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Raymon7174 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2005 at 10:06

Since when did popular become equated with best?

Even giving popularity a big place in the algorithm, I think Easy is right, the list doesn't truly reflect what would be popular among reviewers on this site, for example, Train of Thought.

BTW, I thought the old collaborator's list was more useful. People like me who do not enjoy as vast a knowledge of prog as is possessed by most if not all of the collaborators visit this site to get opionions from people who know, i.e., experts. Perhaps many forum members are as knowledgeable. But the list isn't about forum members eithier. The list has degenerated into a popularity contest. Where is the credibility with that?

This site has collected a group of experts to give their opinions about the music everyone who regularly visits this site loves. Why has this site thrown away the value of the collaborator's list in favor of a list which waters down expert opinions by giving the masses too large a say in the list?

Personally, I would rather be presented with a list from the experts and proceed from there than see a list that is little more than a popularity contest among people who may not know even as much about prop as I do.

If we wanted to listen to music simply b/c the largest group of people has had access to it and likes it, we would be listening to POP, wouldn't we?

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Fitzcarraldo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 08:26



As promised, here’s an update on the implementation of the new algorithm for the Top 50 most popular albums on the Home Page. Apologies for the delay but I’ve been busy at work. I am also including additional explanations and comments regarding the Top 50 debate.


This post is split into the following sections:


  1. The purpose of the Top 50.
  2. An explanation of the previous algorithms.
  3. An explanation of the current algorithm.
  4. My check on whether the current SQL query implements the current algorithm correctly.
  5. Some notes on statistical analysis.
  6. An explanation of why the previous algorithm was invalid.
  7. Some additional comments.


The purpose of the Top 50


I proposed having a Top 10/20 to M@X in May last year. The title of my post was ‘List of the most popular albums overall’. My interest was popularity. Furthermore, as my post made clear, I am interested in popularity based on all ratings in the Archives, not just the Collaborators’ ratings (I’ll use the term Collaborator to refer to all official ProgArchives reviewers). I want to know popularity based on ratings by as many Prog fans as possible, the more the better.


It was always my intent that both the rating level and the number of ratings should be taken into account when assessing rank, i.e. that if Album A has, say, 50 ratings, all 4-star, and Album B has, say, 100 ratings, all 4-star, Album B would be ranked higher than Album A, i.e. more popular because more people like it, even though the typical rating of both is the same: 4 stars.


To me, in the case of the Archives album ratings, popularity is a function of both the number of people who like an album and the degree to which they like it. I am interested in a list of albums that takes into account both how much people like an album and also the number of people liking it. So I want to see an album that is rated highly by a large number of people appear higher up in a list than an album that is rated equally highly but by a smaller number of people.


Notice the words on the Home Page: ‘TOP 50: Prog Archives most popular titles’ (my emphasis).


By the way, the rating system was initially 1 to 5 stars but was changed in May last year to 0 to 5 stars for reasons that have nothing to do with the Top 50: someone wanted to be have an “it’s a bomb, don’t buy it” choice.



An explanation of the previous algorithms


Algorithm No. 1 summed all the ratings for each album in the Archives and ranked the albums according to the total number of stars per album (similar to integrating to find the area under a continuous distribution). Whilst this reflected the volume of ratings, it did not reflect the fact that, because of the definitions of each rating level, a low rating is an indication of unpopularity. Nevertheless, as low ratings have less impact on the sum of the ratings per album than high ratings, the net effect is not as bad as might be expected because the albums with higher ratings rise up a list ranked by total number of stars. But, clearly, a better algorithm was needed.


M@X later changed the algorithm to take into account only ratings by Collaborators. Thus was born Algorithm No. 2. I am not certain, but I believe it may have been a request by Easy Livin as he was concerned that fans of a particular album/band would encourage other fans of the album/band to visit the site and rate an album (let’s call it spamming, for want of a better word). Although I can understand his concern, personally I lost a lot of interest in the Top 20 (which was later increased to a Top 50) at that point because it now reflected only the ratings of a minority of the people rating and a minority of the overall number of ratings in the Archives. Another reason I found the Top 20 produced by Algorithm No. 2 less interesting is because I am also interested in knowing what is popular with the collective youth (teens and twenties) who listen to Prog Rock and its variants. The arithmetic mean age of Collaborators was, I believe, over 30 years old at the time – with plenty much older – and I believe it is still around that age now, although there are some very young Collaborators.


Algorithm No. 3 came about when I proposed in a forum poll that only Collaborators’ ratings accompanied by a review should be taken into account, my reasoning being that Collaborators, as ‘official reviewers’, should be expected to provide more than just a rating. Apart from this change the basic principle still applied, viz. the sum of the ratings per reviewed album was calculated and the totals sorted to arrive at a ranked list of albums.


Then the algorithm was changed again, to Algorithm No. 4. I’m not sure of the reason, although I believe it was probably because one of the Collaborators gave a low rating to a single album and it went up one position in the list (due, as I mentioned above, to the basic algorithm not reflecting that low ratings effectively signify unpopularity).


Algorithm No. 4 went back to using everybody’s ratings again, not just ratings made by Collaborators and having an accompanying review. The new algorithm ignored albums with less than 30 ratings and calculated the arithmetic mean of the ratings per album for the remainder, then created a ranked list of albums based on the arithmetic means. The difference in the order of the albums in the list was quite marked when compared to Algorithm No. 3. I found Algorithm No. 4 problematic because: a) the data is ordinal and therefore the arithmetic mean is an invalid way to assess rank; b) the distribution of ratings per album is generally not a Gaussian (Normal) Distribution, it is often skewed or bimodal or approximately uniform, all of which also make the use of an arithmetic mean meaningless (ouch!); c) the algorithm excluded albums with less than 30 ratings, when that is valid data; d) the resulting ranking did not take into account the number of ratings per album. Referring back to my original request to M@X, I wanted to see how popular albums are, so I wanted to see the ranking in a popularity list also reflect the number of people who rate an album highly (or lowly). Several other effects also bothered me (things like it being possible for two albums to swap order in the list if they both subsequently receive the same rating, for the arithmetic mean of albums to be the same when their distributions were not, etc.).


