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Man With Hat
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Posted: April 05 2005 at 16:27 |
Reed Lover wrote:
Why is it that a man who gets loads of sex is a stud whilst a woman who does the same is a sl*g? Because of religion.The 3 major religions of the world seem to have taken great delight over the centuries in subjugating women.The Catholic Church venerates The Virgin Mary (against one of the Commandments as far as I can see) yet wont even consider the idea of women priests!!!
Sex is sex,lets just have loads of it as often as possible-with a few provisors:
1. If you are married only have sex with your partner-nobody forces you to get married so either make the commitment or dont marry.
2.Dont put yourself in a position where you can catch something nasty.
3.Sex should always be consensual.
4.Great sex does not have to be with another person (I like to look in the mirror )
5.If you get sent to jail,NEVER PICK THE SOAP UP OFF THE FLOOR!
6.Never listen to advice from obnoxious,smuggy Brits.

In reponse for #4:   

Edited by Man With Hat
Dig me...But don't...Bury me I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.
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Posted: April 05 2005 at 18:23 |
Hangedman wrote:
There are also scriptures that when
taken literally advocate the killing of homosexuals. In the ten
commandments it says that any image or representation of god
is a sin, catholics believe that jesus and god are one (lets not forget
the holy ghost), so therefore having a cross with jesus on it is a sin.
It also clearly says several times (and quite clearly) that women
are inferior to men. dont want to make it seem like an attack but
unless you start spouting that what god did to the sodomites was just
and should be done again, then i have to say your not supporting your
faith properly. |
You name the part which describes Sodom. I ask you to quote the part in
which is certain they were killed because of homosexuality. This
connection is far from clear, and I can find no link to homosexuality
that those men were killed.
The Ten Commandments do not say that any image or representation of God
is a sin, they sey that any creation and posession of a STATUE is a
sin. There are more reasons to this, but I will not indulge them here.
I ask you to quote the parts which state women is inferior to man. I
can quote a part which orders man to bow down and serve his woman:
Efezians 5: 25-31
"Men, love your wife, like Christ loved His community and gave Himself to it, to make her holy, to cleanse with the waterbath of the word, and as such place the community before Him,
clean, spotless without wrinkle or something similar, só that she may
be holy and clean. So are men obliged to love their wife like their own
body. Who loves his wife, loves himself; since nobody hates his own
flesh, but feeds it and nurtures it, like Christ the community. because
we are parts of one body. That is why man will leave his father and
mother and adjoin his wife, and they will be of one flesh. "
I am fully aware of the parts surrounding this passage, asking wives to
be obedient to their men. This is written, as maani once said, with
merely three verses, twice that amount are spent on ordering men to
love their women. There are two obvious possible conclusions:
As much as woman must listen to their man [only IN marriage mind you!]
the man must bow down before his woman, and choose to HER liking. He
must give himself to her, and place her interest before himself. This
is far more important. If a man and wife are in a car, and the woman
wants to go left, and the man right. The man must choose. However, he
should choose LEFT, to give himself to his woman.
Secondly, Paul was probably aware of the poor position of women in his
time, and wrote this specifically obvious, repeating the same part a
couple of times, to point men to the fact women are treated badly.
Efesians 5 22-33 is one of the main verses concerning Christian
marriage, and immensely important.
Lastly, when we look at the Bible, we see women indeed serving their
husbands, often under unfair circumstances, unfairly and often badly to
rediculously treated. We also see God and Yeshua, paying most attention
to those brave women, giving them rewards and
setting them up high standards beyond the mortal satisfaction some
oppressive male might get ordering his wife. We see this with Hagar and
Sarah, who both are blessed with welfaring children when God sees their
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Posted: April 05 2005 at 23:47 |
Yep, even in the days of the old South and slaves... some slaves were loved more than others by their masters... but that made them no less controlled ... and no less slaves!
