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Star_Song_Age_Less View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 18 2014 at 23:31
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Star_Song_Age_Less Star_Song_Age_Less wrote:

I do tend to go on and on.... basically the point of all this blather is that 1% does not mean 1 Hz.  It means 1% of the difference between one note and the next.
I know that 1% does not equate to 1Hz, but as you said this Just-noticeable Difference (JND) varies with pitch and this variation is not a linear relationship that can expressed as a generalised 'rule of thumb' percentage. 

The reason I am sceptical is that 10% equates to 165-cents or just over 1˝ semi-tones. What this means is that the average Joe cannot identify a C followed by a C# as two different notes. At low frequencies this is probably true, but not at higher frequencies so it would make more sense to me if 10% was worse-case rather than average.

There's definitely a mis-communication here between what you're thinking of as 10% and what I am.  By my definition, 10% would always mean 10 cents  because the Hz value of 1 cent varies depending on which pitch you're starting from.  (But this does indeed vary non-linearly).  The 10% should never ever be anywhere close to even a half step between the notes on the western scale.

An average Joe definitely can tell the difference between a C and C#.  Smile  It's extremely rare for a person to be so tone deaf that they couldn't tell those two things were different.

And yes, near the ends of the frequency range of human hearing, this pretty much falls apart - but singers don't sing in those frequencies anyway.

I'll be on a semi-break for the winter soon, so I'll be able to use some time to look at this stuff in some detail again.

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Star_Song_Age_Less Star_Song_Age_Less wrote:

While we are on this topic, though, this is kind of interesting and fun in a weird way:

If you go to the link above, wear headphones.  My pitch discrimination compared to their base frequency was 1.1%-ish, if I remember right.  Took it a long time ago.
That was pretty interesting and fun. Big smile

And very curious...

Here are my results:

Quote Thank you for taking our Pitch Discrimination Test at

At 500 Hz you can reliably hear pitch differences of 3.375 Hz, which means you did better than approximately 66.5% of people who took our test!

Being in the top 33.5% of those who took the test suggest that I am much better than average... 

...and that surprised me a little. I am a non-musician musician (I play and compose music badly and can just about manage to play a scale on a violin). Then we don't know the musical ability of those who took the test, the variance or the total population size. There could be a wide margin of error in these results, and I suspect that there is.

However, 3.375Hz on 500Hz equates to 0.675% accuracy or 11-cents on the semitone and this suggests that the 50% average is probably a lot better than 10% accuracy you cited for non-musicians. It would be cool to see other peoples' results.

I took the test at 9:27 am, it would be interesting to see how different the results are at various times of the day.

My guess would be that the people who take this test tend to be interested in music or at least in sound (some perhaps just in neuroscience), so I would guess there's a bias toward accuracy.

I might actually post this one as its own thread - then again that would bias their test toward how proggers hear pitch!  Ha!

Being a non-musician musician is still more attuned than a complete non-musician though, which most people are.
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Star_Song_Age_Less View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 18 2014 at 23:57
I just found my old results from the pitch discrimination test in my email: 

"Thank you for taking our Pitch Discrimination Test at
At 500 Hz you can reliably hear pitch differences of 2.25 Hz, which means you did better than approximately 79.3% of people who took our test!"

The email was sent at 12:55 pm on a Friday. Wink

So just to clarify about Annie Haslam - I definitely can hear inconsistencies in her pitch, but it's not way off.  I don't mind if every single pitch isn't perfectly on the ideal frequency for the note it's supposed to be, I'm more interested in expression than perfection.  Here's a weird one - I don't know if any of you have kids, but I do and I've noticed that the singing on a lot of kids' programming appears to be purposefully off.  Random, I know... I find myself wondering if a generation of kids growing up now are going to love off-key singing.

I'm going to post about the pitch test in the "Just for Fun" section of the forum so interested people (including me) don't crowd out this thread with that stuff... so if any of you want to continue that vein of the conversation, may I cordially invite you to that thread instead? It will be "Test Your Pitch Discrimination." The conversation evolved.  I intend not to post on this thread again unless there's something very queen-of-prog-y to talk about.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2014 at 01:29
Originally posted by Star_Song_Age_Less Star_Song_Age_Less wrote:

There's definitely a mis-communication here between what you're thinking of as 10% and what I am.  By my definition, 10% would always mean 10 cents  because the Hz value of 1 cent varies depending on which pitch you're starting from.  (But this does indeed vary non-linearly).  The 10% should never ever be anywhere close to even a half step between the notes on the western scale.

An average Joe definitely can tell the difference between a C and C#.  Smile  It's extremely rare for a person to be so tone deaf that they couldn't tell those two things were different.

And yes, near the ends of the frequency range of human hearing, this pretty much falls apart - but singers don't sing in those frequencies anyway.

I'll be on a semi-break for the winter soon, so I'll be able to use some time to look at this stuff in some detail again.
Fair enough, with the qualification of 'of a semitone' then the 10% looks more reasonable. It will be interesting to see if any of the musicians here taking the test ( can get to within 0.28Hz of 500Hz (1-cent).
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2014 at 21:53
Originally posted by benbell benbell wrote:

Sadly, there's not much competition I can think of (in my undoubted ignorance). But I pretty much rule out anyone who's just a piece in the band jigsaw puzzle, no matter how good at their role. For me, regal stature comes with an expectation that they mastermind at least some productions, not just deliver their parts well.

