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Greek Prog: From Alpha To Omega

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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2023 at 07:36
A-Z of Greek Prog

FORBIDDEN MYTH      (re-posted and re-edited)     The finest export from Greece since the Elgin Marbles first rolled up onto British shores at the turn of the 19th century - for which the Greeks have never quite forgiven us. Forbidden Myth is the brainchild of Antonis Adelfidis - Greece's answer to Rick Wakeman - ably assisted by multi-instrumentalist George Katsanos, playing together on just about every keyboard instrument they could lay their hands on, and with a cast list of supporting players almost as long as Ben Hur. It's also worth mentioning that Katsanos is a mighty fine singer too. This is the greatest partnership since Burton & Taylor, Bogey & Bacall, or Marks & Spencer. There's an old saying that you should beware of Greeks bearing gifts, but when those same Greeks come bearing gifts of prog albums, then you should welcome them with open arms and with love and kisses too. In the vast pantheon of prog, Adelfidis & Katsanos joins that long list of Greek heroes including, Theseus, Perseus, Odysseus, Vangelis, Roussos & Sideras. Okay, so the first three Greek heroes never formed a prog band as far as I'm aware, but the last three names were all in the same band. You won't find an Achilles Heel in the astounding sounds and amazing music of Forbidden Myth though, as this stunning album is a pure 100% masterpiece from beginning to end. In fact, you won't have heard such masterful keyboard wizardry as this since caped crusader Rick Wakeman first stunned us all with his acclaimed Myths & Legends album. Forbidden Myth target the listener with rip-roaring power chords with the unerring accuracy of a laser-guided Paveway missile.  Zantea Chronicles: The Dream Dominator is the towering Acropolis on the Mount in terms of epic prog albums, which even surpasses all of Ayreon's magnificent masterworks. You'll find Forbidden Myth listed under Heavy Prog on ProgArchives, although they almost found their way into the Progressive Metal category, which really wouldn't have done them justice. After all, Zantea Chronicles is far better than any album I've ever heard by Dream Theater, although I can now hear howls of derision coming from DT fans. It's truly an epic album too, running at over 100 minutes long, in the true tradition of Ayreon's epic productions, making it excellent value for money. If you have the good fortune to buy this fine album, then it'll be the best 4,000 drachmas you ever spent. In the vast progosphere, Forbidden Myth are as good as it gets and Zantea Chronicles joins some of the finest European prog albums from Holland, Italy and Germany. And so, for any German prog fans out there, "Das ist Verboten Mythos. Danke schoen und gute nacht." Smile

5 stars 2021: Forbidden Myth - Zantea Chronicles: The Dream Dominator -
5 stars 2024: Forbidden Myth - Zantea Chronicles: The Nightmare Awakens -

Edited by Psychedelic Paul - June 20 2024 at 14:03
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote UnderGround Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2023 at 07:58
Thank you one more time, very proud you like it!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2023 at 08:04
Originally posted by UnderGround UnderGround wrote:

Thank you one more time, very proud you like it!

You're very welcome. I enjoyed it so much, I've listened to your marvellous album three times over now. I haven't even listened to most of Vangelis' albums that many times. Tongue
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 22 2023 at 10:16
A-Z of Greek Prog  (redux)

3 stars 1969: Yiannis Glezos - 12 Tragoudia tou Frenteriko Gkarthia Lorca -    
3 stars 1971: Yiannis Glezos - Emiliano Zapata -
3 stars 1979: Yiannis Glezos - Perimenontas tous Varvarous -
3 stars 2004: Yiannis Glezos - Ta Tragoudia Tis Evas -   

Edited by Psychedelic Paul - July 22 2023 at 10:17
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 23 2023 at 17:31
A-Z of Greek Prog

