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omphaloskepsis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2017 at 17:41
OK Twseel...Now we're rocking.  I need you to clear up a few things for me.

 You said-  also making sure that these wages will actually go to the markets for essential products for living so that these can become more affordable while less goes into the savings acounts of the rich, so that this money will then be used by (now once again unregulated) investors to create economic bubbles which screw over the entire world like it already has, or otherwise by investing heavily in the exporting economy to create new jobs

1.Can you explain how wages will actually go for essential products for living versus Chinese plastic toys via credit card debt?  

2. Under your plan Bureaucracy would balloon?  Are you OK with that?  ...How do you stop graft, kickbacks, fraud, and corruption via regulations?  I say this because,  The Empire State building was built in a year without tons of regulations.  With regulations, A modern Empire State building would take years to build and bunch of paper pushers (regulators who produce nothing you can eat or use) will grow into an octopus bureaucracy.  

3. I will address only one Trump idea at this time....If you receive food stamps and welfare aide and you are able to work...You must either work, go to school, or volunteer to help disabled or old folks.  
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2017 at 17:49
^ Wow, I will need to read this ongoing sentence/paragraph a few times to understand what you are saying. Just to comment on your first few thoughts though.

1) "....since the 70's": I think the world did not like us much during that time because of the Vietnam war. That continues to be a huge stain on the US.

2) Define rich and poor? And why are people poor? and why are some rich? Take out family wealth, born with a silver spoon in your mouth, I would think most rich are because they worked hard, educated and became rich by inventing or being paid for doing a good job and creating large profits for the stockholders, there is nothing wrong with that. Most rich people give the most money to charities, that's a fact. Sure there are probably some that stole, but I think they eventually get caught and go to jail....
I don't believe Bill Gates, Paul Allen, all the guys who founded Starbucks became rich by stealing from the workers or the poor. Maybe way back in the industrial age 1800s-early 1900s there were company owners who did not pay workers well, but there are laws now.

Most of what you wrote is, I don't know.....need to read it over and over to try and understand. I am sure there is a point there somewhere, but don't see what you wrote means Trump is a doofus.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2017 at 22:08
It is well within the realm of possibility that, without the regular and healthy balance between views and actions, the push & pull that keeps the country engaged and checked, the Dems and Reps would sorely miss each other if one were to shrivel and die.   And that's despite any third or even fourth party.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 04:45
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Opinions are like anus holes.  Facts, truths, proof, and evidence are in rare supply.   Let's see some facts people! 

I don't agree with everything Trump does.  However, political discussions based on personal biases and partisan opinions disintegrate into drivel, slander, and name calling.  Socrates said,  'When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.'   You people are better than that.   I'm OK with opinions as long as you declare it's your point of view.  If you pass opinions as fact, then don't be upset when your called on it and caught.

Be prepared to supply evidence and proof to bolster strong statements you believe to be absolutely true.    For example, since Trump became president the National Debt has dropped 100 billion dollars.   In the same span of Obama's first term the National Debt went up 175 billion dollars.   Here the proof for your perusal...

Now I'll state an opinion.  I think it's wrong of Trump to attack Assad's forces in Syria.  I really don't like it.  If recent history tells us anything, regime change never works. Look at Libya.  Say what you want to about a dictatorship in Libya, after regime change Libya turned into a hellhole on earth.  It's much worse.

Every time America invades and forces regime change in the Middle East:  terrorist's fill the power vacuum, refugees flee for Europe,  rape and human trafficking ensue.  blah blah blah.   That's my opinion.  I could back my viewpoint with a mountain of circumstantial evidence.  Perhaps the weight of a mountain of circumstantial evidence would persuade some.  Perhaps not.  I wouldn't claim "End of Story" like I'm God of Prog Archives!.  Instead, I would say that's my viewpoint and these are reasons I believe what I believe.

Don't be offended if I ask you to back up your statements with evidence.   Don't be offended if I disprove your statement with evidence such as multiple government officials testifying to direct questions under oath.  Notice I say direct questions.  Because the same government officials can state opinions under oath.  More often then not, the government officials opinions are 180 opposites of the direct questions they answered.

