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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 14 2010 at 10:26
 Funny stivers Mark cloning  cartoon from January 21, 1998
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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martinprog77 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 14 2010 at 13:48
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

 Funny stivers Mark cloning  cartoon from January 21, 1998
Nothing can last
there are no second chances.
Never give a day away.
Always live for today.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 15 2010 at 20:36
One night while walking on the beach, I saw paths surrounded by bushes which led to a lighthouse. I had been walking and thinking hard about becoming a monk. A tall girl with brown hair down to her waist was walking towards me . Our eyes met and we walked towards each other and began to kiss. We held each other as if we knew each other for years. She then walked away and I never saw her again. I don't know if she was drugged, a cult member, or a mental patient. I just knew she was beautiful. That short moment was a better high than any marriage I had experienced.   
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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 15 2010 at 20:38
Originally posted by TODDLER TODDLER wrote:

One night while walking on the beach, I saw paths surrounded by bushes which led to a lighthouse. I had been walking and thinking hard about becoming a monk. A tall girl with brown hair down to her waist was walking towards me . Our eyes met and we walked towards each other and began to kiss. We held each other as if we knew each other for years. She then walked away and I never saw her again. I don't know if she was drugged, a cult member, or a mental patient. I just knew she was beautiful. That short moment was a better high than any marriage I had experienced.   

Have you considered the possibility that she might have been a beautiful drugged cult mental patient?  Also was she short?
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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Padraic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 15 2010 at 20:40
Relationships anyone?

No thanks, the one I have is plenty.  Tongue
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TODDLER View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 15 2010 at 21:37
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

Originally posted by TODDLER TODDLER wrote:

One night while walking on the beach, I saw paths surrounded by bushes which led to a lighthouse. I had been walking and thinking hard about becoming a monk. A tall girl with brown hair down to her waist was walking towards me . Our eyes met and we walked towards each other and began to kiss. We held each other as if we knew each other for years. She then walked away and I never saw her again. I don't know if she was drugged, a cult member, or a mental patient. I just knew she was beautiful. That short moment was a better high than any marriage I had experienced.   

Have you considered the possibility that she might have been a beautiful drugged cult mental patient?  Also was she short?
All kidding aside, I have no idea! She seemed to come out of in that Harlan Ellison story about the sea of black glass. "Who walks out of the ocean in the night?" Except she was on land. She reminded me of a very tall Amish girl. Nothing was ever said. It was a once in a lifetime experience. It was very romantic and very avant-garde. I took it as a warning. It was bizzare. Everytime I was detached from a relationship and desired to study and be a monk,...a woman came along. It was like a forcefield that was preventing me.
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TODDLER View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 16 2010 at 10:03
I think that when a woman is having her lady's time, it can become a snowball affect in terms of the relationship between children and both parents. Many woman will drive a man to his ends during her lady's time. The man suddenly becomes a target. I remember my mother doing this to my father. He was quiet and held everything inside. You suddenly have to take verbal abuse which is directly tied into  your levels of intelligence or level of career. All the things that the woman dislikes about you.....and do not come to surface on a regular basis,...are now extreme to the point where (if you take her seriously), she is walking out that flippin' door.

Some woman will flip out and proceed in comparing you with other men. Then when it's all over, she says that she loves you. She treats you badly but expects in return total devotion as a husband. Then she puts you on the spot in front of other guys. If you take it too seriously, you will hate the world. If your wife points out a fault of yours during her lady's time and at a social gathering, ....and some outspoken wise guy passes judgement on you it can turn into a fight and all directly to do with the lady's time. I wanted to be a monk long ago but, I have children now and great responsibility. I have been married 4 times and tried to keep my cool and remain honest. Every woman has their own way of dealing with grief. Even worse is when a woman will clam up for 3 days and not bother to explain what's on her mind, leaving you in the dark wondering what the problem is? I've watched my wife give birth 3 times and I find that men don't understand what it feels like to have a sledgehammer pounding into you. But, if you are very sensitive, you have a nightmare to experience until the lady's time is over. Your kids might ask you on the way to school, "Daddy, why was Mommy yelling at you this morning?" It's suppose to be normal life according to the Rosanne T.V. shows from the past but, when you are in the thicket of it all, I'm sorry but, your mind can be at stake.

