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^ The problem with all of us is that we believe all of science to be empirical fact when most of it is theory. The Theory of Relativity is still called the Theory of Relativity. Unless we know what happened before the Big Bang it will remain a theory. The same with all of these investigations that propose that thought is material in some way. Sorry, but it's just theory. (General and Special Relativity are provable mathematically only up to a certain point, the rest is speculation.)
Steve ... trust me ... it's gone way beyond that ... and the Theory of Relativity does not apply, connect or parallel any of it ... it's why it is a "theory" ... and a theory is not a reality ... so us thinking it is the "law" is akin to a religion ... believing just because someone said so, and we think they know more than we do ...
The studies on "psychic" phenomena have gotten to be insanely amazing with many PHDs out there ... writing fantastic articles about many details of the inner "experience", and it has been so for 50 years, and these studies are not a fallacy, and neither are they stupid and the details of the "investigating" are exceptional, many times "scientific" and very scholarly.
The only thing that is sad is equating it with an idea that was dead in its premise and then having to have us debate with some folks that are simply not well educated in this area, and their fixation is what "they know", and what they "don't know" is not valid ... and that is one of the worst implications of these discussions ... and it becomes a sort of religious ground for the flock -- so to speak!
Pedro, believing in this form of psuedo science is just as dangerous as believing in no science at all.
This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
When I was a young man, like yourself, ...I thought science was that I am older and wiser I realize just how little we really understand about the nature of Reality.
Science is like a bodily awkward man, with o sound mind. For me. Thus, I take all its "interpretations" for granted, and I take all its "I was wrong"s and "I don't know"s too. Always a step behind, I'm.
The studies on "psychic" phenomena have gotten to be insanely amazing with many PHDs out there ... writing fantastic articles about many details of the inner "experience", and it has been so for 50 years, and these studies are not a fallacy, and neither are they stupid and the details of the "investigating" are exceptional, many times "scientific" and very scholarly.
I stumbled upon this by just wondering if any academics were actually studying "psychic" phenomena. My initial impressions before digging were that this would be all but career-ending for anyone that tried. But I was wrong about that.
There is an entire department at the University of Virginia doing this:
---------- i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag that's a happy bag of lettuce this car smells like cartilage nothing beats a good video about fractions
^ you are so right but many choose to linger in darkness addicted to the left / right brain imbalances that cause a disconnect from the greater universe. I've been on this same path all my life. While some of the claims of the world of the so-called enlightenment movement are calculated disinfo, the whole evolutionary aspect of reactivating our dormant DNA and other metaphysical principles are quite real. Unfortunately there are too many dark forces preventing humanity from achieving the ascension process. If anyone thinks this is nonsense all you need study is scalar energy which is finally coming of age after being suppressed since the great works of Nikola Tesla.
Scalar energy? All energy is a scalar quantity. That's like saying wet water.
Au contraire.
The standard definition of scalar waves is that they are created by a pair of identical (or
waves (usually called the wave and its
) that are in ph
ase spatially, but out of
temporally. That is to say,
the two waves are physically identical
, but out of phase in
terms of
time. The net result is that scalar waves are a whole different animal from normal Hertzian
waves. They even look different
ke an infinitely projected mobius pattern on axis
In the "New Age" community there has been much talk of the benefit of things like
Radionics, and Pyramids, etc. Analysis shows that these are all, at heart, most likely
(or har
vesting) devices
and another....
Scalar energy was discovered many years ago, but since then it has
largely become forgotten. Even today, scalar energy is misunderstood,
undervalued and underused. One must take a look at the past to
understand the future ahead.
James Clark Maxwell, a Scottish scientist born in 1831, first
discovered scalar Energy. Maxwell made great contributions in the field
of mathematical physics. He formulated the theories of electromagnetic
radiation and electromagnetic fields.