There are actually lots of female artists who take full creative control of their work.   Somebody like Diamanda Galas is, if not more progressive, then at least more experimental, more left field than Kate Bush. The problem is either such artists are not in the mainstream of prog, or if they are, are not very prominent. Significantly, most of them made their mark after the 70s and post 70s generally seems to be a blind spot for prog listeners when it comes to answering these 'best ______' questions.  While I did 'vote' in favour of Kate, I don't think it's a cinch. 

Edited by rogerthat - December 19 2014 at 21:55
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queen_crimson View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 11 2015 at 23:43
No mention of Bobbie Watson?

Edited by queen_crimson - January 11 2015 at 23:45
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essexboyinwales View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2015 at 12:51
Haven't read through the whole thread (boy you guys and gals can really post can't youTongue) but loving Floor Jansen on the new Nightwish album....

Anyways, I'd probably vote for Anneke Van Giersbergen: love her work with Ayreon and Devin T, but yet to hear any Gathering.  Slightly disappointed by the Gentle Storm album, although her voice is as lovely as ever, but it (the album) is just not connecting in the same way as an Ayreon album.......I know, it's NOT an Ayreon album.....but I wish it had been....

Really getting to like female-fronted bands right now, and I absolutely adore Anathema's last 2 (maybe 3) albums, so Lee Douglas deserves a shout here too (if you regard these albums as progConfused)

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Squonk19 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2015 at 15:18
Interesting thread folks - I can't compete with some of the tonal analysis, but thought I'd fling in a few extra names which might not be the 'queen of prog', but definitely princesses!
Joanne Hogg (Iona) - beautiful voice - some of the early albums show a voice close to perfection!
Christina Booth (Magenta) - a true gem of a vocalist and a real battler too!  
From the Mostly Autumn conveyor belt of great female vocalists - what about Olivia Sparnenn Josh,  Heather Findlay, Anne-Marie Helder or Rachel Jones/Cohen?
Lee Douglas has been doing great things with Anathema of late.
Annie Haslam and Kate Bush still cut it too! Heard 'A Trip to the Fair' and 'Cloudbusting' the other night - enough said! Thumbs Up  
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Matthew _Gill View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 14 2015 at 14:00
Maria Q by a bloody mile

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Upbeat Tango Monday View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 14 2015 at 18:16
I love Kate, buy I don't think she's prog enough. I'd say Sonja Kristina...but the REAL queen of prog is yet to arrive.
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 14 2015 at 20:30
Originally posted by essexboyinwales essexboyinwales wrote:

Haven't read through the whole thread (boy you guys and gals can really post can't youTongue) but loving Floor Jansen on the new Nightwish album....

Anyways, I'd probably vote for Anneke Van Giersbergen: love her work with Ayreon and Devin T, but yet to hear any Gathering.  Slightly disappointed by the Gentle Storm album, although her voice is as lovely as ever, but it (the album) is just not connecting in the same way as an Ayreon album.......I know, it's NOT an Ayreon album.....but I wish it had been....

Really getting to like female-fronted bands right now, and I absolutely adore Anathema's last 2 (maybe 3) albums, so Lee Douglas deserves a shout here too (if you regard these albums as progConfused)

I like  Anneke Van Giersbergen and her work with Ayreon. However not all female vocals were sang by her, Floor Jansen also sang lead vocals. Here are two examples, one of each:
Ayreon - Beneath the Waves - HQ sound with Anneke van Giersbergen
hugs, Hug
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 14 2015 at 22:37
Angelo is wearing a t-shirt with the Queen of Prog, that's her showing her backside towards us Big smile Hug
P.S. No idea who those other 3 dudes are Ermm

Edited by Kati - May 14 2015 at 22:39
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 15 2015 at 01:03
Originally posted by Upbeat Tango Monday Upbeat Tango Monday wrote:

I love Kate, buy I don't think she's prog enough. I'd say Sonja Kristina...but the REAL queen of prog is yet to arrive.

Upbeat Tango Monday, Your perception of her is a bit misunderstood really. Kate Bush began playing piano at a young age and, by her mid-teens, had composed over 200 songs. Her talent caught the notice of David Gilmour (of Pink Floyd) who assisted in arranging her contract with EMI. The first song she released, and wrote "Wuthering Heights", she was 19 years old at the time, soared to #1 in England in 1978. ApproveHugThumbs Up

She plays many instruments.

