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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 11:44
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Trump just said he likes Russia hacking Hillary's emails. 

Trump just said he hopes the geo-political rival of the United States meddles in US internal politics 

Trump just said he likes that Putin hacks the former Secretary of State of the US. 

"Make America Great Again" 

Yet the brilliant voters actually think he's the one always putting America first 

Color blinds people. 

That was one hell of a press conference. Says all that, then pulls out the same "I KNOW NOTHING" line when asked about Putin that he did for David Duke, does some more Islamophobic slander, and even confuses Tim Kaine with Tom Kean.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 14:15
LOL what choices the American public has..

Hillary the email crook.. or Donald the Russian traitor...

all kidding aside...  in even a hallway rational world he would be disowned.  He is showing what some Repbicans truly did fear... he is f**king lunatic and better to have Hillary. Crimea? Really... now that is the way to enable dangerous expansionist leaders. No sh*t Putin wants Trump. He'll play him.. sh*t.. he already is now.. like a fiddle. Trump is baby among skilled and savvy (but hardly benevalent) world leaders. LOL

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 14:21
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

BTW Mike, love the pantsuits-- which is your favorite?; I quite like the medium greys on the far right, and that olive-phlegm green in the middle is rather nice.

ohh...  political fashion... near the tops of my favorite subjects.

I like red on Hillary...(the dark red thingie 3rd from left best)  I wanted her badly enough as it was.. but put her in red and my testosterone levels rise to the point of shooting all over the monitor..

Edited by micky - July 27 2016 at 14:22
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 14:24
Originally posted by LearsFool LearsFool wrote:

That was one hell of a press conference.

my sources tell me the Donald finally lost his marbles in that one today  after hearing the DNC has been getting better rating than the RNC did LOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 16:39
Originally posted by LearsFool LearsFool wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Trump just said he likes Russia hacking Hillary's emails. 

Trump just said he hopes the geo-political rival of the United States meddles in US internal politics

Trump just said he likes that Putin hacks the former Secretary of State of the US.

"Make America Great Again"

Yet the brilliant voters actually think he's the one always putting America first 

Color blinds people.

That was one hell of a press conference. Says all that, then pulls out the same "I KNOW NOTHING" line when asked about Putin that he did for David Duke, does some more Islamophobic slander, and even confuses Tim Kaine with Tom Kean.

I get the sarcasm in the context, so off on a tangent, but I don't think that truly brilliant voters would believe that either Trump or Clinton are likely to put America first rather than putting their own interests first. There are fanatics on both sides who give these people far too much trust.

I haven't heard Trump's speech, so I don't know the details of his slander, but as for the term Islamophobia, I find it ridiculously overused. I don't think it's irrational to worry about the threat of Islam (militant Islamists in particular, as well as potential militant Islamists), and it just makes anyone who is concerned about it sound irrational and xenophobic. It's akin to being called racist because you worry about taking on lots of people from parts of the world with a history of (including ongoing) significant terrorism. Such as being PC in general, such rhetoric can shut down frank discussion rather than enabling it.   I'd generally rather verified atheists or agnostics as immigrants, but of course they can a problem too, not that a huge many Trump supporters would support that position either as so many of them do have a pro-Christian bias even if their leader isn't really one.

Edited by Logan - July 27 2016 at 16:44
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 17:13
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by LearsFool LearsFool wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Trump just said he likes Russia hacking Hillary's emails. 

Trump just said he hopes the geo-political rival of the United States meddles in US internal politics

Trump just said he likes that Putin hacks the former Secretary of State of the US.

"Make America Great Again"

Yet the brilliant voters actually think he's the one always putting America first 

Color blinds people.

That was one hell of a press conference. Says all that, then pulls out the same "I KNOW NOTHING" line when asked about Putin that he did for David Duke, does some more Islamophobic slander, and even confuses Tim Kaine with Tom Kean.

I get the sarcasm in the context, so off on a tangent, but I don't think that truly brilliant voters would believe that either Trump or Clinton are likely to put America first rather than putting their own interests first. There are fanatics on both sides who give these people far too much trust.

