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Posted: August 13 2017 at 16:43
Too bad for a "Special" and "Honorary Collaborator" to expressing himself in such an unpolite, hash way to say the least, regardless of being right or wrong........ after all, as much as any American citizen you represent here a country well-known for the rights of free expression. No need to humiliate just because what he thinks contrasts with YOUR thoughts.........
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Posted: August 13 2017 at 17:06
^ So you laugh out loud at and try to humiliate micky, support one of the most toxic and uninformed idiots on the site, and I'm not being nice enough for your suddenly civic-minded conscience ? Hmm.
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Posted: August 13 2017 at 17:22
*spits beer all over monitor*
did he try to humiliate me... didn't notice... guess he didn't read the newbies manual.
7) Don't f**k with the Big Mick.. he is toxic a complete idiot yet very well informed... meaner and smarter posters than you are likely to be have all failed to best him.
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Posted: August 13 2017 at 17:35
Atavachrom, it seems that you haven't had a good day actually... for the record, your behaviour twisting my words on here is far from civic-minded and respectful, as I didn't by any stretch of imagination try to humiliate anybody on this site.... ever! And if there is someone that is schooled on that it's YOU!
Frankly, I don't really give a flying fart to what you to have say further on, so I'm really done on all this completely senseless discussion (politely saying).......
Edited by Tillerman88 - August 13 2017 at 17:36
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Posted: August 13 2017 at 17:57
I've seen David when he has a bad day... this was not one of them... back then the Godfather would take care of his #1 capo when he saw he wasn't having a good day toss him the half eaten corpse of our latest DT fan kill and it made him quite happy.
It is a rough crowd here.. especially among the survivors of the old west forum days...this... was nothing compared to the good old days where we logged on every day to see who was blown away in the latest forum atrocity or drive by shooting haha.
While the rest of the forum has become more respectful.. or boring... whichever way you want to see that water filled glass. You can still find it here. Both this thread and the previous one have their share of bodies left to rot along the roadside If you want civility a political thread is likely the last place you'll find it. It simply mirrors real life man.... there is a reason most forums make these threads hands off. Thanks to Trujmp you can't even count on most not giving a sh*t and being apathetic... he has done roiled up everyone. His skinhead Neanderthal ignorant followers.. and silent majority who awoke one morning in November to find...
so yeah both sides are mad, angry and was a great leap forward in the Culture War .. ie.. the 2nd American Civil War as the unnies take it a notch further and resort to violence.
The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
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Posted: August 13 2017 at 18:37
npjnpj wrote:
]Oh dear, touched a nerve. :lol
hehe.. yes be sure of that haha honestly, really fun has been all this sh*t .... btw, nice to know who's 'one of the most 'toxic and uninformed idiots' on this forum hahaha...
Just as a plus, it's so good to know from now on where to come back for spewing insults and humiliations when I'm in a bad mood ;)
Oh no!... not on this thread at least, as that privilege is just for the American forumites haha lol
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Posted: August 13 2017 at 19:42
that in a nutshell is the state of the forum these days isn't it David. They don't make them like they used to around here. Of course that is the best he's got... probably some kiddie on momma's computer hah.
I do miss the old days around here when we had worthy foils smart witty folks with character to duel wits and grey matter with. Shame you and I are so much of the same mind.. I wouldn't mind taking you on at 20 paces. I'm probably quicker on the draw (more practice I suppose).. but due to not wanting to spill my beer.. I'd probably miss and have you put the 2nd shot right between my eyes.
Damn I miss Tony.. now there was one that you knew could dish it out as hard as anyone could give it.
Edited by micky - August 13 2017 at 19:42
The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
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Posted: August 13 2017 at 23:16
@Tillerman88: Sorry, I just realised how my last post must have looked. It wasn't aimed at you at all, I was just commenting on the other response(s) my comment provoked.
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Posted: August 14 2017 at 00:11
Don't worry at all npjnpj, your comment didn't confuse me at all; and as we can realise, also the others on here easily got the message you intended to convey ;)
Edited by Tillerman88 - August 14 2017 at 00:11
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Posted: August 14 2017 at 20:30
Barbu wrote:
^ Still no sense of humour and still pissed off about the last girl+prog thread, apparemment.
Your incoherent reply does not make any sense, what exactly is a "girl + prog thread"? Also, show me your witty sense of humor, type something funny for a change.
Death of protesters in the streets, open racism, imminent nuclear war, military threats to other states, and lots more. The USA is now the time bomb of the world.
