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Cans! (Headphone thread inspired by Dolly Parton)

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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 14 2018 at 07:06
^Welcome to the Hifiman club Noni
I trust you're enjoying the ride so far? I certainly seem to remember a couple of posts from other threads that would suggest that
I am like that too at the moment - mostly because I've been sticking with the bananas theme and msut have gone absolutely crazy, because I sold my he400. Hah!! Only to buy the he500 To be perfectly honest with you, at first I thought I'd made a very big mistake. No way this was an upgrade....and then I popped a new album on and everything was louder. 'Damn!' I said to myself 'I've been listening at waaaaay too low volumes'. I turned up my amp, ca double as loud compared to he400, and the world opened up. These things are dangerous though! They make you want to listen to every record in your collection and turn up the volume every few minutes.

Bananas? Maybe just a bit, because I also sold my beloved bumblebee. Why? Because I just recently sold my second pair of dt880 and bought the Sennheiser hd700. Sweet mama this baby is wonderful!!! Perfectly complements the new hifiman in that it sounds completely different yet manages to attain a similar level of...erm class? I'm not sure but in terms of detail and resolution they're in the same ballpark. Soundstage though goes to the hifiman. BUT, and this is why I sold tye bumblebee, I can drive the he700 from my daps, which coincidentally were the home of the bumblebee.
What else? I sold my srh940 because the headbumps really irritated me. Sound was still magnificent though. Got a Beyer dt770 pro (250 ohm version(part of a trade actually that also included a Philips Uptown Citiscape which I sold pretty quickly)) and a KRK KNS 8400.
Ahh yeah I just got a hold of some beautiful cherries! Audio Technicas no less: ath-ew9. Easily the finest sounding clip-ons I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. Cherry wood and all AND they magically disappear once you've put them on. They're gone....but sweet sweet music is still playing in your ears. Comfortable is an understatement.

Oh yeah Here the other night I tried listing all the cans I've owned since I started down the rabbithole. The ones with an asterix are currently in my possession:

DT880 premium 250
DT880 pro 250
DT770 pro*
Uptown Citiscape
Sony in-ear*

Oh yeah, I 'went full retard'

Forgot about the he350 too!! Why did I "downgrade"? Well I was curious about a non-planar Hifiman and they were literally selling for dirtcheap...most likely because they ran into some serious negative hype...because they're bright...and they are, but they also sound great. 19 ohm, easily driven by a phone, and a huge soundtage. Part of me is also driven towards underdogs (be that in music, movies, art, food, whathaveyou), which also is why I went with the he700. Black sheep and all status I still feel it is a step up from the 600 series. I would love to see or hear Simon's reaction to it actually, him being a longtime owner of both the 6- and 650.

Edit: Reading back this post, I realise I should've made two instead: one for noni and one for the cans thread. Now it looks as if I just casually congratulated him on his new headphone for then to play the trump card and list a gazillion
Nah that's actually not funny. Sorry about that. That was certainly not the intention on my behalf

Edited by Guldbamsen - May 14 2018 at 08:21
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote noni Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2018 at 16:39
Originally posted by AEProgman AEProgman wrote:

Well, the test drives are over and I have settled on the HifiMan HE400S!  Actually bought them and now the wife has hidden them until Christmas...
Actually was dreading the High end audio store from past experience, but got a younger guy who let me use my own rig/setup to test with in a room to myself and turned out to be "almost" a pleasure.  In the price range I wanted, this store had the HE400i, HE400S, and the Grado 325e, and took them all in the room with me and compared as I liked.  Grados sounded good, but a little punchy, not as airy, and were not as comfortable.  So it came down to the Hifimans.  The two 400 cans sounded fantastic and very similar (not sure I could tell the difference once I used an amp), the 400s seemed a bit lighter, little more comfortable, and easier to drive (not a big factor, but was a plus). 
Planar Mags are a delight!  I did not want to ruin my decision by trying high priced Audeze planar mag cans they had there.
Since I could not find any Sennheiser 650s (or 600s) to test drive, I decided to take the sure thing that I actually heard and was pleased with and went with the Hifiman HE400S.  Senns will have to wait...
I did find a Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro at a different store (best cans they had in open backs) and test drove them and was very impressed with those (at about half the price).  Only way to test drive was via their pre-setup system with all the headphones playing the same samples they had, still sounded good and thought seriously about those.
Now to find where the wife hid the cans....

Ordered  HifiMan 400i's,  plus the FiiO E12A amp...  Hope this arrives soon Big smile...  Already bought the extra length cables.  Gold plated!!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2018 at 10:03
Hello Jim

I'm so sorry to have left you hanging like this for so long, but I haven't really been all that much online lately. In the process of turning a corner physically and get my old self back again ie breathe, sleep, walk, stand, sit normally again. 
There's been plenty of time for music though...and the odd can magic here and there. Hah!LOL Who am I kidding? I went bananas - these days I think it mostly is to distract myself from physical pain - more than it is a decided headphone "grail" seek, if you know what I mean. 