Someone posted recently in the Main Discussions forum, questioning why the JETHRO TULL album “Thick As A Brick” was at the top of the Top 50. He felt there are more deserving Prog albums and wondered whether there was a glitch in the algorithm. He received some unwarranted (in my opinion) criticism as a result. Although I love TAAB and indeed rated it as a 5-star album when I reviewed it, in no way do I think it is as popular to the collective Prog Rock fan base as a number of other albums. As I already knew that Algorithm No. 4 was invalid as a method of statistical analysis for this type of data, I thought it an appropriate time to think about an algorithm that reflects my original intention for the Top 50: a popularity list (a Prog album chart based on the Archives reviews), but that would also take into account that a rating of 2 stars and below is a vote of unpopularity. Thus was born Algorithm No. 5, the one currently generating the Top 50 list on the Home Page. This algorithm is explained below.



The current algorithm (Algorithm No. 5)


What I wanted, then, is an algorithm that takes into account the meaning of the star ratings, i.e. that 2 stars and below are in effect negative votes for an album and 3 stars and above are in effect positive votes for an album, and that also accommodates the fact that the total number of ratings for each album can differ. The algorithm is as follows.


For each album, perform the following calculation:

Sum the number of ratings per star-level and multiply it by the star-level less 2.5. Then sum the individual sub-totals and use the grand total to rank the album. For example, if Album A has two 5-star ratings and four 2-star ratings, and Album B has one 5-star rating and one 4-star rating, the grand total for Album A would be 2 x 2.5 + 4 x -0.5 = 3 and the grand total for Album B would be 1 x 2.5 + 1 x 1.5 = 4, and thus Album B would be ranked higher than Album A.


Consider the 6 rating levels:

1 -- 5 stars: Essential: a masterpiece of progressive music.

2 -- 4 stars: Excellent addition to any progressive music collection.

3 -- 3 stars: Good, but not essential.

4 -- 2 stars: Collectors/fans only.

5 -- 1 star:   Poor. Only for completists.

6 -- 0 stars: Bad. Do not buy!

By subtracting 2.5 from each star-level, the rating scale would become 2.5, 1.5, 0.5, -0.5, -1.5 and -2.5, which fits nicely with the meaning of the star ratings: a rating of 3 and above is a positive vote for an album, and a rating of 2 and below is a negative vote for an album, with the magnitude (i.e. absolute value) of the rating approximately signifying the strength of the vote for/against the album. Note that subtracting 2.5 and then taking the arithmetic mean for each album would make no difference to the rankings when compared to Algorithm No. 4 as it would just subtract 2.5 from every arithmetic mean, but using the grand total does make a difference.


Note that the subtraction has not weighted any of the data, nor have the data been normalised. ‘Weighting’ means multiplying by (or adding) a value to one or some of the original data to make that data have more effect on a calculation, i.e. to bias the calculation in someway. For example, multiplying the number of 5-star ratings by 2 would give the highest rating-level more weight than the other rating-levels. ‘Normalising’ means making the area under each frequency distribution of each album equal to the same value. Because the data is ordinal, the latter would not be a valid analysis technique in any case, as I explain later on.


Algorithm No. 4 excluded albums with less than 30 ratings. Algorithm No. 5 includes all albums and all ratings. I prefer not to exclude anybody’s rating just because the album rated happens to have a lower number of ratings than another. Bear in mind that the SQL query can generate a longer list (try entering the following URL in the Address box of your browser:



My check on whether the current SQL query implements Algorithm No. 5 correctly


M@X was able to provide me with the list of values calculated by the new SQL algorithm, plus a list of the total number of ratings for each of the 50 albums in the Top 50, but I had to derive the number of ratings per star-level for each album from the percentages displayed on each album’s page in the Archives. As those percentages are rounded, my calculation of the value using an Excel spreadsheet (let’s call this variable Popularity Rating, or PR for short) returned by the algorithm for each album differs very slightly from the PR returned by the SQL query, but basically confirms that the rank returned by the SQL query matches my algorithm.


In a forum thread last Saturday I expressed a doubt about the order of “Thick As A Brick” and “Tales From Topographic Oceans” in the Top 50 just after M@X implemented the new SQL query. However, the reason my calculations did not match the list on the Home Page was because I was incorrectly calculating the PV using only the ratings displayed with the reviews, and had forgotten that the Archives database also contains ratings without reviews. When taking all the ratings into account the SQL query returns a Top 50 list that matches my algorithm. So the SQL query does implement Algorithm No. 5 correctly.


By the way, the only change to the ratings of the albums in the Top 50 during the 12-hour period between M@X giving me the list of PVs calculated by the SQL query, and me transcribing the percentages for each of the star-levels for each of 50 albums, was due to a new 5-star review for the DREAM THEATER album “Awake”. I could get smug if it wasn’t for the fact that I know it could be put down to coincidence.



Some notes on statistical analysis


I’m not going to lecture you on the theory of statistical methods, but recommend that you at least read the explanations of some of the terms relevant to this discussion, given at the Web sites listed below.


Scales of measurement: l

Note in particular the definitions of ordinal data and interval data.


Central tendency:


Teaching statistics – Industrial realities not between the textbooks:



An explanation of why the previous algorithm (Algorithm No. 4) was invalid


The 6-level rating system used on the ProgArchives Web site produces ordinal data. Some might try to argue it is interval data because each level is precisely one star away from the adjacent level. However, it is not interval data for several reasons. Firstly, the stars are simply a numerical coding to indicate the rank of each rating. I’m sure you’ve seen this sort of thing before in market surveys:


“Rate the service you received. Enter one of the following values: 4 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 2 = Neither good nor bad, 1 = Bad, 0 = Very bad.”


“Pepsi tastes better than Coke. Enter one of the following values: 2 = Strongly agree, 1 = Agree, 0 = Neither agree nor disagree, -1 = Disagree, -2 = Disagree strongly.”


“TV is bad for children. Enter one of the following values: 4 = Strongly agree, 3 = Agree, 2 = Disagree, 1 = Disagree strongly.”


The above are ordinal data; the precise difference between each rating level (also called a scale point) cannot be quantified, unlike, for example, a measurement (50 cm, 40 cm, 30 cm, 20 cm, 10 cm). Ordinal data is qualitative. Measurements are quantitative. Arithmetic with ordinal data is meaningless. For example, if I rate an album as ‘Good but not essential’ (2 stars) and another album as ‘Excellent addition to any progressive music collection’ (4 stars), that does not necessarily mean that the second album is twice as good as the first.


Ordinal data should not be analysed using the methods devised to analyse parametric statistics, which assume the data is Normally Distributed (a symmetric, bell-shaped frequency distribution with specific characteristics). If you do, the resulting answers could be wrong. Non-parametric statistical methods should be used to analyse samples taken from a population with non-Normal distributions (skewed, bimodal, uniform, etc.). The arithmetic mean (a parametric statistical method) is certainly not a good estimate of the average in such distributions, and the median is often recommended instead.


