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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 00:06
Yeah, PA may be full of white racists, and there are lots, but the solid blue areas should be enough AND as conservative as working class as Pittsburgh is, they are loyal. They are so loyal they continue to vote Democratic even though they have long abandoned union politics LOL and it's absolutely Clinton country. 
NH I know I've seen in the toss up category, lol 

Honestly, this is what I expect the map to look like. Out of polling, hopeful optimism and Mick's insistence I've given her NC. I do really think MO and MT will be ones to keep eyes on. She could lose FL, OH and PA and still win in this scenario. 

Edited by JJLehto - August 05 2016 at 00:06
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 00:24
As for the GOP on the verge of alienating the Hispanic vote, well yeahLOL
Not sure who believes that is conspiracy, it's absolutely fact and Trump has really just accelerated the decline. 

Say what we will, Bush was very popular with the group. 2004 he got 44% of the Hispanic vote, all time high for the party. 
2006: The GOP and their build a wall nonsense and generally harsh immigration rhetoric blew it all to hell, they strongly lost that vote in the 2006 mid term elections. Kind of a shame for Bush, he never dipped into that cespool and favored pretty sensible immigration legislation, never backed the "round em up, deport" stuff. Alas the damage was done, and they never recovered. 
44% of the Hispanic vote in 2004. 31% in 2008. 27% in 2012. Thus far I've seen polls range from the low 20s to single digits for Trump, with polling currently in the teens for FL. Yeah....

There's no way around it. Trump's base is working class, lesser educated, white people and he's worked hard to keep it that wayLOL Barring some radical change, don't see it changing.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 00:29
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 01:51
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

LOLThumbs Up

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 02:00
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

As for the GOP on the verge of alienating the Hispanic vote, well yeahLOL
Not sure who believes that is conspiracy, it's absolutely fact and Trump has really just accelerated the decline. 

Say what we will, Bush was very popular with the group. 2004 he got 44% of the Hispanic vote, all time high for the party. 
2006: The GOP and their build a wall nonsense and generally harsh immigration rhetoric blew it all to hell, they strongly lost that vote in the 2006 mid term elections. Kind of a shame for Bush, he never dipped into that cespool and favored pretty sensible immigration legislation, never backed the "round em up, deport" stuff. Alas the damage was done, and they never recovered. 
44% of the Hispanic vote in 2004. 31% in 2008. 27% in 2012. Thus far I've seen polls range from the low 20s to single digits for Trump, with polling currently in the teens for FL. Yeah....

There's no way around it. Trump's base is working class, lesser educated, white people and he's worked hard to keep it that wayLOL Barring some radical change, don't see it changing.

considering the latest Marist poll has Clinton up by 15. I'd say Trump is aiming for single digit (black demographic territory) share of the Latino vote. LOL This election is likely to be over (called) by 7pm election night...

As I noted Brian.. the interesting part perhaps of the remainder of the campaign are the down ballot races. Perhaps the most important aspect remaining if Trump truly has blown this irreparably and I sure don't see a way to recover that doesn't involve Hillary take to twitter start calling Blacks a bunch of n****rs and low lifes and start reminiscing about how much better Amerca was before Latinos starting coming here en masse.

Does the Senate flip....

ummm  does the House flip...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 02:05
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Yeah, PA may be full of white racists, and there are lots, but the solid blue areas should be enough AND as conservative as working class as Pittsburgh is, they are loyal. They are so loyal they continue to vote Democratic even though they have long abandoned union politics LOL and it's absolutely Clinton country. 
NH I know I've seen in the toss up category, lol 

Honestly, this is what I expect the map to look like. Out of polling, hopeful optimism and Mick's insistence I've given her NC. I do really think MO and MT will be ones to keep eyes on. She could lose FL, OH and PA and still win in this scenario. 

I think you may be overestimating Trump's numbers..

It seems Hillary is going for the jugular... going after Utah, Arizona, and Georgia.  If the poll numbers are any indication... Hillary can and likely may break the Red wall. The polls are hinting at not just an electoral rout.. but a popular vote one as well.  I'd put them in order of likeliness... Az. Ga, Ut
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 02:19
been a lot of chatter that the Senate may, seeing which way the hurricane is blowing, finally relent and take up the Garland nomination.

