There's several reviews on here and over the web that offer plenty of different perspectives, so there's no need to start that in here again. Just click on the album listing and you'll see them all.
(At this point I'm also kind of assuming you're also the reviewer Csglinux who posted that poor review of it a few months back, because your arguments are REEEEEEEALLY similar!
If not, well at least there's another one that feels the way you do, so you're not alone in your thoughts!)
But it should be said, it's not about forcing yourself to `Get It'. You can NEVER force yourself to like an album if its just not working for you, no matter how much you WANT it to. You've stated various opinions about certain elements, passages, vocals, etc that you do not like, that is WHY you do not like the album!
It's like I and several others on the site and across the prog community adore the album because we find it has a ton of variety in the playing, we adore the endless glorious symphonic passages, the humble vocals, etc. Just as I could understand that others could find the album supremely uncool, bland, a throwback to vintage eras best left in the prog past, endlessly self-indulgent - whatever!
You know, I thought the Edison's Children album `The Final Breath Before November' was the height of absolute tedium. Barely a 20 minute EP worth of material stretched to almost 80 minutes with the most endless dragged out ideas that renders it borderline unlistenable. Yet many others on this site and other ones loved the album, really responded to it, so what do I know? I love hearing others opinions even if they're wildly different than my own, and I certainly don't have a lower opinion of someone simply because I disagree with them.
I'd probably suggest that is you're not enjoying it, spend your time on other albums that make you happier!