I haven't heard Trump's speech, so I don't know the details of his slander, but as for the term Islamophobia, I find it ridiculously overused. I don't think it's irrational to worry about the threat of Islam (militant Islamists in particular, as well as potential militant Islamists), and it just makes anyone who is concerned about it sound irrational and xenophobic. It's akin to being called racist because you worry about taking on lots of people from parts of the world with a history of (including ongoing) significant terrorism. Such as being PC in general, such rhetoric can shut down frank discussion rather than enabling it.   I'd generally rather verified atheists or agnostics as immigrants, but of course they can a problem too, not that a huge many Trump supporters would support that position either as so many of them do have a pro-Christian bias even if their leader isn't really one.

"threat of Islam"

"potential militant Islamists"

"I'd generally rather verified atheists or agnostics as immigrants"

You should listen to yourself. Whenever anybody takes umbrage with the term, it is NEVER about discussion, it's that they're trying to cloak their fear and resulting hatred. What is a "potential militant Islamist" anyways?

I'm saying this as someone who doesn't like burning bridges and engaging in heated sociopolitical arguments, and who has enjoyed sharing this forum with you: you should take a step back from this brink. That kind of thinking is negative, embarrassing, and holds back progress taken to end the senseless violence. You want Muslims to ease into the local culture and for them to show you how good they are reporting suspicious people? You have to be friendly and not painting their whole faith as a "threat".

Trump loves lying about Muslims, claiming that they don't report terrorists, that they support and cheer for terrorists and radicalism. He wants to not only block all Muslims from entering the US, but also everybody from countries with "histories" of terrorism, which is a wiiide net. So he sure as hell is an Islamophobe, plus more, so as a generalisation I'd just use the word bigot anyways, but it's how you'd describe his words with specific regard to Muslims.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 17:58
Sorry, I can't quote without walls of code that take forever to clean up. Don't worry about burning bridges with me, I enjoy discussing ideas provided it doesn't become a personal attack. I think my post was reasonable, and I don't think I used bad rhetoric.

I don't think I'm a hateful person, I'm sorry that you might think that about me for expressing my concern about over-usage of that word. I've also said that I think the word Prog is overused, but luckily no one implied that it was about me trying to cloak my fear and hatred. Maybe had I said that Progophobia is overused the reaction would have been quite different. "WTF you talking about?" most likely. But kidding aside, yes I am very concerned about militant Islamists, and what fear I have (though not so much a personal fear) is I believe rational. What's happened in Europe in particular has been very concerning to me.

Sorry, but I have problem with all sorts of Fundamentalism and radicalisms. I'm an agnostic/ atheist, so yes, part of me would rather live in a society of more like-minded people despite having many good friends who are religious or spiritual to some degree.

By potential militant Islamist I mean people who may not follow that ideology now, but there is a significant risk in the future. I think we need a lot of changes so that there is less opportunity or inclination for fantacism of all stripes (but that's a massive discussion in itself).

No one should paint all Muslims as a threat, nor treat all Muslims as the same. There are so many sects and varying degrees of belief within them, but religious society can be at odds with secularism. Sharia, for instance, does not fit well with Western law. I think most of us would rather a moderate Muslim over another type.

Not that it matters, but most of my friends are non-devout Muslims, my wife is a Christian (she was a Philippine Pentecostal when I met her), and please don't think I have a problem with all religious people even though I'm not personally one for such superstition.

I've spent a long time researching Islam, going so far as to read the Koran and Hadith, and I think I know rather more about the faith than most here.

I'm not sure what the answer is, it's very complex, but I do think that there is valid concern and some people who say anything negative about having large amounts of refugees from the Middle-East of a certain religion too often gets called Islamophobic or racist.

Trump lies about lots of things and I'm not supporting him, and he has indeed shown himself to be bigoted. I don't support or trust Clinton either, but that's okay, I can't vote in those elections anyway.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 18:33
Ah, much better. Smile I only got anxious because, well, you said it was a "threat". But we're moving on.

I haven't had the chance to show it yet, but I'm big on stopping fundamentalism, from my position as a practicing, indifferentalist/omnist Christian. I'm especially knowledgeable and focused on the fundamentalist Christians running around my country, but of course in general they get the two big thumbs down from me. And I've researched world religions in depth, so I'm on your level.

There's a great discussion to be had on the refugee crisis. The need to get people out of Syria and Anbar, how many can be taken in, the worries about the odd radical, the hamfisted attempts to keep the refugees in Turkey, where they sometimes get sent back indiscriminately and we're working with some kind of authoritarian... that'll be for another time.

