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BrufordFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 08:35
Originally posted by wiz_d_kidd wiz_d_kidd wrote:

Originally posted by Junges Junges wrote:

Perhaps before asking if that sub-genre needs to go, you should ask why is it important? Why do you even come to think about it and why are you occupied with this "problem"? ... What difference does it make to your appreciation of the music? None.

The reason genres are important is they act as a guide for people looking for new music to listen to - not simply enjoying old stuff that they already know about.  Without those labels, people would waste a lot of time sampling every album that gets released in the hopes of finding something that suits their (current) tastes.  It would be like going to the grocery store to buy some canned vegetables, but none of the cans have labels. Genres are important, and we need more descriptive ones, rather than fewer.

Great point! I know that I NEVER would have tried listening to any of the bands in the Indo-Prog/Raga Rock subgenre had it not been there. And I do love a lot of the music I've heard from it. Maybe the thrust of this thread is that there should be expansion! MORE subgenres, rather than fewer! More teams to then spread the work loads out a little more. (But then, we'd need more people with time on their hands to be willing to do the volunteer work....)

Drew Fisher
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BrufordFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 08:31
Originally posted by Junges Junges wrote:

Perhaps before asking if that sub-genre needs to go, you should ask why is it important? Why do you even come to think about it and why are you occupied with this "problem"? It surely won't (or shouldn't) make any difference for your love or hate of a particular album just because it fits into a specific sub-genre. If we were to "abolish" Indo-Raga Prog, what would that mean to you? Sorry, but I can't understand why such thing matters. 

People could officially rename "prog" to whatever they wanted or the subgenres too. They could delete it or call something else. What difference does it make to your appreciation of the music? None.

Again, referring to my OP, I was listening, as I often do, to one of the new albums posted daily on the right column of the PA HomePage under "New Releases"--The Myrrors' Lunar Halo, to be precise--thinking how this music could most easily have been placed into the Indo-Prog/Raga Rock subgenre instead of the Space/Psych ward, when I began musing why a category such as I-P/RR even exists if no one wants to go there, if no one wants to listen to or be inspired enough by the ancient albums and bands in that sub to create that kind of music in this second, almost third, decade of the 21st Century. I, too, began thinking of how we might restructure all of the subs. 

Having served a brief flicker of time on one of the subgenre committees, I saw how lucky we were to not be as overwhelmed with new submissions as some of the other subgenre teams were and began, then, to wonder how this system could more evenly distribute the work load among the volunteers. But, alas! Life got in the way and I bailed blah blah blah. 

Can/Should simplicity exist in a world that celebrates the complexity of music???

Drew Fisher
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Quinino View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 08:28
Originally posted by The Stygian Heresy The Stygian Heresy wrote:

This seems like a good thread to ask: Has there ever been discussion of *starting* a Prog Books category?  Visiting the items on any given sales site link changes from day to day.  It might be nice to establish a fixed part of ProgArchives desire to be the best and most complete.

Not a bad idea, actually, but I would launch it HERE instead (and you could elaborate more your proposal...)
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 08:24
Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I don't have any idea why indo-raga was given it's own little world to exist in here but i kinda like it. It maintains a little exotic club of artists from another era that had their heads in the clouds and sitars at hand.

Yes, but when was the last time a new, 21st Century band was admitted into the Indo-Prog/Raga Rock sub? It's like it's an ancient lost city that's been memorialized, forgotten, and even ignored. As I said in OP, I was listening to a newly admitted band that could easily have fit into the Indo-Prog/Raga Rock subgenre--or Krautrock, for that matter--but had been placed in Space/Psych instead. Being placed in the I-P/RR sub seems like a death knoll: the band will never be heard from again. Imagine how many people might try Andre Fertier or Shakti albums if they were in Avant/RIO or Jazz/Fusion or World Fusion. And don't even get me started on the fact that any band coming out of Italy automatically gets dumped under RPI! Maybe all music should be nationalized!

Sorry. In the end, it's all just music. An art form that has informed and inspired so much in my life. I am very grateful that ProgArchives exists...

I've always been more curious why certain genres like RIO and avant-prog are lumped together.

Also metal has three categories here and they could easily all just be called "progressive metal."