Then Nikola Tesla, a Yugoslavian mathematical and mechanical
engineer, advanced Maxwell’s findings and invented machines which proved
the existence of Scalar Energy. He found two energies existing in the
universe: electromagnetic energy, which is broadly accepted and
utilized, and scalar energy, which is poorly understood and presently
disregarded. Tesla described Scalar energy as standing energy or
universal waves, which can be transmitted without loss. He believed that
Scalar Energy is a primal force in nature. It is free, renewable and
always available. He thought that if scalar energy was harnessed
correctly, it could have almost limitless possibilities.
Because of his great work in scalar energy for energy transfer,
Nikola Tesla is generally considered as the father of scalar
The existence of this form of energy was later acknowledged by Albert
Einstein, who wrote papers referring to scalar field during the 1920s.
Scalar Energy is non-linear and non-Hertzian. The field has the
capacity to carry information which does not reduce with the passing of
time or distance.
Scalar Energy is depicted to be without frequency, so it can’t be
measured by contemporary frequency instruments. This form of energy is
static and stationary. When two similar frequencies coming from opposite
intersect, they cancel each other out. This leads to a stationary energy form – Scalar Energy.
Scalar Energy is not like traditional energy, flowing out in the form
of waves. Instead, it expands outward in vortices of energy. Scalar
energy has always existed in the universe. It is created naturally.
Scalar fields can
also be created artificially by applying the right conditions.
Scalar energy is known for its healing properties. It is applied to
reduce and possibly eliminate many forms of diseases. Knowledge of
scalar energy has been misunderstood by most people since its discovery
more than 150
years ago, and it is not formally taught in schools.
Now you have a better understanding of scalar energy, and the magical benefits it can provide.
In other words, the true advancement of physics has been suppressed for the last century advancing mainly through clandestine government black budget projects and the military industrial complex. Physics and other sciences taught in public institutions are woefully outdated and with the advancement of understanding of scalar energy we have in effect discovered the interdimensional nature that embodies consciousness, the space-time continuum and what many refer to as spirituality.
I'm not going to comment on the healing properties or black budget projects because these are out of the scope of my knowledge. Your response seems to have been copied and pasted from Spooky2 Scalar and Jon Barron's book Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. I don't think I would have chosen either of these as reliable sources.
I think what we have here is a confusion over terminology. Mass and energy are scalar quantities, as opposed to momentum being a vector quantity. That's why your initial sentence didn't make any sense to me.
What I think you're getting at is scalar waves, or more commonly called longitudinal waves, as opposed to transverse waves. Bohman Zohuri has written a book about this published by Springer in 2019. You can read the preface here, which sort of mirrors some of what you have said:
In any case, I hope that clarifies what I meant. I apologize for the confusion.
---------- i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag that's a happy bag of lettuce this car smells like cartilage nothing beats a good video about fractions
^ The problem with all of us is that we believe all of science to be empirical fact when most of it is theory. The Theory of Relativity is still called the Theory of Relativity. Unless we know what happened before the Big Bang it will remain a theory. The same with all of these investigations that propose that thought is material in some way. Sorry, but it's just theory.
(General and Special Relativity are provable mathematically only up to a certain point, the rest is speculation.)
You are so right with this, Steve! I realized that when i was in college studying biology. I was the questioning type and would always irritate the teachers by asking logical questions that they didn't have the answers to. We are trained in our educational system to learn procedures NOT how to think critically. And yes, science for the most part is a big bluff of those trying to masquerade as the knowledge keepers.
Even the germ theory is only a theory. There is no proof that viruses are the cause of disease. Other theories include that viruses are the symptom of cellular toxicity due to pollution. Same goes with this stuff. Our friend presented it all as a little too absolute for my tastes but i have been researching all of these things for quite a while and they register high on my probability list.
In other words, the true advancement of physics has been suppressed for the last century advancing mainly through clandestine government black budget projects and the military industrial complex. Physics and other sciences taught in public institutions are woefully outdated and with the advancement of understanding of scalar energy we have in effect discovered the interdimensional nature that embodies consciousness, the space-time continuum and what many refer to as spirituality.