Pixel Pirate
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 03:54 |
Hangedman wrote:
maani wrote:
There are over 100 specific and direct proscriptions against "sex for sex' sake" in the Scriptures - and not one supporting it. I'm not sure you're reading the same Scriptures or practicing the same faith as I am.
There are also scriptures that when taken literally advocate the killing of homosexuals. In the ten commandments it says that any image or representation of god is a sin, catholics believe that jesus and god are one (lets not forget the holy ghost), so therefore having a cross with jesus on it is a sin. It also clearly says several times (and quite clearly) that women are inferior to men. dont want to make it seem like an attack but unless you start spouting that what god did to the sodomites was just and should be done again, then i have to say your not supporting your faith properly. |
Both The Bible and The Koran are chock full of contradictions. Thou Shalt Not Kill is fairly straightforward isn't it? But it also says: Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live. Hmm. That would be rather difficult to achieve without killing her I would assume, which we are not allowed to do!  It doesn't say: Thou Shalt Not Kill,except in the following cases.....,does it? And The Koran says you should be helpful to other people and treat them kindly. Sounds good,doesn't it? But it also says: Kill the infidel. In other words: Anyone who is not a Muslim. It even encourages torture of infidels,in specific gruesome details. Doesn't sound very friendly to me.
Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.
Radioactive Toy
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 03:55 |
Hey this topic could make the size of mariah's topic!
Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....
Sean Trane
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 04:24 |
If I am very progressist towards sex , women's lib and that whole bit (my previous posts in this thread to prove it), I also am for legalizing the right for the father to check out the child's ADN to check out if the kid is his or not. How many women have "cheated" (a bit harsh of a word but I cannot think of a more apt word at the time of writing this post) their husband this way?
There has been a study recently about how women choose their mates for life: there are two facts that pheromones overule the female "brains, heart and ovaries" (I say ovaries as opposed to the male Gut feeling , plus sexual attraction) .
First , women would rather be with a gentler less macho males for everyday life, some even choosing men that have more effeminate features (not wimps or gays but men that do not look like Neanderthal) so that they can control their husband or at least live an equal partnership.
Second, for having kids , they will likely be attracted to those macho more brutal men they shun , just because they are more sturdy, healthy and therefore the children produced will be more genetically healthy . As to avoid the meek inheriting the earth As Rush says in 2112.
Women are not doing this consciously: this is the animal part of human being (just like Alpha males in lions herd or wolf packs). But to think that most husbands are being cheated on as to the real nature of the kids they bring up , is outright outraging . But a certain percentage of all birth are not from the two (married or unmarried) partner in the couple. This, of course, implies female untrustworthyness in religious circles and was fought against with chastity belt in the middle ages, convents ,excision in parts of the world and Burqas. This is why I think that religion should stay out of marital (and family) life, because women are always getting the short end of the stick. The purpose is to create large families with many new young disciples to increase the power of religions.
I hope I do not shock anyone with my opinion, and the people that are might want to think about the role of religion as a political force . In Europe , we have been fighting for centuries to separate religion from politics and this is healthy. There is still a long way to go in these matters before Mankind finally reach maturity/adulthood.
let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
James Lee
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 04:29 |
then again, being taught to regard sex as shameful has only added to the fun. Thank you, Puritans!
Pixel Pirate
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 04:53 |
Sean Trane wrote:
If I am very progressist towards sex , women's lib and that whole bit (my previous posts in this thread to prove it), I also am for legalizing the right for the father to check out the child's ADN to check out if the kid is his or not. How many women have "cheated" (a bit harsh of a word but I cannot think of a more apt word at the time of writing this post) their husband this way?
There has been a study recently about how women choose their mates for life: there are two facts that pheromones overule the female "brains, heart and ovaries" (I say ovaries as opposed to the male Gut feeling , plus sexual attraction) .
First , women would rather be with a gentler less macho males for everyday life, some even choosing men that have more effeminate features (not wimps or gays but men that do not look like Neanderthal) so that they can control their husband or at least live an equal partnership.
