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Topic ClosedPetition to take Radiohead off Progarchi

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Poll Question: BAN RADIOHEAD?
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Certif1ed View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 06:57
Originally posted by Lunarscape Lunarscape wrote:

Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

Guys, guys - sex is a wonderful thing.

Try to have some soon.

Preferably with another person.


HEY DUDE, You are absolutely right, just one question; Do you mind if I do it with somebody of the opposite gender ?   Its that I'm under the impression that Radiohead fans . . . . . . Ohh heck  just leave it like it is....

Reed -

Gosh know how to hurt ones feelings, I'm SOOOOOOOO pissed off at your post that I nearly ran away from this forum in utter rage  (Its become fashionable lately !) Is it possible for you to share your passive "SAVAGE SHEEP" experience ? How dare you tag my post as RUBBISH ! ! ! ! ????? (I have to say this too; REED I'm only joking OK ? Dont misinterpret this post and dont run away in grief and please dont MARK the hurt feelings, just because you didnt understand all the rubbish I wrote about know Indie Britpop Alternative Art Rock band everybody is bitching about ! )



You have no reply to any of my questions, so you attempt a kick at where you think it might hurt? Is that it?

That's such a lame tactic - you're attacking me rather than engaging in discussion about the music. This practice is commonly known as trolling.

Or maybe I misunderstand completely and just don't get the joke.

Edited by Certif1ed
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Joren View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 06:57
...but it does say something...
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Certif1ed View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 07:01

Originally posted by Joren Joren wrote:

...but it does say something...

True, but so do the two words "Ignorant git".


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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 07:03
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

Originally posted by Joren Joren wrote:

...but it does say something...

True, but so do the two words "Ignorant git".


And the three words "play nicely, children"

Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 07:21
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

How did I forget - the fount of all knowledge

Well, I don't trust the reviews there, but I can tell you something for sure: they are living out of their work (i.e., no amateurs there), and they can find pretty soon which albums are being bought together or by the same people. So laugh as much as you want, Radiohead is certainly in a very good company

Oh, I forgot this:

This is what you find there after looking for Radiohead:

Browse for music in:

And this is what you find, for example, for Dream Theater (just an example that came to my mind, don't know why)

Browse for music in:

Again, that doesn't modify the fact that Radiohead are now included in this site, and that you, lucky guy, and many others as well, can find lots of "prog elements" on their music. Good for you!

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Lunarscape View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 08:28

Come on Cert...You probably know my opinions on RH by now, they are my opinions, I did lay them out on other threads and my conclusion is the same from the first time I heard them -> LACK OF TALENT. But ok, by your standards lack of talent can be bend into "wonderful minimalistic". Cert; Is it possibble that some of us here on this board REALLY do find RH's music VERY BORING ? Are we allowed to share the disgust and are we allowed to have a technical opinions on the negative sides of RH ?

Tell me something; Is such a lousy source regarding information on music ? Is it that misleading ? More misleading than the discussion on RH at Progarchives ? (Do I have to spell this one out ? - Misleading because due to this huge divide, somebody will read around here that Radiohead is a Progressive Rock band and around half of those will be pissed off at the first spin of the RH CD's).

Cert; why sould I answer your questions ? They are already out there on other posts and I'll spare all of you lots of time since these answers are known by the "intelligencia" of the forum. Besides that other forum members should be spared repetitive answers.

Again accusing, first it was "attacking with lame tactic", Trolling and "ignorant git". First of all, if you feel offended, you choose so, again !. Second I did adress Reed because Reed wrote that my opinions were the worst rubbish ever written here. But Reed complained at some recent post that some board members lacked sense of humour, so I thought some humour couldnt do any harm here. But what can I do if you didnt catch up on it ? You choose not to, and maybe you are too stern to find humour besides your own. (Yes I do se a "smiley" sometimes at your posts.)

Cert; try to chill out a bit, take a huge laugh at yourself, its worth it. I do that often and thats why I rarely "blow the hat of the top of my head". A very few issues are worth it. RH is certainly not one of them. Lets get a drink   



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the musical box View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 08:54

.............i know i started this thread, but here are some words of wisdom:

"De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum"

...keep it in mind...

something pretentious
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Certif1ed View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 09:43
Originally posted by Lunarscape Lunarscape wrote:

Come on Cert...You probably know my opinions on RH by now, they are my opinions, I did lay them out on other threads and my conclusion is the same from the first time I heard them -> LACK OF TALENT. But ok, by your standards lack of talent can be bend into "wonderful minimalistic". Cert; Is it possibble that some of us here on this board REALLY do find RH's music VERY BORING ? Are we allowed to share the disgust and are we allowed to have a technical opinions on the negative sides of RH ?

You're allowed to say what you like - that's not me being somehow magnanimous or pompous, it is simply a fact I recognise. However, like anyone, I hold my own opinions...