It is so, mainly because of its eccentric and (somewhat) exclusive nature ... not because of its contents and studies. The problem is HOW we are brought up and taught, which from day one (and even before some studies suggest!!!), are almost exclusively against the advanced "studies" in all aspects, and your education in schools is even worse ... you don't really get to the "main topic" (so to speak) until you are into your post graduate studies and working on a PHD, for example ... you are, sort of, dumb, to even talk to the professors BEFORE you get that PHD.
It's the same in religions ... although in a couple of them, there is not much emphasis on the dogma as much as there is a lot of emphasis on the person delivering, many of which are "self-appointed" because they can "see" and "hear" their dreams and visions, which they consider ... "God" and separates him/her from the rest of the folks around them, and at that point anyone mentioning dreams and visions is always thought to just seeing things that don't matter to the person in charge! (... no competition, right?)
Once we "let go" of these tendencies, and for many of us, this is a lifetime of studying and application, we can see something else at work and learn more ... but before then ... it's nothing, but just a bunch of words that are best described as an "opinion" ... and that often has very little to do with any possible truth in the matter ...
Remember that!
You are so right! Most everything i learned has been self study. My years in college were helpful but most advances came from my own disciplines. Having said that, education is fine for learning a select set of skills but creativity does not come from a classroom.
^ you are so right but many choose to linger in darkness addicted to the left / right brain imbalances that cause a disconnect from the greater universe. I've been on this same path all my life. While some of the claims of the world of the so-called enlightenment movement are calculated disinfo, the whole evolutionary aspect of reactivating our dormant DNA and other metaphysical principles are quite real. Unfortunately there are too many dark forces preventing humanity from achieving the ascension process. If anyone thinks this is nonsense all you need study is scalar energy which is finally coming of age after being suppressed since the great works of Nikola Tesla.
Scalar energy? All energy is a scalar quantity. That's like saying wet water.
Au contraire.
The standard definition of scalar waves is that they are created by a pair of identical (or
waves (usually called the wave and its
) that are in ph
ase spatially, but out of
temporally. That is to say,
the two waves are physically identical
, but out of phase in
terms of
time. The net result is that scalar waves are a whole different animal from normal Hertzian
waves. They even look different
ke an infinitely projected mobius pattern on axis
In the "New Age" community there has been much talk of the benefit of things like
Radionics, and Pyramids, etc. Analysis shows that these are all, at heart, most likely
(or har
vesting) devices
and another....
Scalar energy was discovered many years ago, but since then it has
largely become forgotten. Even today, scalar energy is misunderstood,
undervalued and underused. One must take a look at the past to
understand the future ahead.
James Clark Maxwell, a Scottish scientist born in 1831, first
discovered scalar Energy. Maxwell made great contributions in the field
of mathematical physics. He formulated the theories of electromagnetic
radiation and electromagnetic fields.
Then Nikola Tesla, a Yugoslavian mathematical and mechanical
engineer, advanced Maxwell’s findings and invented machines which proved
the existence of Scalar Energy. He found two energies existing in the
universe: electromagnetic energy, which is broadly accepted and
utilized, and scalar energy, which is poorly understood and presently
disregarded. Tesla described Scalar energy as standing energy or
universal waves, which can be transmitted without loss. He believed that
Scalar Energy is a primal force in nature. It is free, renewable and
always available. He thought that if scalar energy was harnessed
correctly, it could have almost limitless possibilities.
Because of his great work in scalar energy for energy transfer,
Nikola Tesla is generally considered as the father of scalar
The existence of this form of energy was later acknowledged by Albert
Einstein, who wrote papers referring to scalar field during the 1920s.
Scalar Energy is non-linear and non-Hertzian. The field has the
capacity to carry information which does not reduce with the passing of
time or distance.
Scalar Energy is depicted to be without frequency, so it can’t be
measured by contemporary frequency instruments. This form of energy is
static and stationary. When two similar frequencies coming from opposite
intersect, they cancel each other out. This leads to a stationary energy form – Scalar Energy.