Second, for having kids , they will likely be attracted to those macho more brutal men they shun , just because they are more sturdy, healthy and therefore the children produced will be more genetically healthy . As to avoid the meek inheriting the earth As Rush says in 2112.
Women are not doing this consciously: this is the animal part of human being (just like Alpha males in lions herd or wolf packs). But to think that most husbands are being cheated on as to the real nature of the kids they bring up , is outright outraging . But a certain percentage of all birth are not from the two (married or unmarried) partner in the couple. This, of course, implies female untrustworthyness in religious circles and was fought against with chastity belt in the middle ages, convents ,excision in parts of the world and Burqas. This is why I think that religion should stay out of marital (and family) life, because women are always getting the short end of the stick. The purpose is to create large families with many new young disciples to increase the power of religions.
I hope I do not shock anyone with my opinion, and the people that are might want to think about the role of religion as a political force . In Europe , we have been fighting for centuries to separate religion from politics and this is healthy. There is still a long way to go in these matters before Mankind finally reach maturity/adulthood.

Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 08:30 |
Sean Trane
James Naughty Lee
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 08:39 |
Pixel Pirate wrote:
[QUOTE=Sean Trane]
If I am very progressist towards sex , women's lib and that whole bit (my previous posts in this thread to prove it), I also am for legalizing the right for the father to check out the child's ADN to check out if the kid is his or not. How many women have "cheated" (a bit harsh of a word but I cannot think of a more apt word at the time of writing this post) their husband this way?
There has been a study recently about how women choose their mates for life: there are two facts that pheromones overule the female "brains, heart and ovaries" (I say ovaries as opposed to the male Gut feeling , plus sexual attraction) .
First , women would rather be with a gentler less macho males for everyday life, some even choosing men that have more effeminate features (not wimps or gays but men that do not look like Neanderthal) so that they can control their husband or at least live an equal partnership.
Second, for having kids , they will likely be attracted to those macho more brutal men they shun , just because they are more sturdy, healthy and therefore the children produced will be more genetically healthy . As to avoid
the meek inheriting the earth As Rush says in 2112.
Women are not doing this consciously: this is the animal part of human being (just like Alpha males in lions herd or wolf packs). But to think that most husbands are being cheated on as to the real nature of the kids they bring up , is outright outraging . But a certain percentage of all birth are not from the two (married or unmarried) partner in the couple. This, of course, implies female untrustworthyness in religious circles and was fought against with chastity belt in the middle ages, convents ,excision in parts of the world and Burqas. This is why I think that religion should stay out of marital (and family) life, because women are always getting the short end of the stick. The purpose is to create large families with many new young disciples to increase the power of religions.
I hope I do not shock anyone with my opinion, and the people that are might want to think about the role of religion as a political force . In Europe , we have been fighting for centuries to separate religion from politics and this is healthy. There is still a long way to go in these matters before Mankind finally reach maturity/adulthood.
Some take the bible For what it's worth When it says that the meek Shall inherit the Earth Well, I heard that some sheik Has bought New Jersey last week 'N you suckers ain't gettin' nothin' Is Hare Rama really wrong If you wander around With a napkin on With a bell on a stick An' your hair is all gone... (The geek shall inherit nothin')
You say yer life's a bum deal 'N yer up against the wall... Well, people, you ain't even got no Deal at all 'Cause what they do In Washington They just takes care of NUMBER ONE An' NUMBER ONE ain't YOU You ain't even NUMBER TWO
Those Jesus Freaks Well, they're friendly but The sh*t they believe Has got their minds all shut An' they don't even care When the church takes a cut Ain't it bleak when you got so much nothin' (So whaddya do) Eat that pork Eat that ham Laugh till ya choke On Billy Graham Moses, Aaron 'n Abraham... They're all a waste of time 'N it's yer ass that's on the line (IT'S YER ASS THAT'S ON THE LINE)
Do what you wanna Do what you will Just don't mess up Your neighbor's thrill 'N when you pay the bill Kindly leave a little tip And help the next poor sucker On his one way trip... SOME TAKE THE BIBLE... (Aw gimme half a dozen for the hotel room!)