Another reason why parametric statistical methods should not be used on the Archives data is because the spread in each sample (i.e. the set of each album’s ratings) must be similar in order to be able to compare samples. You just need to look at the rating frequency bar charts on each album’s page in the Archives to see that the rating distributions and variance (a meaningless statistic with non-symmetric distributions, anyway) are usually very different between albums.


Despite the possibility of erroneous conclusions, many people do perform arithmetic with ordinal data (including me – see earlier!) and use parametric statistical methods with ordinal data. In some cases the results are not too bad because the ordinal data approximates very roughly to interval data, but when the distributions are as non-Normal as those in the Archives, using parametric statistical methods, such as the arithmetic mean, are almost certain to result in errors.


The often-recommended measure of the average (typical value) of a sample is:


  • the arithmetic mean for interval data if the distribution is Normal (i.e. not skewed, bimodal, uniform, etc.);
  • the mode for nominal data;
  • the median for ordinal data.

The album ratings are not only ordinal data, the sample distributions (the bar chart per album) are most definitely not usually Normal Distributions; they are often heavily skewed, or bimodal, or flattish (uniform), and some contain (valid) outliers. Meaningful analysis using arithmetic means and standard deviations requires quantitative data. The album ratings are not quantitative data; they are qualitative data. So the first mistake in Algorithm No. 4 was to use the arithmetic mean; the median might have been a better choice.


The second mistake in Algorithm No. 4 was to assume that the population (a term with a specific meaning in statistical methods) is the same for each album. In fact, each album rating is from a different population. I, for example, have never heard any of the COMUS albums. Perhaps that’s what Easy Livin was trying to say, in his post the other day, as an argument for using the arithmetic means to rank the albums. However, even if the ratings were interval data instead of ordinal data and were Normally distributed, using the arithmetic mean would be invalid precisely because the populations are different.


The third mistake in Algorithm No. 4 is due to the fact that the spread of the sample data (the ratings per album) is different. This also means that it is not possible to compare the samples using the arithmetic mean.



Some additional comments


The main bone of contention with the new algorithm seems to be that some DREAM THEATER albums have moved into the Top 50. As I write this, “Train Of Thought” is in second place in the list. Firstly, given the popularity of the band and some of its albums with Prog fans – particularly the younger ones – frankly I would be surprised not to see one or more of the band’s albums in a Prog Top 50 popularity list. Just look at the statistics at the time of writing:


227 ratings:

47% (107)       Essential: a masterpiece of progressive music

15% (34)         Excellent addition to any progressive music collection

13% (29)         Good, but not essential

9% (20)           Collectors/fans only

15% (34)         Poor. Only for completists

2% (4)               Bad. Don’t buy!


(Values don’t quite correspond due to rounding.)


Now look at the PINK FLOYD album “Dark Side Of The Moon”, immediately below TOT in the Top 50 as I write this:


117 ratings:

80% (94)         Essential: a masterpiece of progressive music

9% (11)           Excellent addition to any progressive music collection

7% (8)               Good, but not essential

2% (2)               Collectors/fans only

2% (2)               Poor. Only for completists

1% (1)               Bad. Don’t buy!


(Values don’t quite correspond due to rounding.)


Clearly a high percentage of those people who rated DSOTM rated it as a masterpiece, and a lower percentage of those people who rated TOT rated it as a masterpiece. But in absolute terms TOT has more Masterpiece ratings than DSOTM, more Excellent ratings than DSOTM, and, taking into account the low ratings (subtracting low ratings from the total), the net effect is still that TOT is just above DSOTM in the TOP 50 popularity chart (not by much though: three more ratings could change that, they’re that close).


You can see how popular TOT is from the chart below, which shows the number of people who have rated TOT and DSOTM at each of the 6 star-levels. The number of people who approved of the albums is shown above the x-axis and the number of people who disapproved of the album is shown below the x-axis. The ‘Poor. Only for completists’ vote cancels out the entire ‘Excellent addition’ vote, and the ‘Collectors/fans only’ vote cancels out about two thirds of the ‘Good, but not essential’ vote. Tot it all up and the popularity of the two albums in absolute terms (i.e. in terms of the net number of people who rate the album highly) is close.


The only mystery to me is why DREAM THEATER fans have not been lobbying loudly in the forums for the band to get more recognition on the site for its music and achievements: its albums are very popular. If I were a DT fan I think I would feel quite aggrieved at the way some forum members dismiss the band.


I just picked DREAM THEATER as an example. I am not a fan of the band, but the popular DT albums were a glaring omission from the Top 50 popularity chart created using the previous algorithm. Looking at the list today, I think it is quite reasonable. I’ve just now seen GENESIS – “Selling England By The Pound” leapfrog “Train Of Thought”, too. I am reasonably happy with the new algorithm. I won’t pretend it’s perfect, but empirically it seems to reflect the popularity of albums with the ProgArchives fan base at least, and takes into account the meaning of the ordinal ratings: an approving rating increases an album’s Popularity Value and a disapproving rating decreases an album’s Popularity Value. If the PVs of albums in the Top 50 are close enough, this could change an album’s position in the list. And now the album will move the correct way.


And just so that people know I know (!), I do realise that my algorithm has converted the ordinal data into interval data. But the net effect is closer to my goal of producing a Top 50 that attempts to show popularity taking into account quality and quantity.


I’d like to thank richardh. He pragmatically pointed out in a succinct way the flaw in the previous algorithm that had been bugging me for some time, and rekindled my interest. Iván tried to counter Richard’s argument using the (inappropriate) arithmetic mean, but Richard had correctly identified the silliness of some of the rankings in the previous Top 50. And, although he first poured scorn on DREAM THEATER’s entry into the Top 10, his subsequent post in the forum thread ‘The List’ is a paragon of common sense:


“The list is actually reasonably well balanced. It will never please everyone. Yes - Close To The Edge is NO1 which seems ok to me. The fact that Dream Theatre are very popular is not a crime and doesn't mean they are not worthy of having a high place in the charts. Maybe we should just accept this. They do qualify as a prog band I believe.”


