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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2016 at 19:01
Originally posted by js (Easy Money) js (Easy Money) wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Note John the difference between support for each candidate. The % of Hillary voters that support her is much higher than Trumps... who are just voting for him as a anti-Hillary vote.

The basis for this claim?

You could have googled this yourself.

Or I could have asked the person who made the claim. Thanks for popping in to be a smartass though.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2016 at 19:30
You're welcome.   
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2016 at 21:21
The 1930's-esque nature of Trump's campaign continues...
Anyone see Trump get escorted off stage by security? Obvious reaction is there must have been some type of suspicious behavior. 
Turns out a peaceful protester was getting beat up by the crowd, is what the ruckus was. 

Some are saying it was staged, an attempt to distract from it, or ya know...they just were taking a precautionary measure. BUT the amount of violence breaking out around him is disturbing
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2016 at 23:29
With all the poll talk in mind: Turns out there is a world of private polling out there.
Collected by private firms, for private actors who pay huge sums of money for it. Data that may be better than the public stuff. 

No shock, much of it seems for personal gain. Some is obvious, like stock choices based on the likelihood of Clinton winning, but interesting the article discusses Brexit, and how it cost some people so much money since we all thought it was gunna be a no. Notes that some hedge funds actually won from the Brexit, because they bet it was gunna be a yes, based on private data they bought. 
This is kind of mind blowing, no one truly believed, if you were using data, the Brexit would happen but I am interpreting this to mean maybe some polls indicated it would happen. It would be massive to know what was asked, to who, how etc etc that could yield a successful prediction where all other polls failed. But the info is kept locked up by rich people and those who serve em, to make sure they make good stock choices. 

Most disturbing is the political corruption possibility. Once client asked what members of Congress need to win/lose for the best chance of repealing Obamacare. Morbid curiosity, or someone looking to buy influence for their goal?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 00:11
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 00:51
Originally posted by lazland lazland wrote:

A question I asked a few days ago, to which no response was, I believe, properly forthcoming.

It is.......

Democrats........are your collective bums getting ever so squeaky yet? The realisation that that woman could still conspire to lose an election in America against the most unlikely and unbelievable candidate in history?

Squeaky bum time. That moment in one's life when you realise it could all come crashing down in ruins. Farting and sh*tting in extremis at the prospect, without really much of a clue about how to stop the flow.

With apologies to those readers eating their Sunday meal whilst reading this......

Not really. least not for what you're talking about. 

No doubt, the nerves are a bit rattled at how close it's become, but all indicators are she will win. Perhaps it will be by a narrow margin, and sure..anything can happen and Trump winning can't be dismissed, any reasonable person knows this. However, the combo of polls, demographics and just rational thought lead me to believe, she is quite likely to win. 

I'm much more nervous that our chances of winning the Senate have gone from sure thing to not so likely....

Now long run, I do believe the Dems have a problem. It wont be a crashing down though...but a slow burn. 
I will call it now, and this is a real prediction: 2018 will be yet another GOP swell. Longer term: As the old white racists slowly die out, the GOP can absolutely reform themselves. 

I am extremely nervous about 2020 honestly. A recession is inevitable, who knows when but within 2 years I'm sure. Depending how it's handled and after 3 terms of Democrats...could be bad news. 
Wall St is gunna be in trouble again. This is why "the wall st stuff" really is very important. It hits the fan, they get bailed out (and propped up and kept on IV) again...especially if there is minimal effort shown to the'll be game over. Then we will very likely see a Repub President, and a Democratic implosion. 

Edited by JJLehto - November 07 2016 at 01:04
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 01:28
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Nevada was the outlier of course as no other competitive state votes early at such a high percentage... to the point where the state 'could' be called just on the basis of early voting (remember traditionally greater than 90% of each parties voters in a normal year vote for their parties candidate).

I think I read it was expected early voting will approach 40% nationally... perhaps as they gains.. we'll be able to call states on the Friday prior to election day. Not officially of course... but you would know who was going to win by the number of Dems and Repubs that did vote early...

for anyone interested.. a really cool article.. about Nevada.. and early voting in general. I recall this guy is one of the leading political analysts in the state. He knows his chickens..

Early voting will likely be her saving grace. Besides NV, in FL 28% of Republicans who voted early went for Clinton. A good sign. That may be enough to tip it for her, even though polls have Trump slightly favored at the moment. In a way it's kinda screwy...things can happen in the weeks before an election, as we saw, and it seems a bit wrong to lock people in that may still be swayed. What if a 2008 happened and the economy takes a hit? And in all fairness the GOP could always do the same. 

No doubt though the best move her campaign has made has been pushing early voting. It was particularly beneficial during the primary..where she capitalized on early voting when Sanders had less name recognition. 

It really is kinda screwy if you think about it...luck can have a major impact on an election now. Bad news at the time early voting opens. Like imagine if this FBI thing happened a few weeks ago...with OH, IA, NC, FL even NV tipped red, they could've all been locked in and Clinton never recovers. This is just hypothetical, but ya know food for thought.
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 04:10

A Presidential Race without a Precedent.