 Comey's testimony is textbook this way.  Why would Comey's opinion be different then his yes or no answers?  In my opinion, Comey is politically biased.  Yet, he doesn't want to spend jail time for perjury.   So he must say the truth under direct questioning.  However Comey can't perjure himself with an opinion, thus his opinions differ greatly from his direct answers.  Comey says he wrote a memo. When Congress asks Comey to provide memo, Comey says he deleted it.  The sum total of these behaviors contribute to my opinion that Comey is politically biased.  And that's why I only trust Comey's direct answers to question under oath.   Even then, Comey answers need to jibe with other accounts give under oath and metadata evidence.  The more accounts jibe and agree with metadata the higher the likelihood my opinion approaches the actual reality. 
You really are some piece of work. You bemoan the absence of facts at length and say they lead to slander, and then go on to state your opinions on Comey. Here's another old saying: Physician heal thyself.
You have presented no evidence for your any arguments but have engaged in presenting "alternate facts" or deferred peripheral topics, like a true right winger, such as the CNN linked "fake Trump Russia collusion" which does not alter the fact that Russia interfered, hacked emails and attempted to alter our 2016 Presidential election the same way that they have done in other counties using cyber hacking.
You can dance around this topic and enthrall other brain washed Trump followers but that's far as your BS will go.
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progaardvark View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 06:28
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

All articles with zero evidence.  Aardvark did you read the articles with little numbers in brackets?  Please, go read the articles and show me one piece of hard evidence that DNC server was hacked.  Just one.  I will accept government officials testifying under oath...Like the video I provide below.

I don't know, bud. Maybe this statement from Kevin Mandia might help:
Here's the video from his testimony:
He's not a government official, but is a member of one of the firms that confirmed CrowdStrike's assessment. Do I need to explain that government agencies rely on outside experts? The government does not work in a vacuum.

Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Aardvark, can you prove that a DNC employee did not leak emails?  You never answered that question. Please provide ONE piece of hard evidence that a DNC employee did not leak the DNC emails to WikiLeaks.  Thus the name...WikiLeaks.    I will accept Government officials testifying under oath, like the video I provided above. 
Why should I have to prove this? I never made this statement. Why don't you prove it? Why do you even bother reading anybody's posts on here because none of us are under oath?
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omphaloskepsis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 07:28
Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

All articles with zero evidence.  Aardvark did you read the articles with little numbers in brackets?  Please, go read the articles and show me one piece of hard evidence that DNC server was hacked.  Just one.  I will accept government officials testifying under oath...Like the video I provide below.

I don't know, bud. Maybe this statement from Kevin Mandia might help:
He's not a government official, but is a member of one of the firms that confirmed CrowdStrike's assessment. Do I need to explain that government agencies rely on outside experts? The government does not work in a vacuum.

Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Aardvark, can you prove that a DNC employee did not leak emails?  You never answered that question. Please provide ONE piece of hard evidence that a DNC employee did not leak the DNC emails to WikiLeaks.  Thus the name...WikiLeaks.    I will accept Government officials testifying under oath, like the video I provided above. 
Why should I have to prove this? I never made this statement. Why don't you prove it? Why do you even bother reading anybody's posts on here because none of us are under oath?

I like it Aardvark!  You researched.  Outstanding.  Even if I disagree with you,  I respect that you informed yourself.  

I read your material and viewed some of the video.  My response.

1.  I'm familiarized myself with Crowdstrike a long time ago.  Your info is old and has since been refuted. Oh, Crowdstike was invited to testify before Congress in March 2017 but Crowdstrike was a no show!  In addition WikiLeaks exposed multiple holes in Crowdstrike DNC hacking report.  And that's why Congress isn't interested in interviewing Crowdstrike or Firefly anymore.   Congress wants to know why the DNC refused to turn over their servers after the FBI asked for access multiple times. 

1. I imagine you viewed the video I posted of Trey Gowdy asking former DHS secretary Jeh Johnson (under oath) why the DNC refused to turn over their Server to the FBI.  That video is a week old.  

