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Tapfret View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Tapfret Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 05:53
^I'm no Dream Theater fan, so I find little to defend about their discography outside of their early stuff. We recently had a case where a user somehow listened to every one of their 23 studio and live albums, watched every DVD, and located all of the bootleg covers and singles...just to give 1 star to every one of them. In the meantime giving entire discos of other bands 5 stars.

Not buying it. Its a pretty easy case of abuse.

Your case is nothing close. I dont agree with some of your opinions on a few albums, but you are nowhere near a rating abuser.
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Cristi View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Cristi Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 05:56
Originally posted by bartymj bartymj wrote:

Is it so impossible to think this one person might have decided to listen to the whole discography to confirm once and for all that they don't like them? 

Ratings are completely subjective and personal, to discourage people from having an opinion and calling it ratings abuse sets a dangerous precedent. 

to answer your two questions. 
Yes, it's impossible for me to think that people would torture themselves like that. I would never do it. 

Yes, ratings are subjective, we call ratings abuse situation when users suspiciously rate albums too high or too low. There is a suspicion and mods and admins have to get to the bottom of it. 

And BTW, this thread is solely meant to report possible abuse, to signal out users when there is suspicion of possible abuse. 

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote bartymj Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 06:14
If you can't think why people would listen to things they don't like, then why do 1 and 2 star ratings exist at all?
Who decides what is suspiciously too high or low?

Would agree that the case you mention does look pretty dodgy. But my question is where do you draw the line between ratings abuse and just something that's against the normal trend. If you go down the road of policing people's ratings it soon becomes that people just aren't allowed to have an opinion different to yours. That's my concern.
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dougmcauliffe View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dougmcauliffe Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 06:19
^ It looks highly suspicious when all the ratings are all consecutive, it implies the person just clicked through every album on the album page giving one star to each one, even stranger when it extends into live albums, singles and bootlegs etc. I think Dream Theater is a polarizing group in prog circles and they're kinda susceptible to this kind of hate, I don't believe these people have continued to return to a band they apparently despise time and time again to try and change their minds, if they don't like Images and Scenes they probably aren't going to have their mind changed by Systematic Chaos and The Astonishing.
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Cristi View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Cristi Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 06:24
Originally posted by bartymj bartymj wrote:

If you can't think why people would listen to things they don't like, then why do 1 and 2 star ratings exist at all?
Who decides what is suspiciously too high or low?

Would agree that the case you mention does look pretty dodgy. But my question is where do you draw the line between ratings abuse and just something that's against the normal trend. If you go down the road of policing people's ratings it soon becomes that people just aren't allowed to have an opinion different to yours. That's my concern.

Someone rating a whole discography of a band with 5 stars or 1 star is suspicious to me. 

If a band i love releases an album I find weak and feel disappointed, will get a low rating from me, I have a few low ratings and it's because I dislike what I heard. Maybe i'll write a review for those albums, if I have the time and the mood for it. 

And then there are the users who will rate low or high trying to manipulate ratings as they see a favorite of theirs rated lower in I don't know what top 10, top 20 or top 100 and they lose it and the abuse starts. I've seen it other places worse then here on PA. It's ridiculous if you ask me. 

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote SteveG Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 06:28
^ Agreed. It would be fantastic if these people had something better to do with their time than focus on sabotaging the ratings of artists they hate. They must be some of the pettiest prog fans imaginable.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote bartymj Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 06:53
Oh definitely, pretty sad that people feel the need to sabotage the system and it does need managing. I'm probably explaining myself pretty badly here - just concerned and wouldn't want it to be over-scrutinised and someone get caught up in being assumed to be a ratings abuser when actually they just have a strong or different opinion. I'm sure the last thing anyone here would want to do is to put people off joining what is a very welcoming site/forum.