I could almost (but not quite!) forgive him for loathing TRIUMVIRAT! Cheers, Richard


I’d also like to thank M@X for graciously indulging me as usual, and for the speed with which he responded. He both wrote and tested the new SQL query very quickly. By the way, the new SQL code is simpler and faster than the previous query, which is not surprising when you consider that the previous query checked every album to see if it had 30 or more ratings and, additionally, performed a floating-point division for each album. The new algorithm does none of these.


To those of you who complain that the site should not have a Top 50 list at all, or that it should be confined to an elite who somehow know what is best for the rest of the fans: firstly, the Top 50 is just a bit of fun – something to scan and discuss – and secondly I like being able to see what albums are popular with the Prog Rock fan base. If Easy Livin’s concern about spammers proves correct then we’ll have to go back to limiting the Top 50 to Collaborators ratings only, but let’s see how things go.


Also, in my view we should try to avoid elitism when it comes to Prog bands/albums; quality is subjective in the case of the arts (beauty is in the eye/ear of the beholder). Just because I don’t like a particular album does not mean that album contains poor quality music, especially as there is no means of measuring the quality of music; it’s not like being able to define a quality parameter such as number of threads per square centimetre of cloth, amount of gold in an alloy, number of currents in a bun, thickness of a coat of paint, etc.). One man’s meat is another man’s poison: an album that I think contains top quality music is a coaster to richardh. It may be hard to swallow for some, but sometimes popularity might have to be used as a rough guide to quality if there is no other way of determining it. Some people can’t stand the music of ELP and YES, but those two bands alone have sold tens of millions of albums. Seems like quite a few people thought those albums were good.


It’s been fun over the last few days thinking about the Top 50 and ways of deriving it.


Best Regards to y’all.


P.S. If anyone mentions the word ‘average’ again I won’t be held responsible for my actions


Edited by Fitzcarraldo
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Raymon7174 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 09:04

It is very clear that a tremendous amount of thought and work has gone into this list. Thanks for explaining how it works and the thought process behind it.

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tuxon View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 09:40

What you've done is.

Calculating the average rating, substract 2,5 points and multiply by the number of ratings
(nothing more and nothing less)

The outcome is hugely dependent on the number of ratings, as long as the average is above 2,5 the album would come op on top of the list, as long as there's enough ratings.


an album has 3 * 5 star ratings and 3 * 4 star ratings. the outcome would be 27 points

another album has 0 * 5 stars, 0 * 4 stars, 70 * 3 star ratings and 10 * 2 star ratings the outcome would be 30 points, making the latter more popular on this list, solely because the number of voters from the second album outweigh the number of voters of the first album.

All that's been measured now is how many times has an album been rated. Of course the average is still of importance this way, but the outcome is highly polluted.

With this system we measure how popular a band is on a given time (popular/much bought album from last year was obviously Train Of Thought, consequently it has been rewarded with a vast number of reviews, average rating 3,65. that is ok, but it's not the average a timeless masterpiece will get (CTTE 4,80. DSOTM 4,61)

Where measuring popularity in a fixed time on a continuing timescale (popularity now, will still be measured in 30 years, so after the album is long forgotten the album will still be in the top 50, because a number of persons decided to rate the album 3 stars (meaning not bad/reasonably good)



I do agree that using a strict average is not perfect aswell, and the number of reviews/ratings does signify something, but this isn't a good algorithm.

Some good points in it nonetheless.
Substracting 2,5 points from the average is a good thing (without it an album averaging 2,4 with 100 reviews will come higher than an album averaging 4 with 10 reviews, while in this system it comes in very low below )

If you insist on making the number of ratings significant in the calculation may I suggest you top the number of ratings at 100. So if an album has over 100 ratings, the factor isn't the exact number of ratings but 100. above the 100 ratings the average takes over in importance.

I can't take the list as it is now seriously, for it is hugely flawed.



Edited by tuxon
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 14:11


In your calculation Train Of Thought acquires 262 points


107 5 267,5
34 4 51
29 3 14,5
20 2 -10
34 1 -51
4 0 -10

An album with 100 solely 5 star ratings would have less points than Train Of Thought.

Please explain the logic in this 

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT
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Easy Livin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 14:40

Thanks for all the background info Fitz, you've put a lot of tiem and thought (or is that train of thought) into it.

I'll not mention averages for fear of a visit on a dark night.Wink

As you say, any chart should be taken with a pinch of salt, and will not be perfect.

The overriding concern I have about the present one remains though, and I think Tuxon's post implies a similar worry. That is, a mediocre album can ride high in the chart, simply because a lot of peope have reviewed it, and said they "quite like it." Anything "Good" or above results in additonal "points" being gained. This means that albums which are universially acclaimed as masterpieces can appear lower in the chart than quite good albums, just because more people have rated the quite good ones. I don't like that, that to me does not fit well with the word popular.

There do seem to be a disproportionate number of reviews and ratings already for TOT on the site when compared to amount of discussion there is about Dream Theater in the forum. Has there perhaps been some "spamming" already? Perhaps a limit on the maximum number of reviews, say the first 100 would help?

Another thought. In the olympics, the medals table takes account of all the gold medals gained first. One gold medal is worth more than any number of silver. Worth condsidering?

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Reed Lover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 14:50
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

Another thought. In the olympics, the medals table takes account of all the gold medals gained first. One gold medal is worth more than any number of silver. Worth condsidering?

Yes, but gold medals have to be won,they are not given out by the judges arbitarily!

Edited by Reed Lover

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Easy Livin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 15:06
Unless it's the sychronised diving!LOL
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Fitzcarraldo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 19:44



What did I say about that word?


Consider the four albums in the table below. I have made the ordinal scale values 1 to 6 to simplify the arithmetic.


Notice that the total number of reviews per album is the same (600). Look closely at the distributions of ratings for the 4 albums (its easier to see them in the chart below the table). Only Album4’s frequency distribution looks Normal (Gaussian), the other distributions are certainly not Normal.


Notice that the arithmetic mean of the ratings is the same (3.5) for all 4 albums.


It should be obvious from the table and chart that the arithmetic mean (what you call the average) is meaningless as a way of ranking these albums. I recommend that you consider other methods of evaluation and concentrate less on the arithmetic mean.



Ratings=>  6     5     4     3     2    1     Total     Mean


Album1     100   100   100   100   100  100   600       3.5

Album2     300   0     0     0     0    300   600       3.5

Album3     200   100   0     0     100  200   600       3.5

Album4     50    100   150   150   100   50   600       3.5


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 20:33
Originally posted by tuxon tuxon wrote:


In your calculation Train Of Thought acquires 262 points


107 5 267,5
34 4 51
29 3 14,5
20 2 -10
34 1 -51
4 0 -10

An album with 100 solely 5 star ratings would have less points than Train Of Thought.