2. McAfee explains why Russian Government couldn't have hacked DNC according to Crowdstrike evidence.

3. What's on those DNC servers.   We know the DNC funneled over a hundred million dollars  earmarked for Bernie Sanders to Hillary

4. DNC Democratic Party operative Donna Brazile admits that she fed Hillary Clinton a question before a CNN town hall debate.  Almost everybody was fired from DNC but still they won't give up their server.  In other words, the DNC committed felonies and the proof is on their server.  The Russia hack story makes people forget all the crimes the DNC committed.

5.  If Russia hacked DNC, why didn't they hack Hillary's private unencrypted server.  Hillary's server was a lot easier to hack. 

6. Former head of DNC Debbie Wasserman-Shultz really wants those laptops.  Remember that video I posted?  How much do you think those laptops would go for in a auction?  I bet Debbie would pay a pretty penny for them.  5 young people have died violent deaths around this story.   Plus 6 wanted by the FBI (Awan Brother) escaped arrest by fleeing to Pakistan.  But no! This is all coincidence!  I'm sure.

7. This investigation is just heating up.  The Democrat attack on Trump ( to hide these crimes and more) is about to boomerang.  Ex head of DOJ Loretta Lynch in now under investigation.  Has something to do with meeting Bill Clinton on a Airplane tarmac near ground zero day of the DNC leak/hack.  But Bill and Loretta were discussing children.  I'm sure they were being good scouts and never mentioned Hillary's emails.

8.  McCabe, current head of the FBI is now under 3 separate investigations connect with this crap.  I could go on and on.  My point?   Even the MSM and  democrat congressmen flee the sinking ship of this story...

Oh, Your right Aardvark.  You don't have to prove a DNC employee didn't leak the info.  Many people believe Seth Rich ( A DNC It staffer)  and Bernie Sanders' supporter leaked the DNC info.  We may never know because a few days after the leak, Seth Rich was shot in the back in DC on a city street.  But that's another long story.  Even though DC is covered with cameras , there has been ZERO footage released.  The FBI says the police have Seth Rich's laptop.  The police say the FBI has Seth Rich's laptop.  No suspects.  Botched robbery, although nothing was stolen.  Don't dare ask if it was an assassination.  Seth Rich's story would fill a 500 page book. 

Do you think the DNC should be investigated for the crimes I've mentioned?

Edited by omphaloskepsis - June 29 2017 at 08:15
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progaardvark View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 08:04
^I'm not playing this game with you anymore. Where is your testimony under oath from government officials to back up the claims you made? You're a Trump-supporting conspiracy theorist and there isn't any way I can help you out of your stupor. Best wishes, dude.
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omphaloskepsis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 08:32
Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

^I'm not playing this game with you anymore. Where is your testimony under oath from government officials to back up the claims you made? You're a Trump-supporting conspiracy theorist and there isn't any way I can help you out of your stupor. Best wishes, dude.

Prove I'm a Trump-supporting conspiracy theorist.    The term Conspiracy theorist was invented to shut down political discussion with people you disagree with.   I'm guilty of the greatest crime of all.  I disagree with you and you don't like it. 

  I don't care where facts and proof lead me.  If Trump is guilty,  I say impeach him.  I didn't vote for Trump.  Did you read my opinion on Trump and Syria?   I called the White House comment line and spoke with a nice lady.  I expressed my desire for Trump to pull troops out of Syria.  I don't want the USA to support regime change in Syria.  I don't support Trump on several other issues too.  

I'm searching for the truth. For a better America.  How about you aardvark?  Perhaps your identity is so tied up in hating Trump that you can't accept any evidence that doesn't support your internal narrative?  

  I've already provided the Trey Gowdy questioning Jeh Johnson under oath.  Did you disbelieve the testimony?  That proved the DNC refused to give FBI access to server.  That fact makes one ask the question, " Why won't the DNC give the FBI their server for examination?"   Answer that question Aardvark.  I suspect you won't because there is no satisfactory answer.

As for testimony under oath evidence,  I will provide some more.  However, a great deal of the evidence given under oath will be given over the next few months.  In other words,  everyone hasn't testified yet.  The ones who refused invitations will be subpoenaed and that takes time.  Folks like Loretta Lynch, FBI Dept head McCabe, Susan Rice, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and others.

Yet there are those who have testified under oath.  I will start off with this 3 minute ditty...