Shame the Garland guy seems like a nice guy for it was sweet to see Obama pull him off the table prior to the Senate finally agreeing to give him hearning...

in effect telling them...  be careful for what you ask for... let Hillary pick the Justice.. and with a Democratic Senate to roll them through...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 02:29
so what does the Senate look like...

Democrats look to pick up seats in Illinois and Wisconsin without too much drama.

The latest polls have the Democratic challenger in New Hampshire up by 10.  BAD BAD BAD sign. A moderate GOP'r.. and a woman.  That is a bad sign that indeed the Trump down-ballot effect is not just a dream but a reality.

Likely PA will switch... and perhaps seats Ohio and Indiana.

The funny part in all of this is Trump likely saved McCain's seat in Arizona.... yes he is old, out of date, and behind the times.. .but damnit.. that man WAS and still is a hero.  Let him die in office if he wants that.. he's earned that right

quick McPredictions on Senate... going 52-48 Democratic... could easily lose Ohio but still have the majority if they lost that one.

Edited by micky - August 05 2016 at 02:45
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 02:43
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

As for the GOP on the verge of alienating the Hispanic vote, well yeahLOL
Not sure who believes that is conspiracy, it's absolutely fact and Trump has really just accelerated the decline. 

Absolute percentages aren't as important as relative differences. I'd also be wary of treating any ethnic group as a single demographic - they're not. Trump's losses mean more if Clinton picks them up and there's no guarantee that the 27% Hispanics who voted for Romney in 2012 will now vote for Clinton even if they don't vote for Trump. Similarly, even though it's a two-party system, Trump dropping the African American vote to 0% does not automatically mean that Clinton gets 100% - to achieve that she has to not only win over those who voted republican in 2012, she has to keep hold of those who voted for Obama - and that's not guaranteed either. She's not polling well among younger voters who account for the largest increase in Hispanic and African-American voter numbers since 2012 so she could see similar drops in voter-count in those groups. Of course if she and Trump lose the same number of those voters to A. N. Other candidate (or they stay at home) then nothing has changed and Clinton [still] wins. This because in a three horse race in a two party-system the winner only needs 33.34% of the popular vote to win (and if the turnout is as low as 50% then that means the difference between winning and losing is 16,000 votes ... that's how crap a first past the post system is - five-sixths of the country get the President they didn't voter for).
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 02:51
I have always felt the Senate is very likely to flip. While Rubio's return makes FL a lot less likely to go Dem now, overall I still feel the Senate will flip. 
The House? That's just a tall order given how big the gap is, but there will be, I think, substantial Democratic gains. 

What really hurts Dems in the house is redistricting. 2010 Repubs swept a lot of state legislatures and as we know, they have drawn the lines greatly to their benefit. Oh, and there's the wave of voter disenfranchisement happening (some being upheld some not) also to the detriment of Democrats. 

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 03:08
no doubt... it would be a tall order to retake the House however...

there is the not so small matter of the civil war within the GOP party itself.  That party has sort of gone completely batsh*t crazy...  there is a substantial disconnect between Washington.. and their voters. One of these days.. and Trump did tap into this.. they'll finally get smart and realize the source of their anger..

not the Muslim American hater in the White House hahah...but a do nothing ...obstructionist Congress....

not likely... but again...  this political year is one where you can throw out the 'norms' .  Much of that comes out of the chaos and disfunction within the GOP. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 03:21
Nah not overestimating, I just don't see GA, AZ or UT flipping even this one time (certainly not happenin long term). Indiana? Doubtful, they seem pretty Trump-y. I think my map is fairly accurate, like I said Missouri could deff flip blue. 

I mean, Utah?? Man, Dems get under 30% there, Gary has a better chance of winning Utah than Clinton. LOL
Speaking of people need to remember, libertarians do best in the northeast, mountain west, washington, minnesota. I dont think the Gary impact will flip many states blue. He will score best in already blue states or where Democrats are so far behind it won't be enough. Montana perhaps. They went Dem in 92, and was tight in 08. Gary could deff siphon enough votes there to tip it blue. I stick by my electoral map, which btw would still be a massive victory. 