I agree that post-rock and math rock are two different categories as well. 

I would imagine that changing all this would require unfathomable amounts of effort that could be better spent sprucing up the site in other ways. There are still tons of bands missing here even from the classic era.

This is probably one of those questions for the founders of the site as it seems quite mysterious in some ways.

Well, since i've been on the PSIKE team, we have cleared one Indo-raga artist which i can't recall at the moment. As for me, i'm less worried about the artists being categorized in such a way since Indo-raga certainly has characteristics that differ from other sub-genres, my question is why it is even on a ROCK site when most of it is surreal ambient or tribal world music. There are rock examples such as Shakti or A. Shankar but much of what i've heard is more droning and experimental with no trace of rock whatsoever.
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BrufordFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 08:21

At this point I'd rather get rip of captcha then any sub-genre...

Drew Fisher
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BrufordFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 08:19
Originally posted by Kotro Kotro wrote:

It's that time of the year already? Ermm

Guess so! You got something better to do?
Drew Fisher
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 08:16
Originally posted by I prophesy disaster I prophesy disaster wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I agree that post-rock and math rock are two different categories as well.
Yes. Whereas I quite like math rock, post rock doesn't appeal to me at all. And because PA doesn't make the distinction, it's a bit of an effort to find the math rock amongst the post rock.

Drew Fisher
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BrufordFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 08:14
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I don't have any idea why indo-raga was given it's own little world to exist in here but i kinda like it. It maintains a little exotic club of artists from another era that had their heads in the clouds and sitars at hand.

Yes, but when was the last time a new, 21st Century band was admitted into the Indo-Prog/Raga Rock sub? It's like it's an ancient lost city that's been memorialized, forgotten, and even ignored. As I said in OP, I was listening to a newly admitted band that could easily have fit into the Indo-Prog/Raga Rock subgenre--or Krautrock, for that matter--but had been placed in Space/Psych instead. Being placed in the I-P/RR sub seems like a death knoll: the band will never be heard from again. Imagine how many people might try Andre Fertier or Shakti albums if they were in Avant/RIO or Jazz/Fusion or World Fusion. And don't even get me started on the fact that any band coming out of Italy automatically gets dumped under RPI! Maybe all music should be nationalized!

Sorry. In the end, it's all just music. An art form that has informed and inspired so much in my life. I am very grateful that ProgArchives exists...

I've always been more curious why certain genres like RIO and avant-prog are lumped together.

Also metal has three categories here and they could easily all just be called "progressive metal."

I agree that post-rock and math rock are two different categories as well. 

I would imagine that changing all this would require unfathomable amounts of effort that could be better spent sprucing up the site in other ways. There are still tons of bands missing here even from the classic era.

This is probably one of those questions for the founders of the site as it seems quite mysterious in some ways.
Drew Fisher
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BrufordFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 08:05
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

blame M@X Drew....  I offered to buy the site from him.  Captcha would have been first to go and yeah....  that subgenre would have been on my list to do away with. The bands within it could have easily been folded into other subs.

but it is a good point... something that could be done but on that note... in case you haven't noticed... leadership is completely missing on this site.  It sails the seas of mediority after the wind of the 1st generation collabs who ran the site and built it  retired and moved on.  No one left and M@X is f**king awol... to do anything to really change the site.  It can't get rid of Captcha...  zero chance of really changing anything on the database. The site has been on cruise control for years... it could really be improved.. but there is little stomach and less forceful personalities left here to make it happen
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Now THIS is a revelation! A worthy project for you, Micky! Infuse a little life back into the site! And continue to modernize and streamline processes to keep up with the times... Can we have a vote on this? 

Micky for President! 2020!

Drew Fisher
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BrufordFreak View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 08:02
Originally posted by wiz_d_kidd wiz_d_kidd wrote:

I recently had the same thought when I submitted a Celtic-prog band, "The Moors", for possible inclusion in the database.  Someone suggested they be classified as Indo/Raga, but I disagreed, and recommended Prog Folk (althought that isn't even the best place for them).

