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Interactive Polls #18: Free-For-All

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Poll Question: Which three are your favorites?
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mathman0806 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mathman0806 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2020 at 05:40
Slowly getting through these. Some notes. 


Overall, had not heard any of these before.

FC/Kahuna “Hayling” – Chill I like the vocals w/ the effects and embellishments. My favorite of your choices.

Scorpions “Drifting Sun” – It took about 1/3 into the song before I got into. It might have been the vocals.

Mercury Rev “Nite and Fog” – Have heard  a few other songs by them but not this one. I liked this one. #2 after “Hayling”.

Grandaddy “So you’ll aim toward the sky” – Cool time lapse video. A bit too sad sounding for me to get into at this time.


Not familiar with either of these tracks. I appreciate hearing these. I am not really a lyrics person, so I enjoyed these just for the sound. I tried to read the lyrics while listening, but it just didn’t work for me.

Angelo Branduardi “Confessioni di un malandrino” – This is my favorite of the first two. I did go back and forth on this.

Lucio Battisti “Il nostro caro angelo” – Can someone explain that photo?

Inti Illimani “Arriba quemando el sol” – The harmonies are great.

M’anam “Bitter Wind” – This is good. On a separate note, I’d really like to visit Iceland someday. Some beautiful landscapes in the video (and in every music video I see filmed in Iceland).


Hidden Orchestra “Flight” I really like this and my favorite of your three, but I liked the other two quite bit.

Nils Frahm & Anne Müller “Journey For A Traveller” – I like the glitches/effects.

Laurent Pernice “Stupid Things” – This reminds me of something, but I can’t put my finger on what it is. It’ll probably come to me in a couple of weeks. Video is up to 8 views on YouTube! The textures are immersive. Sounds great with headphones on.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote suitkees Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2020 at 05:31
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Listening to the playlist in shuffle mode. Hauschka & Hildur Guðnadóttir just came up - gorgeous! (Not too surprising that this is straight up my alley, isn't it? Wink)
That didn't surprise me, since you came up with Nils Frahm. I suppose you also know the Miasmah and Sonic Pieces record labels - they have wonderful stuff in this vein.

As another example, an album that I have on vinyl, Yair Elazar Glotman & Mats Erlandsson, from the album Negative Chambers:

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote mathman0806 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2020 at 05:25
Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

George:  Three from Ginger Baker.  I had the pleasure of meeting “Beware of Mr Baker,” once.  He was on very good behaviour, thankfully.  I also worked with his very talented (and much milder mannered) son, Kofi.  Ginger Baker’s Air Force “12 Gates of the City”  Haven’t heard this in a very long time.  Reminds me a lot of Traffic.  And reminds me that I should revisit this incarnation in Ginger’s career.  Next, “Mektoub” from Middle Passage.  Really enjoyed this Middle-Eastern tinged piece.  Thirdly, with Masters of Reality, “John Brown.”  Never heard this one before, either.  Made a pretty simple song a lot more interesting with his percussive style. 

Good to hear that he was well behaved when you met him. He certainly had a reputation. His son is quite talented, but I only know of one album he did though it is one of my favorite fusion albums from the 90s with Jonas Hellborg and Shawn Lane---Abstract Logic. It's on PA listed under Jonas Hellborg, and for those of you who like that type of stuff, recommended. 

Here's one from that album. 

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote suitkees Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2020 at 04:53

So, I gave a first listen to the first half of the playlist and join you in commenting them:

TCat : FC Kahuna, a very good one. It has an air of Air in it, and a good air it is. Scorpions, you say it is heavy metal, but since I like this one very much it must be classic hard rock ;) Mercury Rev, a good one too but maybe a bit too conventional for me, which is even more the case with Grandaddy.

Raff: As said, I really like this Branduardi song, the troubadour quality, the subtle playing and singing pours some magic over it. Lucio Battisti is very good too, but for me it is not as enchanting.

Lewian: Didn’t know Hidden Orchestra, so this is a very good discovery – I like this track very much. Nils Frahm & Anne Müller, as said before, this is a musician I folllow and especially his collaborative work – wonderful!

I prophesy disaster: Blue Öyster Cult never won me over, but this is a very good song.