Scalar Energy is not like traditional energy, flowing out in the form
of waves. Instead, it expands outward in vortices of energy. Scalar
energy has always existed in the universe. It is created naturally.
Scalar fields can
also be created artificially by applying the right conditions.
Scalar energy is known for its healing properties. It is applied to
reduce and possibly eliminate many forms of diseases. Knowledge of
scalar energy has been misunderstood by most people since its discovery
more than 150
years ago, and it is not formally taught in schools.
Now you have a better understanding of scalar energy, and the magical benefits it can provide.
In other words, the true advancement of physics has been suppressed for the last century advancing mainly through clandestine government black budget projects and the military industrial complex. Physics and other sciences taught in public institutions are woefully outdated and with the advancement of understanding of scalar energy we have in effect discovered the interdimensional nature that embodies consciousness, the space-time continuum and what many refer to as spirituality.
I'm not going to comment on the healing properties or black budget projects because these are out of the scope of my knowledge. Your response seems to have been copied and pasted from Spooky2 Scalar and Jon Barron's book Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. I don't think I would have chosen either of these as reliable sources.
I think what we have here is a confusion over terminology. Mass and energy are scalar quantities, as opposed to momentum being a vector quantity. That's why your initial sentence didn't make any sense to me.
What I think you're getting at is scalar waves, or more commonly called longitudinal waves, as opposed to transverse waves. Bohman Zohuri has written a book about this published by Springer in 2019. You can read the preface here, which sort of mirrors some of what you have said:
In any case, I hope that clarifies what I meant. I apologize for the confusion.
Yep i just copied the best definition i could find on the spot. I didn't have the time to explain in detail and gather the resources to to it. This is a topic well worth investigating. It truly is the wave of the future. Hehe
Pedro, believing in this form of pseudo science is just as dangerous as believing in no science at all.
Steve ... at this point it is NOT a matter of belief at all ... to properly study, research something, you have to suspend judgements in order to find a result or some information leading to a result otherwise the "exercise" is just a pat on your back showing how clever you are and it is taken as "true" about this or that ... the "exercise" can not, and will NOT, be able to get past the conception of its design ... same thing with computer programs ... folks rarely upgrade the current one, and instead end up creating a new one ... why? Easy ... the start "engine" is not flexible enough to take it further ... !!!
The best we all can tell each other, is to request that we stop thinking that one thing is right and the other is wrong, and then proceed to "test" and "experiment" what you saw, felt, or otherwise, and then make notes on your bits and pieces. Somewhere in time, later, you will be able to compile your information into a sort of idea of what has taken place, and where your information was altered by your own ideas, and where in the information you were the "Watcher", so you could take notes correctly.
There is, no hocus pocus here. This is about learning what to do with your internal material that many of us can't even describe, and are DEATHLY AFRAID that it will hurt us more if we check into it. It has nothing to do with science any more than it does religion, but for many years, a lot of these studies were being done, and the main difference is the language that was used then and now ... and how it is perceived.
I would like to make a suggestion ... but not sure that it is a good one or not ... but a really good start would be to read WILLIAM JAMES' THE VARIETIES OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE. It was, in many ways a book that has helped a lot of people start researching a lot of internal experiences ... with the only problem being that we're too stuck up in our own "culture" to even consider and open our minds to something else.
For me, the 60's (btw) was not about just the drugs and the music ... it was about opening the mind and learning from it ... not to simply get stoned, as almost everyone around me did ... the stupidest thing I have ever seen, and the worst side of the human this and that I have ever seen, specially in a concert ... since then, I have studied and read a lot ... and I will NEVER claim that I know anything ... but I do try and hope people see and understand ... THAT THERE IS MORE OUTSIDE OUR AWARENESS (music included as you well know!!!!!) that we continually refuse to check and learn something from ... and until those residual growth "hormones" are cleared up, the appreciation of something else, is completely stunted ...