YIANNIS GLEZOS     Raise a glass to Glezos! This marvellous album of stunning Athenian grace and beauty is cause for celebration. The Roses of Pieria has all the opulence and splendor of a glimmering Greek marble temple at sunset. It's an instrumental re-recording of the original album of lyrical ancient Greek poetry from seven years earlier in 2006, only sounding sooooo much better here than the original.  This is the greatest sequel since The Godfather Part II first hit our screens, but without an epic bloodbath at the end. If you go barmy over bouzoukis and have a passion for panduras, then you'll surely love the seven traditional Greek folk albums that preceded this one. All of the lyrics are in Yiannis Glazos' native Greek language, but that only adds to their Grecian charm - although It never did Demis Roussos' career any harm to sing in a "foreign" language, even when those foreign languages happened to be French and German. This strikingly beautiful album is the most authentic Greek experience I've had since fire station chief Nick  (don't call him "Zorba"!) Georgiadis  attended a Greek wedding in ITV's London's Burning series, where a smashing time was had by all with the crockery at the post-prandial knees-up during the reception. The Roses of Pieria is absolutely awash with cinematic Vangelis-inspired keyboard motifs and dazzling  guitar glissandos, combined with glorious sweeping strings and heavenly choirs. This towering Hellenic masterpiece of shimmering beauty is as close as you'll ever get to Heaven on Earth, and no, I'm not referring to the similarly-titled YES album. Glezos blazes a trail through the progosphere on Greek chariots of fire, and just when you think the album couldn't possibly get any better, along comes the rousing and  anthemic grand finale, "The Stars", where a huge choir sings along in unison, sending you soaring way up high into the stratosphere on an ecstatic wave of euphoria, and where you can almost touch the face of the Greek prog gods on Mount Olympus. In summary then, even if you're not generally a fan of Greek prog and you don't know your taramasalata from your moussaka, The Roses of Pieria has the kind of universal timeless appeal that will last for generations - just like the beautiful Acropolis of Athens. Smile

3 stars 1969: Yiannis Glezos - 12 Tragoudia tou Frenteriko Gkarthia Lorca -    
3 stars 1971: Yiannis Glezos - Emiliano Zapata -
3 stars 1979: Yiannis Glezos - Perimenontas tous Varvarous -
3 stars 2004: Yiannis Glezos - Ta Tragoudia Tis Evas -   

Edited by Psychedelic Paul - July 24 2023 at 04:36
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 24 2023 at 09:11
A-Z of Greek Prog

GUPPY FISH     ...And they called it Guppy Love... A band for pescatarians everywhere! A guppy is a small tropical fish with a wide, brightly-coloured tail fin. Guppy Fish the band are a different kettle of fish altogether though, This Athenian trio are leaning towards the heavier side of Porcupine Tree's music, although hopefully, fans of Steven Wilson & co. won't get too prickly about me comparing them to Guppy Fish. Imagine floating on a breezy Mediterranean Sea with choppy waves of heavy guitar riffing breaking out and rocking the boat. That's the kind of album we have here. The title track and album opener,"The Fall of Man", nicely sets the scene with a subdued and atmospheric intro, before rip-roaring power chords burst through the surf like a shark attack. Guppy Fish are a band with attitude, as the no-nonsense track, "I Don't Like Your Face" and the Wilson-esque "Exposed" will testify. "Neverending Flow" is the most laid-back track on the album, which veers into melodic Tears for Fears territory.  The two-part closing number "Above the Sky"  is well-worth waiting for, where the band unleash holy Hellenic hell in a blazing blitzkrieg of Greek fire and fury.  Guppy Fish are a Peloponnesian powerhouse, so you won't hear any gentle romantic ballads here,, but if  you're not in the mood for blazing a trail through the Aegean with Guppy Fish, then there's plenty more fish in the sea. If, on the other hand, you're born to be wild and like to wear denims and leather whilst riding your Hog, then Guppy Fish are one fish you won't want to throw back into the water - and personally speaking, I prefer Guppy Fish over Walter Trout and Fish from Marillion.  Smile

Edited by Psychedelic Paul - July 24 2023 at 13:46
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 25 2023 at 08:08
A-Z of Greek Prog