I'm really glad you're enjoying your Hifimans - and yes I probably should have mentioned their horrendous knack for picking vacuum cleaner cables over headphone ones. My apologies. 
I have a friend who swears by high end cables, so I've had plenty of opportunity to test out all silver cables with bells and whistles and other stuff I can hardly pronounce let alone remember...mostly because I couldn't hear any difference...whatsoever. I was a/being between the same headphones (srh940 - his and mine) on the same amp, and while he remained adamant in his convictions - he never once let me do a blind test on him to see if he could spot the pigeon. Then again he has spent a LOT of dough on those snaky things and frankly I don't blame him. Who wants to burst bubbles anyway? ME!!!LOLEmbarrassed

Yeah...erm about going bananas? I found out that the jack stick to my F1 had been changed to a big one...but done poorly resulting in a loose connection. Now I'd already waited a month for my new pads to arrive - time I spent away from my new cans no less. Then all of a sudden I'd have to wait for someone to fix em (I've never soldered anything in my life) aaaand I lost it and sold them...together with my Grados (damn you John Grado and your disregard of comfort) Ultrasones, K701s, DT1350s as well as a pair of Sennheiser hd6xx I'd bought secondhand, but decided to sell them almost immediately, not because they sounded bad or anything - they were pretty damn great, no no no it was because I simultaneously fell over a pair of used dt880...and woe and behold if I didn't prefer the Beyers... and the DT880 was about 35 dollars to the Senns hefty price of a 180. Then I stumbled over Onkyo's attempt at an open audiophile can ie the A800 at an almost ridiculous price. Secondhand sure but almost new. What the hell I thought and bought myself a can that looks like a bumblebee and sounds even better. It actually sounds like a clearer hd6xx with subbass like you wouldn't believe. What is strange about em though is that they still sound neutral. There's no dip in the midrange. I haven't got the faintest clue on how they managed to pull this kind of low end off without compromising the midrange. Vocals, guitars, pianos hell most of what's happening in music does so through the midrange, and on every other can I've tried with this quality of bas. I also, sadly, experience stuff like vocals being pulled ever so slightly back in the mix. What Onkyo has achieved feels like sorcery.
Oh and they're 32 ohm and about as efficient as a mouse gang from Cinderella. Your iPhone will power these to great results...which is odd considering just how much they look like monsters that crave lightning and uranium to play at acceptable listening levels. I mean just take a look at these bumblebees..sorry cans:
Billedresultat for onkyo a800

They're quite heavy but don't feel it, which I suspect is down to both the headband being extremely wide extrapolating weight, as well as the cups being slightly arched inwards. This means they also happen to be the most comfortable cans I've ever tried with my glasses on. With my new cans on I'm still able to manoeuvre my glasses. They're not clamped.

Oh yeah...I also bought the HFI-15g. So I'm not completely Ultrasone free...and never will be. This bad boy is staying for good. I've come across so many of those 'best bang for ya buck' threads and these never ever get mentioned. In fact they just don't get mentioned. Personally they would be my pick for absolute best bang for one's buck. You have to find your sweetspot though because like with all Ultrasones, that s-logic thing really really really depends on where your ears are compared to the driver holes. Sound needs the curves of your ears to generate accurate soundstage...but generally it just tends to mean that you need to push the headphone ever so slightly forward on your skull.
Bananas. I eat em every day.
Take it away Dolly!
Billedresultat for dolly parton banana

Edited by Guldbamsen - June 16 2018 at 03:36
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AEProgman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 07 2018 at 11:16
^Holy air holes Batman!  I have never seen those before, I can imagine the soundstage is awesome once dialed in.  For some reason I have avoided all Sony's headphones because of their market over saturation in everything thinking that they would cut corners for mass marketing and never given any of them a chance, perhaps I need to rethink that philosophy.  

Oh, Dave your comment on the post above this one about Grado's comfort level, that was the first thing in my test drives that began me turning away from considering them (at least the ones I tested).

Been enjoying my Hifiman HE-400s cans, however I do not like the stock cable that came with them, very stiff and short.  I got a 9 foot replacement cable via Damazon called Neomusica which are more flexable.  They are still rope type up to the left/right split, then they are rubber.  Listening to Grateful Dead - American Beauty high res, 94khz/24bit on them as I type, very nice!

