-states, true-blue and true-red states, swing-voters and voter-turnout trends may be completely irrelevant this time as 2016 continues to defy expectations and prior assumptions. Many are saying that Trump needs to win-over the college/university educated whites to win, but that's the one sector he is avoiding like the plague and in fact his MO seems to be to deliberately antagonise them - this is a divisive strategy designed to mobilise the one sector of society that distrusts (and dislikes) them the most - underprivileged angry white men in low-paid jobs who form the largest single demographic that has traditionally been ignored because they are generally (i.e., historically) apolitical non-voters. This shift in emphasis away from the Republican norm of trying to court the Hispanic vote (another sector he is deliberately antagonising) is also part of that strategy, as is the insidious casual racism of "All Lives Matter" (which subconsciously translates into "White Lives Matter" within the angry white male's mind). Saunders woke them up and now Trump is playing them, so those he cannot win-over he will continue to push away from Clinton. Nothing in this election is a guaranteed foregone conclusion.

Edited by Dean - August 02 2016 at 02:45
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 02 2016 at 07:43
Originally posted by LearsFool LearsFool wrote:

But moving on, I've found some levity - and Mick, you're gonna love this! - from the fact that Michael Savage has just thrown a fit over Hillary's pantsuits and is now threatening to leave the country over it. LOL

I hope Lady Pants Suit  wins least we might get rid of a loud mouthed obnoxious radio buffoon.
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