Blacksword wrote:
Trump is more unstable in relative terms. Kim behaves as you would expect a North Korean leader to behave. He may seem more 'gung ho' than his father, but he is very young and may feel he has more to prove, and is very much a product of his environment.
Trump on the other hand doesn't isn;t a product of his environment, and therefore doesn't behave in a way you'd expect a president to, and displays signs of narcististic personality disorder. IMO. |
Trump is definitely a product of his environment. He is a Fox News viewer. He thinks entirely in stereotype schemas, just as most Fox News viewers. Facts cannot overturn his views if they conflict with his schemas, because of the valuing of ideology over philosophy, as conservatism has done for years now. He uses an authoritative parenting view of governance, as most conservatives do. His narcissism is almost surely exacerbated by his wealth. His wealth fuels his stereotype schema that he is a great business man. Give a listen to Trump supporters. No thought provoking issues. Everything they say has at its purpose to enable Trump's narcissism. Why? Because (American) conservatism is narcissistic in nature. It fits like a glove.
As for Kim, I was young once. His youth makes me very very concerned about his stability.