Now replacement cables seem to also have much discussion in the obsessive audiophile world, how certain kinds can improve the sound quality which I can see if you are really running an entire extremely high end setup from source/player to output.  The difference in wire type, conductivity or impedance, and connections could make a big difference.  However from my modest setup, I have not been able to tell the difference between the stock cable that came with the HE-400s or my $23 dollar Neomusica cable.  
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 04 2018 at 06:45
So yeah I've been dying to try out one of those headphones with so called "holographic" qualities like fx the Akg K1000....but dishing out over a 1000 euros on a pair is perhaps a tad much methinks. Nope I accidentally fell over a pair of these up for sale:
Billedresultat for sony mdr-f1The old Sony flagship mdr-f1. They're long out of production but every once in a while you see them up for sale. Usually at around the 300 euro mark....which actually is what you would have paid for it when it was released. That's pretty good especially considering you most likely are getting an old beaten pair. Anyway I bought mine for the hefty sum of 40 eurosLOL 
Quite a spectacular can for the price. I have never experienced such a wiiiiiiide soundstage outside of speakers. This thing literally makes you feel as if you're surrounded by a very enticing manner that is.
I find the bass adequate, which seems to be what many a folks bigger about....can't hear it myself, but then again this can was never intended for the Beats crowd. No no no this is more like the headphone equivalent to an elegantly wafting balloon-ride. Old school electronic like Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze on these puppies is just heavenly...and I do get that huge holographic experience Sony claims it does - whatever one cares to call it. 
Strangest thing about them? They're 12 ohm. I had my Pioneer dap set on high gain when I first tried these out (also bought specifically as an easy to drive open headphone I could use with my daps). Oh my word they sounded horrible! Yusef Lateef's beautiful raspy clay flute on 'The Plum Tree' was practically non-existent and only sort of suggested in these grey blocks of muffled hum. I then took it down to normal gain...found just a wee bit more definition and then decided to go for the full monty and clicked the 'low gain' setting. Sure I had to turn up the volume a great deal but it was as if I'd gotten my hands on a whole new headphone. Everything was crisp and clear and that monumental soundstage suddenly popped out of the blue. I'm so thrilled with my purchase.
One little hiccup...I need new pads, and together with shipping costs they will end up pricier than the can itselfErmm 
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 27 2017 at 11:55
Merry Christmas to you and yours Jim.

That looks like a sweet combo right there. Mad magazine and some Hifimans. That's all you really need at any given Christmas. 

I've been using my Grados a lot lately trying to convince my ears to conform to this blasted on-ear debacle. I thought they were pretty damn comfy before, but then I tried wearing them over an hour... hmmm. Oh well it's getting better but I can't escape the feeling that with Grados you're not only breaking in the little bits and pieces in the driver as well as breaking in that brain acclimating to the sound presentation - no no no with Grados you're also breaking in your skullLOL 

It's a little irritating when I know how much comfier an on-ear can be. The above Ultrasone fx is like wearing nothing at all - nothing at all (cue Flanders shakin' his booty). My Beyerdynamic dt1350 is also far more comfortable:
Billedresultat for dt1350 beyerdynamic

Edited by Guldbamsen - December 27 2017 at 11:57
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AEProgman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 27 2017 at 09:09
Well the wait was worth it, the Hifimans sound great, hearing clearer details than I can on my ATH-M40X cans.  

Still in the recommended "continuous" 150 hour burn in period via my streaming bedside radio so I have not given them serious listening to some of my favorites yet.  But at the end of the day (and moments between) I settle down for some thought provoking reading and listening...

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the can-mates...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 22 2017 at 12:26
Hi Nick that was quite a read, thanks for your detailed input. I know exactly what you're talking about when you enter that mythical world of flagships (I've tried T1, hd800, k812, th900 and a few others).
I have only tried the LCD 2 of the Audeze big boys and was very impressed...yet they were completely outclassed by the Stax. No question whatsoever and here I am not sure it was down to sound sig preference as I am rather weird in that department mostly because I don't exactly prefer any sound sig over another as I listen to so many different kinds of music a day - no here it felt like comparing a Volvo to a Bugatti. Then again maybe it is me who is completely bonkers, I'm not entirely sure anymore. Haven't listened to either the Orpheus or the 009, but I did get to spend nearly an hour with the Bond Stax 007 and much to my surprise I found myself prefering the l700 by a vast margin. They were just THAT much better. I agree with much of Zeo's review in that aspect, especially when he mentioned how they 'sounded like they had their own tube built in' or something to that effect. Now I don't know much about tubes but I did notice the...erm different/magical/unoptanium-like sound they produced and couldn't for the life of me describe what they were doing to the music...other than use idiotic descriptions like 'uranium-fuelled' and 'creates sound from mermaids' tears'.