Please explain the logic in this 



You can see better how popular the two albums are from the chart below, which shows the number of people who have rated TOT and TUXON (your hypothetical album with only 100 5-star ratings) at each of the 6 scale points (star levels).

The number of people who approved of the albums is shown above the x-axis and the number of people who disapproved of the album is shown below the x-axis. I have represented the chart bars this way to indicate the opposing nature of the ordinal data (approval/disapproval) and also because that's how Algorithm No. 5 proceeds.

Firstly, remember that the scale on the x-axis is ordinal and represents attitudes which, very roughly speaking could be considered as ranked 'sublime', 'excellent', 'good', 'not good', 'awful', 'use it for clay pigeon shooting'. They are, very roughly speaking, symmetrical about the line between 'good' and 'not good' on the x-axis.

For TOT, the ‘Poor. Only for completists’ vote cancels out the entire ‘Excellent addition’ vote, and the ‘Collectors/fans only’ vote cancels out about two thirds of the ‘Good, but not essential’ vote. Tot it all up and the popularity of the two albums in absolute terms (i.e. in terms of the net number of people who rate the album highly) is close, with TOT just slightly more popular. Hopefully it is easier to understand when presented in pictorial form. You have to forget about arithmetic means (well, not forget them completely, but understand that the arithmetic mean is not always the appropriate tool for making a ranking decision - see also my previous post).

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 20:54


If possible I will try to get some time in the next few days to analyse and reply to your initial post that followed my very lengthy post. I am very busy just at the moment, so it may be a day or it may be a few days, but I will comment, as you have raised some interesting points.

In the meantime I recommend that you prepare an Excel spreadsheet with the data for the albums currently in the Top 50 (you can obtain from each album's page in the Archives: a) the percentage values for each scale point (star-level), and b) the total number of ratings). From these you can derive the number of ratings per scale point, and that is the basic data for analysis of ranking algorithms.

Then you can easily implement Algorithm 5 in the Excel worksheet, plus any other algorithms that you care to experiment with or compare it to. Rather than just spending your time trying to pick holes in Algorithm No. 5, you could more usefully employ your time trying to develop an algorithm. If you do, you will need to be able to justify it using sound statistical and logical principles - no arbitrary chopping data off here and excluding ratings there unless there is a sound statistical reason for doing so. And do bear in mind what I have previously mentioned about the arithmetic mean.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 21:41

Easy Livin wrote: "Thanks for all the background info Fitz, you've put a lot of tiem and thought (or is that train of thought) into it."

Easy Livin wrote: "The overriding concern I have about the present one remains though, and I think Tuxon's post implies a similar worry. That is, a mediocre album can ride high in the chart, simply because a lot of peope have reviewed it, and said they "quite like it." Anything "Good" or above results in additonal "points" being gained. This means that albums which are universially acclaimed as masterpieces can appear lower in the chart than quite good albums, just because more people have rated the quite good ones. I don't like that, that to me does not fit well with the word popular."

I'll tackle this one at the same time as I reply to tuxon's post, Easy, if that's OK. I'm quite busy at work at the moment, so have less time to play. Actually, I wrote most of my looong post at 10,000 metres.

Easy Livin wrote: "There do seem to be a disproportionate number of reviews and ratings already for TOT on the site when compared to amount of discussion there is about Dream Theater in the forum. Has there perhaps been some "spamming" already? Perhaps a limit on the maximum number of reviews, say the first 100 would help?"

If you look at the reviews page for TOT, the rate of posting looks quite normal. It could simply be because the album is popular. I can't tell about the ratings posted without reviews, of course, but maybe Max would be able to see a date_time stamp in the database for ratings only, as well as reviews? The band just seems to be very popular - I see their CDs in many shops. Perhaps DT fans don't find ProgArchives a very welcoming place to discuss Metal? Do our forums tend to focus on the 'classic bands' more? Perhaps the DT fans prefer to frequesnt other sites. I have browsed a few DT sites in the past to find out more about the albums, and they seemed to be thriving. I got the impression that the band is very popular.

Easy Livin wrote: "Another thought. In the olympics, the medals table takes account of all the gold medals gained first. One gold medal is worth more than any number of silver. Worth condsidering?"

Do you mean apply a weighting factor to 5-star ratings, Easy? I'd prefe to keep weighting factors in the back pocket for now. What is niggling me about the data at the moment is that the distributions are very varied, heavily skewed in many cases, the populations different, and the ordinal scale (the words, i.e. the meaning of the scale points) not necessarily of equal interval, which screws up any parametric statistical analysis even more. One thing that tuxon, bless him, could do - 'cause I don't have the time - is to look at the medians for all the distributions and see if that can be used as a more meaningful ranking measure. There are ways to deal with skew: geometric means and all sorts of heavy non-paramentic stats methods but they involve some heavy number crunching so that rules them out.

And so to bed, as Samuel said.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 10 2005 at 22:58

I think the biggest problem is that people who don't like particular albums usually don't write a review. Also, we're talking about the most popular albums of prog, so though the definition may classify the 3-star rating as a positive one, I think it doesn't really add that much to the popularity. Actually, it depends.. Some reviewers say "Really interesting album, but i don't like the lyrics that much" ---> 3 stars, that should be taken as a positive rating. Others say "That is way worse than the band's best work, i give it 3 stars because i can still find a few good parts" ---> 3 stars, but not quite positive.

Since we don't rank ALL the prog albums, but only make a top50 list, i think 3 star-ratings should have the value 0 or maybe even a negative one. I also do see the problem that the positive-negative relation gets uneven, but I don't think a "good, but non-essential" rating really adds to the popularity of an album that's considered a masterpiece by a lot of other people.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 11 2005 at 15:49

Fitz, and all interested parties,

Well I've interpret and calculated the data from the albums in the top 50.

I tried to copy-paste the outcome, apparently the post couldn't handle it, so I'll give a small summary of my findings.


Number of ratings
Average number of ratings of the albums currently in the top 50 = 78
Number of ratings for Train Of Thought = 229 (3*average)
number two on the scale of ratings is Yes CTTE, with 145 (86 less than TOT)

Effect on the number of ratings on the Top 50
All top 10 albums have 100 or more ratings
The lowest 100 review album is Yes TFTO ranking 17

The lowest average is from Dream Theaters Train of Thought, well below Pink Floyds the Division Bell. These are also the only two averaging below 4 stars.