Let me know if you wish me to post WikiLeaks vault 7 info proving my point.  Although not evidence given under oath,  WikiLeaks has been proven to have 100% accuracy, as to the authenticity of their leaks. It's all real.   Not once has anything WikiLeaks provided been disproved.  Hundreds of thousands of pieces of information and all authentic!  Amazing record in this day and age.

Edited by omphaloskepsis - June 29 2017 at 09:22
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 09:25
Since micky started these "political/presidential campaign" threads last year, most of them have been filled with conspiracy theorist banter. Very little to no true healthy political discussion has happened.....If you aligned more with Trump/Republican you were labeled a racist/woman hating person, the vultures came down on you and pecked you to death LOL!!

I voted for Trump, said that before. But my main reason was Hillary is a terrible politician, cannot be trusted as far as I can throw any of you now and has blood on her hands. Her political history is very disturbing, and I could not imagine 20-30 yrs from now showing my grandkids a picture of her as the first woman POTUS. I easily would have voted for Bernie, as weak as he was, but the DNC was never gonna allow him to represent them. There is so much wrong that the DNC did over the past couple years, its no wonder they lost.....and they have yet to do anything about it, to make the voters trust them again.

Wash DC needed a shakeup, it was way overdue and it happened to be Trump on the ticket and the voters made it happen, that is fact. Russia did not "vote" Trump into office, that is such hogwash its beyond mental to think that. If people actually believe that Russia or any other foreign nation hacked into the voting system and changed votes from red to blue or blue to red.....Then we have a more gigantic problem than Trump living in the WH!!

I am hispanic, I don't have a drop of American blood in me, both my parents and all relatives were born in Central America. When my parents came to the US, yes to create a better life for their kids, they did it legally. Work permits/visas applied for SS# my father became a citizen and my mother did too years later, filed/paid taxes every year. If you are an illegal alien, working/living here, then I say get legal!! Do it the right way and follow the laws of this country, if anything I am hoping that Trump will put pressure on these people to become legal and then they will stop being bothered by police, customs agents and will live a much better life here probably.

As of right now I am pleased with my vote.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 10:53
^American Inlel agencies say there was tempering by the Russians. Are they a sure bet? No, but after the Iraq WMD debacle, they are 100 times more careful. Trump's total dismissal of the issue is what's so disturbing, and not the allegations that he was involved with the Russians in the fixing the election. That may or may not be, but it's not the main issue. The Russian cyber hacking is and they have all the means and motives to do it. Who's really has the gigantic problem when it comes to this issue?
This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 11:05
Congress considering breaking up Fannie and Freddie.   I think the investors should be concerned.  In 2008 Bush bailed out big banks (TARP) with 700 billion dollars of Tax payer money, Fannie and Freddie money.  Once Fannie and Freddie became profitable again, Obama siphoned money from Fannie and Freddie to prop up Obamacare.  The Supreme Court ruled against it but Obama did it anyway.

  If Jeff Sessions DOJ doesn't appeal Supreme Court verdict then money  from Fannie and Freddie will automatically stop flowing to Obamacare.  Some believe if that happened, Obamacare would implode within months.

If Congress breaks up Fannie and Freddie then many experts believe the mortgages would all be sold to Big Banks.  And eventually 30 year mortgages would be done away.  Critics argue is a move along on the way from the American Dream of home ownership to... America- country of renters.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 11:27
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

^American Inlel agencies say there was tempering by the Russians. Are they a sure bet? No, but after the Iraq WMD debacle, they are 100 times more careful. Trump's total dismissal of the issue is what's so disturbing, and not the allegations that he was involved with the Russians in the fixing the election. That may or may not be, but it's not the main issue. The Russian cyber hacking is and they have all the means and motives to do it. Who's really has the gigantic problem when it comes to this issue?

Trump agrees with you...

FUN FACT- Although probably just a coincidence,, as soon as the news broke that Obama knew about Russia, Obama and his entire family flew to Indonesia for an extended family vacation.  Obama has family in Indonesia (a peaceful Moslem Country) and Indonesia has no extradition treaty with USA.  I'm just saying- it's a funny coincidence.