Though it may be a while before I even start thinking about taming that horse. I'm having a blast with the ponies at the moment!
Speaking of which, this thread has seen it's fair share of thoroughbreds lately. Maybe we should step down the equestrian ladder and get back to those ponies eh? It is certainly not every progger's dream to use all of their cash on stables and truffle flavoured hay. Nah... I say it'd be fun to turn the spotlight on some ways to upgrade one's sonic life without having to sacrifice a unicorn's ballsack.

Do you enjoy music? Yes? Ahh me too. I love it when it gets into my ears. It belongs there as far as I'm concerned. More music should hang out in my canals if it was up to me. Anyway I have found the perfect suppliers of said music if one is looking for a different sort of portable can - one that will let you be aware of your surroundings because it is open backed and furthermore sounds like da shizzle. Basically gets out of the music's way.
Yep the Ultrasone HFI-15g is up there with the best sub 100$ deals. THE most comfortable on-ear headphone ever to exist. Weighs about the same as a slice of sausage. Oh and it also features that loopy s-logic thang I was on about earlier in the thread, meaning a cheapo chance to try out one of the most brilliantly strange soundstages without having to pay for a fullsized over ear Ultrasone.
Billedresultat for ultrasone hfi-15g

I love them so much I plan on buying them. I recently went to a "musicians' music shop". Mainly a down to earth kind of store with everything from guitars and pianos to mics and headphones plus the odd musician jamming silently away with headphones on. Definitely the most relaxed and enjoyable "audio shop" I've ever had the pleasure of visiting (not the last time either!). I must've used 6 hours in that place lol! They had soooo many of those 100-200-$ cans that I wanted to try...and so I did - and I kept coming back to the Ultrasones. Clarity, smoothness, spectacular soundstage/presentation (when you 'get it' that is) and a bit of a nudge in the lower regions (just a bit, like the hd25). Oh and they're the opposite of thirsty. Ant farts will drive them.
Merey christmas to you as well my friend - that goes for all in here. Give my vest to the jolly old red fella (hah! that was a typo! I'm keeping it!!).

Haven't heard them Jim. I imagine they follow in the footsteps of past xx-collabs from Massdrop before. AKG and Hifiman have made similar business with Massdrop and it merely seems like you get replicas of already existing headphones, but cheaper. Still I have yet to try any of these myself.

Edited by Guldbamsen - December 27 2017 at 06:50
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AEProgman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 22 2017 at 10:37
^^ Wow Dave, Dolly sure does set the standard for big ... ears.  lol
Great posts by both you and Nick on further Can insight/observations.  $67,000 cans!!!!!

The Cypher Labs tube amp sounds very interesting to me, since the majority of my listening is in the portable world.

Just saw something on Head-fi regarding a Massdrop X Sennheiser HD58x Jubilee headphone for $150, but only so many of them were made.  Head-fi url is

Anybody heard of or tested those?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote progbethyname Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 22 2017 at 10:17
Hi Dave. Great post and Merry Chrsitmas my friend. ;)