I am 100% one of the people Cristi believes cannot exist, in that I will do my best to listen to something I'm generally confident I won't like, to at least give it a chance, and all of a sudden I might find a hidden gem. The best example of this I can imagine comes from Opeth - no doubt if and when I get through their entire discography there will be a large set of albums I've rated as 1 star, which to many looks suspicious. However, if I'd have given up on listening to them after 1-starring three albums highly rated by the general prog community (Still Life, Ghost Reveries, Blackwater Park), I wouldn't have picked up on the handful of tracks I love on Pale Communion.
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Cristi View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Cristi Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 07:14
Originally posted by bartymj bartymj wrote:

I am 100% one of the people Cristi believes cannot exist, in that I will do my best to listen to something I'm generally confident I won't like, to at least give it a chance, and all of a sudden I might find a hidden gem. The best example of this I can imagine comes from Opeth - no doubt if and when I get through their entire discography there will be a large set of albums I've rated as 1 star, which to many looks suspicious. However, if I'd have given up on listening to them after 1-starring three albums highly rated by the general prog community (Still Life, Ghost Reveries, Blackwater Park), I wouldn't have picked up on the handful of tracks I love on Pale Communion.

all I said was that I find it an abuse to rate an entire discography either 1 star or 5 stars. Which also means there is no difference between those albums, all bad or all perfect, again makes no sense. 

Clean vocals Opeth will please a lot of people but death metal Opeth will please few, especially anyone not into death metal. 

I also never fell the need to go and low rate everything i've disliked. 
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bartymj View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote bartymj Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 07:25
Again, have to point out everyone will do things differently. Many people use this site as their complete catalogue of stuff they've listened to so will low rate anything they've disliked. Just because you won't doesn't mean others won't. Particularly as the whole point of the rating system is to low rate something you don't like, and high rate something you do.

As I've seen in many reviews of albums, people often use a score out of 10, or even 100 to rate an album, but then translate that into ProgArchives' 5 star system. So rating all albums as 1 star does not necessarily mean there is no difference between them. 1 out of 100 is genuinely awful, whereas 19 out of 100 might have a track or two that a person enjoyed... but in the "low resolution" PA rating system they're both 1 star.

My scenario with Opeth was just a single isolated example. No doubt a case could be made for pretty much every other artist on PA, even those considered 'accessible'. 
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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 07:26
If it were up to me, perhaps ratings-only would have 0 weight in the average rating (maybe for ones that have more than a few ratings/ reviews). Clearly there are people who are trying to manipulate ranking/ average rating and carpet bomb acts with both very low and very high ratings without having listened to or properly listened to all of the albums. In some case people have ended up giving way that hadn't listened to the albums, or have rated albums that were not available yet (not even leaks or advance copies).

Yesterday I deleted the ratings of a couple users who both created multiple accounts to rate the same albums.

I have been exposed to more than one complete discography that I would not have chosen to listen to, nor did I much care for, due to an ex roommate/ friend. Even then not all of the albums would I have rated the same as I didn't consider all to be of the same quality or have the same qualities, and to me it makes sense to compare those albums against each other. That said, my rating would always skew high because I generally only like to spin an album enough that I would be very comfortable rating it if I like it, and I would;t want to rate or review albums of a style which I feel I "don't get". I want to grok the sock to walk the talk.
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Cristi View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Cristi Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 11 2020 at 07:50
Originally posted by bartymj bartymj wrote:

Again, have to point out everyone will do things differently. Many people use this site as their complete catalogue of stuff they've listened to so will low rate anything they've disliked. Just because you won't doesn't mean others won't. Particularly as the whole point of the rating system is to low rate something you don't like, and high rate something you do.

As I've seen in many reviews of albums, people often use a score out of 10, or even 100 to rate an album, but then translate that into ProgArchives' 5 star system. So rating all albums as 1 star does not necessarily mean there is no difference between them. 1 out of 100 is genuinely awful, whereas 19 out of 100 might have a track or two that a person enjoyed... but in the "low resolution" PA rating system they're both 1 star.

My scenario with Opeth was just a single isolated example. No doubt a case could be made for pretty much every other artist on PA, even those considered 'accessible'. 

we are off topic, this thread is in the "report abuse", meaning if anyone is suspicious about ratings we see, we point it out here. That's all. Otherwise, we are off topic now. 
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AFlowerKingCrimson View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AFlowerKingCrimson Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 21 2020 at 16:31
I'm just wondering if anyone noticed all the five star ratings for the last album by modern rock ensemble. They all seemed to be from local "fans" of the band and probably people who only joined this site to rate and review the album. Maybe something worth looking into at least as an observer. 
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ExittheLemming View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ExittheLemming Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 21 2020 at 18:52
Originally posted by bartymj bartymj wrote:

Oh definitely, pretty sad that people feel the need to sabotage the system and it does need managing. I'm probably explaining myself pretty badly here - just concerned and wouldn't want it to be over-scrutinised and someone get caught up in being assumed to be a ratings abuser when actually they just have a strong or different opinion. I'm sure the last thing anyone here would want to do is to put people off joining what is a very welcoming site/forum.