Edited by omphaloskepsis - June 29 2017 at 11:31
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 11:32
I shouldn't get into late night politics anymore, I never sleep well afterwards... But let's get going.
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

OK Twseel...Now we're rocking.
 Glad to hear we're rocking, though I'm afraid you've mostly rocked past my main point. You are showing with this post and previous ones that you are able to at least recognize the complexities of the issue of unemployment, and that you can see how many factors come in to play and need to be considered for making a policy solving this. That's why I would be much happier to see someone like you be president than the doofus you are supporting, since he has not been able to mentally develop his solution(s) to this problem beyond his first goofy brainfart. I have scanned all the first useful results I found on Google and Youtube to see what he has said in terms of solutions in
Speeches(which was very difficult since he literally doesn't stay on any one specific subject for more than three short sentences): 90% of the speech is purely about Hillary, but he mentions two trade deals which he's gonna 'change' and lowering taxes, followed by among others the claim that this alone will bring back 25 million jobs. 'We're gonna open a new factory', 'Wait till you see what we do', no further explanation, more talking about Hillary. Trade deals are bad. 'Jobs are being stolen'; by whom? No further explanation, no further logic, only antagonization. 'I'll tell them, if they want to move a factory, I'll make them pay taxes, so they won't do it!' 'We're the highest tax nation in the world, so I'm gonna cut the taxes'; you're literally among the very lowest... 'We're gonna eliminate every job-killing regulation'; no specifics. 'We're gonna rebuild our infrastructure and put millions of people to work for it'; not a terrible idea but pretty ambitious after 'massive tax cuts'. No further explanation. Basically only talk about Clinton; 'She says she's gonna bring tremendous jobs back but she wouldn't know how to... I'm gonna bring jobs back'; no further explanation. Also about education: 'Everyone is gonna go to the school they want to go to, there's enough money in the government, you just need to end the bureaucracy.' Once again, dubious and ambitious and without further explanation of this bureaucracy, except for 'take the money they're already getting, but just let them go to the school they want to go to. We just have to re-prioritize spending.' Nice idea, but what are you gonna take it from? Weren't you suggesting tax cuts? Do you also realize that this is some hardcore European socialism? 'We will be saving money!' What. Anyhow we saw how this went down. 'I will lift restricitions on the production of American energy so that these students will have jobs when they graduate. It will add half a million jobs a year.' No specifications on these so-called restrictions, but apparently highly educated people are the people being duped here? Weren't these restrictions for a good part thought up to protect the employees in America to make sure they keep their jobs and actually get high payment he's going for. 'We only have bad jobs, the good jobs are gone'; he means no-education factory conveyor belt jobs? Those are the only ones he's mentioned. And please, I'm not the one trying to attack him, he's the one talking around it. You want to remove bad regulations to get jobs? So which type of regulations are you going to be removing? You're going to pay big money to create jobs? Where is this money suddenly coming from? Aren't these the things you want to know? Like, the actual workings of this idea instead of him saying 'this is all bad, I'm gonna do everything that's good'. If he wants to talk about priorities, let him clarify how he's gonna give you tax cuts, higher education, higher wages, higher equality, less crime, less bureaucracy, less corruption, less opposition, cheaper healthcare, better roads, better hospitals, better relationships abroad, a stronger army, less terrorism, less drugs, more treatment for drug addicts and a massive guarded concrete wall if the only thing you're gonna solve money out of is foreign intervention(despite expanding the army and military arsenal anyways) and renegotiating some trade deals and you have no further efficiency strategies planned out? Is your pandering bullsh*t sensor then not already tingling? He has his cake, eats it too, then eats it again, then stuffs it up his ass, then cuts open his stomach and stuffs that and then he turns into a cake and implodes. 
But let's look at some interviews for more clues, once again, just taking the first useful ones from Youtube: 'There's no reason these jobs have dissipated.' How about saving costs, regardless of regulations? Also love those sidenotes with the claim of what a disaster Europe is, but that's something fro another day. 'When you have to wait 10-15 years for an approval, and you don't get the approval, that's no good. We're gonna clean it up, we're gonna speed it up'; no specification on the measures, no specific restriction mentioned, no mention of what these restrictions are for or what's gonna change if you remove them. 'We're gonna have to impose a major tax on companies that leave, build their product and think they're gonna sell it right to our border like we're a bunch of jerks. That's not the free market, that's the dumb market! It has to be fair. You can do it by making tax cuts, that's what everyone likes, but the way you stop it by a tax, I've come up with a number of 35%, but if they don't leave there's gonna be no tax, so they're not gonna leave'; it is free market and if you need to impose a tax if they move that means it would normally save them money to go abroad, but okay, in practice you're just dropping taxes to get jobs, although products will be more expensive.
So the only solution he has mentioned, without any reservations or further corrections or reforms added is: let them do whatever if they stay here, make it impossible for them to exist if they go abroad. This is an idea, a simple idea, it is not a plan. Even when pushed, Trump can not tell you more about the issue than this banal solution. Omphalo, I know that you know that this is a very complex problem. I know that you have filled in the gaps of this plan with further logical reasoning and speculation. Unfortunately for you, your representative has shown no sign of understanding any of these issues. He has not mentioned them or recognized them. This man has been a salesman for the biggest part of his working life, and I know, because my father was a salesman, this includes the ability to make people feel confident about what you're selling by body language and framing of words. Trump clearly has a lot of experience with this since he has sold this banal idea to your country without specifying any of the results or downsides of this idea, talking over it, repeating himself and filling it up with ensuring words. 
Let me clarify, there is nothing inherently wrong an isolationist free market, it has worked well for Japan, but wouldn't you, as a well-thinking adult, prefer a candidate who can tell you why his idea would beat alternative solutions, who can tell you what is inherently problematic about measures for safety and against corporate fraud without resorting to baby talk about the scary evil government, who can at least tackle the issues of wage disparities between nations, the higher prices and decreasing export that will initially come from these measures and the gap left by these extreme new tax cuts with a well-rounded strategy instead of raving one-sided banter? The plan of isolationism could very well be made to work eventually but do you not deserve a better leader to make this work?
Quote I need you to clear up a few things for me.