AUDEZE really do make great headphones and they do have a unique sound signature in their flagship headphones (LCD 3 and LCD 4).
Now a Stax I700 tailored up correctly with a proper sound chain that has no short cuts, faced off against an LCD 3 with the same and proper one really better than the other? My answer and experience is no. Tier 2 and tier 1 headphones when you compare them and get to that level, you don't get results where one headphone is universally better than the other...just different.
You see it is all a matter of taste. I'm sure even you and I have a very different sound preference. My point is when dealing with flagship headphones that are available in today's market you just don't get 'better' you get only 'different' but that difference depending on your taste in sound presentation will make that headphone that much better over others for you. :)
Main trick? You gotta find what totally agrees with you sound sig wise. It isn't easy but once you do, you then gotta refine it like crazy.
For instance. Yes. I still rock the HD 800, but I use the classic model because they have more neutrality than the spatial laden tech HD 800(S) mainly because the bass response and analytics are more stuffy to tame the treble response at around 6-8k in the S model. I also would never stuff felt or do one of those anaxallis or super DuPont mods to limit the treble and decrease the width in soundstage of the HD 800(C)'s presentation. You see, I am a critical listener and for critical listening experiences I love neutrality and huge dynamics. Thats mainly why I am obsessed with CD recordings that carry a massive DNR output because that is what my headphone eats for breakfast with a big sh*t-eating grin on its face. Lol. Anyway, I have found that a dead accurate, neutral response with super tight bass recreates the live soundstage the best and also is incredible for critical listening...feeling the tone and vibrato of various instruments while getting all those quarky and fun nuances at the same time is best given or dispensed out with a super neutral headphone, and that is why I love the HD 800'C's and to my tastes and understandings there is know other headphone regardless of price that beats the HD 800C's for 1) recreation of a live soundtage (width+Dynamics) 2) PRAT (pace, rhythm, attack, timing) for your music's output presentation and 3) tonal accuracy of instruments. Very analytical.
Lastly and most importantly the HD 800's don't have high highs or are overly bright. The problem is the HD 800's are the the biggest a****les on planet head-Fi when it comes to sources both equipment and music wise. So many people really don't know what kind of headphone or what their getting into when they buy or use a headphone like the 800'C's. Truthfully, when i bought mine nearly 6 years ago I didn't fully know what kind of pedigree of sources this critical headphone needed; however, over time with research and understanding on their tech I was able to figure it out but it is an expensive thing to do. I mean the HD 800's are at an awesome price point right now sitting around 1299 U.S brand new. I'd say that is an unbelievable bargin, but consequently the 800's need elite and expensive teammates. There is no getting around that unfortunately. The 800's in my opinion are the most picky and critical headphone i have ever come across, but once you start to do everything right for them you can achieve audio nirvana for sure regardless of sound taste cause you can just appreciate just how bloody accurate and life like they can a STAX 009 electrostat. People think they can pair a 500$ DAC and say 1000$ amp with the 800 C's you gotta another comin.' Unfortunately there is nothing at those price points that will truly make a headphone like the 800'c's sing. They are awful that way and that is why so many people complain saying things like 'the treble is really peaky' ' they are overly bright, strident' and my favourite ' they lack bass.' These statements are incredibly untrue. Like I said, if you do everything right for them the 800 C's can sound as warm and lush as some of the best headphones around that portray the warmth sound sig so well. Lastly, I love tube amps but I prefer solid state power supplies for my 800's. Tubes degrade over time and fast, however tube amps offer a mid range sound that is uniquely dark and lush in tonality. I will say just one thing, if you get the chance to audition a flagship headphone with a great tube amp like a TETON, John Gilmour or WOO audio ES listen to Black Sabbath. My god man. The bass fuzz is so rad. A very cool experience and as I said...I love those tube amps but I use tubes with my sony MDR Z7's because there sound sig calls for it more then that of the 800 C's. You see my friend, I don't like anything that squashes or darkens the 800'c's soundstage. I like full analytics with them to bring out their full potential because that is what they are mainly designed be critical :)
But that is my critical listening end. My fun, more relaxed soundstage presentation goes to my sony MDR Z7's. I use these for travel, not the streets and I absolutely love these headphones. So lately, I recently bought the Cypher Labs Algorithm Trio! It is a portable Vacuum tube amplifier! This thing is so cool and sounds awesome with my AK JR music player. A great set up for on the go the streets I use the unique BLUE MO-FI's. These headphones have a built in analog amplifier in them that is actually made by FIIO. very cool but may be a more heavy headphone for ones taste. So that is what I mainly rock. I use 3 different headphones so I can listen to music everywhere and any time. I live the good life. Lol. How many are you up to now? 5? Lol.

Anyhow, moving on to your next question.
Yes. I have tried and had the pleasure of listening electrostats. So far I've tried the STAX 007,009 and had the pleasure to spend 15min with the Sennheiser Orpheus 2. The Orpheus 2 was the best experience for me and given its price point it damn well should be. $67,000 CAN. Good lord. Now the 15mins I had available I had to act quick cause to audition the Orpheus is like a quick meet and greet or like a bloody book signing from a famous author, and the music that they had I could hear or at least be extremely familiar with was just Tears For Fears and OZZY Osbourne. Believe me. The 15min goes quick so I wanted to listen to something or an album I new like the back of my hand. I chose songs from the big chair from Tears and I fired on shout. :)
What I can say because i know that song so well, the Orpheus brings to life the vocal presentation in music. I've never heard more of a life like vocal presentation from a headphone set up. Good lord. It was awesome, but the soundstage width was bigger from the stax 009 paired with the liquid lightening amp made by Cavallii Audio and portraying dynamics in the recordings goes to my HD 800 C's paired with a CYRUS CD i/PSXR-2 and BURSON SOLOIST. See man. There is no headphone universally better than the other in the flagship territory. Just difference, but I think over a longer period of time I'd enjoy the Orpheus the most. It really is the ultimate headphone listening experience I've ever had...shame it could only be for 15MIN.

anyway Dave. Great to talk to you. Sorry for the winded post but there is just so much to say in the world of audio and you asked some pretty key questions.
In the meantime I am always happy to talk or answer any questions related to headphone matters. Audio is my #1 passion...that and kite surfing. Haha just kidding.
Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 20 2017 at 14:03
I very rarely buy remasters unless it is an album I know to have sound issues from the get-go. Then I might be interested in getting the updated version.

Hhmmm I'm not sure Nick. I mean, I know Audeze makes incredible cans but I still can't escape the feeling that I can get so much more sound for the dough. For 1500-2000$ I could get a Stax l700 set-up and I'd be set for life. Those b*****ds sound like they make sound from diamonds and uranium. One day I will have to use them whilst listening to my own music. Still Roxette and Simply Red over the l700 was a marvelous experience. Have you ever tried on some electrostats?