Micky: Kristin Hersh’s song is beautiful, enchanting. Jane’s Addiction starts very good, but halfway they start losing me. Manassas, one of those unknown instant classics to me, great song. The 60s, 50s selections are nice to hear, but not much more than that, for my ears. And Norah Jones, sorry, she has a wonderful voice, but I always found her songs and interpretations rather boring.

Rushfan4: Ted Nugent, very good classic rock song. “Classic” in the (very) good sense of the word! Good choice!

The Dark Elf: As said, this Alice Cooper album is a killer, as is the song, an all-time favourite of mine. The Allman Brothers, this is one of those moments you hear the sheer fun and world class of great musicians making music - Thanks! Gabriela y Rodrigo, very interesting discovery, but with Echoes, after seven minutes they urge me to pick up the original. It makes me want to listen to their original work, though.

Mathman: Ginger Baker, I wasn’t impressed by his Air Force but very much liked both John Brown and Mektoub. These two are quite different and I wouldn’t know which one to choose...

JamesBaldwin: Corsica rocks! Two great songs. I think I prefer Fiure di Palestina.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mathman0806 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2020 at 04:49
Originally posted by jamesbaldwin jamesbaldwin wrote:

Masters of reality is one of my fave rock albun of the eighties.

I know just this first album but I listened to it a lot in the nineties,especially in my car.

John Brown is a good chiice. I like it very much. But I love even other four songs:


Those are great, but I couldn't find any clips with Baker on them. I wanted to post "She Got Me" from the second album but the video I found cut off the first 30 seconds of Baker's drumming. But I looked again and found a complete video. Baker just nails it.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 20:03
I have an "s" theme, Sheller, Stringtronics, and Stereolab.

William Sheller - "Introit"

Stereolab - "The Flower called Nowhere"

Stringtronics - "Dawn Mist"

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Lewian Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 18:11
OK, third and last nomination, the theme is straight (?) instrumentals with lots of textures. I love such stuff, as you can guess from my choices. This one is from a ridiculously unknown ridiculously good album, Sortie Vers La Ville by (Poco) Laurent Pernice. This album appeared in 1993 and the video has 6 (six!) views. If you listen to the whole album you might think that the guy may have influenced the Hidden Orchestra, had they known him, which I doubt. Here's "Stupid Things".

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Lewian Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 17:26
Listening to the playlist in shuffle mode. Hauschka & Hildur Guðnadóttir just came up - gorgeous! (Not too surprising that this is straight up my alley, isn't it? Wink)
Knew a bit of Hauschka before but don't remember him as good as this. 

I loved the Ginger Baker film some years ago and I'm game for most of his stuff, so I'm happy with the Ginger Baker theme. I couldn't play the Mektoub video either and couldn't find another one; of the two tracks I prefer the Masters of Reality one, but Air Force isn't bad either by any means. Edit: Listened to Mektoub now on the album video. This is at the very least on a par with John Brown. Great stuff!

I also liked to listen to the 1974 Scorpions, which I hadn't heard before. I don't like Meine's voice unfortunately, but the playing is great.

Edited by Lewian - August 25 2020 at 17:50
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mathman0806 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 16:37
Was going through the songs posted so far, and wanted to post this (out of competition) special version of Norah Jones doing her hit song on Sesame Street.

Edited by mathman0806 - August 25 2020 at 16:38
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote jamesbaldwin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 16:36
Originally posted by mathman0806 mathman0806 wrote:

Originally posted by TCat TCat wrote:

Mathman - I have never followed Ginger Baker that close after Cream, but that Masters of Reality "John Bown" track is a real winner!  Loved it!  Unfortunately, I couldn't get the 2nd video to work (blocked in Canada apparently)

The second track is quite different from the others as it's an instrumental world music influenced track.

Try this link to the entire album:

It's the first track. 

Masters of Reality were really good. Their first album didn't have Ginger Baker but that's where the song "John Brown" comes from. Baker was the drummer for their second album. The two albums were released in the late 80's/early 90's sounding well influenced by late 60's/early 70's hard rock and they just didn't fit in with the hair metal at the time, so didn't go anywhere. Both are great. Chris Goss, the guitarist/singer, went on as a producer, notably working with Kyuss and Queens of the Stone Age. Kyuss (then known as Sons of Kyuss) opened for the Masters of Reality when I saw them. 

Masters of reality is one of my fave rock albun of the eighties.