I'm not out to change anyone, or to make them better or worse ... I'm merely saying ... we don't know enough to even make out own comments valuable and valid ... I simply try my hardest in this respect and can only hope that people can see the honesty and caring side behind it. I don't "trump" people with the ideas, and neither do I fire them!
Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
I've stayed away from this so far, but.........rant begins
I've got many issues with much of the tone of this thread. We all look at life from our own perspectives and, for many of us, we have 'faith' in something more that what we perceive in life. That should be an absolute and unchallenged right. What I cannot agree with or see any justification for, is that because an individual happens to believe a certain 'something', they have any right whatsoever to set about trying to influence others to believe the same thing. That same attitude leads to the cancer (in my personal view) that is organised religion. My book is better/righter/more true than your book etc, etc. and if you don't agree my god will smite you down, or at least His soldiers will.
There are probably thousands of religions in this world and, guess what, you can't all be right. When you look back at the chaos, murder and misery that organised religions have dealt out to the world, I wonder they still exist at all, except that none of them really have anything to do with faith, they're really about men and women finding a way to excerpt control and power over their fellow men and women (again in my personal view).
I'm not discounting that some good that has come out of organised religions, it's just that, in most cases, if they were truer to their principles and not hi-jacked too often by idealists with agendas on power trips, much more good and much less harm would have been done before, now and in the future.
I've stayed away from this so far, but.........rant begins
I've got many issues with much of the tone of this thread. We all look at life from our own perspectives and, for many of us, we have 'faith' in something more that what we perceive in life. That should be an absolute and unchallenged right. What I cannot agree with or see any justification for, is that because an individual happens to believe a certain 'something', they have any right whatsoever to set about trying to influence others to believe the same thing. That same attitude leads to the cancer (in my personal view) that is organised religion. My book is better/righter/more true than your book etc, etc. and if you don't agree my god will smite you down, or at least His soldiers will.
There are probably thousands of religions in this world and, guess what, you can't all be right. When you look back at the chaos, murder and misery that organised religions have dealt out to the world, I wonder they still exist at all, except that none of them really have anything to do with faith, they're really about men and women finding a way to excerpt control and power over their fellow men and women (again in my personal view).
I'm not discounting that some good that has come out of organised religions, it's just that, in most cases, if they were truer to their principles and not hi-jacked too often by idealists with agendas on power trips, much more good and much less harm would have been done before, now and in the future.
Rant over.
The odd thing is that no one made express references to organized religion exept perhaps for the OP. Most here are beyond that, probably.
This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
I've stayed away from this so far, but.........rant begins
I've got many issues with much of the tone of this thread. We all look at life from our own perspectives and, for many of us, we have 'faith' in something more that what we perceive in life. That should be an absolute and unchallenged right. What I cannot agree with or see any justification for, is that because an individual happens to believe a certain 'something', they have any right whatsoever to set about trying to influence others to believe the same thing. That same attitude leads to the cancer (in my personal view) that is organised religion. My book is better/righter/more true than your book etc, etc. and if you don't agree my god will smite you down, or at least His soldiers will.
There are probably thousands of religions in this world and, guess what, you can't all be right. When you look back at the chaos, murder and misery that organised religions have dealt out to the world, I wonder they still exist at all, except that none of them really have anything to do with faith, they're really about men and women finding a way to excerpt control and power over their fellow men and women (again in my personal view).
I'm not discounting that some good that has come out of organised religions, it's just that, in most cases, if they were truer to their principles and not hi-jacked too often by idealists with agendas on power trips, much more good and much less harm would have been done before, now and in the future.
Rant over.
Real Belief is not about "believing this or that, because we don't really know" but rather quite the opposite.
Real belief is a higher knowing, truth felt by the heart and veryfied by higher understanding and direct experience (otherwise why would you believe anything if you didnt have a deep sense of knowing, that it was true?).
