It's been a while since I went through this thread, but in all honesty, I think that a "krautrock" styled scene is impossible in America.
This country, with a lot of wonderful things, is a nation where folks are afraid to be different than anyone else. You might have a group here or there, or some religious this or that, kinda separated from most, but in the end, their goals and desires are the same as everyone else ... collect an extra dollar and be "noticed" so they can gain some more attention to their cause ... which is never the music, or the art!
The commercial nature of America, with the media being completely corporate owned (started in 1980 or so buying out the FM stations that "made it" despite them thinking that it was just a fading fad!), and has completely killed the possibility of experimental and "krautrock" styled improvisations and work. No one will play it, because no one has the "feeling" to be able to enjoy it and listen to it, as if they were stoned as the old days. You do not need to be stoned, drunk, or otherwise involved in something similar to enjoy those "trips", but a form of engagement with it is necessary, for you to be able to enjoy it and appreciate it, and talk about it, almost 50 years later.
It's the same here, at this group, when the comments are all 3 words and an exclamation point, and in the end, nothing is said with it, and the immediate thought is ... that person does not have any feeling whatsoever for any extended piece of music ... with that comment. IF a comment was there, almost all of which are "personal" experiences, it would add to the thread, and instead, some of the comments tend to immediately try to kill it. This is the same thing as corporate radio, immediately trying to play something familiar, in order for you to forget QUICKLY, what that new thing was all about, and this was VERY VISIBLE in the AM radio band in the late 60's where they would play a Jimi, and immediately switch to Strawberry Alarm Clock, Association and Dino Desi and Billy, and 1910 Fruitgum BS and so on, which tended to really bring down what Jimi, JA, Doors and many others were all about. Even "Light My fire" was cut down to under 3 minutes in order to not excite you too much.
It just tells you, that the provincial/traditional status of the folks that were brought to this country have had for hundreds of years even going back at the ethnic cleansing of the american indian for many years. It's evil, and bad, and this and that ... and we don't want our children to see it, kind of thing. It was the same thing with the late 50's and early 60's with black music, when most film studios owned all the record companies and for the most part would not release a whole lot other than their own artists and folks ... and then went around saying things like ... who would buy any black playing music? And we got lucky when folks like Coltrane, Davis and others kinda broke the mold and were able to continue and sell ... and show us all and the world, there was something here. But you STILL do not get the long experimental and improvised pieces that Miles Davis did on EVERY SINGLE SHOW OF HIS! You get a "song's worth of his material instead!
Until this landscale changes, and my hope always was that the internet would help, I doubt that we can have more long pieces and folks playing them, which would in some way, bring us back to the tripping and "feeling" days of old ... but even the internet is now owned and advertised left and right by the monsters of the media ... there is no way out and you will be blasted with adverts saying that band xyzz is great ... and it is nothing, but you believed it and bought it, despite folks making fun of it on PA, as an example.
We have the same problem, when folks go around trashing the old bands of "progressive" bands, and all those folks are saying is that they can not listen to anything that has a song longer than 4 minutes ... it taxes their intelligence way too much. Thus, calling band xyzz, whose longerst song is 4:35, progressive, just shows you how bad the definition is and how much it has disintegrated to nothing.
We have to be aware of how the media is manipulating us, or we will NEVER know when the Overloards have taken us all to the destruction! Or at least make us believe that "progressive" never existed and was a joke!