I know just this first album but I listened to it a lot in the nineties,especially in my car.

John Brown is a good chiice. I like it very much. But I love even other four songs:


Edited by jamesbaldwin - August 25 2020 at 16:40
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 16:29
Continuing on.....good thing that everyone has to boil it down to one, there's a lot of great music here.  So far, with another from Lewian and continuing on, almost to the end of Page 2. 

Lewian: Nils Frahm & Anne Muller “Journey For A Traveller”  Hitchcockian comes to mind.  Enjoyed the deliberately “frayed” bits happening in the music, for effect as well. The swirling violins are gorgeous when they come in.  Fascinating video as well, with the people and lifestyle of long ago, yet not so long that it wasn’t on film.  Very poignant, all around.

Greg: Alice Cooper “Killer” I have some ties to Mr Furnier in my life.  Elements of psych here, as well as prog.  The Allman Brothers “Mountain Jam”  Very familiar with this, many of the more bluesy young guitarists I grew up with revered this band and worked hard to emulate them.  With good reason.  Rodrigo y Gabriela “Echoes” Big fan of their reworkings of various artists to suit their style.  Well done!  

George:  Three from Ginger Baker.  I had the pleasure of meeting “Beware of Mr Baker,” once.  He was on very good behaviour, thankfully.  I also worked with his very talented (and much milder mannered) son, Kofi.  Ginger Baker’s Air Force “12 Gates of the City”  Haven’t heard this in a very long time.  Reminds me a lot of Traffic.  And reminds me that I should revisit this incarnation in Ginger’s career.  Next, “Mektoub” from Middle Passage.  Really enjoyed this Middle-Eastern tinged piece.  Thirdly, with Masters of Reality, “John Brown.”  Never heard this one before, either.  Made a pretty simple song a lot more interesting with his percussive style. 

Lorenzo:  Two from Vitalba.  “Fiure di Palestina” Love the Middle Eastern-ish beginning, with gorgeous harmonies.  How I do love to hear finger sound on strings (seriously).   “Mi Ne Vogu”  This one is much more upbeat and also done in fine style, but I prefer the first, probably expected of me by now, as I love those minor keys. 

Cristi:  Marriages “Skin” Another atmospheric piece follows Lewian’s, this one with vocals.  Lovely, eerie and dark music, with the vocals kind of far back, creating a wash with the instruments’ sound. Adrienne Fenemor “Mo’ Puddin’”  Fun and completely different than the previous one.  I could see walking into The Lighthouse (jazz club)  in Hermosa Beach to find this band playing, or outside of the old Cooper House in Santa Cruz, another place for cool jazz and drinks by the beach.  Flowing Tears “Lovesong for a Dead Child” Gothic sounding band, sad premise of course, with the title.  Properly dirge-like, yet with a feeling of exaltation, like the child’s loss of pain through death.  Pretty, subtle melody.The Jelly Jam “Care (Profit)” Love the sarcasm.  Nice, heavy melodic hook.  Orkid “Standstill”  Before I heard anything, I was expecting something very different.  Really love the horns in this.  Kaipa “Regn” More sadness and dirge.  Which is something I like!  😊  I like the classical feel to the composition.  I Am No Hero “Nights of Wonder” A cinematic-type slowly building piece.  Pretty mandolin-like playing.  Thoughtful throughout, then works into a quiet crescendo near the end, very moody piece that quietly fades.  Vanishing Kids “Heavy Dreamer” Heavy indeed.  Heavy psych guitar and sludgy drums mixed to the back.  Vibrato-y singer (kind of Slick-like to my ear, without the crispness), big psych guitar swathes rolling around underneath and washing up to the fore.  I like this. 


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote suitkees Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 15:04
Ow Freedom, Freedom! Wonderful! And difficult... I was away for a day and see the new poll up and already three pages of suggestions! Great. Haven't had time yet to listen to them, but I saw already some that I know and like very much: Confessioni di un malandrino by Branduardi; I only have a compilation album by Branduardi but this is my favourite song on it. It's very beautiful.
I love the Alice Cooper Killer album, imo the best he ever did! And when this poll theme was discussed I was thinking of suggesting something by Nils Frahm but see that Lewian already has. Wonderful! This is a very interesting musician, especially in his collaborations...