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 08:55 |
The meek shall inherit the Earth !!!!!
(if that's ok with everybody else). 
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 09:39 |
James Lee wrote:
then again, being taught to regard sex as shameful has only added to the fun. Thank you, Puritans!  |
100% correct JL, yet the tide's been a- turning for some time now! I only wish I could get off on a "glimpse of stocking", as my victorian forefathers could. Overkill porn has somewhat taken the edge off, these days. Shame!
Perception is truth, ergo opinion is fact.
Sean Trane
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 09:48 |
emdiar wrote:
James Lee wrote:
then again, being taught to regard sex as shameful has only added to the fun. Thank you, Puritans!  |
100% correct JL, yet the tide's been a- turning for some time now! I only wish I could get off on a "glimpse of stocking", as my victorian forefathers could. Overkill porn has somewhat taken the edge off, these days. Shame!
Actually , I get off more on women with ankle-long skirts and quick glimpse of the leg in the cut-out than all of those war-painted-faced tarts in mini-skirts showing very imperfect legs.
Trane philosophy says that women with perfect legs hide them in order to get a little peace from the males. Only the ones with shabby legs feel like showing them off.
A little misoginy never killed anyone
let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 10:23 |
Please forgive me for my crappy english!
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 10:55 |
A couple of observations.
First, as you happy hedonists go on about the joys of sex (anytime, anywhere), consider this simple fact: if the only people having sex were married (or even just strictly monogamous) couples, the following statistics would not exist:
-from 1981 to 2003, 20 million people died from AIDS -by 2004, 37 million adults and 2 million children were living with HIV -by 2003, 12 million children had been orphaned as a result of parents dying from AIDS -in 2004, 5 million people became infected with HIV; 3.1 million died from AIDS -by 2004, women accounted for 47% of all new HIV cases -by 2003, young people (15-24) accounted for half of all new HIV cases -although a small number of HIV cases are associated with drug use (i.e., dirty needles), the overwhelming majority - well over 95% - are associated with sex
This does not include statistics for other STDs, which would also die out very quickly - and have no place to go - if only monogamous couples were having sex. And by the way, condoms - even used properly - are only 87% effective against transmission of the HIV virus.
When the HIV virus and AIDS were first discovered, one radical right-wing religious zealot called it "God's punishment against gays," since it started in the gay community. He is only half wrong. If anything, AIDS is God's punishment against promiscuity.
Tell me: how many of you, if you contracted HIV - and/or developed AIDS - would honestly look back and say, "Well, it was worth it because I really enjoyed sex for sex' sake?"
Second, with regard to the dating and "accuracy" of New Testament Scripture, the last book to be written (and not just because it is the last to appear) was The Revelation to John, which was written, by all scholarly accounts, somewhere between 90 and 100 A.D. This means that the four Gospels were all written earlier - somewhere between 60 and 80 A.D. They were written by two apostles (Matthew and John) and two disciples (Luke and Mark).
Now consider the following hypothetical situation. You and four friends spend three years together at college. You are the de facto "leader" of your little band, and you are virtually inseparable during that time. Now, 40, 50 or 60 years later, someone comes to your four friends - now separated by time and distance - and asks them to write accounts of those three years. What will happen? Simple. Those things that were "most important" will be remembered by all or most, but each one will also remember other specific things that stood out for them. However, the details of the order of events, time and place may be different because of the time lapsed since their occurrence: the "faulty memory" concept. This does not mean those events did not occur; simply that each person remembered the details - time, place, order - slightly differently.