It is one day to go before we decide the on the election to end all elections, so let’s review where we are.  


Let’s start with Donald Trump. How this hate mongering and divisive fact free liar got this far is the stuff that thousands of books can and should be written about.

I’m going to state the obvious, in case any missed it, and that is this type of political scapegoating has not been seen or heard since the Nazi rallies of the twenties and thirties. Hitler was actually elected before burning down the Reichstag, which led to assuring his place as the dictator Furher, and making good on his promises to make Germany great again and almost wipeout all the enemies of the state before his lunacy was stopped. The general public mostly had no problem with his policies as long as they worked and prospered. If you think this a case of apples and oranges, get honest with yourself and think again.

Now let’s turn to Hilary Clinton. So much a part of the establishment that she was given a sound run for her money by a Jewish ultra leftwing socialist politician (!) in the form of Bernie Sanders before the Democratic Party’s machine did its job of securing her nomination as the Democratic nominee. This is another head scratcher that thousands of books should be written about as, in the same way as Trump’s nomination, points to a deeper fundamental problem with the American democratic system along with the plight of the American citizens themselves. This is a system that is deeply flawed and almost broken and it’s time to fix it.

But let’s not let Misses Clinton off the hook that easily. She is so well entranced in the Washington machine that she too felt privileged to use her own private server for classified emails and wipe 33,000 emails from existence before the FBI investigation. That FBI director James Comey reopened the email investigation with dubious intent is, I’m sorry to say, beside the point. She acted like all privileged US politicians and made her own rules of conduct, and that allowed Comey to pounce on her again. Is she on the scale of Richard Nixon? No, but where does she stop at in the future?

Now we have both Trump and Clinton, along with their surrogates, barnstorming the Battle Ground States. Trump in an effort to push the country folks to vote for him while Clinton’s effort is to make sure that her supporters get off their bums and actually vote for her.

There is little enthusiasm when your choice is picking Misses Dishrag over Mister Do*chebag (the two least popular Presidential candidates in history), but that’s the reality of the situation. May God, or some other imaginary being, help us because we seem to be all out of luck this time around. 




Edited by SteveG - November 07 2016 at 04:45
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 04:33
^^ A book has already been written about Trump. It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis. I am reading it now and it so scarily evokes Trump for me that it's almost as if Trump read it and adopted it as his playbook. Come to think, I wouldn't put it past him to have done exactly that.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 04:52
So from an ignorant Australian who has no idea cos theres not much news about all this.....

Hilary or Trump?
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 05:20
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

The 1930's-esque nature of Trump's campaign continues...
Anyone see Trump get escorted off stage by security? Obvious reaction is there must have been some type of suspicious behavior. 
Turns out a peaceful protester was getting beat up by the crowd, is what the ruckus was. 

Some are saying it was staged, an attempt to distract from it, or ya know...they just were taking a precautionary measure. BUT the amount of violence breaking out around him is disturbing

Someone yelled gun. Obviously security is going to take him off stage.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 07:45
Originally posted by AtomicCrimsonRush AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:

So from an ignorant Australian who has no idea cos theres not much news about all this.....

Hilary or Trump?

An intelligent, prepared, educated candidate who has been working in public service her entire life, with defects and some ideas I don't agree with, with a long trajectory that has had a few bumps on the road, a candidate who is actually presidential, who is scrutinized much more than other just because she's a woman in this macho-WASP society. 

On the other hand you have a narcissistic rich heir who has not done sh*t in his entire life, who inherited wealth and actually didn't really succeed in making it grow to the extent it could, who cares only and only and only about himself, who does not give three f**ks about the people who ignorantly are his most vocal supporters (white male working America, cuello rojos), who does not give any f**ks about learning, educating himself, who talks at the level of a 8-year old (and a relatively dumb one at that), who believes women are just walking vaginas that are here for his pleasure. Who has committed fraud with scams like his "university", who hasn't paid a single cent in tax returns. 

Yes but the emails..... 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 08:20
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

The 1930's-esque nature of Trump's campaign continues...
Anyone see Trump get escorted off stage by security? Obvious reaction is there must have been some type of suspicious behavior. 
Turns out a peaceful protester was getting beat up by the crowd, is what the ruckus was. 

Some are saying it was staged, an attempt to distract from it, or ya know...they just were taking a precautionary measure. BUT the amount of violence breaking out around him is disturbing

Someone yelled gun. Obviously security is going to take him off stage.
Sounds like a darn good jape to me and one that stands a good chance of being factually accurate at any Trump rally.
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 08:42
The "peaceful assassin" was already confirmed Hillary-related k

Also, what's up with "protesting" at the opposing candidates events anyway? It's like deliberately going to see a band you hate just to get to boo at them. Thumbs Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 08:45
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

A Presidential Race without a Precedent.




It is one day to go before we decide the on the election to end all elections, so let’s review where we are.  


Let’s start with Donald Trump. How this hate mongering and divisive fact free liar got this far is the stuff that thousands of books can and should be written about.

