When Peter was a very young boy he was emotionally neglected by his parents: his mother was more busy with his suster and his father was always busy with his work at home (inventions). Then Peter used to walk alone on the fields of his grandfather, I presume that his huge imagination started there. He was very often in nature, that could be a clue to his obsession to nature that you can trace in many songs. You can say he was emotionally traumatized, this was also during his period on the Charterhouse. I have the opinion that his stage antics were an escape from his many bad memories and feelings. Peter was also a totally different person in normal life and on stage. Once his father in law had the idea that Peter was schizophrenic (because of the misunderstanding that a split personality is a part of schizophrenia), he was astonished that Peter was so shy at home and so extravert on stage! The foxhead and the red dress were Peter his start to his creative visuals, culminating on Supper's Ready, The Lamb and later the innovative video Sledgehammer! Peter Gabriel for president!!