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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2017 at 09:01
So white male people who are Christian is the problem? Wow I guess the earth really is doomed, better kiss your a$$ good bye then!!........Relax, the process to exit the Paris agreement is almost a 4year process, I am sure you guys will not let Trump back in the White House, so the next President can vote us back in.....Assuming the agreement does not fall apart before then.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2017 at 09:32
Yes, white male evangelical (not all christians actually) people are the problem. 

I hope you are right in all the rest. The Agreement was a weak starting point but was a starting point. Now the more civilized nations (which are like, all but three of them) will be able to move forward more decidedly (maybe) and leave the US and its profit-living ways behind. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2017 at 10:12
It is getting a little late to agree on saving the planet. There are processes already at work which are not going to respond to lip service and agreements. Agreements are wonderful when they produce actual results. I heard walking is great exercise.
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2017 at 10:17
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

So white male people who are Christian is the problem? Wow I guess the earth really is doomed, better kiss your a$$ good bye then!!........Relax, the process to exit the Paris agreement is almost a 4year process, I am sure you guys will not let Trump back in the White House, so the next President can vote us back in.....Assuming the agreement does not fall apart before then.
The thing is, Jose, is that Trump will keep himself out of the WH in the not too distant future. But fear not as Mike Pence will step in and rescue the party for you Repubs.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2017 at 10:31
Originally posted by timothy leary timothy leary wrote:

It is getting a little late to agree on saving the planet. There are processes already at work which are not going to respond to lip service and agreements. Agreements are wonderful when they produce actual results. I heard walking is great exercise.

So much truth here......I have heard so many politicians and tree hugger people talk this lip service about saving the planet. Most of what I hear is glorified speeches filled with save the world adjectives that would make the devil cry, yet no actual results are probably being recorded.

What the WH did was send a message to the world to wake up...what you are doing is really just spending money for the sake of spending money to make yourself feel/look good.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 03 2017 at 11:43
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 03 2017 at 16:01
Heard a bunch of ole white men, prolly Christians of some sort or evangelical, crying the blues about pulling out and the end of jobs and all that non-sense here in the US.

Then I read how the agreement was costing us billions of $$ to be a part of??? So that we can drop the avg high about 2 tenths of 1 degree by like 2020 or something, that's the goal!!
And how all these other countries essentially are just "promising to do all they can to help the earth...."

Boy all those white ole men are wacked!!! Must be Dems......
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2017 at 20:30
This place's gone cold.  What's the hot take of PA on the Comey testimony?  This was the first time I watched a public hearing concerned with a govt investigation (IIRC the Hansie Cronje testimony was given to ICC and not any South African govt body).  When the ex-FBI director says emphatically under oath that there's no doubt that Russia attempted to interfere in last year's elections, it ought to ruffle at least some Trump supporter feathers.  Or not?  Last year, when our former Prime Minister (and a brilliant economist) made a statement in Parliament criticising demonetisation and forecast a drop in GDP growth by at least a percent, he was dismissed as partisan with nobody bothering to ask him to validate his estimate.  Only last week, official govt estimates confirmed his forecast (upon which the Finance Minister conveniently changed the narrative, which is another story).  Still, even an economic catastrophe like demo is surely less serious than Russia interfering in US elections?  Also, the coincidence between 'hoping' that Comey would let the Flynn matter go and ultimately firing him is too much to ignore? I don't know from the outside what kind of President Pence would be but after Trump's European misadventure, an early impeachment would be a big help.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 08 2017 at 21:12
Perhaps there hasn't been much noise since the surprise is gone for now, at least where Comey is concerned. His day before the Senate was just spent confirming in all important oral testimony what has been previously reported and submitted in written form. We were therefore already aware of the rather damning impropriety Trump engaged in by attempting to corner Comey into a patronage and get the FBI to stop investigating Flynn.

Now, what is new is that I have to debunk Paul Ryan's flimsy apologia - he (and Trump) should remember that ignorance of the law is not a defense.

What's hotter in the grand scheme of Trump-Putin are reports that there were attempts to hack certain local elections. This is more alarming than we first thought.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 00:31
Sadly, I expected Comey to be largely underwhelming. I fully believe Trump won't let anything happen/people speak unless he's sure it won't damage him. I didn't see the hearings but supposedly Comey was quite fiesty,lots of good lines and zingers but little new/of substance was added. 