I just don't understand how you'd ever be able to say "Oh, that's somebody who's at a significant risk of becoming radicalised one day." And that's where engagement comes in to stop that from happening anyways.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 19:37
Sorry to backtrack.

When I said " the threat of Islam (militant Islamists in particular, as well as potential militant Islamists)", I meant the threat of Islam in particular being the militant Islamists, but Islam as a political movement, ideology and set of laws can be a threat. Islam means to submit to the will of Allah (as laid out in the Koran and illustrated in the Hadiths), and if you've read the Koran and Hadiths you'll know what that's about. Islam is not just a religion but a ideology which has been used very politically based on a set of laws called Sharia, which in a strict sense are considered the infallible laws of God. It's not easily compatible with secular society (calls for non-believers and homosexuals etc. being killed, but you find that kind of stuff in the Old Testamant too), but that doesn't mean that many people who call themselves Moslems are not compatible with secular society. There has been a significant movement in the West with Imams who have openly called for the implementation of strict Sharia and less openly now, Jihad. These are people, and they do have many followers, that believe that Islam will take over the world, and the Kafir (unbelievers) will be purged from the Earth. There are Christians that believe much the same same, but they don't have the same idea of Jihad as a responsibility of religion. Those fundamentalists one has to be very wary of. It's better to say Islamism is a threat than Islam.

I do think it's better bringing over the less religious ones if possible, but the poor and uneducated are often the most religious and need the most help.

Various Christian pastors cheered over the Orlando shootings, so Christianity can also be at odds with Western secular society.

I think one way to lessen the power of religious inculcation is to disallow, or at least stop funding/ susidizing religious schooling, and stop funding/subsidizing religious institutions. Make welfare harder to get maybe too so that people have less time to spend doing certain religious stuff (there was a famous Imam in London that was on welfare and other benefits while preaching hatred towards Britian and the West -- he called the welfare jizzya, which is a traditional Islamic tax that Christian and Jews had to pay to live in Moslem regions --a sort of protection money).

Anyway, the refugee crisis is a really tricky one. It's about balancing the safety of the citizens of a country with the need to help others, and of course there is a responsibility to help. I hope that the West can help to make their homes livable again, but in the meantime.... Shame most of the world is already occupied and we couldn't give them a new home. The adjustment to a new country isn't just hard on those who take them in, it's also hard on them.

Edited by Logan - July 27 2016 at 19:47
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 19:51
sorry to bring back on track...

That was impressive. Best speech so far of the Convention IMO.  Who would have thought...

took him down big time...

perhaps it took an 'independent' to cut to the heart of the matter, and the problem this country has.

is not about deciding between Democrat and Repulblican. It is not a parisan decision.  it is about selecting the best suited, experienced,  to lead this country.

I had to paraphrase that.. but this quote was golden..

"Trump says he wants to run the nation like he's running his business? God help us! I'm a New Yorker, and I know a con when I see one."


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 19:55
very touching and powerful speech by Biden as well.

Though Bloomberg did get me to catch my 2nd wind... rough day at work.. was starting to nod off even though I wanted to stay up to see the President's speech.

Wide awake now...LOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 20:15
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Sorry to backtrack.

When I said " the threat of Islam (militant Islamists in particular, as well as potential militant Islamists)", I meant the threat of Islam in particular being the militant Islamists, but Islam as a political movement, ideology and set of laws can be a threat. Islam means to submit to the will of Allah (as laid out in the Koran and illustrated in the Hadiths), and if you've read the Koran and Hadiths you'll know what that's about. Islam is not just a religion but a ideology which has been used very politically based on a set of laws called Sharia, which in a strict sense are considered the infallible laws of God. It's not easily compatible with secular society (calls for non-believers and homosexuals etc. being killed, but you find that kind of stuff in the Old Testamant too), but that doesn't mean that many people who call themselves Moslems are not compatible with secular society. There has been a significant movement in the West with Imams who have openly called for the implementation of strict Sharia and less openly now, Jihad. These are people, and they do have many followers, that believe that Islam will take over the world, and the Kafir (unbelievers) will be purged from the Earth. There are Christians that believe much the same same, but they don't have the same idea of Jihad as a responsibility of religion. Those fundamentalists one has to be very wary of. It's better to say Islamism is a threat than Islam.