The supreme court gamble was always stupid. Obama could only appoint a centrist, no one else would have any hope of getting through this Congress. Instead the GOP is risking a Democratic President and Senate, which is extremely likely, and could appoint a true liberal. It's a stupid move on the GOP's part. I suppose they could be figuring since the next 20 years of the court lay in the balance, why accept even a center-leftist at all? Might as well go for broke and have another rallying point against Obama/the Dems. Guess it could be thought of as a your dead anyway so why not? Gamble. Still not one I would've taken personally. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 03:34
well shall see... it does seem Hillary's internals are telling her that the traditonal battleground states are going blue... so I'm reading she is looking to expand the battlefield. Those 3 states are on her radar.

THe first two are obvious...  Arizona, Georgia... two states that are starting the transition from Red to Blue.

Utah?  Well that is an interesting one.  No it is not trending blue longterm obviously haha but in THIS election year and with more money and resources than she needs.. why not for this election it is very winnable. 

Knowing what I do of the Mormon faith ... (10 years of being married into a family of Mormons) ..all Democratic btw. The faith and Party are not incomptable... and parts that might be...  take out the Libertarians as well (social aspects)

I think Utah, with investment into the state, is very winnable for Hillary.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 03:38
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

no doubt... it would be a tall order to retake the House however...

there is the not so small matter of the civil war within the GOP party itself.  That party has sort of gone completely batsh*t crazy...  there is a substantial disconnect between Washington.. and their voters. One of these days.. and Trump did tap into this.. they'll finally get smart and realize the source of their anger..

not the Muslim American hater in the White House hahah...but a do nothing ...obstructionist Congress....

not likely... but again...  this political year is one where you can throw out the 'norms' .  Much of that comes out of the chaos and disfunction within the GOP. 

I mean anything can happen. '94 and '10 were massive swings in the house, I forget the numbers but deff like 50, 60 seats. It's always possible, just unlikely. A huge Dem pick up is still a good thing. Way I see it, the GOP split has made it impossible for them to govern. They keep cutting deals with Democrats to get their budgets passed (and often just barely). With more Dems in the house, concessions may have to be greater from the GOP, maybe even to our favor if people are more willing to refuse cuts to Soc Security and social spending. 

Well, anger is multifaceted and amorphous in my book. There have always been these ugly swells in immigration debates, again 2006 comes to mind, and heck good ol crazy Pat Buchanan in 92. But what's the difference now? I do believe economic well being is kind of the source behind EVERYTHING. The 06/08 Democratic swing. The 2010 on Tea Party rebellion. Even Trump is channeling well documented economic frustration/pain as well as racism. 

White, working class, racist, socially conservative voters didn't vanish and suddenly have re appearedLOL Ya know? They have just been hibernating, given no choice for them exists in either party. Occasionally awoken by people like Pat Buchanan and Donald Trump. 
OR the more ugly side of things have been kept at bay. Reagan's tough talk, Bush's undeniable social conservatism, the GOP's general appeal to cutting welfare/aggressive foreign policy. All this has been enough to keep the truly dark side of things in check, but now everything has gone off the rails, restraint is off. 

Edited by JJLehto - August 05 2016 at 03:47
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 04:04
Final note, no doubt 2016 has been crazy. I'm not ready to throw all the rules out the window yet.
This all isn't totally unprecedented. 

Again 1992 comes to mind. Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, Jerry Brown. The original Trump(s) and SandersLOL
Seriously don't forget Brown. The joke who launched a fiery populist campaign against money in politics, inequality, NAFTA and who did far better than anyone expected, becoming a legit threat against a Clinton (who even then were criticized for being shady/corrupt) 

Buchanan the "wall off America" liberalism is destroying our country, unabashedly racist candidate and Perot the rich guy who wanted to run the US like a business, policies all over the map. His "giant sucking sound" of jobs that will be sent to Mexico?
1992 does seem like a very early prediction of 2016, except both Sanders and Trump did better than Buchanan and Brown ever did. Maybe this election isn't so much unique and unprecedented as it is simply 24 years of brewing coming to a head

Edited by JJLehto - August 05 2016 at 04:10
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 11:29
In general this election has so many precedents that it looks like The Complete History of The United States (Abridged), right down to how satirical it all is, and that's more than you can say about many elections. Da Rules haven't exactly been broken, no...

