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Posted: July 25 2016 at 14:13 |
To a large extent, I believe that the media and its ability to quickly disburse information over the internet is as much to blame for the candidates that we have as it is the candidates themselves. In today's media environment, you have to be a megalomaniac to want to put up with everything that candidates go through to get elected. There are most likely better suited people to run our country but the not being a megalomaniac that would make them a better leader also disqualifies them from running because ... why would they want to put up with the scrutiny of every little thing that they have ever done at any given time in their lifetimes. No matter what your position is on a particular issue, the media can spin it to be a positive or a negative to fit into whatever their political leaning agenda might be.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 14:43 |
rushfan4 wrote:
The T wrote:
npjnpj wrote:
Can anyone say anything good about Hillary Clinton without mentioning Donald Trump in the same sentence?
| Yes, I. She's prepared, she's intelligent, she has experience.
She has 23197 flaws but not much more than most politicians. | She is pro-choice. She is pro-gay rights. She is pro-woman's rights. She is a mom who understands that "it takes a village to raise a child". She is pro-science education. She is mostly pro-environment when it doesn't conflict with being pro-Wall Street. She is pro-Obama care. She is anti-capital punishment. She is pro separation of church and state. She understands that there is a difference between extreme militant Muslims (a small percentage) and the rest of the Muslim population and that it isn't really wise to piss off all of the Muslims by lumping them altogether. She isn't openly racist. She is open to recognizing that illegal immigrants are real live people, most of whom are trying to make a better lives for themselves and their families and are contributing positively to US society and that although they have broken the law by being here illegally, that is the worst thing that they did and if you truly understood what life was like in their home can't really blame them.
great post Scott.. therein lays the fundamental philosophical difference between Hillary and Trump.. Democratic and Republican. She stands FOR.. he stands AGAINST... sorry man... time doesn't doesn't stand still. Socially the 50's ain't coming back.. economically the 70's ain't coming back. It is an evolving world out there.. you either adapt ..change evolve.. ummm progress.... or get you get left behind. One can argue till they are blue in the face if what Hillary and the Democratic Party will help the country and its citizens moving forward.. but one point I dare anyone to try to argue.. that doing nothing will help this country or its citizens. The party of postive vs. the Party of negative...
The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 17:39 |
A magician worked on a cruise ship. The audience was different each
week so the magician did the same tricks over and over again. There was
only one problem: the captain's parrot saw the shows each week and
began to understand how the magician did every trick.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 19:44 |
rogerthat wrote:
So what's PA's take on Hilary's running mate? I hear a lot of persuasive assurance from mainstream press but at the same time I wonder if Tim Kaine wouldn't sort of help prove Trump's point that the Democratic party is pro-establishment. I mean, it would appear that this election is more about symbolism than substance. |
he's all substance and a proven winner in state not prone to electing Democrats. The kind of politican we would like to see more of.. less about partisan politics and more about working together, both parties, to get stuff happening. It isn't really much about him being establishment.. it goes to the divide between centrist and progressive. My thoughts.. great choice if she wins. He is HIGHLY respected by both parties. He will help get things through Congress. the problem.. she has to win before all that. Ballsy move to look past some real excitement and unpopularity issues she has. It is her election to lose... but if she does lose it will be because Democrats didn't fully turn out... and this decision will haunt her to have not chosen someone more energizing even if someone out of her comfort zone. In that ..advantage Trump.. Pense shored up a weakness.. Hillary didn't. Virginia is likely to go Democratic regardless of whether Kaine was selected or not. VP choices have rarely ever moved the meter unless they complete train wrecks..err.. morons... like Palin.
Edited by micky - July 25 2016 at 19:47
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 20:00 |
Atavachron wrote:
Just saw Trump interviewed by Chuck Todd. He came off well, a smart guy. He really could win. It's not funny anymore.