I do think it's better bringing over the less religious ones if possible, but the poor and uneducated are often the most religious and need the most help.

Various Christian pastors cheered over the Orlando shootings, so Christianity can also be at odds with Western secular society.

I think one way to lessen the power of religious inculcation is to disallow, or at least stop funding/ susidizing religious schooling, and stop funding/subsidizing religious institutions. Make welfare harder to get maybe too so that people have less time to spend doing certain religious stuff (there was a famous Imam in London that was on welfare and other benefits while preaching hatred towards Britian and the West -- he called the welfare jizzya, which is a traditional Islamic tax that Christian and Jews had to pay to live in Moslem regions --a sort of protection money).

Anyway, the refugee crisis is a really tricky one. It's about balancing the safety of the citizens of a country with the need to help others, and of course there is a responsibility to help. I hope that the West can help to make their homes livable again, but in the meantime.... Shame most of the world is already occupied and we couldn't give them a new home. The adjustment to a new country isn't just hard on those who take them in, it's also hard on them.

You really have backtracked. "Islam is a political movement/ideology" is one of the chief Islamophobic slanders.

Yes, Islam is about submission. It's about submission of believers to the will of God. It does not follow that this is unique, or necessarily meant to be pushed on everyone. It's held in Islam that forced conversion is vile, there have always been at the least admiration for fellow monotheists if not more, and even if Sharia is put in a political context it's held that kafir get to go about their lives.

Sharia is in design no different from Halakha: ultimately up to interpretation through the Sunnah and various hadith, of which there are twelve key books of them between the major sects plus more, much like the Talmud to Halakha, and decidedly meant for believers, but not necessarily outsiders. There's one interpretation that only fundamentalists use. All this is fluid, and not so ironclad as you appear to be claiming.

Another thing you need to understand: it is becoming ever more generally understood that Islamism, the actual use of Islam as a political ideology, and Jihadism, the violent attempts to accomplish some allegedly Islamic goal, are divergent. Islamism is nationalistic, inward looking, only for Muslims; Jihadism is borderless, and more likely to be meant for kafir as well. You can see Islamism in its true form in Brunei, f**ked up but not pushed on religious minorities.

As with everything else in the world, the vast majority of people do not have the desire or stomach to accept some extremist, violent, and omnipresent version of their faith.

You have gone on to try and separate Islamism from Islam at the end of your big paragraph, but that's not how it starts, and that's why I wrote this post. Sorry to keep derailing.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 20:33
No problem, LearsFool, I agree with and am well aware of most of what you said, and I think we're going to end up just arguing semantics and clarifying (my fault since I started off with the semantics of Islamophobia). From my studies on Islam, I wouldn't call that a slander. No, I didn't mean to imply that it was ironclad as multiple sects and interpretations abound. Mea culpa for not explaining more clearly.

Ad for Bloomberg, just watched the speech. Was very good.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 20:37
believe me! LOLClap blowing up social media it seems..

hard to top the previous two.. but well done Tim! Doing Virginia proud..
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 20:45
The DNC's just made out of great speakers this year! Never thought I'd be happy with something Bloomberg did, but that was quite the speech. Kaine did very, very well, and that's key when you're sandwiched between Biden and Obama.

And no problem, Logan.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 20:54
very impressive speakers tonight.. Clap

and perhaps I am just old.. or too soft hearted.. but enjoy hearing positive messages overall ... not the hate filled gloom and doom horror show we saw last week where you'd think we were some goddamned 3rd world nation.

Make America Great? sh*t.. we've always been great.  the election is important to keep us on the path..  not regress away from what does make this country great.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 21:00
The best speaker of them all (and a guy I'll miss so much in a few months) is on right now.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 21:20
indeed Teo.. glad I stayed up for this.  What a speech.. Clap
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 21:25
Fantastic. Just fantastic.   
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2016 at 21:28
this resonates... he is touching why we do love our country as we do...

also.. VERY good reach out to Bernie and his supporters. He is of course right..  that kind of change isn't going to happen with just a part time investment in the electoral process.  A lesson that should be learned from the other side. Something they do very well. Vote in all the smaller elections, off year elections.  A President can only do so much on his own. Something he knows better than anyone LOL

Edited by micky - July 27 2016 at 21:33
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