So, coming to my suggestions, I could annoy you again with De Staat, but let's do something different. In the Covers poll I suggested a Kraftwerk rendition by Kat Onoma (Radioactivity). So I thought to make you acquainted with some of their own material. Difficult to chose one song, because they have quite a variety of songs on which the guitar of Rodolphe Burger is often what makes it recognisable as Kat Onoma. Therefore I propose you two songs of one and the same album, the selftitled Kat Onoma (which is not their first album, but their last, in 2001). The music goes from blues-rock to industrial with some other detours... The lyrics for this album are taken from the poetry of Jack Spicer (some of them translated in French, others sung in English with a French accent).

First, a more subdued on, in order not to scare you off, Magic:

The second one has a more industrial tinge, Scie électrique (Electric Saw):

A second French band, but rather different: it is more Ozric Tentacles go arabic, or something like that. Orange Blossom is proposing a kind of electro-world-trip hop-arab-rock. As example, Cheft El Khof (I've Seen Fear):

And now for something completely different (as the Monty Python would say), but this is what I listen to too: in order not to propose another piece of Nils Frahm, I'm suggesting another collaboration of two musicians, Hauschka (Volker Bertelmann, on prepared piano) and Hildur Gudnadottir (Cello), with something rather minimalist. Dive into the ocean and admire all the pantone colors you will be seeing - this one is Black 6:

Three quite different musical directions. I hope there is at least one of them that you like...

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mathman0806 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 14:11
I am thinking maybe I should just embed the entire album because it is the same length as Mountain Jam (actually, it's 10 seconds shorter). LOL

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mathman0806 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 13:52
Originally posted by TCat TCat wrote:

Mathman - I have never followed Ginger Baker that close after Cream, but that Masters of Reality "John Bown" track is a real winner!  Loved it!  Unfortunately, I couldn't get the 2nd video to work (blocked in Canada apparently)

The second track is quite different from the others as it's an instrumental world music influenced track.

Try this link to the entire album:

It's the first track. 

Masters of Reality were really good. Their first album didn't have Ginger Baker but that's where the song "John Brown" comes from. Baker was the drummer for their second album. The two albums were released in the late 80's/early 90's sounding well influenced by late 60's/early 70's hard rock and they just didn't fit in with the hair metal at the time, so didn't go anywhere. Both are great. Chris Goss, the guitarist/singer, went on as a producer, notably working with Kyuss and Queens of the Stone Age. Kyuss (then known as Sons of Kyuss) opened for the Masters of Reality when I saw them. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Snicolette Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 13:42
Originally posted by TCat TCat wrote:

Here are my own personal favorites from what has been posted so far:

Nicky - I find the Hank Dogs "18 Dogs" track to be wonderful!  I'm already familiar with the Iron & Wine track, so it doesn't qualify for me.  I made the same mistake as Lewian and thought it was the artist Mark Almond until I heard it and knew that it wasn't.  Not a bad track, but didn't really grab me as the Hank Dogs track did.

  Thanks for the input, Mike!  I enjoy reading when someone has the time, all of their thoughts on the music (not just about the ones I enter).  I really struggled on how to present this one, not sure how familiar people may/may not have been with these.  
Iron & Wine was pretty big, at least in the Southern States, when I lived there.  His kind of sound was really different at the time, you know right away when it's an Iron & Wine song, before the vocals even begin.  Very distinctive.  
Hank Dogs is very English and this LP was produced by Joe Boyd, who probably needs no introduction here.  I put them in the middle  because of the female voices, bookended by males.  They only recorded 2 CDs and have disappeared, but this first one is pretty stellar all round, in my opinion.  Those intertwined female voices are just lovely.
Mark-Almond, I figured wouldn't be known to too many, unless they are near me in age.  I don't know how well that LP did elsewhere, but several tracks were played a lot on the LA Underground radio scene back in it's day.  Another collaboration that has a distinctive sound.

Edited by Snicolette - August 25 2020 at 13:46
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TCat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 12:34
Here are my own personal favorites from what has been posted so far:

Raff - Angelo Branduardi & Lucio Battisti are both excellent Italian performers.  I haven't heard these songs before.  I was in Italy in the early 80's and pretty much bought what was new from both performers at the time like "Cogli la Prima Mela" and "Donna Per Amico" (and a few others), so it's always great to hear music from either one of them for me.  I haven't heard your most recent posting yet.