HIERONYMUS DREAM      Space Rock's coming home! Nostos is the dominant theme in Homer's Odyssey, where a Greek hero returns home from an epic journey, including battling in The Trojan War, being shipwrecked, and heroically dealing with various other trials and tribulations along the way. Nostos was the Arnold Schwarzenegger of his day, dispatching his enemies with suitably heroic aplomb whilst no doubt delivering sardonic one-liners along the way, something along the lines of "Tha epistretso.", for the classical Greek scholars amongst us. Hieronymus Dream are an anonymous quintet of psychedelic shamans from Rhodes Island, the largest of the fifteen (not twelve) islands of the Greek Dodecanese - in stark contrast with the smallest US State of Rhode Island, which is not really an island at all. The name of the band draws obvious inspiration from Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch, who's noted for his horrifying, nightmarish depictions of Hell - so not the kind of paintings you'd want to hang up on your bedroom wall. Hieronymus Dream's first EP "Clairvoyance" was predictably followed by their first full-length album: "Nostos" the album we have here. The intriguing album cover, featuring a dramatic image of a giant snail wrapped around the thin atmosphere of the Earth, gives some indication of the weird and wonderful music contained within, which incidentally, was released on the Weird Beard label - although you don't have to be a weirdy-beardy vegan type to enjoy the spaced-out, psychedelic grooves on this cosmic dream-ride though the final frontier of space. So stock up with dilithium crystals, set phasers to stun and prepare to energize, as the astounding sounds and amazing music of Hieronymus Dream take you on the best space trip around the universe since Hawkwind first went In Search of Space back in 1971 - and you don't even have to leave the comfort of your space-rocking chair. Oh, and don't worry, the hypnotic music of Hieronymus Dream is nothing like the sonic shock wave of Hawkwind's pounding and pulsating music. No, "Nossos" is more healing and soothing than an hour spent reclining in Dr. McCoy's sickbay, so  enjoy this pleasure cruise through the inner regions of the erogenous zones and just lie back and think of Greece.

4 stars 2020: Hieronymus Dream - Clairvoyance (EP) -
4 stars 2021: Hieronymus Dream - Nostos -

Edited by Psychedelic Paul - July 25 2023 at 16:58
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 25 2023 at 13:55
A-Z of Greek Prog (redux)

3 stars 2013: Intravenus - Oiseau -

3 stars 1981: Iraklis - Pezis Me Tis Mihanes -
2 stars 1984: Iraklis - I Stigmi -
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2023 at 09:50
A-Z of Greek Prog

INTRAVENUS      A little bit of Jazzamatazz. Athenian band Intravenus  hovers somewhere in-between the two worlds of Jazz Fusion and Canterbury Scene music, so if you enjoy a profusion of Jazz Fusion,  this offbeat album deserves inclusion in your CD collection.  It's the most surprising discovery since finding out that Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis spent more money on his wives and mistresses dresses than he did on building ships.. The aptly-titled 10-minute opening track "Paradox Folk" is a fairly routine jazzy number which only hints at the wondrous epic to come. The third track "Sonic Servant" (hinting at a Hawkwind-style sonic attack)  turns out to be the biggest surprise of all, sounding remarkably like The Police in the opening few bars, but then merging into a psychedelic freak-out of Space Rock. And now for something completely different... The closing number and title-track, "Oiseau" (French for "Bird"), is a 28-minute-long flight of fancy which takes us on a Greek Odyssey of endlessly complex music with the occasional twittering  bird noises thrown in for good measure too. This is an album that bears repeated listening and in terms of a masterclass of exploration in the outer realms of Jazz, it's an epic triumph - although maybe not quite equaling the epic triumph of Socrates (the Brazilian midfielder, not the Greek philosopher) when he scored the winning goal in the 1982 World Cup. Yes, "Oiseau" is the Heineken of Jazz albums, reaching the parts that other Jazz albums fail to reach. In conclusion then, if you're in the mood to be drip-fed with a warm Mediterranean infusion of Jazz Fusion, then look no further than the bright shining star that is Intravenus - a Greek marvel to rival a temple of Greek marble! 

