darkshade wrote:
I don't know... BoE had some darker overtones, but it still had lots of inspirational moments; moments that made feel glad to be alive.
Well, lyrically anyway, it was totally dark and dismal......with the exception of Jonas Reingold's tunes, which were like Roine's used to be, lyrically.
Personally, I find I don't really like the "darker" direction Roine has taken his lyric writing, as he created the Flower Kings specifically to counter the prevalence of such music and lyrics.
Don't get me wrong, I love darker music (I'm a big Steve Wilson fan, for example). It's just that the Flower Kings were always the band I turned to for positive, upbeat (yet still very proggy) music and lyrics. They have always had some dark material for contrast, which is good, but I just felt the overwhelming negativity of the lyrics on Banks of Eden was just too out of character for them (the music was pretty typical, though I found that less enjoyable for various reasons as well).
Still, I'll make my judgments of the album when I hear it, and I am certainly looking forward to hear what they've done this time.