I am 100% one of the people Cristi believes cannot exist, in that I will do my best to listen to something I'm generally confident I won't like, to at least give it a chance, and all of a sudden I might find a hidden gem. The best example of this I can imagine comes from Opeth - no doubt if and when I get through their entire discography there will be a large set of albums I've rated as 1 star, which to many looks suspicious. However, if I'd have given up on listening to them after 1-starring three albums highly rated by the general prog community (Still Life, Ghost Reveries, Blackwater Park), I wouldn't have picked up on the handful of tracks I love on Pale Communion.

As things stand Opeth have (including live releases) around 18 albums. Is anyone going to spend close to $200 just to hear albums they are 'generally confident' they wont like? You are either wealthier than beyond the wildest dreams of avarice or dafter than than a sectioned brush. Let's see if the second possibility stands up to even the flimsiest of scrutiny: Do you use a public lending library to source your review copies? (notwithstanding it being highly unlikely most would have an entire artist's discography available)

Edited by ExittheLemming - December 21 2020 at 19:41
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tszirmay View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote tszirmay Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 21 2020 at 21:11
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

I'm just wondering if anyone noticed all the five star ratings for the last album by modern rock ensemble. They all seemed to be from local "fans" of the band and probably people who only joined this site to rate and review the album. Maybe something worth looking into at least as an observer. 
Funny you mention that, I got a copy to review and I found it "difficult" , very prog by numbers and I am the easy guy here, as I generally review what I really like and give high marks. I listened to it a few times as well as reading the reviews and I had a hard time equating the two, even questioning my standards. I put it aside.....for now. 
I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AFlowerKingCrimson Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 22 2020 at 17:15
Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

I'm just wondering if anyone noticed all the five star ratings for the last album by modern rock ensemble. They all seemed to be from local "fans" of the band and probably people who only joined this site to rate and review the album. Maybe something worth looking into at least as an observer. 
Funny you mention that, I got a copy to review and I found it "difficult" , very prog by numbers and I am the easy guy here, as I generally review what I really like and give high marks. I listened to it a few times as well as reading the reviews and I had a hard time equating the two, even questioning my standards. I put it aside.....for now. 

To be fair I did take a better look at the reviews for it and it does seem that only a few have only three or less reviews(or ratings)while several seem to have written several(if not many). I haven't heard the music but the reviews do make it seem interesting. I remember their previous album seemed to have had a lot of five star and three star reviews but not as many four star reviews which I thought seemed a bit odd. It might have balanced out by now though. Not sure. Also, many prog fans like difficult or complex stuff. Ok, I'm listening to a little bit of it now on youtube and it reminds me of Solaris a bit. I guess anything with a flute will also have comparisons to Jethro Tull. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 22 2020 at 17:48
I've given 5-star ratings to 8 out of 9 of David Gilmour's albums, simply because they're the best. Thumbs Up
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote bartymj Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 23 2020 at 03:10
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

As things stand Opeth have (including live releases) around 18 albums. Is anyone going to spend close to $200 just to hear albums they are 'generally confident' they wont like? You are either wealthier than beyond the wildest dreams of avarice or dafter than than a sectioned brush. Let's see if the second possibility stands up to even the flimsiest of scrutiny: Do you use a public lending library to source your review copies? (notwithstanding it being highly unlikely most would have an entire artist's discography available)

Well what a ridiculous post this is :D

As an (im)mature student I can pay a grand total of a discounted £4.99 a month for Spotify. Something which I have done for 9 months now. Using mostly Spotify and the fact that under Covid conditions I'm working from home on my own and need some background noise to keep me from total insanity, I can tell you in those 9 months I've listened to exactly 598 different albums on Spotify. Basic maths, at that rate I've paid 7.5 pence for each album listen, which even on my pauper's salary I can afford and think is a good return.

Yes, Spotify is seen as the devil, and artists don't get much money for their output via that streaming site - but if they upload their content there then why shouldn't I listen to it...

