I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. However, I will vote for Trump in 2020 if he doesn't start a war. You guys must love war like Obama. Obama started wars.
I will vote for Trump if he doesn't jail journalists like Obama. Obama jailed multiple journalists. Trump hasn't jailed a single journalist. So I guess you guys are against Free Speech and you guys are for jailing journalists.
I will vote for Trump because he lowered my taxes and millions of other middle class tax payers. So you guys must be for higher taxes.
I will vote for whichever campaign takes the less money from Giant Corporations. Yep, Hillary took way more money from Giant Corporations than Trump. You guys must be for Giant Corporations.
I will vote for Trump if he welcomes legal immigration but thwarts illegal immigration. You guys must be for Non citizens controlling the USA.
Trump has kept his campaign promises more than any President in decades. Obama promised lower healthcare prices and Obama promised I could keep my own doctor. Obama broke his promise. Obama promised peace but he started wars... You guys must hate politicians who keep their promises.
You guys claim CNN , NBC, Washington Post, and NY Times are unbiased. Even though CNN newcasters had tears in their eyes on 2016 election night. And currently 92% of all Trump coverage is negative for a President who:
1. Lowered Middle Class taxes by a couple thousand dollars.
2. Hasn't started a war.
3. Is denuclearizing North Korea.
4. Ended 90% of ISIS terrorism.
5. Hasn't jailed a journalist
6. Record Stock market
7. All time low unemployment for Hispanics and Blacks. Lowest unemployment for Women in 65 years. Under Obama black poverty increased. Under Trump decreased.
8. Best economy in 50 years.
9. Did away with Obama mandate which penalized folks who couldn't afford Obama care and cost folks a few thousand dollars a year to NOT HAVE Insurance.
10. Cut better trade deals for USA. EU, Canada, and Mexico already capitulated and gave America better Trade Deals. China will capitulate too.
11. No Russian collusion after 2 years of the highest powered investigation in history of world. I wonder why CNN Isn't screaming Russian collusion anymore.
12. 4 Million more Jobs
13. Companies moving back to America because of Trump Executive Orders not punishing American Products.
14. Trump puts American Citizens first. Record Blue Collar employment.
15. Anti-illegal immigration. Over 90% of opioids come from south of Border. 70,000 Americans die a year from overdoses. Trump is in process of curbing opioid use in America.
16. Kept promise to move USA embassy to Jerusalem. Past 5 Presidents broke their promise to move embassy to Jerusalem.
17. Change rules for Vets. Instead of waiting months now a Vet can see doctor of their choice and get care instead of die or worsen.
18. Trump donates his paycheck to charity. Trump works for free.
19. Trump doesn't allow for his cabinet and workers to Lobby. They sign deal where they can't lobby for 5 years! If Congress wasn't allowed to lobby, that would stop pay for play and most corruption.
20. Under Trump record number of child traffickers and pedophiles JAILED! Thousands and thousands of Pedophiles jailed.
Does that kind of Record deserve 92% negative coverage by national media? MSM is Fake news. MSM is the Democrat megaphone. Like I said, CNN newscasters cried on air like little babies when Trump won 2016 election.
You guys won't be able to respond to my post with FACTS. You guys can only respond with personal feelings because you don't like Trump's personality. I get it.
On the other hand, I value "Promises kept" and Policy follow-through. You guys would rather worship a slick democrat politician who starts wars and picks your pocket of thousands of earned dollars. I get it.
I will only respond to folks who wish to debate facts. No one can legislate your feelings. I understand your feelings guys. Can you guys separate feelings from facts? I don't think so. But that's OK because under Trump your free speech is PROTECTED. Say whatever you want about Trump...Curse Trump or burn Trump in effigy...You won't be jailed or discriminated against because Trump will protect your rights! Unlike Obama who jailed journalists.
Edited by omphaloskepsis - November 06 2018 at 11:45