However, I also recognise that Radiohead are exceptionally talented - and I don't think that is a matter of opinion - even if you hate their music.

I dislike the music of Dream Theater - but I would never say that they are not talented, since that is not true.

Tell me something; Is such a lousy source regarding information on music ? Is it that misleading ? More misleading than the discussion on RH at Progarchives ? (Do I have to spell this one out ? - Misleading because due to this huge divide, somebody will read around here that Radiohead is a Progressive Rock band and around half of those will be pissed off at the first spin of the RH CD's).

To see what other people bought just proves that other people bought other music - it doesn't automatically follow that one band sound like another or are of the same genre!

Not one person has managed to provide a "Britpop" album that sounds like OK Computer, or is as proggy. That is the fundamental issue.

Cert; why sould I answer your questions ? They are already out there on other posts and I'll spare all of you lots of time since these answers are known by the "intelligencia" of the forum. Besides that other forum members should be spared repetitive answers.

I replied to your post, it's up to you whether you decide to reply or not. You chose not to defend your answers, so I was left with the conclusion that they were not worth defending. I'm not going to trawl your posts to find them.

The one point I would like to keep "in the air" is this "Britpop"/"Indie"/"Alt-Rock" business - which I truly do not understand - and no one has answered.

To my ears, OK Computer is blatantly a prog album - not because I'm a Radiohead fan, but because I hear a prog album. It doesn't matter who their peers are, whether they're played on MTV or not or that they appear alongside certain lesser bands in Amazon searches (Don't forget that Coldplay, Travis and Keane all IMITATED Radiohead in their own small ways) - it matters more what the music sounds like.

And to me at least, OK Computer sounds more proggy than most of the bands I mentioned above.

Again accusing, first it was "attacking with lame tactic", Trolling and "ignorant git". First of all, if you feel offended, you choose so, again !.

No - I simply asked questions. As you say - it is a choice as to whether you feel offended or not. I don't - I just wanted to make sure I understood what you were saying. 

I wrote "

You have no reply to any of my questions, so you attempt a kick at where you think it might hurt? Is that it?

That's such a lame tactic - you're attacking me rather than engaging in discussion about the music. This practice is commonly known as trolling.

Or maybe I misunderstand completely and just don't get the joke. "

Note that I even followed it up by saying that I probably don't understand - I'm not accusing you of anything.

Second I did adress Reed because Reed wrote that my opinions were the worst rubbish ever written here. But Reed complained at some recent post that some board members lacked sense of humour, so I thought some humour couldnt do any harm here. But what can I do if you didnt catch up on it ? You choose not to, and maybe you are too stern to find humour besides your own. (Yes I do se a "smiley" sometimes at your posts.)

Er... try to indicate your humour better? Make jokes that are funny?

You made a load of comments to Reed that looked like antagonistic digs at me. Not humorously intended, but with apparent malicious intent - it's totally possible I misread it - that's what I'm trying to find out.

Cert; try to chill out a bit, take a huge laugh at yourself, its worth it. I do that often and thats why I rarely "blow the hat of the top of my head". A very few issues are worth it. RH is certainly not one of them. Lets get a drink   

I'm totally "chilled", thanks - and most of the time I am good at laughing at myself. However, like most people, I go through the ups and downs of life and experience whatever mood I happen to be in for what it is, and try not to force it and react falsely.

Call it artistic integrity or bull-headedness - what you will, but I truly believe in just being myself. Even if that means blowing the old stopper out every now and then - heck, if it's a good enough system for old mother earth, it's good enough for me

You'll find that this is par for the course. I often shred posts if I really and truly don't understand what is being said - and I have an interest in what the poster is saying. I find it makes the discussion much clearer - and highlights any misunderstanding, thus leading to a quick resolution.

P.S. Just got back from the pub - that was a good drink; Cheers!



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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 10:27
Originally posted by Lunarscape Lunarscape wrote:

Reed -

Gosh know how to hurt ones feelings, I'm SOOOOOOOO pissed off at your post that I nearly ran away from this forum in utter rage  (Its become fashionable lately !) Is it possible for you to share your passive "SAVAGE SHEEP" experience ? How dare you tag my post as RUBBISH ! ! ! ! ????? (I have to say this too; REED I'm only joking OK ? Dont misinterpret this post and dont run away in grief and please dont MARK the hurt feelings, just because you didnt understand all the rubbish I wrote about know Indie Britpop Alternative Art Rock band everybody is bitching about ! )



hahaha.What's that thing Roger Waters says about "being out of range."

My credibility destroyed now is it?  Fine-love.

You are the second girl I've been savaged by recently- but the other female does it far better.Wink

If we ever meet up would could discuss this in a more open, frank way.
Unfortunately(LOL )this is probably not going to happen. That is a great disappointment to me!

Oh and Cry

I'm just off to piss myself............