Belief in this sence is simply something you can not prove to others because those truths are not easily verifyable by other means than direct experience of the phenomenon itself.
Real Belief is and was only always about TRUTH and REALITY!
Everyone has his own perception of truth, yes - but in the end, there is only one truth. There is only one how and why this universe is the way it is.
We have to get past the idea, that only by ratio we can get to knowledge tho. It was this imbalance of the female and male aspects that created much suffering and misunderstanding in the first place. Through the disconnection between heart and mind, we lost the ability to discern truth from lie and depended solely on our ego mind which was easily deceiveable. Today we let others completely dictate our view of reality but our science is only allowed to circulate within its own limited paradigm (not to speak of almost all religions, which were corrupted as well). We also have to understand, that the most crucial knowledge about reality is not found in mainstream (be it scinece or religion/spirituality) because truth would set us free and we are not supposed to be free.
People have given away so much of their power and can't even imagine being able to find essential truths about this universe within themselves.
But at their core, all religions point to the same thing, and so does science..
This one thing is everything. We are it and it is us. Its simple, yet so beautiful..
Pedro, believing in this form of pseudo science is just as dangerous as believing in no science at all.
Steve ... at this point it is NOT a matter of belief at all ... to properly study, research something, you have to suspend judgements in order to find a result or some information leading to a result otherwise the "exercise" is just a pat on your back showing how clever you are and it is taken as "true" about this or that ... the "exercise" can not, and will NOT, be able to get past the conception of its design ... same thing with computer programs ... folks rarely upgrade the current one, and instead end up creating a new one ... why? Easy ... the start "engine" is not flexible enough to take it further ... !!!
The best we all can tell each other, is to request that we stop thinking that one thing is right and the other is wrong, and then proceed to "test" and "experiment" what you saw, felt, or otherwise, and then make notes on your bits and pieces. Somewhere in time, later, you will be able to compile your information into a sort of idea of what has taken place, and where your information was altered by your own ideas, and where in the information you were the "Watcher", so you could take notes correctly.
There is, no hocus pocus here. This is about learning what to do with your internal material that many of us can't even describe, and are DEATHLY AFRAID that it will hurt us more if we check into it. It has nothing to do with science any more than it does religion, but for many years, a lot of these studies were being done, and the main difference is the language that was used then and now ... and how it is perceived.
I would like to make a suggestion ... but not sure that it is a good one or not ... but a really good start would be to read WILLIAM JAMES' THE VARIETIES OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE. It was, in many ways a book that has helped a lot of people start researching a lot of internal experiences ... with the only problem being that we're too stuck up in our own "culture" to even consider and open our minds to something else.
For me, the 60's (btw) was not about just the drugs and the music ... it was about opening the mind and learning from it ... not to simply get stoned, as almost everyone around me did ... the stupidest thing I have ever seen, and the worst side of the human this and that I have ever seen, specially in a concert ... since then, I have studied and read a lot ... and I will NEVER claim that I know anything ... but I do try and hope people see and understand ... THAT THERE IS MORE OUTSIDE OUR AWARENESS (music included as you well know!!!!!) that we continually refuse to check and learn something from ... and until those residual growth "hormones" are cleared up, the appreciation of something else, is completely stunted ...
I'm not out to change anyone, or to make them better or worse ... I'm merely saying ... we don't know enough to even make out own comments valuable and valid ... I simply try my hardest in this respect and can only hope that people can see the honesty and caring side behind it. I don't "trump" people with the ideas, and neither do I fire them!
We must be talking past each other Pedro. You're talking to an old seeker whose read enough esoteric texts and experiences of consciousness to fill a library. I went beyond William James in high school right to the Tibetan Book Of The Dead and The Doors Of Perception.
This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
But at their core, all religions point to the same thing, and so does science..
I'm quite bored of this nonsense, but felt like I have to teach you some truth. ABSORB IT!