This is how we know that the Gospels are authentic: because this is exactly how they read: the major events were remembered by all, though not always in the correct order or in the details; and each one remembered other events which stood out for him specifically, or which might not have been witnessed by another. And it is the very fact that the details of time, place and order do not always coincide that adds to the authenticity of the writings. Indeed, had all the Gospels been exactly the same - in every detail - that would have been enormously suspicious. Yet that is not what we find. What we find is what we would expect to find given my hypothetical situation.
Third, some of you do exactly as the so-called "Religious Right" does: taking Scripture out of context to support narrow views, and adopting an "Old Testament" position in a New Testament world.
For example, pointing to OT Scripture calling for the stoning of homosexuals, adulterers, etc. is moot. Although it is true that Christianity "came out of" Judaism, and that Christians believe in both the OT and the NT, it is the NT that takes precedence in any given situation; i.e., it is the life and ministry of Christ that is paramount, not what the OT might say. After all, as has been pointed out, the OT calls for stoning prostitutes, homosexuals, etc. Yet Jesus - who was better versed in the OT than anyone of his day (or any one of us...) - makes it clear that that is not the case; indeed, He steps in and stops the people from stoning the adultress despite what the OT says. Does this mean Jesus was "not following Scripture?" That He was "picking and choosing" what He thought people should or should not believe vis-a-vis the OT? I think not.
Which brings me to my final point. Athough I know that the following concept may be difficult to understand (much less accept), it is a critical point that most of you seem to be missing. That is that there is a difference between God's love for you and what He expects from you; i.e., how He feels about you during the 80-90 years that your spirit inhabits your temporal bodies, and what is "required" to "inherit the kingdom" - i.e., for that spirit to live its eternal life in heaven. Let me use the example of the adultress, since it fits perfectly.
Most people simply remember that Jesus told her accusers, "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." However, that is not where the story ends. He then asks her, "Where are thy accusers? Has no one condemned you?" She replies, "No one, Lord." Jesus answers, "Neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin no more."
Note that: "Go, and sin no more." He was not giving her "license" to continue in sin; indeed, He was giving her a command: "sin no more." He was essentially saying, "Look, I have saved you from stoning, and I forgive you the sin that brought you here. However, given how close you came to death, and that I might not be around next time to save you, do not continue being an adulteress." In other words, he was letting her know that, if she continued in her sin, it would now be a conscious and deliberate choice, not simply a "failing." In this way, Jesus showed love, compassion and forgiveness. But He also made it clear that He did not expect her to continue in sin.
This is what you are missing. God loves all of His children, despite sexual orientation, lifestyle, failings, etc. However, He does not expect you to remain in sin once you are aware of it. He expects you to stop sinning - or at very least make conscious efforts to minimize sin - since continuing to sin once you know you are doing so would be a conscious, deliberate choice, and not just a failing, and is thus "snubbing your nose" at God.
Yes, God loves all people, despite the fact that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And He loves you from the day you are born until the day you die. However, if you consciously and deliberately remain in sin despite knowing you are doing wrong, then, yes, you will be "judged" when you "leave your mortal coil," and you will not inherit the kingdom. Does that make God "mean" or "unloving?" Or, does it make Him "just?"
Edited by maani
Sean Trane
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 11:07 |
I qualify as a lesbian.
Only sleep with women.
let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 11:08 |
Sean Trane wrote:
I qualify as a lesbian.
Only sleep with women. |
Lucky you... I only sleep with WOMAN (my wife)...
Please forgive me for my crappy english!
James Lee
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 18:16 |
maani wrote:
A couple of observations.
First, as you happy hedonists go on about the joys of sex (anytime, anywhere), consider this simple fact: if the only people having sex were married (or even just strictly monogamous) couples, the following statistics would not exist:
-from 1981 to 2003, 20 million people died from AIDS -by 2004, 37 million adults and 2 million children were living with HIV -by 2003, 12 million children had been orphaned as a result of parents dying from AIDS -in 2004, 5 million people became infected with HIV; 3.1 million died from AIDS -by 2004, women accounted for 47% of all new HIV cases -by 2003, young people (15-24) accounted for half of all new HIV cases -although a small number of HIV cases are associated with drug use (i.e., dirty needles), the overwhelming majority - well over 95% - are associated with sex
This does not include statistics for other STDs, which would also die out very quickly - and have no place to go - if only monogamous couples were having sex. And by the way, condoms - even used properly - are only 87% effective against transmission of the HIV virus.