Edited by TODDLER - November 16 2010 at 10:05
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 16 2010 at 10:13
Seems like a very misogynistic and overly general worldview bro. 
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 16 2010 at 12:37
Well you have to give each other room and not neglect spending quality time together as well.  My wife and I were discussing plans regarding the house and it started to turn into Monty Python's Argument Clinic.  If we make it through this current ordeal we will be able to probably endure anything life hurls at us.  And ultimately, that's what makes relationships functional is never losing sight that you are in it together.  United you will stand, divided you will fail.

Edited by Slartibartfast - November 16 2010 at 12:41
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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TODDLER View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 16 2010 at 21:02
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Seems like a very misogynistic and overly general worldview bro. 
I've had great friendships with women over the years. I respect their gender and a painful reminder is the way they were treated by men in the 1920's From ancient times and foward they were abused by man and his belief system. I've had some pretty strange experiences with unique women.
                                                                Toddler's Testimony

 I had a relationship with this girl which was romantic but had a brother and sister twist to it. We were able to sit and watch sports together or comedy shows, write music together, etc, and we connected to different levels. Our personalities seemed different during the activities. She didn't care about roses and hated expensive jewels. I hardly indulged in cars, woodwork, or plumbing.
One night we were driving on the highway and she saw a silver ball in the nightsky. She asked me to pull to the right lane, drive slower, and have a look see. At first sight I was a little alarmed. It seemed to be still, yet it followed us the whole night. I kept trying to get my barings geographically because it could have been positioned on a tower. Like a military tower. Maybe 4 towns east of us was a military base. I tried for a logical explanation and she persisted that it was alien space craft. After a while it just vanished.
Another strange experience with her was on a stormy night in our bungalow. We were listening to Mick Ronson's Slaughter On 10TH Avenue. We were discussing how we loved his arrangements for the early David Bowie records. We continued talking about Ronson as the record played. About 3rd track in, the turntable stopped. I thought it might be the belt so I grabbed a screwdriver and then the phone rang. She picked up the phone and it was her sister on the other end telling her that Mick Ronson died. I was a little freaked but, again, tried to come up with a logical explanation for the event. She knew that I enjoyed Sci-Fi novels, electronic music and had lost childhood friends to Satan Cult rituals but, she really knew that I almost believed in nothing but fantasy. She was very understanding. She was a very intense woman and a superb musician. She would play Classical and Jazz music on the piano or Tarkus on the grand piano. We played in many bands together performing some original music and covers of Weather Report tunes. Top notch male musicians on the circuit had great admiration for her playing BUT were jealous over the fact that she was a woman. Plain and simple, gloom and doom. You can imagine how my mind drifted back to the 20's?    
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jampa17 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 16 2010 at 22:36
Well, basically I've been following this Thread. It's kind of interesting. I would agree with Stoney, it's not like we have to write about it but the deal is that I keep seeing my friends (females) getting into relationships with complet a****les and keep getting hurt in the end. But a nice little person as me, I have failed in most of my relationships, I don't know why, I think it's because I'm too honest, sometimes rude in the way I say and do some things.
But well, I don't dispair, I mean, right now there's a girl that I like and it's getting very tough to get around her. She is kind of closed about her feelings so is difficult to get around and know what she feels and everything, but I guess there's no more choice than been honest and talk to her about my interest in her and hear what she thinks and feels about it...
I'm no expert on relationships... I just know that I don't want my own safety, I want to share time, share love, like a 50-50... Both have to be interested... if not, someone will be hurt... my two cents.
Change the program inside... Stay in silence is a crime.
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TODDLER View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 17 2010 at 07:58
Originally posted by jampa17 jampa17 wrote:

Well, basically I've been following this Thread. It's kind of interesting. I would agree with Stoney, it's not like we have to write about it but the deal is that I keep seeing my friends (females) getting into relationships with complet a****les and keep getting hurt in the end. But a nice little person as me, I have failed in most of my relationships, I don't know why, I think it's because I'm too honest, sometimes rude in the way I say and do some things.
But well, I don't dispair, I mean, right now there's a girl that I like and it's getting very tough to get around her. She is kind of closed about her feelings so is difficult to get around and know what she feels and everything, but I guess there's no more choice than been honest and talk to her about my interest in her and hear what she thinks and feels about it...
I'm no expert on relationships... I just know that I don't want my own safety, I want to share time, share love, like a 50-50... Both have to be interested... if not, someone will be hurt... my two cents.
Very cool post. I mean,...I really like it. You have a VERY good head on your shoulders to think and feel the way you do. During my 20's and 30's as a full time travelling musician, I was on this mission to practice celibacy and meditation and while I made witness to vast criminal activity in the music business, I was inside this bubble. As I only returned home twice a year, my first wife travelled with me for one year and ran the lightshow. She was promiscuous and we were both living and travelling with a sexual promiscuity  influenced society on the road. I never truly got over the initial shock of this behaviour. I never dated girls in my teens because I was locked in a room practicing an instrument. The importance of my development ruled. In 3 decades of road travel I witnessed sex as a tool for business. Sexual favors between agents, musicians, managers, and record executives.  The musician or entertainer could easly obtain connections with record companies, higher paying gigs, etc, if they indulged in sexual activity with business jerks. I gripped very tight to the concepts of celibacy and meditation and avoided it at all costs. Celibacy did not work in my case as I loved being with a woman.
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rdtprog View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 17 2010 at 08:20
It's when your happy being alone that you need to find relationships because you want share your happiness with others. When your not happy by living alone it means that you need to stay alone a while. It's not because we are face with failure in relationships that we have to avoid it in a solitary shell. The problem is that we are looking for perfection in any relationships. We don't want make compromises to satisfy the need of others.
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 17 2010 at 08:34
Originally posted by TODDLER TODDLER wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Seems like a very misogynistic and overly general worldview bro. 
I've had great friendships with women over the years. I respect their gender and a painful reminder is the way they were treated by men in the 1920's From ancient times and foward they were abused by man and his belief system. I've had some pretty strange experiences with unique women.
                                                                Toddler's Testimony

 I had a relationship with this girl which was romantic but had a brother and sister twist to it. We were able to sit and watch sports together or comedy shows, write music together, etc, and we connected to different levels. Our personalities seemed different during the activities. She didn't care about roses and hated expensive jewels. I hardly indulged in cars, woodwork, or plumbing.
One night we were driving on the highway and she saw a silver ball in the nightsky. She asked me to pull to the right lane, drive slower, and have a look see. At first sight I was a little alarmed. It seemed to be still, yet it followed us the whole night. I kept trying to get my barings geographically because it could have been positioned on a tower. Like a military tower. Maybe 4 towns east of us was a military base. I tried for a logical explanation and she persisted that it was alien space craft. After a while it just vanished.
Another strange experience with her was on a stormy night in our bungalow. We were listening to Mick Ronson's Slaughter On 10TH Avenue. We were discussing how we loved his arrangements for the early David Bowie records. We continued talking about Ronson as the record played. About 3rd track in, the turntable stopped. I thought it might be the belt so I grabbed a screwdriver and then the phone rang. She picked up the phone and it was her sister on the other end telling her that Mick Ronson died. I was a little freaked but, again, tried to come up with a logical explanation for the event. She knew that I enjoyed Sci-Fi novels, electronic music and had lost childhood friends to Satan Cult rituals but, she really knew that I almost believed in nothing but fantasy. She was very understanding. She was a very intense woman and a superb musician. She would play Classical and Jazz music on the piano or Tarkus on the grand piano. We played in many bands together performing some original music and covers of Weather Report tunes. Top notch male musicians on the circuit had great admiration for her playing BUT were jealous over the fact that she was a woman. Plain and simple, gloom and doom. You can imagine how my mind drifted back to the 20's?    

I suggest you try harder to find logical explanations.