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Lunarscape View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 10:28

P.S. Just got back from the pub - that was a good drink; Cheers!

Indeed...I'll even consider buying "Ok Computer" 




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Lunarscape View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 10:38

Reed; Dont worry, your credibility and reputation is virginal immaculate, You just didnt get the point and thats ok too, it happens here, a lot !



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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 10:40
Originally posted by Lunarscape Lunarscape wrote:

Indeed...I'll even consider buying "Ok Computer"  ___



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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 10:58


[quote]Which part of "no offence meant" was so hard to understand?[/quote]

Hey Cert, don’t want to argue with you because I respect your opinion and your right to disagree about Radiohead, I’m sure  most people here believes BTO is a truckers Rock band with no merit, but I like their music (even though I won’t  ever say they are progressive), but the phrase "no offence meant" or something similar is not enough for a comment not be offensive.


I may say (Please this is an example, I don’t believe this) The intelligence accepts Genesis as the best band, and the small-minded addle-pated minority believes Yes is the best band, by the way, "no offence meant"


Cert wrote:

Quote To me that shows that, on the whole, it's the intelligensia that accept Radiohead as prog and the small-minded addle-pated minority that don't.


Compare both comments and you'll find both are almost the same, and both are highly offensive despite the fact you don't ment it..


Im sure most Yes fans will try to crucify me and they will have the right to do so. You are saying that intelligentsia is in the side of Radiohead and that most of people who don’t believe this are close minded.


Now tell me, isn’t this comment offensive?


Edited by ivan_2068
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Certif1ed View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 11:06

No, Ivan - I begin with the phrase

"To me that shows..."

This means that this is what I see personally, given the evidence - I am not stating it as hard fact, as you seem to think.

Until I see more evidence to the contrary, I feel compelled to believe it - but others may, of course, choose not too - just as they may choose to find offence where I have stated that none is intended.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 11:56

The problem can sometimes be that us native English speakers forget that the likes of Luna and Ivan are trying to put forceful points across in a language that is not their own. They misunderstand our idiomatic expressions  by taking them literally and we misinterpret their "formal"and occasionally "clumsy" English.However,I have "ALevels" in French and German but could never reach the standards that you guys achieve.Clap

It must be difficult for the Brazilians- their first language is Football, second is Portuguese (Wink).As for Ivan-being a lawyer he is fluent in Censored first and CensoredCensored second, oh and a little bit of Spanish.Wink


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Lunarscape View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 12:53

Reed  So I did teach you something....WOW  ...But still (I'm LMAO) dont blame it on language issues. The guys in Houston would NEVER give me a degree on a Post Graduate Course IF I DIDNT DESERVE IT. That means filling out correctly the paper-work in a high technically know way. "Gutter-English" is pretty  common AFTER 19:00 PM and in Houston, try Westheimer.  . As for Ivan...he is absolutely fluent in English and extremely fluent. ....Now is it true that there are far too many sheeps on São Thomé and Principe.?




Music Is The Soul Bird That Flies In The Immense Heart Of The Listener . . .
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 13:06
Originally posted by Lunarscape Lunarscape wrote:

Reed  So I did teach you something....WOW  ...But still (I'm LMAO) dont blame it on language issues. The guys in Houston would NEVER give me a degree on a Post Graduate Course IF I DIDNT DESERVE IT. That means filling out correctly the paper-work in a high technically know way. "Gutter-English" is pretty  common AFTER 19:00 PM and in Houston, try Westheimer.  . As for Ivan...he is absolutely fluent in English and extremely fluent. ....Now is it true that there are far too many sheeps on São Thomé and Principe.?




No sheep, only shepherds.

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Certif1ed View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 13:29
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

The problem can sometimes be that us native English speakers forget that the likes of Luna and Ivan are trying to put forceful points across in a language that is not their own. They misunderstand our idiomatic expressions  by taking them literally and we misinterpret their "formal"and occasionally "clumsy" English.However,I have "ALevels" in French and German but could never reach the standards that you guys achieve.Clap

It must be difficult for the Brazilians- their first language is Football, second is Portuguese (Wink).As for Ivan-being a lawyer he is fluent in Censored first and CensoredCensored second, oh and a little bit of Spanish.Wink


The biggest problem with English as a language is that even native speakers have issues with the conundrums that can be created from even a simple sentence.

For example;

"His eye fell on a piece of paper on the floor, so he bent down to pick it up."


Question is - did he pick up the paper or his glass eye?

/edit - or did he try to pick the floor up?

Edited by Certif1ed
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 14:39
Quite, well said.Big smile

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 03 2005 at 23:29
I have to say that I am far from being an expert on Radiohead. So my vote was for them to be left on the Archives. So that if ever in the future I wished to give them a few spins, I would appreciate the album reviews given to them on this site!
Marmalade...I like marmalade.
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