Par for the course...Comey is either a master tight rope walker trying to navigate a rough seas of political pressures, is incompetent, or both. I was beaten to it already: Most of today we already knew. 

Hmmmmm well we have to be open and fair: older white people, especially men, were largely responsible for Trump. It's in the stats. Though they are largely responsible for Republicans in general. Didn't Obama win just 35% of the white male vote in 2012? I don't really see what's so offensive, (yeesh conservatives really do get so upset/offended over everything the softie snowflakesWink) about making that observation. Minorities and young people drive Democratic support....California and NY are why Clinton won the popular vote...white evangelicals tend to be strong conservatives. Nothing to be upset about there. 

Though honestly, I'm reading more and more how education was actually the driver in this election. 538 pretty much put the entire shift on educational attainment, (I take their word as gold) and saw it pop up in another article. This makes sense to me. Again this is in the stats: minority support actually nudged up a tiny bit for Trump compared to 2016, and women voted largely as they always do, nor was there was a drastic rise in turnout for women. Overall, the GOP base seemed to hold as normal so what was the difference? Education. The gaps in voting based on education was the largest in recent decades. Trump won people without college degrees, men and women, quite overwhelmingly. For men it was an especially vast gap. 

This makes sense. Think about the rust belt. White people, especially those with less education, especially men, basically drove trump to victory. It's simple stats, and the left should be very mad at themselves for losing this support. There was also quite a big gap in age, and a drop off in youth voting. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm if only there was a candidate, a popular one, with strong support from working class whites, youth and had a strong record defending social security. Yeah damn shame no one like that ran in the primaries amirite?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 00:48
^^^  Thing is, from reading the political/economic commentary from leftist authors, the Left themselves have given up on the Midwest as a basket case.  I don't know for what reason exactly but it ties in with the transformation of Labour under Blair as well.  Richard C Longworth who, it seems, accurately predicted how globalisation would pan out for the West in Global Squeeze (1998), himself expressed sympathy for the lot of the Midwest but ultimately wrote them off in his Caught in the Middle (2009).  David Brooks who writes for New York Times has also expressed similar sentiments and it seems that is the conclusion of Hillbilly Elegy as well.  

I find this interesting because in India, a country that Trump thinks has benefited unfairly from globalisation at the expense of USA, the opposite viewpoint is gaining currency.  People who have done good work for the govt in economics are now arguing to make conditions favourable for small and medium enterprises.  This has been reflected to some extent in the govt's own decisions (reducing corp tax for companies below a certain threshold of turnover, making financing for SMEs easier) and is also how Germany has survived and thrived as a manufacturing powerhouse. Maybe it is not too far fetched to surmise that in USA, there is now a network of economists, academics and politicians who wish to preserve their position and think it is best done by pushing for everyone to participate in the knowledge economy and to hell with agriculture and manufacturing.  But can the knowledge economy really create hundreds of millions of jobs?  A few millions I understand but a country with a large population like USA cannot depend only on tech.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 01:30
While not an expert on the details of the Paris deal, from what I gather the main issue with it was it could've/should've gone farther, not that it's too extreme, and was apparently designed to be as friendly to the US as possible. Which still meant nothing to Trump.

I have no doubt many people were upset/worried about the Paris deal but fact is: they are a minority in this country. A majority of people in all 50 states, Dems, Inds and Reps, supported the Paris deal. be a populist you're supposed to go with the will of the people, not against itLOL Oh wait, that was done by Yale. Well sh*t, those arrogant egg heads don't know anything right? Sitting in their ivory tower telling regular folk what to do.