Heh maybe just save up for for the Orpheus and call it a day  
Nahh that is just ridiculous. 

Oh and Nick what are you rocking these days? The hd800 obviously but are we talking the s version? Do you tubeytube them to tame the reportedly high highs or do you solidstate the suckers and just fill them with playdoh instead? Sorry dude I was just surprised to see how many folks who actually do this. Seems a little crazy that one would have to tinker with a flagship in order to get it working right. 
Anyways I was thinking of getting a tubeytube myself. I've heard tall tales about what it'll do to my k701 - truth be told I wouldn't mind plugging my grados into it either. I've seen used little dot mkllls for sale and almost pulled the trigger. Also seen the WA6 a couple of times, but it costs 3-4 times as much.

I figure since most of my favourite albums were cut using tube amps, then why not try out a little of the action myself. The dim glow of the tube is also very beautiful to look at, so this will also add to the feng shui of my room.

Almost forgot dear Dolly. Here she is with the appropriate sized ears to spearhead the next headphone revolution: sonic saucepans
Billedresultat for weird dolly parton

Edited by Guldbamsen - December 20 2017 at 14:50
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote progbethyname Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2017 at 10:47
^ very cool David. An excellent account of experiences. Sounds like you are really getting the hang of it all. :)
Also. Burn-in is very real, especially with high end gear in general. With Headphones it is primarily the drivers and transducers that need a voltage workout in order to adjust to the designed impedance level as selected by the manufacturer. In my experience, When I've bought a new headphone fresh from the factory the upper mids and highs are quite unrefined and grainy at first. Then after a few burn in hrs you get that ureaka moment. ;)
However headphone burn in period is not as dramatic as with other parts in your audio chain.
Amps and power supplys are the biggest difference once PCB's have got a little heat on them. :)

Anyway man. I've been talking to Sam(Meltdowner) and he is having some eye openers as well with some new equipment...namely those HE 400i's you got him hooked into. :)

Most of all, I just love hearing about other people's joy and new experiences they get with their music when getting into higher fidelity gear. It puts a huge smile on my face cause I know first hand how people like you and Sam feel right now. Pretty amazing how different albums that you thought you knew like the back of your hand, can sound completely different and change your whole perception.

Genesis? Ya mon!! A Trick of the tail was brilliantly recorded provided you have an original 1985 cd pressing.
I've been talking with Sam about sources, Dave whereby I cannot stress enough, how important it is to grab original cd pressings and boycott a lot of today's remasters of classic albums.
It can make or break your experience with the higher fidelity equipment you possess.
I can explain more about it if you wish later on, but that would be my biggest advice that I would give to any budding audio enthusiast.

Above all, my friend. Pretty awesome. And I think a couple of years down the line a great headphone upgrade would be the Audeze LCD X or LCD XC or the Mr. Speakers Flow.
That would be a nice step up from the 400i and given your sound sig tastes.

Bye for now.
Gimmie my headphones now!!! 🎧🤣
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 19 2017 at 09:44
I often imagine having these weird exotic pets actually. How about an anaconda in your backyard? Talk about excitement when you have to clean out the pond! Also works wonders as a security feature. Heh I can just imagine the warning sign: 'Beware of Phil our 25 ft boa constrictor'LOL

Yeah erm 'burn-in'...I am in the same camp as you although I am far from being an engineer or even a household fixer-upper...but I do understand how mechanical parts move and how friction and other such fickle little things could have a small impact on a completely new headphone. I do however not think it is something that changes much say after a couple of hours' worth of use. What I do firmly believe in is mental burn-in ie adjusting one's ears to a specific sound signature - how the music is presented to you. 
Those Ultrasone I was on about earlier int he thread is the best example of this actually. I just listened to them yesterday starting out with some contemporary electronic music and sure enough they're still my absolute favourite cans for electronic. Fast forward 45 minutes and Genesis Trick comes along - mind you this is an album I know like the back of my hand and have always considered beautifully recorded - moreso than any other Genesis album up to that point....but it sounded horrific playing through my Ultrasones. I couldn't pick out anything from this grainy and utterly confusing sound presentation....until I suddenly could and everything fell into place. Sorta like coming off a wild acid trip and all of sudden things make sense! YAY!!! Again with the Ultrasones it is wholly down to it's incredibly bizarre soundstage/presentation. The instruments are definitely NOT where they're supposed to beLOL...until they are. So weird.
I imagine this headphone has lost quite a few comparisons to other cans. Hell when you're a/b'ing headphones I don't imagine anyone having the time to wait 10 minutes for the penny to drop every time it's the Ultrasones turn.