Opeth currently have on Spotify: Orchid, Morningrise, My Arms Your Hearse, Still Life, Blackwater Park, Deliverance, Damnation, Lamentations (Live), Ghost Reveries, The Roundhouse Tapes, Watershed, The Candlelight Years, Live at the Albert Hall, Heritage, Peaceville Presents, Pale Communion, Deliverance & Damnation Remixed, Sorceress, Garden of the Titans (Live), and In Cauda Venenum.

I would argue you'd be dafter than a sectioned brush NOT to make use of this wonder of modern technology. In fact, I've been introduced to several previously unknown-to-me prog artists simply because its cheap and easy to explore.

Apologies to everyone else for once again going off-topic on this thread but I was directly asked a question about my own sanity and felt obliged to respond...
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Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

As things stand Opeth have (including live releases) around 18 albums. Is anyone going to spend close to $200 just to hear albums they are 'generally confident' they wont like? You are either wealthier than beyond the wildest dreams of avarice or dafter than than a sectioned brush. Let's see if the second possibility stands up to even the flimsiest of scrutiny: Do you use a public lending library to source your review copies? (notwithstanding it being highly unlikely most would have an entire artist's discography available)

Seriously? Or are you trolling? As much as I dislike trolls, in this instance I sincerely hope that you are. It is possibly to listen to entire discographies to work out what you like from them, and purchase accordingly. If I had to buy everything first, to discover whether I liked it, I’d hardly be buying anything, never moving out of my comfort zone, and missing out in discovering all manner of bands and artists I now love.

Back in the day, I would listen to albums in the record store before spending my hard earned money. Now I listen first by streaming. And if you think it’s not possible to review an album via a stream, then you are mistaken. It is entirely possible, of course, that it won’t work for you, but it is ridiculous assume everyone else might have the same difficulty.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 23 2020 at 04:27
I've rated and reviewed nearly 800 albums so far, and I've never been tempted to give any of those albums a 1-star rating - not even to King Crimson & Van der Graaf Generator. Wink
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ExittheLemming Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 23 2020 at 05:08
Originally posted by bartymj bartymj wrote:

Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

As things stand Opeth have (including live releases) around 18 albums. Is anyone going to spend close to $200 just to hear albums they are 'generally confident' they wont like? You are either wealthier than beyond the wildest dreams of avarice or dafter than than a sectioned brush. Let's see if the second possibility stands up to even the flimsiest of scrutiny: Do you use a public lending library to source your review copies? (notwithstanding it being highly unlikely most would have an entire artist's discography available)

Well what a ridiculous post this is :D

As an (im)mature student I can pay a grand total of a discounted £4.99 a month for Spotify. Something which I have done for 9 months now. Using mostly Spotify and the fact that under Covid conditions I'm working from home on my own and need some background noise to keep me from total insanity, I can tell you in those 9 months I've listened to exactly 598 different albums on Spotify. Basic maths, at that rate I've paid 7.5 pence for each album listen, which even on my pauper's salary I can afford and think is a good return.

Yes, Spotify is seen as the devil, and artists don't get much money for their output via that streaming site - but if they upload their content there then why shouldn't I listen to it...

Opeth currently have on Spotify: Orchid, Morningrise, My Arms Your Hearse, Still Life, Blackwater Park, Deliverance, Damnation, Lamentations (Live), Ghost Reveries, The Roundhouse Tapes, Watershed, The Candlelight Years, Live at the Albert Hall, Heritage, Peaceville Presents, Pale Communion, Deliverance & Damnation Remixed, Sorceress, Garden of the Titans (Live), and In Cauda Venenum.

I would argue you'd be dafter than a sectioned brush NOT to make use of this wonder of modern technology. In fact, I've been introduced to several previously unknown-to-me prog artists simply because its cheap and easy to explore.

Apologies to everyone else for once again going off-topic on this thread but I was directly asked a question about my own sanity and felt obliged to respond...

I wouldn't bother to review anything if the source fidelity is no better than something like You Tube (around 126 kbps) or MP3 (320 kbps) I'm guessing (if I cared) it probably depends on what sort of subscription you pay on Spotify which dictates the sound quality you receive but AFAIK that would either be 160 kbps or 'premium' 320 kbps (same as MP3) For me, and I'm no audiophile, neither of those does justice to the music under review. Let's hope you're not studying audio recording technology but something like English literature instead, as a written review makes all this frothing and gnashing over petty arithmetic start to resemble a sports science graduate's acceptance speech Big smile
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