Lewian - My favorite from your postings so far is that excellent Nils Frahm & Anne Miller "Journey for a Traveller".  Love the music and the video made by a fan is perfect.  The Hidden Orchestra track was great also, but doesn't stand out to me as much.

I Prophesy Disaster - I'm already extremely familiar with BOC's live version of "The Subhuman", so it won't qualify for my vote, but it's an excellent track from one of my favorite bands.

Micky - So, I am already closely familiar with Kristen Hersh's "Your Ghost", which is a track that I love.  Along with this one, I'm also familiar with the Jane's Addiction track, Manasses and Norah Jones, I own all of the albums already, and that unfortunately puts them out of running for me, but they are all excellent choices.  I hadn't heard The Ace of Cups before and I really like that track a lot.

Rushfan4 - Already know this track quite well.  Used to be a Nugent fan back in the 70's, but I'm not now.

Jamesbaldwin - Both of your entries are quite excellent!  I enjoy them both so either one would be a great nomination.

The Dark Elf - I would have to go with Alice Cooper's "Killer" as I am not that familiar with that album and would be the only one that would qualify for me from your postings.

Mathman - I have never followed Ginger Baker that close after Cream, but that Masters of Reality "John Bown" track is a real winner!  Loved it!  Unfortunately, I couldn't get the 2nd video to work (blocked in Canada apparently)

Nicky - I find the Hank Dogs "18 Dogs" track to be wonderful!  I'm already familiar with the Iron & Wine track, so it doesn't qualify for me.  I made the same mistake as Lewian and thought it was the artist Mark Almond until I heard it and knew that it wasn't.  Not a bad track, but didn't really grab me as the Hank Dogs track did.

Cristi - I haven't heard all of your entries yet and will comment on the others later.  My favorite so far is The Jelly Jams "Care" track, but I also liked Flowing Tears to some extent and would like to hear it a few more times.  I haven't heard your last four yet.

That's as far as I've got so far.  Will add more later.

Edited by TCat - August 25 2020 at 12:36

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Originally posted by The Dark Elf The Dark Elf wrote:

Originally posted by mathman0806 mathman0806 wrote:

Starting the "all" playlist. I think this one won't get as big as the last one, though Day 1 with 21 videos. Not bad for a Monday.

Though we are over 2 1/2 hours courtesy of the Allman Brothers and Rodrigo y Gabriela taking an hour. 

LOL Those damnable non-prog bands and their endless noodling!

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote jamesbaldwin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 08:51
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Originally posted by jamesbaldwin jamesbaldwin wrote:


A Filetta has done an interesting experiment: they have tried to mix their polyphonic folk songs in their native idiom with free jazz, helped by trumpet player Paolo Fresu and bandoneon player Daniele Bonaventura. And the result is wonderful.

Paolo Fresu is a very estimated jazz musician, and he worked with Manu Katche, drummer of Peter Gabriel. He said he is a fan of Peter Gabriel.

This is what you had in the earlier poll, isn't it?

Yes, I'm talking about the Lp you have bought, Danse Memoire Danse, which includes I vostri sguardi, the first song of the record, that I have posted here in an interactive poll.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote jamesbaldwin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 08:49
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Originally posted by jamesbaldwin jamesbaldwin wrote:


A Filetta has done an interesting experiment: they have tried to mix their polyphonic folk songs in their native idiom with free jazz, helped by trumpet player Paolo Fresu and bandoneon player Daniele Bonaventura. And the result is wonderful.

Paolo Fresu is a very estimated jazz musician, and he worked with Manu Katche, drummer of Peter Gabriel. He said he is a fan of Peter Gabriel.

This is what you had in the earlier poll, isn't it?

Yes, I'm talking about the Lp you have bought, Danse Memoire Danse, which includes I vostri sguardi, the first song of the record, that I have posted here in an interactive poll.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote The Dark Elf Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 25 2020 at 08:22
Originally posted by mathman0806 mathman0806 wrote:

Starting the "all" playlist. I think this one won't get as big as the last one, though Day 1 with 21 videos. Not bad for a Monday.

Though we are over 2 1/2 hours courtesy of the Allman Brothers and Rodrigo y Gabriela taking an hour. 

LOL Those damnable non-prog bands and their endless noodling!
...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
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