My recomandation for a failsave mechanism to be incorporated with the algorithm stands. this means an IF-formula in the calculation.
Formula : (IF(number of ratings>100;100;number of ratings)*(average rating)

It isn't really nescesary to substract 2,5 from the average, the results remain the same

This way the number of ratings stay very important (only 12 albums currently have 100 ratings or more, and only 25 albums have more than 70 ratings) I doubt there are albums with more than 80 reviews outside the current top 50, and if so their averages are below 3,00

I tried BebieM's proposal aswel, with different ways, the results appeared normal, but there is a fault in it (album with 100 reviews, 50 * 4 stars and 50 3 stars would end up with 4 stars as average), The idea 'behind it was not bad in itself BTW.



The number of reviews are a good indication of popularity and ranking, but they are not a good indication of quality.
The algorithm I provided is better. The number of ratings setting at 100 is however arbitrary (the former algorithm had a similar formula, using 30 (approximation of that algorithm, not being specific), I believe that was something like this. If(number of ratings<30;Average;0). it didn't had the problem of hugh quantities of reviews, but it did have the problem that relatively unknown bands were easaly incorperated in the top 50 (volatility of the mean, meaning 1 * 5 star rating weighs relatively heavy on the mean).

with the proposed algorithm, high quantities of reviews remain of significant influence, but an overdose on reviews does not poison the outcome. Like I said the choice for 100 is arbitrary, 50 or 150 are also possible. The higher you make it, the more impact the amount of reviews have.

Any Questions ?


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 14 2005 at 15:12

Hello tuxon (and Easy Livin too),


Well done for having a go at an algorithm, but stating that your algorithm is better does not necessarily make it a fact. All you are doing in essence is returning to Algorithm No. 4 for albums with more than 100 ratings, so we would be back to the same situation as before at the top of the list: e.g. Album A with 400 5-star ratings and 10 4-star ratings would be ranked below Album B with 101 5-star ratings (to mention one of the several paradoxes of that approach). The fact that you are multiplying the arithmetic mean by a constant (100) does not alter that. And it would just be putting off the inevitable to ‘raise the bar’ to 150. The value of the constant (100) is arbitrary and therefore difficult to justify. My previous posts gave various examples of how arithmetic means can be meaningless for ranking or lead to incorrect conclusions.


You state that there are only 10 albums with over 100 ratings at the moment. You did not mention that there are another 6 albums close to that barrier and which might break through it in the near future, and more could follow during this second year of the Archives’ existence. In a couple of years time there could be a greater number of albums over the 100 mark, and they would be ranked based on the arithmetic mean alone (multiplied by 100). Over the years, more and more albums will move above the 100 ratings mark and your algorithm would effectively turn into Algorithm No. 4, with the inherent problems I’ve pointed out in several previous posts in this thread and earlier threads.


Just to recap, the ordinal scale means that the arithmetic that you and I are doing is meaningless because the star-levels are not measurements and have absolutely no numerical value, they are simply used as a way of indicating the rank (order) of the data. The ordinal scale could just as easily have been A, B, C, D, E and F instead of ‘5 stars’, ‘4 stars’, ‘3 stars’, ‘2 stars’, ‘1 star’ and ‘0 stars’. An album rated ‘Essential: masterpiece of progressive music’ is not 5 times better than an album rated ‘Bad. Do not buy’. The difference between ‘Essential: masterpiece of progressive music’ and ‘Excellent addition to any progressive music collection’ is not the same as the difference between ‘Excellent addition to any progressive music collection’ and ‘Good but not essential’. Nevertheless, we are assuming just that when we turn the ordinal scale into an interval scale with an arbitrary numerical value (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0). The values 5 stars, 4 stars, 3 stars, 2 stars, 1 star and 0 stars actually indicate an order of ranking only. You are turning the rank into the value of the rank. That is a big assumption in itself, but to then calculate an arithmetic mean and declare that it represents the typical rating of an album is difficult to justify (even if many people do declare that when using this type of scale).


Let’s consider again TOT and DSOTM. The chart below shows the number of ratings per star-level for the two albums on a day I looked last week.



Chart 1


Now let’s multiply the number of ratings at each level by the corresponding rank. That, by the way, is tantamount to weighting the ratings according to the degree of approval/disapproval of the person rating the album, i.e. the rating level is effectively a weighting factor if used as a value instead of a rank. The resulting number of stars at each level for each album is shown in the chart below.


Chart 2


You can see the relative difference between the columns in the two above charts, which clearly shows the impact of the ‘weighting factors’ (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0). To reiterate, to use the rank as the value of the rank is to use it as a weighting factor.


The arithmetic mean rating level per album is the sum of all the album’s stars from each star-level divided by the total number of ratings for the album.


Now, you’ll recall from my previous post that I too make an assumption: it is that, due to the way the rating levels are worded, they are degrees of approval/disapproval and could be assumed to be symmetrical, viz. ratings of ‘Good but not essential’ and above are votes of approval with increasing intensity of approval, and ratings of ‘Collectors/fans only’ and below are votes of disapproval with increasing intensity of disapproval. Disapproving ratings could be considered to be negative ratings and approving ratings could be considered to be positive ratings. Let’s say I continue to use your assumption that a rank of 5 stars is literally worth 5 stars, and in addition let’s consider disapproving ratings to be negative. This is shown in the chart below.


Chart 3


Note 1: I’ve used the values from my spreadsheet for Algorithm No. 5, so the height/depth of all the columns is different because the ranks are actually 2.5, 1.5, 0.5, -0.5, -1.5 and -2.5 instead of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0, but the principle is the same. I've just kept the scale as 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 on the charts for the sake of simplicity.


Now let’s look at each album one at a time in order to make the charts easier to understand. The chart below (see Note 1) shows the stars for TOT taken from the chart above, rearranged so that the disapproving ratings are below their corresponding approving ratings (0-star ratings underneath 5-star ratings, 1-star ratings underneath 4-star ratings, and so on).


Chart 4


Now let’s go ahead and subtract the stars of the disapproving ratings from the stars of the corresponding approving ratings. The result is shown in the chart below (see Note 1).


Chart 5


The remaining stars at each scale point (star-level) are: 250 stars at the 5-star level and 4.5 stars at the 3-star level (see Note 1).


Now let’s do the same thing for DSOTM. The corresponding chart showing the ‘stars of disapproval’ below the ‘stars of approval’ is shown below (see Note 1). As there are only a few disapproving ratings for DSOTM, the number of negative stars is small as can be seen (just about) in the chart.