For real though, look at that support. It's pretty much just (wait for it) conservative Republicans who don't back the plan, and even there support could be found.
Anyway, several governors and mayors have said they will just ignore Trump and go through with it anyway. Supposedly the EU said they will work with US states who want to still go ahead with it, so I'm glad people are taking a stand for what's right. The right should be happy...decentralized control! States and people taking power from the federal government! Though somehow, I think they'd be less supportive of that notion in this case.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 01:57
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

^^^  Thing is, from reading the political/economic commentary from leftist authors, the Left themselves have given up on the Midwest as a basket case.  I don't know for what reason exactly but it ties in with the transformation of Labour under Blair as well.  Richard C Longworth who, it seems, accurately predicted how globalisation would pan out for the West in Global Squeeze (1998), himself expressed sympathy for the lot of the Midwest but ultimately wrote them off in his Caught in the Middle (2009).  David Brooks who writes for New York Times has also expressed similar sentiments and it seems that is the conclusion of Hillbilly Elegy as well.  

I find this interesting because in India, a country that Trump thinks has benefited unfairly from globalisation at the expense of USA, the opposite viewpoint is gaining currency.  People who have done good work for the govt in economics are now arguing to make conditions favourable for small and medium enterprises.  This has been reflected to some extent in the govt's own decisions (reducing corp tax for companies below a certain threshold of turnover, making financing for SMEs easier) and is also how Germany has survived and thrived as a manufacturing powerhouse. Maybe it is not too far fetched to surmise that in USA, there is now a network of economists, academics and politicians who wish to preserve their position and think it is best done by pushing for everyone to participate in the knowledge economy and to hell with agriculture and manufacturing.  But can the knowledge economy really create hundreds of millions of jobs?  A few millions I understand but a country with a large population like USA cannot depend only on tech.

What do you mean by "given up" exactly? I don't know if the Democrats have given up on the midwest, or just assumed they will always vote for Democrats. This was a fatal flaw in the Clinton campaign who ignored the rust belt under the assumption they will automatically back her. Unless you mean specific liberal writers/liberals in general in which case I can't say I have an answer. All I can think of is as the party has become increasingly liberal on social issues, dedicated to college graduates and urban dwellers maybe they view the midwest as rednecks, backwards, too conservative etc etc Which would be a damn shame. 

That'd just be arrogance. I'm a middle class, dense suburb raised, college graduate from the northeast and I don't look down on the midwest. The opposite, I do feel for lots of people who voted for Trump. While misguided, there are major problems out there for a lot of Americans who have been left behind by changes.

There does seem to be some more agreement from the mainstream even that globalization has at least not worked as smoothly as believed. I agree, it's actually a stupid idea that's been pushed. You said it, there is simply not enough tech/white collar/knowledge jobs to support 100 million people. Especially with globalization creating intl competition...a good friend of mine is always nervous that he needs to train the south african branch of his company, because they are paid much much less and can design websites right there, he fears he's training his own replacement. Anyway, it's certainly unrealistic to think the "new" economy will just absorb all these people. Especially with a lack of resources. To even have a chance at landing a job like that you need college. So 4 years and many thousands of dollars. What about a 35 year old who has only worked that job and has a family. Can't exactly just go to school to study computers. Especially with such weak public assistance. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 02:55
Soooo, the conservative experiment in Kansas has come to and end. The result: failure
The state legislature finally reverse governor Brownback's tax cuts. They have tried before and could never override his veto, but this time they managed to get the votes.

His top heavy/pro business tax cuts never did create jobs or spur on growth, forcing them to make deep cuts to education, roads etc to try and pay down the deficit it created. Brownback even raised some regressive taxes but always refused to simply reverse his wealthy cuts. Straight up class warfare, no other way to put it. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 04:05
Comey had to act as a "fact witness" in this hearing and couldn't give his usual condemnations as he did with Hilary's 2nd inquiry into her emails just prior the Presidential Elections in 2016. Perhaps he will do so in future hearings as I'm sure there will be more to come.

Edited by SteveG - June 09 2017 at 07:13
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 07:14
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

What do you mean by "given up" exactly? I don't know if the Democrats have given up on the midwest, or just assumed they will always vote for Democrats. This was a fatal flaw in the Clinton campaign who ignored the rust belt under the assumption they will automatically back her. Unless you mean specific liberal writers/liberals in general in which case I can't say I have an answer. All I can think of is as the party has become increasingly liberal on social issues, dedicated to college graduates and urban dwellers maybe they view the midwest as rednecks, backwards, too conservative etc etc Which would be a damn shame

That'd just be arrogance. I'm a middle class, dense suburb raised, college graduate from the northeast and I don't look down on the midwest. The opposite, I do feel for lots of people who voted for Trump. While misguided, there are major problems out there for a lot of Americans who have been left behind by changes.

