Personally I like the fact that the top 100 list is in flux. If we gave too much weight to number of reviews that wouldn't happen so much (though, as demonstrated upthread, number of reviews is in fact taken into account). Ultimately, the top 100 would be a boring, boring list if the same old predictable bands filled it; I like the fact that new acts have a shot at making a mark on it. Sure, very occasionally you get a fluke where an album ends up lower or higher than it really deserves to be, but the way the system's set up that'll correct itself over time as more people toss in reviews and ratings - and I'd rather have the occasional eccentric placing which lets me discover new albums and bands I hadn't previously considered than to eliminate such blips and end up staring at an almost static list.
And hey, since this thread was posted a third GG album's made its way back into the top 100. Like I say: the list is self-correcting. This is a thread about a problem which literally solves itself.