Science accepts it doesn't know everything and sometimes it was wrong, it can be wrong and it will probably be wrong again, and always progressivelly will try its best; while religions are closed systems, or eternal if you prefer. They claim to know lots of things. Most Muslims in my country love a saying: "Only Allah knows what will happen (the future)". I think this is a soothing point of view, but actually lots of people will be "grilled" forever feeling eternal pain, according to their religion. Does science point to something like this?
I guess your Andromedan origins exiled you for some reason. My guess is either as a punishment, or as a mission to learn some real science here on Earth. Or perhaps they sent your "kind" to teach us spirit science and stuff. Can they be the "dark forces" you mention?
But at their core, all religions point to the same thing, and so does science..
I'm quite bored of this nonsense, but felt like I have to teach you some truth. ABSORB IT!
Science accepts it doesn't know everything and sometimes it was wrong, it can be wrong and it will probably be wrong again, and always progressivelly will try its best; while religions are closed systems, or eternal if you prefer. They claim to know lots of things. Most Muslims in my country love a saying: "Only Allah knows what will happen (the future)". I think this is a soothing point of view, but actually lots of people will be "grilled" forever feeling eternal pain, according to their religion. Does science point to something like this?
I guess your Andromedan origins exiled you for some reason. My guess is either as a punishment, or as a mission to learn some real science here on Earth. Or perhaps they sent your "kind" to teach us spirit science and stuff. Can they be the "dark forces" you mention?
Again, I feel that you are another who is focusing on organized religion instead of spirituality. They are not the same thing. To put it simply, spirituality is an aim to grow spiritually. It doesn't have to involve religion. There are many religious people who are for from spiritualists and will probably remain that way.
Edited by SteveG - November 23 2020 at 13:35
This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
^ Nope. I quoted and replied about a post about religions. I also was talking about the "religion". The Hell concept. Also, conversely, I was talking about how people attribute "powers" to Allah. This is all about "personal interpretations", not about organized religion stuff.
I think spirituality aims at deceiving people, and it took its origins from lunatics or sinister manipulators.
But at their core, all religions point to the same thing, and so does science..
I'm quite bored of this nonsense, but felt like I have to teach you some truth. ABSORB IT!
Science accepts it doesn't know everything and sometimes it was wrong, it can be wrong and it will probably be wrong again, and always progressivelly will try its best; while religions are closed systems, or eternal if you prefer. They claim to know lots of things. Most Muslims in my country love a saying: "Only Allah knows what will happen (the future)". I think this is a soothing point of view, but actually lots of people will be "grilled" forever feeling eternal pain, according to their religion. Does science point to something like this?
I guess your Andromedan origins exiled you for some reason. My guess is either as a punishment, or as a mission to learn some real science here on Earth. Or perhaps they sent your "kind" to teach us spirit science and stuff. Can they be the "dark forces" you mention?
If you didn't get it by now, it's just because you're not able to figure out the puzzle yourself. All the answers are out there and also found within. I see two or three people here who were able to connect the dots, you others seem to be mostly oblivious to the greater reality. It's only your static beliefsystems that prevent you from true realisation.
Ofcourse anyone who claims his god is THE god (and the others are not), doesnt understand that there is only one god. And anyone who claims only his way is the way to god, doesnt understand, that all religions (at their pure core) are describing the same path just in different ways. Every belief of a punishing god or some place of judgement/hell is deception by the dark to take away our sovereignity. Every believe that nourishes separation or negativity in any way is not from the light and therefore strictly false. They took jesus words and twisted it, they took mohammeds word an twisted it, they even completely twisted the new age movement. This all is the reason why spirituality and religion is in such discredit.
But the fact is, that spirituality and science go perfectly hand in hand on the quest to true understanding. In case you didnt read it, I'll post my favourite quotes here again:
a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the
study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms
this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only
by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and
holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. . . . We
must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent
Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter."
Niels Bohr:
physicist is just an atom's way of looking at itself."