Btw I just read a review that called the HE-400i the planar version of HD600. Makes me think I really don't need an hd600. Nahh what I really need is a pair of new ears to rest headphones well as a pair of Monoprice M1060 of courseWackoApprove

Oh and I found a pic that perfectly represents how my Grado's look after I put on the Sennheiser pads:
Relateret billede
Best cans for rock I own! Guitars just sound right on these. 

It's a little funny how much the actual look of a headphone often corresponds with the kind of music it excels at. Old school = old school music. Contemporary = contemporary music.

Edited by Guldbamsen - December 19 2017 at 10:04
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AEProgman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 07 2017 at 17:41
^Tapir!  LOL, what a hoot that would be to have that thing walk around, sit and watch TV, listen to prog....perhaps Pink Floyd's Animals would be his/her favorite.

I instantly thought of Crimson's "Cat Food" song for kat jazz, besides the obvious title and lyrics, the piano runs on that song make me think of a cat scampering across the piano keys.  Will have to re-listen to Umbrellas...

Saw the HD660s come up a lot in research, curious what is really the difference between 600s, 650s, and now 660s.

On some Can thoughts, I have researching/reading a lot about "breaking" new Cans in.  The Hifiman manual indicates 150 hours of listening/use.  Seems to be debate on both side of the isle for breaking versus does not need breaking in.  From my own experience, I thought my ATH-M40X sounded muddy at first until later they sounded much better.  My portable Senns PX-100ii sounded great from the get go.  My own thoughts on this are any thing man made and has movable/vibrating parts (regardless how minute) require a settling in period.  However, I think my ears or hearing require an adjustment period to get used to the new/different sound also, so maybe it is a combination of both?  Anyway, food for fodder...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 07 2017 at 05:47
Well I do know cat jazz y'know the feline variety of the much heralded ch ch che genre. 2 tunes instantly spring to mind: the one in Aristocats (of course) and Frank Zappa's Little Umbrellas. Something about the groove in Umbrellas that very eloquently mimics the gate of a cat. I always think of cats when I hear it.

Mad Magazines and Hifiman cans. Sounds like a home-run to me. Maybe add a slightly odd exotic pet like a lemur fx and then there is no contest whatsoever: best christmas ever! I want a tapir myself but I am sadly not allowed pets in my apartment.

Btw has anyone heard the newest breed of hd600 ie the hd660? Costly buggers and judging by reviews it seems verging n the insane to spend over a 100€ extra on what effectively is a ever so slightly improved take on the hd650. Then again I haven't heard it, but it sure looks like the hd650.
Maybe Simon will pick these up. He sure needs a new pair after the recent cable travesty and who better to give us the down low on these cans than one who actually owns all three?

Edited by Guldbamsen - December 07 2017 at 05:48
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AEProgman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 30 2017 at 13:40
^ Yes, we are just a couple of kids at heart, I knew she would not let me use them until Christmas (we both do the same thing to each other, anticipation!).  I know also that I will have some MAD Magazines in the stocking, always do...(go figure, they have been my guide book since the 60s).   Insert smiley face here to avoid the "katjas"... hmmm Kat Jazz, a new genre?

I did however, pull the 400s out of the box and give them a test run for sanity check in case they were bad or missing something, plus a sneak peak listen.  Compared them briefly to my ATH-M40X cans.  At first hear, the 400s seem nearly as neutral in tone, but oh my the sound stage difference!  Can't wait!  

Started getting the evil eye after a half hour, so had to box them back up and hand them over to the warden.

Good idea about used Audezes, keep that in mind for the future.  
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 30 2017 at 07:46
Now you have to wait close to a month to actually use them?
Man that is just torture!

Either way congrats on your new can Jim. I take it we'll have to wait a while before we can get a more succinct impression of them from you, but at least you've got something to look forward to.

Heh I think you made a wise decision NOT to try out the Audezes. That is unless you're planning on making a sweet deal on a secondhand pair. Good thing about secondhand Audeze is that a) they're often taken very good care of b) they're built like tanks. Be that as it may I am still perfectly satisfied with my Hifimans and I feel like I could use that same amount of money on something that sounds even better ie Stax.