Chart 6


Now let’s go ahead and subtract the stars of the disapproving ratings from the stars of the corresponding approving ratings. The result is shown in the chart below (see Note 1).


Chart 7


The remaining stars at each scale point (star-level) are: 230 stars at the 5-star level, 12 stars at the 4-star level and 3 stars at the 3-star level (see Note 1).


So we now have the net number of ‘approving stars’ for both albums, and these are shown together in the chart below (see Note 1).


Chart 8



To recap the figures given above, the number of stars for the two albums are (see Note 1):

‘Essential: masterpiece of progressive music’: TOT = 250, DSOTM = 230.

‘Excellent addition to any progressive music collection’: TOT = 0, DSOTM = 12.

‘Good but not essential’: TOT = 4.5, DSOTM = 3.


Even if we were to bump up all the DSOTM stars at the lower rating levels to make them ‘Masterpiece stars’, and throw away (ignore) all the TOT ‘Good stars’, DSOTM would still have less ‘Masterpiece stars’ than TOT by a small margin (more than the 3 ratings I mistakenly mentioned in an earlier post – I should have said 6 because Algorithm No. 5 halves the number of stars).


Thus it can be argued that TOT is (slightly) more popular than DSOTM and, on average, also of a higher quality (whatever that means) than DSOTM based on the ratings to date. This is a perfectly valid conclusion, and no less valid than the conclusion reached using the arithmetic mean rating-level to rank albums. I feel it is more valid than blindly using the arithmetic mean, because it takes into account the meaning of the rating levels.


If the size of all samples (i.e. the number of ratings per album) were the same, and if all the sample distributions were of similar shape, and if all the populations were the same, then I would be much more comfortable with the approach of using arithmetic means to rank albums. However, none of these are the case in this situation and I am therefore not comfortable using arithmetic means. The other thing that I need to stress is that statistical methods are used to estimate the attributes of a population from a sample (or samples). I am not interested in doing that, because the populations for each album can be very different. I am interested in ranking albums based solely on the ratings submitted to date, and based on the volume of ratings, not just the arithmetic mean rank (rating).


Now, having said the above, your problem accepting Algorithm No. 5 appears to have been articulated by Easy Livin, and I quote him:


“The overriding concern I have about the present one remains though, and I think Tuxon's post implies a similar worry. That is, a mediocre album can ride high in the chart, simply because a lot of peope have reviewed it, and said they "quite like it." Anything "Good" or above results in additonal "points" being gained. This means that albums which are universially acclaimed as masterpieces can appear lower in the chart than quite good albums, just because more people have rated the quite good ones. I don't like that, that to me does not fit well with the word popular.”


I do understand this point of view, but my understanding of the word ‘popular’ does not appear to be the same as Easy Livin’s (and yours?). Let’s just look at one well-known dictionary’s definition of the word ‘popular’.




1. appealing to the general public: appealing to or appreciated by a wide range of people

  • the most popular name for babies this year

2. well-liked: liked by a particular person or group of people

  • popular with young audiences

3. of the general public: relating to the general public

  • popular appeal

4. aimed at non-specialists: designed to appeal to or be comprehensible to the non-specialist

  • a popular gardening magazine

5. believed by people in general: believed, embraced, or perpetuated by ordinary people

  • popular myths

6. inexpensive: designed to be affordable to people on average incomes

  • a new popular car

[15th century. Via Anglo-Norman populer from Latin popularis ‘of the people’, from populus ‘people’ (source of English people and public), of uncertain origin: probably from Etruscan .]

Microsoft® Encarta® Premium Suite 2003. © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


To me, the above would not imply that an album “acclaimed as a masterpiece” by a relatively small group of people is more popular than an album acclaimed as excellent or good by a larger group of people.


Easy Livin uses the words “universally acclaimed” but his usage is misleading in my opinion. Take TULL’s “Thick As A Brick”, for example. A total of 69 people have rated it to date, of which 58 people rated it as ‘Essential: a masterpiece of progressive music’ and 11 people rated it as ‘Excellent addition to any progressive music collection’. This is hardly universally acclaimed: a total of only 69 people have rated the album to date. If the album were indeed very popular and universally acclaimed to be a masterpiece then I would expect to see a far higher number of ratings (cf. “Close To The Edge”). My inference from this is that TAAB is not as popular amongst the Progressive Rock community (at least those fans who visit ProgArchives) as several other albums, despite having the highest arithmetic mean rating. If it were universally acclaimed, then there would be a lot more ratings than there are.


As to a “mediocre album riding high in the chart”, I don’t see any mediocre albums riding high in the chart. Or is this referring to “Train Of Thought” again (or to the other DREAM THEATER albums, for that matter)? If so, firstly please refer back to the charts and accompanying explanations earlier in this post. Secondly, my previous posts have, I hope, explained that mediocrity is in the eye of the beholder. Would, for example, the majority of fans of DREAM THEATER regard “Thick As A Brick” as a masterpiece? Would the majority of fans of JETHRO TULL regard “Train Of Thought” as a masterpiece? I very strongly doubt it. I don’t think the data indicates “mediocrity” for those albums – again, refer to the charts and discussion above.


To address one of the points you made in an earlier post:

Album A has only 3 5-star ratings and 3 4-star ratings.

Album B has only 70 3-star ratings and 10 2-star ratings.


To me, Album B is the more popular album. The net number of stars for Album A is 27 stars (these stars have two different ‘colours’, if you follow my meaning). The net number of stars for Album B is 180 stars (of a different ‘colour’ to Album A’s stars, if you follow my meaning). The handful of people that reviewed Album A thinks it’s the tops. A much larger number of people think Album B is good. That’s what popular means. If more people rate Album A in future it might overtake Album B (assuming the new people liked it as much as the handful who had rated it already). If Album B is indeed excellent in the eyes of many then it would only take another 13 people rating at 4-stars (11 if rating at 5-stars) in order for Album A to overtake Album B in the list. Thus higher ratings have a built-in weighting factor: fewer ratings are needed for an album’s rank to rise in the Top 50. If the Progressive Rock community really does deem an album excellent it would rise faster in the list than an album deemed good, and an album deemed poor (or deemed bad) would fall in the list, with an album deemed awful falling faster than an album deemed poor. Let’s call it the ‘percolation effect’. If, as I surmised in a previous post (as did BebieM), people are less likely to rate albums they don’t like then that would increase the percolation effect. Thus, as the number of ratings increases, I surmise that the validity of the derived ranking increases. I don’t think that can necessarily be said if using arithmetic means to compare albums.


