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    Posted: July 07 2005 at 22:22

Just wanted to bring this to your attention:


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Cygnus X-2 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 07 2005 at 22:31

Wow... if what he is saying is true (and it really seems to be)...

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Man Overboard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 07 2005 at 22:52
...I can't describe what I'm feeling in words...

...but I have a feeling that if I called the White House's public line and asked what they thought of Stanley Hilton, I'd "disappear" within the week. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 07 2005 at 22:55
I do believe that 9/11 was let to happen, but do not have enough proof to preach it, let alone preaching that it was orderd. But that was certainly VERY interesting.
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Cygnus X-2 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 07 2005 at 22:55

Originally posted by Man Overboard Man Overboard wrote:

...but I have a feeling that if I called the White House's public line and asked what they thought of Stanley Hilton, I'd "disappear" within the week. 

I have to agree with you. America has truly declined into a dark age...

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valravennz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 07 2005 at 22:57

Hmmm - very interesting. However, I take it with a small grain of salt. Seems very much like a "conspiracy theory" in my opinion.


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Man Overboard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 07 2005 at 23:00
Look at the guy's credentials.  If anyone's *not* a conspiracy theorist, it's him.


Epilogue: Stanley Hilton is a San Francisco, California, based attorney, political scientist, and former chief of staff for Bob Dole. Hilton gained notoriety and condemnation as a 'conspiracy theorist' for filing a $7 billion class action lawsuit, in 2002, against United States President George W. Bush, members of his administration (including Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld) and others, on behalf of taxpayers and members of 9/11 victims' families, alleging Bush administration complicity in allowing the September 11, 2001 attack. The case was thrown out of federal court over two years later, because the judge reasoned US citizens do not have any right to hold a sitting President accountable, based on the 'Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity'.
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Man With Hat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 07 2005 at 23:02

Originally posted by Hangedman Hangedman wrote:

I do believe that 9/11 was let to happen, but do not have enough proof to preach it, let alone preaching that it was orderd. But that was certainly VERY interesting.

Unfortunately, i agree with you.

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bluetailfly View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 07 2005 at 23:15
That's complete bullsh*t. What a greedy bastard.
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valravennz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 07 2005 at 23:28

Originally posted by Man Overboard Man Overboard wrote:

Look at the guy's credentials.  If anyone's *not* a conspiracy theorist, it's him.
Someone making claims like this may have all the credentials in the world. But that does not mean they are above being a conspiracy theorist. This sounds like an attempt to undermine the sitting US Government in a "sour grapes" type manner. Also, where is the proof?? I am a "Doubting Thomas" and until I see undeniable proof of these allegations, then I can only speculate rather than agree with, Stanley Hilton's claims.


Epilogue: Stanley Hilton is a San Francisco, California, based attorney, political scientist, and former chief of staff for Bob Dole. Hilton gained notoriety and condemnation as a 'conspiracy theorist' for filing a $7 billion class action lawsuit, in 2002, against United States President George W. Bush, members of his administration (including Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld) and others, on behalf of taxpayers and members of 9/11 victims' families, alleging Bush administration complicity in allowing the September 11, 2001 attack. The case was thrown out of federal court over two years later, because the judge reasoned US citizens do not have any right to hold a sitting President accountable, based on the 'Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity'.

I presume that was a Supreme Court judge's decision. Perhaps the American justice system needs an overhaul - as I do not know the finer details of this case, I would want more than one judge's call or the opportunity for a re-hearing of the case, before a final decision on the matter, is made.

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The Doctor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 08 2005 at 00:01
Someone's watched a few too many episodes of the X-Files.  Of course, he has no personal stake in the outcome of his lawsuit.  1/3 of $7 Billion isn't really all that much.  He's a crackpot and a sleazebag.  Ah, it makes me almost ashamed to be an attorney. 

Edited by The Doctor
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 08 2005 at 00:52

Originally posted by Man Overboard Man Overboard wrote:

Look at the guy's credentials.  If anyone's *not* a conspiracy theorist, it's him.