There does seem to be some more agreement from the mainstream even that globalization has at least not worked as smoothly as believed. I agree, it's actually a stupid idea that's been pushed. You said it, there is simply not enough tech/white collar/knowledge jobs to support 100 million people. Especially with globalization creating intl competition...a good friend of mine is always nervous that he needs to train the south african branch of his company, because they are paid much much less and can design websites right there, he fears he's training his own replacement. Anyway, it's certainly unrealistic to think the "new" economy will just absorb all these people. Especially with a lack of resources. To even have a chance at landing a job like that you need college. So 4 years and many thousands of dollars. What about a 35 year old who has only worked that job and has a family. Can't exactly just go to school to study computers. Especially with such weak public assistance. 

I was referring to that when I said "given up".  Like saying "if you don't want to get on our social platform, then go f*** yourselves".  Maybe they have done exactly voting in Trump, who will also make life miserable for everyone in general along with those who were 'forgotten' by previous govts.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 09:34
Its gone dead cause people still are discussing the election results, tears are still flowing. LOL

What on earth did people expect from the Comey hearings?? Does not matter who the POTUS is, nothing damaging will probably come out, the last thing the US Govt wants is to be on the front page of every website, news paper in the world about a govt scandal. And I doubt there is anything damaging that will come out anyhow, or it would have already. The hearings are all overblown huffing and puffing, its not even first thing on the 5pm news anymore, its basically Comey saying in legal terms that Trump talked bad about him and his job and other hoo, poor baby!

And this news about the Russians, again if people think this is actual news about them meddling in the elections....then you really do live under a rock!! Its been going on for years and probably all elections in some manner, and not just Russia. If a politician wants to open an email from "[email protected]" originating from Russia talking about certain politicians and trying to sway their what!! Please tell me what is wrong with that? Ohh and hacking into peoples accounts, umm that happens all the time, again crawl out from under that rock! And there was not ONE SINGLE vote changed in any computer tally system in any state....Pleeeezz!

You Dems need to re-focus, if there is possibly one major thing that caused your precious, lovely Hillary Rodham-Clinton to lose was that ridiculous report Comey put out on her email scandal. The news agencies had no desire to report how damaging that was to her, because all that would have done was put more of a light on the scandal. Comey/FBI phucked her hard, where the sun don't shine, just before the election....Sorry, there were a lot of top politicians that did not want her as POTUS and in my mind for two reasons. 1) Her email scandal 2) Her pix as 1st woman POTUS...Never was gonna happen people!

So Comey to me, is being treated as he should be, and Trump did the right thing by firing him, the timing of that report was horrible!!! Why did Obama not stop Comey??

Come on people, wake up and smell the roses...crawl out from under your rock too!! You don't phuck with Wash DC....bad sh*t happens to you when you go against the tide!


Edited by Catcher10 - June 09 2017 at 09:36
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 13:38
^ Raving nonsense.   Trump will resign in 2018.  

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 14:29
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

^ Raving nonsense.   Trump will resign in 2018.  

I see, it's either join the Leftist tribe...or nothing. That's why this thread is dead, pretty much since page 1......Although your post is hilarious LOL.

And yes, Hillary was doomed from the get go, she was never going to be elected. I would not be surprised if any vote fixing happened from your leftist party....Clap I seriously doubt anything happens to Trump, if anything this country might re-elect him, but I doubt he runs again.....Pence will be elected. Then Ivanka will be the 1st woman
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 09 2017 at 16:12
^ Not at all; this is a politics thread, you have to expect serious disagreement but you don't have to be part of any tribe (except maybe a diatribe).   Of course Hillary was a bad candidate, but compared to Trump she's a brilliant stateswoman.   Never going to be elected?   She was elected, which is why Trump is down to 19% or so of loyal followers.   He will be driven out of Washington so fast his orange skin will turn green before our eyes as the Marshals cuff him and lead him out of the White House, Trump grinning and muttering "You'll all miss me...that I can tell you, that I can tell you.  It's gonna be yooj".

Edited by Atavachron - June 09 2017 at 16:13
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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