3 stars 2013: Intravenus - Oiseau -

Edited by Psychedelic Paul - August 02 2023 at 02:44
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Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

A-Z of Greek Prog

HIERONYMUS DREAM      Space Rock's coming home! Nostos is the dominant theme in Homer's Odyssey, where a Greek hero returns home from an epic journey, including battling in The Trojan War, being shipwrecked, and heroically dealing with various other trials and tribulations along the way. Nostos was the Arnold Schwarzenegger of his day, dispatching his enemies with suitably heroic aplomb whilst no doubt delivering sardonic one-liners along the way, something along the lines of "Tha epistretso.", for the classical Greek scholars amongst us. Hieronymus Dream are an anonymous quintet of psychedelic shamans from Rhodes Island, the largest of the fifteen (not twelve) islands of the Greek Dodecanese - in stark contrast with the smallest US State of Rhode Island, which is not really an island at all. The name of the band draws obvious inspiration from Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch, who's noted for his horrifying, nightmarish depictions of Hell - so not the kind of paintings you'd want to hang up on your bedroom wall. Hieronymus Dream's first EP "Clairvoyance" was predictably followed by their first full-length album: "Nostos" the album we have here. The intriguing album cover, featuring a dramatic image of a giant snail wrapped around the thin atmosphere of the Earth, gives some indication of the weird and wonderful music contained within, which incidentally, was released on the Weird Beard label - although you don't have to be a weirdy-beardy vegan type to enjoy the spaced-out, psychedelic grooves on this cosmic dream-ride though the final frontier of space. So stock up with dilithium crystals, set phasers to stun and prepare to energize, as the astounding sounds and amazing music of Hieronymus Dream take you on the best space trip around the universe since Hawkwind first went In Search of Space back in 1971 - and you don't even have to leave the comfort of your space-rocking chair. Oh, and don't worry, the hypnotic music of Hieronymus Dream is nothing like the sonic shock wave of Hawkwind's pounding and pulsating music. No, "Nossos" is more healing and soothing than an hour spent reclining in Dr. McCoy's sickbay, so  enjoy this pleasure cruise through the inner regions of the erogenous zones and just lie back and think of Greece.

4 stars 2020: Hieronymus Dream - Clairvoyance (EP) -
4 stars 2021: Hieronymus Dream - Nostos -

I have that painting hanging on my wall .......not the original of course.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2023 at 16:02
^ Well, at least it's not as nightmarish as some of Hieronymus Bosch's other paintings, and I wouldn't mind hanging that picture on my wall if it was the original. Tongue
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 20 2024 at 14:10
TOP 10 GREEK PROG BANDS (in alphabetical order)

5 stars 2020: Aries - Because of My Fears -

5 stars 2021: Forbidden Myth - Zantea Chronicles: The Dream Dominator -
5 stars 2024: Forbidden Myth - Zantea Chronicles: The Nightmare Awakens -

4 stars 2020: Hieronymus Dream - Clairvoyance (EP) -
4 stars 2021: Hieronymus Dream - Nostos -

4 stars 2015: Naxatras - Naxatras -
4 stars 2016: Naxatras - Naxatras II -
4 stars 2018: Naxatras - Naxatras III -
5 stars 2022: Naxatras - Naxatras IV -

4 stars 1988: Purple Overdose - Exit 4 -
4 stars 1990: Purple Overdose - Indigo -
4 stars 1994: Purple Overdose - Purple Overdose -
5 stars 1999: Purple Overdose - Reborn -
4 stars 2001: Purple Overdose - The Salmon's Trip Live -
4 stars 2004: Purple Overdose - Painting the Air -
4 stars 2006: Purple Overdose - A Trip to Purpleland: Early Years Live -
4 stars 2012: Purple Overdose - Gemineye: The Last Ever Recordings -

5 stars 2004: Will-O-the-Wisp - Ceremony of Innocence -
5 stars 2007: Will-O-the-Wisp - A Gift for Your Dreams -

Edited by Psychedelic Paul - June 22 2024 at 10:18
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Demis Roussos - Zorba's Dance - a song and dance that's so Greek, you can almost taste the warm smell of moussaka rising up through the air. Smile

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Howdy! I'm pretty excited to be diving into this post as I anticipate a trip to Greece next month and wanted to discover some bands to look for in local shops. One of the first I found doesn't seem to be listed here and was curious of anyone's thoughts. Maybe it doesn't belong in then genre? Bourboulia/Pavlos Sidripoulos/Spiridoula . I came to it via Akritas > Poll (who also seems to be a worthy mention for this list) 
I'm also interested in finding worthy record shops in Athens if anyone has recommendations!
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