The Top 50 is a guideline. People can click on an album’s hyperlink in the list, read the reviews of the album and study the album’s ratings chart (a.k.a. frequency distribution) and see clearly the ratio of people rating the album who adored it, liked it, disliked it and hated it. If they browse the TAAB page they will see that 58 of the 69 people who rated it have rated it as a masterpiece of the genre. That may tell them something. If they browse to the TOT page they will see that 26 per cent of the 231 people who have rated the album to date did not like it but 106 rated it as a masterpiece. Can we tell which is the “better” album from these? No. Define “better”. We’re talking about subjective art. But we can see that TOT is very popular. Heck, it has more masterpiece ratings than TAAB has ratings.


If everyone really wants to change the Top 50 to something other than my original request to M@X, then be my guest. But please do not call it a popularity list, because it won’t be. If you want to have a list that is a recommendation of what different groups of fans deem to constitute quality, then you should call it something like: “Top 50 based on the arithmetic mean rating”. Even then, if you use the arithmetic mean as your means of deriving the rank in the list, you are ranking badly and will produce silly results like the ones originally highlighted by richardh for Algorithm No. 4 (also see, for example, my earlier post with a table and chart showing four hypothetical albums with very different ratings but all with the same arithmetic mean). If you still believe that the arithmetic mean is the best measure then see the URLs in my very long post of 10th March in this thread if you don’t feel my words alone are sufficient proof (here’s just one of them again: If professionals do not regard the arithmetic mean as a good means of determining rank with data as skewed and otherwise irregular as in our case, why insist on using it?


You might also be interested to read the following paper:'an %20empirical%20examination%20of%20the%20likert%20scale '

that criticises the use of arithmetic means and summing the ratings per rating-level to evaluate Likert scales (which is basically what the ProgArchives 6-star system is). An approach based on percentages is proposed in that paper. See if you can understand it and develop something from it that is a) better than your flawed algorithm and b) that would also make people more comfortable than Algorithm No. 5 which, just to emphasise it yet again, is interested in popularity, as that is my interest. (Actually, are the majority of visitors to the Archives uncomfortable with the list as it stands? richardh seemed to think it is OK.) However, do note that the examples used in the above-mentioned paper assume that the sample size is the same in every case, i.e. the number of ratings per album is the same for every album. That is certainly not the case here.


As it seems we have very differing views, if you do not wish to investigate further – and unfortunately I do not have the time at present to do much more on this – and you feel strongly that the list on the Home Page should change (I am happy with it, as it satisfies my original request in May last year to have such a list on the Home Page) then you might like to try and convince the site owners of your viewpoint. If they are convinced then it is their prerogative to change the algorithm. Alternatively a possible compromise, so that people like me who want to know the popularity of albums (quantity and like/dislike, because the star-rating does affect the rank in Algorithm No. 5, as I’ve explained above), would be to remove the Top 50 list from the Home Page and make “Top 50” on the Home Page a hyperlink to another page which contains two lists: one using Algorithm No. 5 and one using Algorithm No. 4. That way, both camps could be satisfied and the visitor can decide which type of list s/he is more interested in. That page could also quote the progressive music charts produced by organisations such as the RIAA, BPI, magazines etc. It might be interesting to have these all on one page so that the visitor can make some comparisons. Another advantage would be that the SQL query would not be run every time someone visits the Home Page. You might like to suggest that to the site owners.


I have just seen DSOTM leapfrog TOT, so the charts earlier in this post would need to be adjusted. Nevertheless my explanation obviously remains the same. As to the issue of spamming, there have been 8 ratings added for TOT since 6 March and 6 ratings for DSOTM. These do not seem excessive to me, although, looking at the dates of the last 4 DSOTM reviews on that album’s page in the Archives, their submittal looks like it might have been prompted in an effort to move DSOTM up the list. I’m only speculating and, if it were indeed the case, would not be a crime. I’ve done the same myself once or twice in the past: e.g. a review appears on the Home Page that I disagree with so I’m prompted to write a review to counter it; e.g. an album I like drops in the Top 50 and I’m is prompted to finally get around to review it after months of inaction. However if anyone is actively trying to move TOT down the list then that would be a great shame and rather childish (not to mention naïve given the reasoning behind the list). I do hope that isn’t the case.

Edited by Fitzcarraldo
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 14 2005 at 17:22
WOW! I've no intention of reading all that but  all the same time.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 14 2005 at 18:25

Fitz that's one of the most impressive pieces of work I've seen on here!Clap

But man,you really gotta get out more.....LOL

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tuxon View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 14 2005 at 18:34

First. I think the list should be and stay at the home page. I think a lot of people are interested in these kinds of lists. i think especially to new-comers to this site it's a fast way to know which are the major bands and albums in progressive rock.

second I've been coming around to your vision, and I agree that numbers of ratings are a very good measuring tool for populatity.

i've been working on some other possible algorithms, one of them I think could be interesting.

algorithm number 6

almost the same as the current algorithm, but punishing more severly for low ratings.

album score = (average rating - 2,5) * (number of ratings - 0,5*numbers of 3 star ratings - number of 2 star ratings, - number of 1 star ratings - number of 0 star ratings)

I like the results from this calculation It prevents albums with mostly 3 star ratings from climbing to a top position (with enough ratings it is possible, but then your argument that it has to be a well-known, popular album provides reason for their inclusion in the list.)

and it tackles the problem of my suggested 100 ratings limit as maximum.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 14 2005 at 18:41

Reed, what do you mean, one of the most impressive?!

I'm in Madrid and the tapas were exceptionally good this evening. I can recommend the setas and gambas, in particular, washed down with a caña or five. Out on the town again tomorrow night (even though it's not a pleasure trip). But I do like something to exercise the little grey cells now and again.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 15 2005 at 14:44


A very interesting and detailed post. You have given this far more thought than I have, and I bow to your considered recommendations.Clap The proof of the pudding as they say is in the chart which appears on the home page, and I'm happy enough that overall it contains the right albums.

I think you and I will aways differ on how important popular vs best is. I still feel any chart on the home page should as far as possible list the cream of prog. It is always said that the singles charts don't list the best music, but the most popular, and to some extent that is what our current chart does.

However, I think for the time being, we have taken things as far as is necessary, and should let the current chart bed in.

Till the next time...Wink

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