 You said-  also making sure that these wages will actually go to the markets for essential products for living so that these can become more affordable while less goes into the savings acounts of the rich, so that this money will then be used by (now once again unregulated) investors to create economic bubbles which screw over the entire world like it already has, or otherwise by investing heavily in the exporting economy to create new jobs

1.Can you explain how wages will actually go for essential products for living versus Chinese plastic toys via credit card debt?  

2. Under your plan Bureaucracy would balloon?  Are you OK with that?  ...How do you stop graft, kickbacks, fraud, and corruption via regulations?  I say this because,  The Empire State building was built in a year without tons of regulations.  With regulations, A modern Empire State building would take years to build and bunch of paper pushers (regulators who produce nothing you can eat or use) will grow into an octopus bureaucracy.  

3. I will address only one Trump idea at this time....If you receive food stamps and welfare aide and you are able to work...You must either work, go to school, or volunteer to help disabled or old folks.  
To address some of these issues...
1. Essentially, a lot of basic economics. If you divide a big income over more people, the same money will need to buy more daily bread and therefore there will be relatively more essential products as the people receiving this money have less room for excess, while leaving this income to fewer people will leave each of them a larger surplus, also likely increasing import, since the import fees will then become a relatively smaller fraction of the price, but I think you already got that. If these people(of the first distribution) buy a Chinese toy(I presume you mean instead of an American one?), and you know they're likely cheaper and perhaps of lower quality, aren't they then merely profiting from the free market? The kids are happy and they save money for other things, perhaps to build a savings account? To be fair I don't really know about credit cards or how they function in practice, here in the Netherlands people are very much pressed to pay with money they already have...

2. Are you trying to suggest a principal move towards anarchy/libertarianism? We can establish first of all that regulations come to be for a reason; even the government themselves don't like to just block things at random. But building/safety/ethical regulations, much more than stuff like taxation and subsidies, should be handled by pragmatism, seperate from political leanings, because they are made to correct integral flaws and dangers that come naturally with an unregulated system, so one really primarily has to judge whether it actually corrects these flaws or has the reversed effect by pushing people into unregulated alternatives. The costs of simply maintaining a certain standard are then only secondary problems, and when it costs a business 10 years to get through(??) these regulations then either these businesses went in ill-informed and a lot of sh*t to set straight or it's a clear case of the reversed effect I mentioned before. But this should still very much be assessed on a case to case basis.