I might suggest a more general genre called "World Fusion".  The Celtic guys can go there.  The Indo/Raga guys can go there.  I think the band Azigza (mis-classified as Jazz Rock/Fusion, IMHO) should go there.  The definition of the World Fusion sub-genre would be:

Bands that base their music on the traditional music of various parts of the world, whether it is their own native area, or some other.  The music, while based on traditional songs and motifs, exhibits the characteristics of progressive rock.  This genre include other sub-genres such as Celtic Prog, Indo/Rag Prog, Prog Gypsy, Afro-Prog, Prog Viking Metal.  Examples bands in the genre include Azigza, The Moors, Quintessence, Tir Na Nog, Huun-Huur-Tu, Beats Antique, Koraii Orom, Lumsk, and even soundtracks of Cirque du Soleil. 

I would LOVE a World Fusion category in the stead of the Indo-Prog/Raga Rock one! Great suggestion. And I LOVE the Cirque du Soleil and Blue Man Group musics! And so many film soundtracks!

Drew Fisher
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wiz_d_kidd View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 07:59
Originally posted by Junges Junges wrote:

Perhaps before asking if that sub-genre needs to go, you should ask why is it important? Why do you even come to think about it and why are you occupied with this "problem"? ... What difference does it make to your appreciation of the music? None.

The reason genres are important is they act as a guide for people looking for new music to listen to - not simply enjoying old stuff that they already know about.  Without those labels, people would waste a lot of time sampling every album that gets released in the hopes of finding something that suits their (current) tastes.  It would be like going to the grocery store to buy some canned vegetables, but none of the cans have labels. Genres are important, and we need more descriptive ones, rather than fewer.
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Nogbad_The_Bad View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 06:50
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Someone piss in your coffee this morning Micky?

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I've always been more curious why certain genres like RIO and avant-prog are lumped together.

How would you split them up? 

Just a quick shout out. Some of these threads will start to download something mysterious on my computer. This is one of them. It rarely happens but it does maybe every couple weeks. Anybody experience the same thing? OH no, ROBOTS?!!!!! Confused

As far as the RIO / Avant-prog category goes, i guess this is the one that makes the most sense to lump together since the crossover between the two covers a lot of ground. That was admittedly a bad example. The math rock / post-rock category makes no sense though. Meanwhile RPI doesn't really tell you what kind of prog it is. As far as RIO / Avant goes i'm still perplexed why jazz-metal artists like John Zorn reside there. My logic is avant prog + metal = progressive metal + jazz = jazz fusion. 

I think you'll find that most of the jazz fusion team focus on the Weather Report, Mahavishnu, RTF type bands rather than the experimental jazz noise types like Electric Masada, Gutbucket, Schnellertollermeier. In to Avant team we see artists transferred over to us in this profile. As a group we're pretty open to a broad definition of avant rock bands. 

Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 06:23
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Someone piss in your coffee this morning Micky?

[QUOTE=siLLy puPPy]
I've always been more curious why certain genres like RIO and avant-prog are lumped together.

How would you split them up? 

Just a quick shout out. Some of these threads will start to download something mysterious on my computer. This is one of them. It rarely happens but it does maybe every couple weeks. Anybody experience the same thing? OH no, ROBOTS?!!!!! Confused

As far as the RIO / Avant-prog category goes, i guess this is the one that makes the most sense to lump together since the crossover between the two covers a lot of ground. That was admittedly a bad example. The math rock / post-rock category makes no sense though. Meanwhile RPI doesn't really tell you what kind of prog it is. As far as RIO / Avant goes i'm still perplexed why jazz-metal artists like John Zorn reside there. My logic is avant prog + metal = progressive metal + jazz = jazz fusion. 

I agree with Silly Puppy.  I may go further because in my opinion Post Rock and Math Rock sound like opposites to me.

It tries to download shockwave Flash objects when youtube vids are not embedded properly. I have fixed that in this thread (see my edit on the last pagewith the Clivage vid). It used to be able to work one way that doesn't anymore, so one especially finds it in certain old bumped threads (I used to embed that way, whereas most didn't). It's not dangerous and can be discarded, but irritating.