When the HIV virus and AIDS were first discovered, one radical right-wing religious zealot called it "God's punishment against gays," since it started in the gay community. He is only half wrong. If anything, AIDS is God's punishment against promiscuity.
Tell me: how many of you, if you contracted HIV - and/or developed AIDS - would honestly look back and say, "Well, it was worth it because I really enjoyed sex for sex' sake?"
Which brings me to my final point. Athough I know that the following concept may be difficult to understand (much less accept), it is a critical point that most of you seem to be missing. That is that there is a difference between God's love for you and what He expects from you; i.e., how He feels about you during the 80-90 years that your spirit inhabits your temporal bodies, and what is "required" to "inherit the kingdom" - i.e., for that spirit to live its eternal life in heaven. Let me use the example of the adultress, since it fits perfectly.
Most people simply remember that Jesus told her accusers, "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." However, that is not where the story ends. He then asks her, "Where are thy accusers? Has no one condemned you?" She replies, "No one, Lord." Jesus answers, "Neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin no more."
Note that: "Go, and sin no more." He was not giving her "license" to continue in sin; indeed, He was giving her a command: "sin no more." He was essentially saying, "Look, I have saved you from stoning, and I forgive you the sin that brought you here. However, given how close you came to death, and that I might not be around next time to save you, do not continue being an adulteress." In other words, he was letting her know that, if she continued in her sin, it would now be a conscious and deliberate choice, not simply a "failing." In this way, Jesus showed love, compassion and forgiveness. But He also made it clear that He did not expect her to continue in sin.
This is what you are missing. God loves all of His children, despite sexual orientation, lifestyle, failings, etc. However, He does not expect you to remain in sin once you are aware of it. He expects you to stop sinning - or at very least make conscious efforts to minimize sin - since continuing to sin once you know you are doing so would be a conscious, deliberate choice, and not just a failing, and is thus "snubbing your nose" at God.
Yes, God loves all people, despite the fact that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And He loves you from the day you are born until the day you die. However, if you consciously and deliberately remain in sin despite knowing you are doing wrong, then, yes, you will be "judged" when you "leave your mortal coil," and you will not inherit the kingdom. Does that make God "mean" or "unloving?" Or, does it make Him "just?"
So you're saying that the massive scale of death and misery is a just response of a loving creator towards human promiscuity?
That sounds like a god worth 'snubbing one's nose' at. A truly loving god would weep more for the consequences of the plague than the mechanics of its transmission.
AIDS has been the single biggest deterrent to casual sex, undoubtedly...but to regard it as meaningful in any moral sense is dangerous. One might as well conclude that skin cancer is god's curse for the sin of staying outside in the sun too much. And like condoms, no sunblocker is fully be truly free of sin, one must stay indoors. 
Beau Heem
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 18:22 |
maani wrote:
If anything, AIDS is God's punishment against promiscuity |
Utterly disgusted I am.
Shame on you, Maani. Whether this is your own standpoint or if you are
simply taught to believe that, I do not care. I beg you to feel ashamed
for making such a statement.
If AIDS is a punishment why aren't the sinners of this world suffering?
You are only a small step from telling us that earthquakes and tsunamis
are god's punisments as well? And that it can be proved by looking at
the vast majority of people killed in those accidents are/were not
we're all god's children and all equal, except for the ones that are less equal and despised by god, huh?
PS. No prog would've ever been made if we all had just "sung as we were taught"
--No enemy but time--
Beau Heem
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Posted: April 06 2005 at 18:23 |
Forgot sex.
Yes, please
--No enemy but time--