 I don't know about you David but I never saw the humor in it. Of course he can win... if everyone has learned one thing.. it should be not to underestimate Trump. Not him in particular.. he is just emoticon... not to underestimate how deeply the roots have grown of anger, hate and fear that the GOP have been planting since 1988. He'll get a LOT of votes... and there isn't a damn thing funny about that. However while he and his supporters should not be underestimated.. nor should the mountain he has to climb to win. If he loses Virginia and Florida.. he literally has no realistic path to 270. ie he can win Ohio and PA and still lose. He'd have to win about ever swing state and he's not going to do that unless something really offf the wall happens. VA. He could win... but likely won't. He doesn't do well among highly educated voters.. not surprisingly... and VA is chock full of them. One reason it has turned from Red to Blue. Florida.. will be tight.. always is.. but I don't like his chances with the minority and retiree votes. Both are Hillaries strongest demographics.
Edited by micky - July 25 2016 at 20:00
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 20:14 |
not to mention if Trump loses Arizona or North Carolina... both very much in play. Arizona for obvious reasons.. N.C for going down the road as Va has already done, more educated voters and more transplants from blue states moving in, did to turning from solid red to battleground/blue.
anyhow if loses either of those... he's lost the election. Pure and simple...
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 20:18 |
Yeah. And let's hope it doesn't get ugly, or too close; Gore/Bush, bad. Kennedy/Nixon good but also bad.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 20:24 |
I still like my original prediction.. nothing I've seen changes it. Both are deeply flawed candidates.. one though has an agenda that works for the benefit of the people.. the other has nothing to sell but... well.. himself.  Extremely close in popular votes... a landslide electoral vote wise. I do believe at some point enough voters will wake up and ask themselves.. what the hell am I doing... was I really going to vote for myogist failed business leader with ZERO experience or knowledge of world affairs... who is not even qualified to be elected as city dogcatcher. I hold some faith in some my fellow americans to come to their senses. I think Hillary runs most all the swing states, even if very close.. and picks off one of the two red states to add to her electoral vote rout.
Edited by micky - July 25 2016 at 20:25
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 20:39 |
besides David...we've heard enough of Hillaries legal and ethical issues.. enough to where most simply tune it's old news.. been old news. Bernie said it best.. everyone is tired about hearing about her f**king emails. Most understand it is just politics and standard GOP tactics.... if you can't beat them, then find anything you can to try to destroy (impeach) them.
however I think what really swings this election is Trumps... which is yet to be fully aired out. Say what you will about f**king emails and being sly with the truth to a hostile and partal judge jury and execution with Congress.
See what the American public.. or just enough how actually use their brains... think of voting for a Presdient how bilks hard working Americans of their money.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 20:58 |
Oh I don't think emails, even the recent cock-up, will have anything to do with it. But if I'm being sadly honest, one of the things I'm concerned about is whether people are as comfortable with a woman as president as they are a black man. I assume they are. It's friggin' 2016, I assume they were ready years ago, decades ago, but I don't know for sure, and Strong Mang Donaldo is so...well...seductive, in a kind of Nixonian way (or worse) that I'm concerned people will "give him a chance", "see how he does", imagine he "couldn't be any worse" than other candidates.
But I will cling like a newborn lemur to your hypothesis and hope your numbers add-up on election night.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 21:10 |
I suppose a good many are David. The Hillary smear/destruction campaign started when.... 1992.. they fear strong women in politics and saw then as many of us did. She was likely to run herself for President. However those that are afraid of women.. were not going to vote for her (Democratic candidate) regardless. appealing to that kind of neatherthal thinking is page 5 of the GOP playbook.  I do think he will get a lot of votes.. yes he is charismatic as ..well.. a certain Bohemian Corporal was. In laying blame targeting ethnic/relgious groups for the problems of the nation.. he'll get lots of votes.. it is the electorcal votes that count though. And Hillary and democrats have a strong borderline decisive advantage with that. Trump has to win blue states.. and yet lose any red states. He has mobilized his base.... but can win Democrats. He has to to win the election. Thus the comedic attempts to sway Bernie voters. I say fat chance on that...the vast majority hate him more than the do Hillary Those 'democrats' he would appeal to.. have long since moved Republican in many cases. The classic Reagan Democrats..
Edited by micky - July 25 2016 at 21:11
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 21:11 |
Fantastic speech by Bernie. Hopefully his most lunatic fanatics heard him.