Edited by Kati - May 15 2015 at 01:05
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 15 2015 at 01:15
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 15 2015 at 01:33
If it were not for the brilliant musicians band members in Renaissance, I would really not like Annie Haslam. She might have a 5 octave vocals range, but to be honest in her line of singing is absolutely redundant not necessary (in respective to the better pedigree aka Opera singers) . She never wrote or composed anything, at best she had co-writing merits. Ermm Big smileHug
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 15 2015 at 02:31
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

If it were not for the brilliant musicians band members in Renaissance, I would really not like Annie Haslam. She might have a 5 octave vocals range, but to be honest in her line of singing is absolutely redundant not necessary (in respective to the better pedigree aka Opera singers) . She never wrote or composed anything, at best she had co-writing merits. Ermm Big smileHug
While not a Annie Haslam fan myself, I've always preferred Jane Relf in Renaissance, the special thing with Haslam's voice is not so much its range (which she does use in Renaissance thou more in live performances than on studio albums) but its quality - her tone, clarity, diction, control, power and projection are without equal in the Prog world - what it lacks for me is character (something that Madan and I discussed earlier in this thread) and in a genre of music that is all about character and characters that's more of a stumbling block than not being a composer IMO. 
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Kati View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 15 2015 at 02:41
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

If it were not for the brilliant musicians band members in Renaissance, I would really not like Annie Haslam. She might have a 5 octave vocals range, but to be honest in her line of singing is absolutely redundant not necessary (in respective to the better pedigree aka Opera singers) . She never wrote or composed anything, at best she had co-writing merits. Ermm Big smileHug
While not a Annie Haslam fan myself, I've always preferred Jane Relf in Renaissance, the special thing with Haslam's voice is not so much its range (which she does use in Renaissance thou more in live performances than on studio albums) but its quality - her tone, clarity, diction, control, power and projection are without equal in the Prog world - what it lacks for me is character (something that Madan and I discussed earlier in this thread) and in a genre of music that is all about character and characters that's more of a stumbling block than not being a composer IMO. 
Dean! Hello! I missed you Hug funny thing is that I was thinking about you just now really LOL
It's a matter of preference, I am not fond of Annie\s vocals Smile if one wants to feel moozik through vocals they best listen to this Wink David Bowie - Lady Grinning Soul xxxxxx
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essexboyinwales View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 15 2015 at 06:55
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Originally posted by essexboyinwales essexboyinwales wrote:

Haven't read through the whole thread (boy you guys and gals can really post can't youTongue) but loving Floor Jansen on the new Nightwish album....

Anyways, I'd probably vote for Anneke Van Giersbergen: love her work with Ayreon and Devin T, but yet to hear any Gathering.  Slightly disappointed by the Gentle Storm album, although her voice is as lovely as ever, but it (the album) is just not connecting in the same way as an Ayreon album.......I know, it's NOT an Ayreon album.....but I wish it had been....

Really getting to like female-fronted bands right now, and I absolutely adore Anathema's last 2 (maybe 3) albums, so Lee Douglas deserves a shout here too (if you regard these albums as progConfused)

I like  Anneke Van Giersbergen and her work with Ayreon. However not all female vocals were sang by her, Floor Jansen also sang lead vocals. Here are two examples, one of each:
Ayreon - Beneath the Waves - HQ sound with Anneke van Giersbergen
hugs, Hug

Hi Kati,

Glad to say that I'm aware that the lovely giant (Arjen Lucassen) uses many vocalists with his Ayreon projects, too many for me to remember actually....Tongue
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 15 2015 at 07:28
Sonia Mota
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 15 2015 at 10:21
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

If it were not for the brilliant musicians band members in Renaissance, I would really not like Annie Haslam. She might have a 5 octave vocals range, but to be honest in her line of singing is absolutely redundant not necessary (in respective to the better pedigree aka Opera singers) . She never wrote or composed anything, at best she had co-writing merits. Ermm Big smileHug
While not a Annie Haslam fan myself, I've always preferred Jane Relf in Renaissance, the special thing with Haslam's voice is not so much its range (which she does use in Renaissance thou more in live performances than on studio albums) but its quality - her tone, clarity, diction, control, power and projection are without equal in the Prog world - what it lacks for me is character (something that Madan and I discussed earlier in this thread) and in a genre of music that is all about character and characters that's more of a stumbling block than not being a composer IMO. 

Absolutely and to that I would add her phrasing and dynamism.  I really think she got stuck in the wrong kind of music thanks to her being some sort of classical purist (she once professed to not like Vultures Fly High as it was too pop).    Her rendition of If I Loved You beats the accomplished Barbara Streisand's own take so comprehensively it can be stunning the first time you hear both versions.  Her style is way too refined and 'proper' for a genre that thrives on at least some semblance of weirdness even in its most square representations.  Had more of the kind of vocal pyrotechnics she demonstrated live been included in the studio albums, this problem may have been overcome but this wasn't done for whatever reason.  With all that said, I would have hardly cared to listen to such a staid outfit as Renaissance (with few exceptions like Trip to the fair) if they had never had a singer like her.  Not that the musicians couldn't play but too much of what they ultimately put together was, well, boring.  

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 15 2015 at 11:21
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:

Angelo is wearing a t-shirt with the Queen of Prog, that's her showing her backside towards us Big smile Hug
P.S. No idea who those other 3 dudes are Ermm

The other 3 dudes might be queens as well. Wink But, this queen of prog is the one that's been in this thread since the opening post - must mean something.
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