3. He said that? Not bad, we have something similar here but to avoid the bureaucracy of actually creating a complete work or school program we just demand people to periodically apply for jobs in a proper way, so that they have at least made themselves available and it's also quite easily regulated. But isn't this only vaguely related to what I was talking about??
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 12:32
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

^American Inlel agencies say there was tempering by the Russians. Are they a sure bet? No, but after the Iraq WMD debacle, they are 100 times more careful. Trump's total dismissal of the issue is what's so disturbing, and not the allegations that he was involved with the Russians in the fixing the election. That may or may not be, but it's not the main issue. The Russian cyber hacking is and they have all the means and motives to do it. Who's really has the gigantic problem when it comes to this issue?

Trump agrees with you...

Yeah, after dodging the issue and denying it, he now says a problem exists and blames it on Obama. Is that a sign that he sincerely cares about the issue? No, not to me.

Btw, where did you get the this video? From the Conspiracy News Network?

Edited by SteveG - June 29 2017 at 14:36
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 14:43

Richard Painter: The last real Republican speaks on Bill Maher.

Edited by SteveG - June 29 2017 at 15:06
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 17:58
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

2) Define rich and poor? And why are people poor? and why are some rich? Take out family wealth, born with a silver spoon in your mouth, I would think most rich are because they worked hard, educated and became rich by inventing or being paid for doing a good job and creating large profits for the stockholders, there is nothing wrong with that. Most rich people give the most money to charities, that's a fact. Sure there are probably some that stole, but I think they eventually get caught and go to jail....
I don't believe Bill Gates, Paul Allen, all the guys who founded Starbucks became rich by stealing from the workers or the poor. Maybe way back in the industrial age 1800s-early 1900s there were company owners who did not pay workers well, but there are laws now.

Surely you can't say someone who was born into a rich family like Trump was somehow self made.
As for stealing from workers, I am not even going to really answer, but bold faced wage theft is pretty widely practiced.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 18:20
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

2) Define rich and poor? And why are people poor? and why are some rich? Take out family wealth, born with a silver spoon in your mouth, I would think most rich are because they worked hard, educated and became rich by inventing or being paid for doing a good job and creating large profits for the stockholders, there is nothing wrong with that.

I would include risk; you rarely earn significant profit from an investment or sale without a reasonable amount of calculated risk.
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 19:22
Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

2) Define rich and poor? And why are people poor? and why are some rich? Take out family wealth, born with a silver spoon in your mouth, I would think most rich are because they worked hard, educated and became rich by inventing or being paid for doing a good job and creating large profits for the stockholders, there is nothing wrong with that. Most rich people give the most money to charities, that's a fact. Sure there are probably some that stole, but I think they eventually get caught and go to jail....
I don't believe Bill Gates, Paul Allen, all the guys who founded Starbucks became rich by stealing from the workers or the poor. Maybe way back in the industrial age 1800s-early 1900s there were company owners who did not pay workers well, but there are laws now.

Surely you can't say someone who was born into a rich family like Trump was somehow self made.
As for stealing from workers, I am not even going to really answer, but bold faced wage theft is pretty widely practiced.

I never mentioned Trump in your quote but he is one who's family had money sure, but so did the sex crazed, lying Kennedy clan. Your talking about the 1%ers, I am more talking those that built wealth and success from lesser means. But does not matter, even rich people lose their wealth. Most though are smart enough educated to regain some of it by working hard, you can't take that away from someone.

Please answer the other, stealing from workers......This is an open forum, why hide your opinions? Nobody has ever "bold faced wage theft" me.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2017 at 19:26
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

2) Define rich and poor? And why are people poor? and why are some rich? Take out family wealth, born with a silver spoon in your mouth, I would think most rich are because they worked hard, educated and became rich by inventing or being paid for doing a good job and creating large profits for the stockholders, there is nothing wrong with that.

I would include risk; you rarely earn significant profit from an investment or sale without a reasonable amount of calculated risk.

Very true.....I would also add educated risk. Heck even buying a Powerball Lotto ticket is risky, odds are you will never see a return on that money you spent, might as well burn it LOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2017 at 04:33

Hmm. 41 pages and counting. Not bad for such a "dead" thread.

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