I think the USA is just about done. Don’t kid yourselves, it’s not like Germany in the 30s, this IS Germany in the 30s. My mother, going on 100, was there and can describe it in detail.
Now fascism is rampant on the streets of America, the silence from the White House is deafening. Even if there will be a statement sometime, it’s too late to make any difference now, the damage to the reputation of the US is off the charts.
The only good thing to come out of the Trump presidency is the new US isolationism. The world needs at least some form of protective barrier.
Now, I’m just going to sit back, relax, and watch the show, hoping that the EMP doesn’t wipe my hard drives.
Whatever fate befalls the USA after all that has happened and is happening, America deserves all it gets. It doesn’t look to me as if there’s much left worth saving or protecting.
What an end for the once glorious leadership of the free world. Any previous reputation will take decades to recover, if ever.
Nice dramatic flair. Hyperbole and "look how edgy I am" attempt aside, I do agree with parts of it.
Oh, before continuing does only seem fair...Europe isn't exactly immune to this either. At least only 46% of eligible voters chose Trump, an actual majority chose Brexit but I don't hold it against the entirety of the UK, nor do I hope ill will on them and if negatives come from it, they certainly don't deserve it.
Aaaaaaaanyway, you and the right are actually correct: The US IS in decline, our culture IS degrading. But it's not due to BLM, mexicans, muslims, immigrants, gay rights, feminism, liberalism, mainstream republicans (well.....) it's due to: the hard right. Freedom of speech, (for all and with responsibilities), democracy, rule of law, tolerance, informed public discourse is all being tossed out the window. Culminating in this sad situation we're in. Add to it our celebrity worship, increasing mob mentality and willingness to defend such stuff, I really do feel like we're the Roman Empire in decline.
Personally I cant wait for the US to be #2. We should speed it up...if people are sensing it, and are kicking and screaming this much let's just get it over with. To the shock of doomsayers: We will be fine. UK has fallen from #1 and they seem to be doing quite fine, their living standards are basically the same as here. Again not sure all the people here whining about the decline of the US get this. I say let China become hegemon of the world and deal with all that so we can just move on.
Yes, Trump's comments were appalling. Even more so, his refusal (literally walked out of the room) to answer the question: Do you want support from white nationalists. Says all you need.
So now that, 2 days later after an ocean of criticism, he finally acknowledged white supremacists were there and that has no place in the US, no one outside his cult believes it. This isn't even the first time he's danced around upsetting white nationalists, refused to denounce David Duke just said "I dont know that guy" and later "OK I'll denounce him, if it'll make you feel better" This is the President of the United States of America.....
History is indeed repeating. Difference is it's actually happening here this time. Thank god Trump is lazy, incompetent and seems to not really care. Imagine if he was driven, we'd really be f**ked. Still, incompetence is the glove in which truly bad people slip their hand into. Bannon, Jeff Sessions are the people who truly scare the crap out of me. With special shoutouts to Rick Perry, Mnuchin, Ross, Devos and many others who strike me as less evil, more standard greedy rich folk who just want to give the economy over the wealthy and believe the rest should suffer since they're lazy mooches. That's been the case since Reagan so nothing new there.
The rally was extremely well organized and tactical, (perhaps helped by participants who were ex military). Some members were armed with assault rifles, and so were the counter protesters. Also present were various militias. I'm amazed it wasn't far worse. Though with all these groups roving around, armed and looking for a fight, I do worry about future rallies. Surely there will be more, and the white supremacists wanna go bigger, ready for war. Scary to think there's a not far off chance we'll be seeing armed conflict in the streets. People are truly willing to say forget police, public debate, rule of law and government and take to roving gangs.
Also, I fear what an armed conflict would mean for the reaction of Trump, Sessions and Bannon. Perfect situation to justify their want to actually clamp down on liberties, god forbid cops die in future protests...don't wanna think about the reaction from the right.
Which may be what they want, the trolls online who provoke people have taken it to real life, maybe their goal is to spark violence and get the authoritarian regime these extreme rightists want.
Just like with the Paris Agreement and the minimum wage, glad to see people are taking to local politics to stand up for the issues.
Funny that the left is now using local government while the right is crying "You can't do that!" and seeking centralized power, be it at the federal level and state level, where Republican governors have stopped local governments from enacting higher minimum wages, environmental laws, LGBT rights, taxes etc etc
Funny how quickly ideals fly out the window when in power eh?
Anywho, this is a great move. The Democratic Party and liberal orgs should push for this nationwide, hopefully get some big cities on board, maybe even some states. Then this would really have some bite.
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