Werner Heisenberg:
first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist,
but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”
there is nothing more to it. simply consciousness is the answer. not some mythical power outside of us. the very thing we are made of is making up everything.
"we are just the universe experiencing itself through us"
I am litterally you explaining this stuff to ourselves..
I think both of you have a heart of gold. I felt it long before your last post. I'm sincere.
I also am not really an anti-spiritualism or anti-religion guy. I think they were/are a part of our cultural evolution. Whether one likes them or not, it cannot be changed. They also set challenges for people like myself throughout centuries and millennia. You know? It can enrich the culture(s) multi-facetedly. I'm mainly opposed to their utilization as "tools". Otherwise, everything can be treasured, if they enrich one's life, occupies his/her troubled mind etc...
I also am assuming Steve means something very broad while saying spirituality. Spiritual growth? Sure. Everybody needs that. I just want to make people interpret such things in a realist way. Not "make" actually, I just feel happy when I see that people can do it. Of course, no one would/should think/behave to make me happy. You know? I just feel happier when I see people like that. I just am being open here. (Just add some "Never opened my heart this waaaaay..." drama here. )
Until recent years, I was interpreting fictional works differently. Some wisdom I met from a Swedish proverb (Reality surpasses the poem.) and learning how the Chinese assess such stuff just helped me. I'm not a teacher or something here. So, I'm not trying to "teach" anything to anybody. So, sorry for my previous "truth teaching" imposition, which was a result of a depletion of my tolerance. I'm just hoping that my insights can be of some help. Not like trying to make people like myself. You know? Diversity is awesome. Otherwise life would be unbearably boring.
Yet I have to add that you didn't answer my question, with a scientific or historical fact. The claim that the religions, the words of the prophets and the Holy books were distorted is just... well... a claim. You can NEVER know the reality about that, unless time travel or real past time simulations are realized. Both can possibly be achieved, but I fear only our descendants can witness them, if invented.
Also there may be secret technologies and stuff too, or some aliens can bring or brought them too. You know, conspiracy theories are almost never impossible.
One last thing to add, I know lots of things about spiritualism and stuff, as my bandmate is very much into them. I said I'm more of a "anti-spiritualist", but it is only limited to ideological, philosophical and scientific contexts. Also, we're making an album that is about spirituality, aliens and all that jazz... For me, it is like sci-fi, for my bandmate, it is about his beliefs... But, he actually likes to leave the lyrics completely to me, for the next album and I'll probably create a fully original sci-fi concept. He doesn't very much like writing the lyrics himself, but had to do for our upcoming album.
Hey everyone here! Spirituality is tantamount to one's connection to the universe. This is a path you have to focus your consciousness on for years before the almighty controller of things allows you access to deeper truths of reality. There is nothing i can say or do to convince you and there is nothing anybody else can either. This is either something you feel a connection to or do not. I would never create a thread like this because it's not my desire to interpolate my life journey upon those who are not interested however i'm happy to drop a comment or two here and there since someone else did.
I can only recount my own experiences and i have had many that utterly convince me of the multi-dimensional universe that surrounds us. The veil is truly thinning which is the point of this thread really and the day is near when timelines and dimensions will cross over.
If you seriously want to research the scientific studies of such esoterica there have been plenty. One amazing adventure of (USA) tax payer money came from the Montauk Project which confirmed the ability of time travel among other inconceivable phenomena. It seems our consciousness does conceive reality and we do live in slightly different worlds in many ways and the collective accord crafts a main frame sort of thing. There have literally been a ridiculous amount of scientific inquiries into many of these esoteric phenomena but most have been classified and / or carried out in places like the former USSR.
The answers really are there at least for things that really matter and so-called spiritual disciplines truly do condition the soul for receiving such downloads. There is a reason these things are not available to all. We live in a reality where we are tested for our moral fortitude and if all the answers were obvious then we would not learn from experience! We would only get by on cheat sheets! It really does make sense once you surrender to the higher frequencies of unconditional love which of course does not take away one's cosmic right of self-defense.
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