Epilogue: Stanley Hilton is a San Francisco, California, based attorney, political scientist, and former chief of staff for Bob Dole. Hilton gained notoriety and condemnation as a 'conspiracy theorist' for filing a $7 billion class action lawsuit, in 2002, against United States President George W. Bush, members of his administration (including Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld) and others, on behalf of taxpayers and members of 9/11 victims' families, alleging Bush administration complicity in allowing the September 11, 2001 attack. The case was thrown out of federal court over two years later, because the judge reasoned US citizens do not have any right to hold a sitting President accountable, based on the 'Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity'.

he may have credentials, but until i see the documents myself and decide for myself, that allegation is a conspiracy theory. It is just so f***ing evil. That's like Kim Jong Ill evil. I can see this happen at the hand of Cheney, but Bush is too ignorant to think of a such a large-scale conspiracy. But I do believe that America is corrups at almost every level and I do not trust the government the slightest bit.

Also, aliens are real. I was abducted 2 years ago in May. They gave me candy and read me a story.

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The Doctor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 08 2005 at 01:03
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Originally posted by Man Overboard Man Overboard wrote:

Look at the guy's credentials.  If anyone's *not* a conspiracy theorist, it's him.


Epilogue: Stanley Hilton is a San Francisco, California, based attorney, political scientist, and former chief of staff for Bob Dole. Hilton gained notoriety and condemnation as a 'conspiracy theorist' for filing a $7 billion class action lawsuit, in 2002, against United States President George W. Bush, members of his administration (including Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld) and others, on behalf of taxpayers and members of 9/11 victims' families, alleging Bush administration complicity in allowing the September 11, 2001 attack. The case was thrown out of federal court over two years later, because the judge reasoned US citizens do not have any right to hold a sitting President accountable, based on the 'Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity'.

he may have credentials, but until i see the documents myself and decide for myself, that allegation is a conspiracy theory. It is just so f***ing evil. That's like Kim Jong Ill evil. I can see this happen at the hand of Cheney, but Bush is too ignorant to think of a such a large-scale conspiracy. But I do believe that America is corrups at almost every level and I do not trust the government the slightest bit.

Also, aliens are real. I was abducted 2 years ago in May. They gave me candy and read me a story.

I have no doubt that aliens are real.  But what interest would they have in our backwater, p.o.s. planet?  They only gave you candy and read you a story, what no anal probe?

I agree with you, Bush is an incompetent moron who doesn't have the brains or balls to be truly evil, and that's why I'm voting for Palpatine next election (now there's a man who kicks *ss and takes names).  And attorneys in America love to make frivolous claims because they get a third of the take if they can find a judge and jury who are idiots enough to listen to them.  Hilton just got a judge who was a little bit smarter than that and not going to put up with the b.s.

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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maani View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 08 2005 at 01:43



I am curious.  How many of you:


1.  Have read the 9/11 Commission Report?

2.  Have done any research on alternative theories of the events if 9/11?


Before we label anyone who believes in an alternative theory of 9/11 a “conspiracy theorist,” keep in mind that “conspiracy theory” has two parts: “conspiracy” and “theory.”  A “conspiracy” is two or more people acting in concert to plan and execute an illegal act.  A “theory” is an interpretation of hard and circumstantial evidence.


In this regard, the government's “official story” of 9/11 is equally a “conspiracy theory”: it is an interpretation of hard and circumstantial evidence that two or more people acted in concert to plan and execute the attacks of 9/11.


However, that theory is as full of holes as Blackburne, Lancashire (or, if you prefer, Swiss cheese).  And even were that not the case, there is as much, if not more, evidence to support an alternative theory, one which includes the active participation of one or more people in the U.S. government.


Let me give you just a tiny sidebar example.