Never heard the dt990 but it seems to be a somewhat divisive can. Many complain about it's sharp treble but then again many peple don't like spices (what's up with that??). I almost bought a secondhand pair once but decided not to mostly because I was looking for a more neutral sound signature like the dt880 or like the one I actually ended up buying the dt1350. Small, light, portable, metal constructed beauty that blows away any other portable on-ear can I've tried (with the exception of the Audeze Sine but that's cheating since it's planar;). No pic though since I'm on my phone (the preferred way of frequenting this site lately if one wants to dodge katjas.).
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AEProgman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 29 2017 at 19:01
Well, the test drives are over and I have settled on the HifiMan HE400S!  Actually bought them and now the wife has hidden them until Christmas...
Actually was dreading the High end audio store from past experience, but got a younger guy who let me use my own rig/setup to test with in a room to myself and turned out to be "almost" a pleasure.  In the price range I wanted, this store had the HE400i, HE400S, and the Grado 325e, and took them all in the room with me and compared as I liked.  Grados sounded good, but a little punchy, not as airy, and were not as comfortable.  So it came down to the Hifimans.  The two 400 cans sounded fantastic and very similar (not sure I could tell the difference once I used an amp), the 400s seemed a bit lighter, little more comfortable, and easier to drive (not a big factor, but was a plus). 
Planar Mags are a delight!  I did not want to ruin my decision by trying high priced Audeze planar mag cans they had there.
Since I could not find any Sennheiser 650s (or 600s) to test drive, I decided to take the sure thing that I actually heard and was pleased with and went with the Hifiman HE400S.  Senns will have to wait...
I did find a Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro at a different store (best cans they had in open backs) and test drove them and was very impressed with those (at about half the price).  Only way to test drive was via their pre-setup system with all the headphones playing the same samples they had, still sounded good and thought seriously about those.
Now to find where the wife hid the cans....
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Guldbamsen Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2017 at 09:34
'Stirred up the cans in Dolly Land'  
Sounds like a bizarre country western and porn flick from the 70s.

Good luck on the test drive btw. Such a wholesome decision. In fact I wish I'd made that 2 hour drive to that one store back when I purchased my first high end can. I was damn pleased with what I bought but I have read a lot of people online who obviously weren't. Cat in the bag is only as transparent as the reviews one reads...which to be fair doesn't hold a candle to ears - preferably your own.

Just to reassure you Jim regarding at least the hd650 (and the hd600 for that matter which I slightly prefer); I don't think I've met anyone who doesn't like its sound. It's such a lovable can. 
I think the Hifimans share that same attribute (they're also built like tanks). Every single person who's tried mine has loved them. My dad went completely bananas and started doing this sailor jig thingy with arms waving wildly about. He loves his Dire Straits bless his boots.

Recommended open back cans you're likely to bump into at any store within the same price bracket as the hd650/600 and with a similar flat response include:
Shure srh1440
Billedresultat for srh1440
Beyerdynamic dt880
Billedresultat for dt880 pro
Audio Technica ath-r70x
Billedresultat for ath r70x

Edited by Guldbamsen - November 25 2017 at 11:58
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AEProgman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 24 2017 at 15:53
Wow, looks like I stirred up the Cans in Dolly land (maybe I should rephrase...) since I last posted before the holiday here in the US.  Before I forget, the Dolly Llama is priceless :) LOL!!!  Avoiding emoticons as I always get captcha'd on those.

Lot to respond to here.

I have the ATH-M40Xs and am very satisfied with them, the 50s were a little more bass heavy when I test drove the two and wanted something more neutral.  

David, not familiar with Fostex or the Ultrazone cans, the Ultrazone's sound  like  they have a different signature indeed.  Shows how conditioned our listening habits or expectations are when first trying something.  I have heard quite a bit of positive things about Shure headphones sound (oooh Love Force Majeure!), but when I test drove one at a music shop a while back, one side of the headphones did not work (supposedly new in the store) and thats when I wound up getting the ATH-M40X cans.

Now to my latest decision to make on the wife's offer.  Thanks David and Simon for the advice, much appreciated...  

Regarding the internet wormhole of reviews, dissecting, and second guessing, I fall into that category way too often as I am an engineer by trade (not in the audio world for sure) and I look for the faults in everything and try to take internet stuff with a grain of salt.  However, I drive my wife crazy in researching every damn thing so she has laid down the gauntlet, if I don't make a decision by next weekend she is pulling the offer!  LOL, shows how she knows me too well...she bought a new car earlier this year in a week and a half after a test drive while I was still knee deep in analysis...she is happy as a clam with it.  Must be nice to be oblivious...

Anyway, there are only about 3 stores that I know of in the area to possibly test drive high-end cans, so I will check them out this week.  One of them, based on their website has the Hifiman HE-400s so at least I hope to hear those, not sure if any of them have the Senns 650s.  After quite a bit of research in the net wormhole and spec analysis, I am leaning towards the Senns 650s as it just keeps coming up that they are almost a reference point or standard for all other comparisons, (not as in good or bad, but in sound signature) plus they also seem to have a good build quality reputation and comfortable.  Although, the planar design of the Hifiman and signature (sound stage) appear to be very tempting also.

Alas, I have some test driving to do this week!  

Long post for me, hope to avoid captcha as it bit me hard posting the King Crimson 2018 tour info, took damn near 15 minutes to get one to finally other captchas seem to be this dreadful.
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