I’m going to state the obvious, in case any missed it, and that is this type of political scapegoating has not been seen or heard since the Nazi rallies of the twenties and thirties. Hitler was actually elected before burning down the Reichstag, which led to assuring his place as the dictator Furher, and making good on his promises to make Germany great again and almost wipeout all the enemies of the state before his lunacy was stopped. The general public mostly had no problem with his policies as long as they worked and prospered. If you think this a case of apples and oranges, get honest with yourself and think again.

Now let’s turn to Hilary Clinton. So much a part of the establishment that she was given a sound run for her money by a Jewish ultra leftwing socialist politician (!) in the form of Bernie Sanders before the Democratic Party’s machine did its job of securing her nomination as the Democratic nominee. This is another head scratcher that thousands of books should be written about as, in the same way as Trump’s nomination, points to a deeper fundamental problem with the American democratic system along with the plight of the American citizens themselves. This is a system that is deeply flawed and almost broken and it’s time to fix it.

But let’s not let Misses Clinton off the hook that easily. She is so well entranced in the Washington machine that she too felt privileged to use her own private server for classified emails and wipe 33,000 emails from existence before the FBI investigation. That FBI director James Comey reopened the email investigation with dubious intent is, I’m sorry to say, beside the point. She acted like all privileged US politicians and made her own rules of conduct, and that allowed Comey to pounce on her again. Is she on the scale of Richard Nixon? No, but where does she stop at in the future?

Now we have both Trump and Clinton, along with their surrogates, barnstorming the Battle Ground States. Trump in an effort to push the country folks to vote for him while Clinton’s effort is to make sure that her supporters get off their bums and actually vote for her.

There is little enthusiasm when your choice is picking Misses Dishrag over Mister Do*chebag (the two least popular Presidential candidates in history), but that’s the reality of the situation. May God, or some other imaginary being, help us because we seem to be all out of luck this time around. 


Pretty much. 

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 08:49
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

The 1930's-esque nature of Trump's campaign continues...
Anyone see Trump get escorted off stage by security? Obvious reaction is there must have been some type of suspicious behavior. 
Turns out a peaceful protester was getting beat up by the crowd, is what the ruckus was. 

Some are saying it was staged, an attempt to distract from it, or ya know...they just were taking a precautionary measure. BUT the amount of violence breaking out around him is disturbing

Someone yelled gun. Obviously security is going to take him off stage.

Was that it?
Honest question. Couldn't tell anything from the video that I saw...only saw and heard Trump before the commotion. There were then the reports of a protester getting beat up OR it was someone making a threatening statement. 
Eh, guess I shouldn't care anymore. Nothing is real anywayLOL The protesters that got violent at Trump rallies were supposedly always Bernie supporters, that were supposedly actually paid Clinton plants. Nothing is anything these days it seems, all one big game feels like. 
Like I really am picturing Trump and Clinton shaking hands backstage, sharing a big laugh about it all as they put on Goldman Sachs jackets and leave together. 
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 09:00
Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

The "peaceful assassin" was already confirmed Hillary-related k

Also, what's up with "protesting" at the opposing candidates events anyway? It's like deliberately going to see a band you hate just to get to boo at them. Thumbs Down
As I understand it the protester was a republican so wasn't actually a supporter of the opposing candidate anyway. It's more like Phil Collins fans booing Ray Wilson.
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 09:41
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

The 1930's-esque nature of Trump's campaign continues...
Anyone see Trump get escorted off stage by security? Obvious reaction is there must have been some type of suspicious behavior. 
Turns out a peaceful protester was getting beat up by the crowd, is what the ruckus was. 

Some are saying it was staged, an attempt to distract from it, or ya know...they just were taking a precautionary measure. BUT the amount of violence breaking out around him is disturbing

Someone yelled gun. Obviously security is going to take him off stage.

Was that it?
Honest question. Couldn't tell anything from the video that I saw...only saw and heard Trump before the commotion. There were then the reports of a protester getting beat up OR it was someone making a threatening statement. 
Eh, guess I shouldn't care anymore. Nothing is real anywayLOL The protesters that got violent at Trump rallies were supposedly always Bernie supporters, that were supposedly actually paid Clinton plants. Nothing is anything these days it seems, all one big game feels like. 
Like I really am picturing Trump and Clinton shaking hands backstage, sharing a big laugh about it all as they put on Goldman Sachs jackets and leave together. 

That's what all the news outlets have reported, but I don't know I haven't watched the video.

I just want this to be over so I can go back to constantly demonstrating how HRC is a terribly human being without people assuming I'm a Trump supporter for doing so.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 10:12
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

The "peaceful assassin" was already confirmed Hillary-related k

Also, what's up with "protesting" at the opposing candidates events anyway? It's like deliberately going to see a band you hate just to get to boo at them. Thumbs Down
As I understand it the protester was a republican so wasn't actually a supporter of the opposing candidate anyway. It's more like Phil Collins fans booing Ray Wilson.

According to biased sources such as this one he's a republican Clinton supporter k
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2016 at 10:32
The aristocracy just keeps rolling along. The media is thrilled. Late night tv hosts are ecstatic. White supremists are jumping out of the woodwork. Your average American just wants this to be over.
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