As for the Indo-Prog/ Raga Rock category, I find it a useful grouping and like the exoticism of such an almost esoteric category. Yes, those groups could fit in other categories (say some in Psych, Folk, Krautrock or whatever), but I like having such flavours together. The way PA works is hardly ideal, it would be better if each album in PA was tagged with multiple "genre" tags, and I prefer album tagging to band tagging, although I don't mind having a master category for the band. I'm one of those who favours more classification, not less. By the way, there was talk years ago amongst RIO/Avant Prog team members to split it into RIO and Avant Prog (many of those could also easily fit Eclectic Prog, some could fit Crossover, some could fit Zeuhl....) While most of the RIO bands could easily be termed Avant Prog, most of the Avant prog bands are not RIO (part of the Rock in Opposition movement/ concerts...)
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The Stygian Heresy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2018 at 03:59
This seems like a good thread to ask: Has there ever been discussion of *starting* a Prog Books category?  Visiting the items on any given sales site link changes from day to day.  It might be nice to establish a fixed part of ProgArchives desire to be the best and most complete.
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Junges View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2018 at 18:24
Perhaps before asking if that sub-genre needs to go, you should ask why is it important? Why do you even come to think about it and why are you occupied with this "problem"? It surely won't (or shouldn't) make any difference for your love or hate of a particular album just because it fits into a specific sub-genre. If we were to "abolish" Indo-Raga Prog, what would that mean to you? Sorry, but I can't understand why such thing matters. 

People could officially rename "prog" to whatever they wanted or the subgenres too. They could delete it or call something else. What difference does it make to your appreciation of the music? None.
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omphaloskepsis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2018 at 09:13
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Someone piss in your coffee this morning Micky?

[QUOTE=siLLy puPPy]
I've always been more curious why certain genres like RIO and avant-prog are lumped together.

How would you split them up? 

Just a quick shout out. Some of these threads will start to download something mysterious on my computer. This is one of them. It rarely happens but it does maybe every couple weeks. Anybody experience the same thing? OH no, ROBOTS?!!!!! Confused

As far as the RIO / Avant-prog category goes, i guess this is the one that makes the most sense to lump together since the crossover between the two covers a lot of ground. That was admittedly a bad example. The math rock / post-rock category makes no sense though. Meanwhile RPI doesn't really tell you what kind of prog it is. As far as RIO / Avant goes i'm still perplexed why jazz-metal artists like John Zorn reside there. My logic is avant prog + metal = progressive metal + jazz = jazz fusion. 

I agree with Silly Puppy.  I may go further because in my opinion Post Rock and Math Rock sound like opposites to me.
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Manuel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2018 at 08:36
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

The reason is very simple: Indo/Raga was one of the favourite "subgenres" one of the site's earliest members and collaborators, Philippe (who also wrote the introduction on the subgenre's home page). Most of the subgenres were created in the early days of the site, and Indo/Raga is a legacy from those days. Other subgenres have been modified, but that one has remained - probably because no one finds it particularly offensive or noteworthy. The ones that were split - such as Art Rock or Prog Metal - were so huge as to be unmanageable by any team that did not have at least ten members.
This makes a lot of sense.
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2018 at 06:43
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Someone piss in your coffee this morning Micky?

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I've always been more curious why certain genres like RIO and avant-prog are lumped together.

How would you split them up? 

Just a quick shout out. Some of these threads will start to download something mysterious on my computer. This is one of them. It rarely happens but it does maybe every couple weeks. Anybody experience the same thing? OH no, ROBOTS?!!!!! Confused

As far as the RIO / Avant-prog category goes, i guess this is the one that makes the most sense to lump together since the crossover between the two covers a lot of ground. That was admittedly a bad example. The math rock / post-rock category makes no sense though. Meanwhile RPI doesn't really tell you what kind of prog it is. As far as RIO / Avant goes i'm still perplexed why jazz-metal artists like John Zorn reside there. My logic is avant prog + metal = progressive metal + jazz = jazz fusion.
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Meltdowner View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2018 at 03:46
I don't know the band and I wasn't in the team back then, but looking at the ProgFreak history, they were added seven years ago when they only had one album. Maybe that one isn't so much Indo-Prog and the team didn't think it was enough to add them to the genre? The bio doesn't even mention the genre.

At this point I'd rather get rip of captcha then any sub-genre...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 05 2018 at 02:31
It's that time of the year already? Ermm
Bigger on the inside.
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