... but that doesn't mean that the same Red Wall states are always going to be the ones at risk when staring down the barrel of a strong Dem candidate (Obama '08) or the next Goldwater/Wallace/Buchanan (and I mean Buchanan both 1992 and 1856) (Trump '16), and that starts with the differences between those scenarios.

Obama came at a moment of need and malaise we're not really in right now, was fresh and a beacon of hope, and crucially the Tea Party hadn't happened yet. So he was in a position to pick up Indiana and Missouri, long suffering in their own ways, and that one electoral vote in Nebraska. Plus he managed to tap into something in Montana, I just don't know what. But now we've been entrenched for six years or so, and Trump's populism, while not enough to have much of a chance to pick up swing states or Michigan and PA, does help lock up most Red Wall states.

The three exceptions the polls have been showing are the aforementioned UT, AZ, GA. It's a matter of who Trump has managed to alienate there, which speaks to demographic changes in AZ and GA and the political order and climate of UT.

The political order is fluid, ours young, and with the right parameters a hell of a lot of what we might consider crazy things can happen, it's just a matter of what comes up. So it'd take a hell of a lot more from Cheeto Jesus (maybe pull a Rob Ford?) to open Missouri and Montana back up.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 14:01
This might not be deep analysis but it's so awesome. Most recent polls in regards to  African-American support for Donald Trump: 

WSJ/NBC News Poll1 percent (Clinton, 91 percent)

Marist Poll2 percent (Clinton, 93 percent)

Fox News Poll4 percent (Clinton, 87 percent)


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 14:04
maybe I was overestimating Trump's appeal to blacks.... in giving him 4% LOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 14:22
Originally posted by LearsFool LearsFool wrote:

The three exceptions the polls have been showing are the aforementioned UT, AZ, GA. It's a matter of who Trump has managed to alienate there, which speaks to demographic changes in AZ and GA and the political order and climate of UT.

The political order is fluid, ours young, and with the right parameters a hell of a lot of what we might consider crazy things can happen, it's just a matter of what comes up. So it'd take a hell of a lot more from Cheeto Jesus (maybe pull a Rob Ford?) to open Missouri and Montana back up.

I see Nate Silver has Clinton at 60% chance of winning Georgia. Likely for the black vote severely tilting the numbers.  Has Arizona even money but not as good winning Utah.  Johnson isn't polling well there, as well as one might expect, if he does it sure isn't going to come from Clinton/Democratic voters haha. The only chance Hillary would have to win the state is to have the 60/70% that traditionally vote Republican split and pretty much down the middle.

However not that it is really worth the Democrats time or energy, due to the crushing electoral advantage they have and seem to be expanding upon, with with suitable investment they could perhaps win over the Mormon demographic.  Mormons are a interesting group.  Let's face it, outside of the obvious example of blacks and Native Americans in this country there has no group has more persecuted or discriminated upon. That is reason one why they appear to despise Trump...and have created an opening for Clinton to exploit. Will she? Who knows again she doesn't need the state or to win over the Mormons and gain.. what.. Utah and Idaho?

 Why do they hate Trump.  I think they have a deep seated resentment against political bullies and bigotry. It strikes to the heart of what they feel as Mormons and how they have been treated themselves. More than that... Mormons are particularly patriotic and have a great love of this country. I think that more so than any religious connection with the Religious Right had made Utah and the overwhelming Mormon vote in that state reliably Republican.  If the two conventions are taken at face value for what each Party represents you can see which Party is proud of its country and loves it for what makes it great... and another that hates what the country has become and is filled with hate and anger.

While no one would argue Utah is trending blue, or Hillary will win it, the point is the conditions do exist through Trump to make inroads into one of the most staunch of Republican demographics. One that built over time.. could pay dividends. As I said this morning.. an interesting state to watch ...

Edited by micky - August 05 2016 at 14:30
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 05 2016 at 14:25
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

maybe I was overestimating Trump's appeal to blacks.... in giving him 4% LOL
Perhaps, but Kanye thinks it's 40%. LOL

Edited by SteveG - August 05 2016 at 14:26
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