Originally posted by TODDLER TODDLER wrote:

You suddenly have to take verbal abuse which is directly tied into  your levels of intelligence or level of career. All the things that the woman dislikes about you.....and do not come to surface on a regular basis

Sorry but the last thing that seems like is respectful towards women. Sounds like a fear of past male dominance over women intellectually coming to an end.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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The Hemulen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 17 2010 at 09:00
If my experiences have taught me anything it's that everyone is different and there is no sense in generalising or making sweeping statements/assumptions about something as complex, unpredictable and amorphous as human relationships. All I can offer, therefore, is my own personal experience.

I've been with the same person for nearly six years now. Given the amount of growing up and changing one naturally does between the ages of 18 and 24, not to mention that the first three years were a dreaded long-distance relationship scenario, I guess that's probably something of an achievement.

I honestly can't tell you how we've managed to keep it together all this time other than the fact that we want the same things from a relationship and, well, we love each other. All this rot about it being a "game", men are from mars, women are from venus etc etc. That's all bullsh*t in my experience. I've often seen people say "it's ok to keep secrets" and that's something I can't personally understand. I won't generalise (that would be hypocritical), but I can't personally see how keeping secrets from your partner can do anything but damage a relationship. Honesty, respect, love, kindness... that's what keeps my relationship alive.
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Padraic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 17 2010 at 09:06
great post David.
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TODDLER View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 17 2010 at 10:06

Yes! we are all just human. But in the music business women have been placed on display like  cardboard cut-outs. There are still attitudes around the world deriving from a society of men who refuse to take women seriously. I should say society because even the woman who plays violin in a symphony orchestra has to deal with the male musician's  ideology that a woman is less creative and they look down upon a women and crucify their gender. I may sound like an extremist here but great woman musicians I worked with in 2006 were still being abused in this way. It never changed really.

It's insulting and abusive to a woman because for example:...let's say it's over 100 degrees with a dense heatwave, and the woman who just happens to have a beautiful body , REALLY ONLY wants to wear shorts and blouse to avoid massive sweating but she is now suddenly put on display and stared at by men and confronted with some type of psychological put on game by a male. That's when her value of the male gender may become questionable. Guys gey intoxicated and laugh over the issue of how a woman can have the freedom to flaunt their body through a sexy outfit but, yet they themselves would get arrested if they walked about in their underwear. They think it's real stylish to make sarcastic remarks about it but hey! their gender gave women this image and many women who are branded as lost souls in this world find the entire reality insulting to their life. Many women feel as if they have been branded. I pray that women will someday see an end to all of this.
I think it is sad, all the women I have toured with who were outstanding musicians and eventually broke down in the many dressing rooms because a promoter was forcing them to dress sexy. Women would often express they felt rejection from getting the definition of a human being. Instead, they were being used in a business prop by male promoters as if that decision had been written in stone during the course of history.  
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 11 2016 at 19:32
Sorry for necroposting, but this thread was open for a long time and no one locked it, so why don't I just revive it instead of creating a duplicate? 

The reason for this post: I want some recommendations for sources (books, Web-articles, essays, etc.) with reliable information on and answers to:
 - how to deal with intrusive thoughts and obsession; 
 - how to understand the true value/purpose of being in a relationship; 
 - whether it is OK to be single for the rest of your life (so that people wouldn't think less of you, calling you "that one creepy old guy"); 
 - whether being in a relationship is right for me; 
 - how to find the right match; 
 - how to muster up the courage to talk to people of opposite sex (or same sex if you are not straight); 
 - whether it is OK to share intrusive thoughts with your partner. 

... so that I can be on my merry way to the library or cruising the Web. ... Or is it the kind of thing you should run by a friend? (If that's the case, I'm screwed. I don't have any friends.) I don't want to read another blog written by a person who has an awkward writing style and choice of words. (No jokes would be appreciated; my seemingly  bipolar/clinically depressed self comes up with its own jokes just fine.) 


Edited by Dayvenkirq - August 11 2016 at 19:34
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Atavachron View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 11 2016 at 19:39
The best way I've found of dealing with intrusive thoughts and obsession is to realize I will always have them.  Then you can start to treat them like old friends who can't control you rather than a preoccupying, troubling problem.   As for relationships, good luck there, I got nothin' for you.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 11 2016 at 20:09
Always amazing to look at a really old thread and realize how many old faces have come and gone..
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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