World Trade Center 7 (the one with the infamous “bunker” created by Rudy Guiliani) collapsed about 8 hours after the twin towers.  Yet consider the following:


1.  It was a 57-story steel and glass building.

2.  It was not hit by an airplane, or even by debris.

3.  It had only two small fires, each of which claimed less than a full floor.

4.  No steel and glass building has ever collapsed as a result of fire (this is fact).

5.  In an interview for the PBS documentary, “America Rebuilds,” WTC owner Larry Silverstein states that the building was “pulled” – which is construction industry terminology for a controlled demolition (i.e., using explosives to implode the structure).


Consider that it takes at least a few days, if not weeks, to properly plant the charges for a controlled demolition.  It certainly cannot be done in less than 8 hours, especially when parts of the building have active fires.  This begs some interesting questions:


-Why would the building have been rigged for demolition at all?

-What caused the fires?

-Was the building itself “involved” in the events of 9/11?

-If not, was there something in the building that needed to be “disappeared?”

-Did someone have advance warning of the 9/11 attack?


Everyone is free to accept or reject the evidence or hypotheses offered.  However, even if one rejects them, there seems nothing inherently wrong in offering a look at how others are thinking.


For a short video of the collapse of WTC 7, go to any of the following: l

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Cygnus X-2 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 08 2005 at 01:49

Again Maani, you write a well thought out post.

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Hierophant View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 08 2005 at 02:00
I truly belive the government was complicit in 9/11. Theres alot more people who question the "official story" than you think.

It seems really odd that this thread would pop up because I just had a HUGE fight with my parents over this.

BTW maani you bring up some good key points right there

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valravennz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 08 2005 at 02:02
Originally posted by Cygnus X-2 Cygnus X-2 wrote:

Again Maani, you write a well thought out post.

Yes!  - now I will go have a look at the sites you have suggested - Cheers Maani

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barbs View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 08 2005 at 03:17


Manni, are you intending to predict when the antichrist is coming.

The President of the US may be many things (even incompetent) but to suggest what I think the intent of this thread wishes to is incredible.

The interview was conducted on Sept 13 2004

US Presidential elections were Nov 2nd 2004

You cannot have it both ways. You cannot say that George W. Bush is the biggest dumbar*e of a president in US history and then turn around and say he is smart enough to pull of something as complex, sophisticated and wickedly clever as this when the US has the most intrusive and sophisticated intelligence system in the world. Even Nixon got caught. Are you saying that Bush is infinitely more intelligent than Nixon.

Both sides of the campaign were using anything and everything they could to undermine the others crediblity (the stakes being the presidency) and truth would not get in the way of a 'promising' 'leaked' story on either side when it comes to winning browny points over the other, no matter how incredible it might seem.

Only from the home of Hollywood could it be possible.

The spreading of unsubstantiated rumors at any level, let alone on this, is unprincipled.

This just might end up as hysterical as the famous Orsen Welles broadcast.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 08 2005 at 03:53
Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 08 2005 at 04:15
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote: ted%20the%20day%20of%209-11.htm

While we are in conspiracy mode. Any thoughts??

My thoughts - anything is possible! A bit of a "cop-out" statement, I know.

Interesting reading about the Israeli Mossad Agents. It so happens that within the last year, 2 Mossad Agents were detained by the New Zealand Govt for attempting to obtain false NZ passports. They were jailed here temporarily and then deported. The NZ Government demanded an apology from the Israeli Govt which took a very long time to come. We (the public) never did find out why the Israeli agents were in NZ and why they wanted our passports. Apparently there was a similar incident with Mossad Agents in Canada a few years back doing the same thing. I suppose they think it is safer to travel globally on the passports of countries which are considered "non-threatening".

The cheek of them! It certainly cooled relations with Israel from the NZ Govt point of view and I don't think many NZ citizens were impressed either.

In context with this thread - how much involvement do these Agents and other Intelligence Agents have in the political direction that countries around the world take? I would venture to say quite a bit of involvement - I suspect in some of the upheaval experienced on the African continent and in Latin America. These intelligence agents appear more powerful than ordinarily suspected. One has to wonder who is ruling who and for what end reasons?

There...a little bit more added to the conspiracy theory of world domination. 

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