Standing ovation from me. He made the case for why not sane person can vote for the Orange One. Making the contrast at every step between him and her.
Edited by The T - July 25 2016 at 21:16
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 21:19 |
and I can't wait for Warren's speech.. damnit man.. that woman is a firecracker... and I do believe will be President some day...2020 or 2024.
I couldn't get behind ...wasn't feeling the Bern... but as much as I admire and respect Hillary... I would have supported Warren over Clinton. She is inspiring.. and has a vision...
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 21:21 |
Warren already spoke. Pretty well too. Though Bernie has really been outstanding.
What a contrast with the fear inducing, depressive, hateful convention last week.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 21:24 |
 well hell... that is what I get for hanging out here. I thought she spoke tomorrow. I'll have to watch both later on I guess.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 21:50 |
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 22:26 |
I was so absolutely completely peeved with the content of Michelle Obama's speech and the person who came before her. They both actually said it was not about Democrats and Republicans! It was about the virtues of the person, or some such thing. This is ludicrous unless she's seeking to be as narcissistic as Trump. Yet the commentators just seem to go with it, and it agrees with how Hillary insists on casting the election; as a job interview. ELECTIONS ARE NOT JOB INTERVIEWS! Elections are about philosophies. Only philosophies bring mandates.
Advocates of the "job interview" view of presidential elections are ignoring the fact that winning the Presidency is not the only goal. We want to win two houses of congress too. There will never be a sweep of anything if the election is just about individual personalities. Trump may do a lot of damage to the Republicans down ticket, but for some reason Hillary's message is very nearly an effort to emulate Trump's narcissism.
When Senators Warren and Sanders came on, a contrary view of the election, centered around philosophy, was put forward. A philosophical blueprint has been rendered, Hillary ought to embrace it.
I do have a positive view of Hillary's character, but that will never be a reason for me voting for anyone. I must admit that my negative view of Trump's character, however, will ensure my vote against him.
Edited by HackettFan - July 25 2016 at 23:34
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 23:13 |
Working till 11 sucks, now catching up on the DNC I missed entirely  Sounds like it's already worlds better than the RNC simply based off the fact all the speakers and big names are there, and they also all actually support the candidate
Needless to say, the first I watched was Bernie's. Brilliant speech. God damn it I missed that man speaking, this reminds me why I believed so passionately in him. Seeing people crying, I can't lie it got to me. And for everyone who was so worried about it, (was kinda silly but nevertheless) there it was "Hillary Clinton must become the next President of the United States" with nothing but positive, conciliatory comments, each one getting thunderous applause. Brilliantly done to first mention halfway in after he's slowly riled people up. As a life long progressive Democrat it was honestly beautiful to hear all these words.
Democrats who were for Bernie were always gunna back her, Independents and especially newcomers were far less likely but we must remember, they were thus unlikely to vote for her anyway. It is up to not just Bernie, but the entire Democratic Party now to win over as many of that group they can. His speech hopefully will do a bit of that, Hillary, Bill, Obama have to do their part as well.
The apology issued to Bernie and his supporters over the email thing was a good move, honestly it meant a lot to me. What happened thing that upset me (and I think I'm not alone) is the usual response to criticisms, many legitimate, was usually dismissal even mockery...Or you know some lawyer-like response. To finally just hear "Im sorry" and also acknowledging it, just felt good. This is how healing can't always be one sided demands.
Can't wait to watch Michelle Obama, Warren and Cory Booker. He's always been a good speaker and very inspirational, I'm sure it's wonderful
Edited by JJLehto - July 25 2016 at 23:14
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Posted: July 26 2016 at 04:17 |
The T wrote:
Fantastic speech by Bernie. Hopefully his most lunatic fanatics heard him.
Hey, I resemble that remark!  But the speech was excellent!
Edited by SteveG - July 26 2016 at 11:48
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Posted: July 26 2016 at 04:50 |
So does he really believe Clinton is against the TPP or did he deliberately lie about it? As if endorsing her hadn't already been bad enough.
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