DDPascalDD wrote:
About where is the line between those two? |
It's sort of an arbitrary thing that'll depend on who you ask. By my own metric, I'd say that a modern digital release is definitely an EP at under 25 minutes and definitely an album at over 35 minutes.
If it falls in between 25 and 35 minutes, then I'd consider the marketing and structure of it: if it has an internally consistent concept or a logical flow, I'd be more likely to call it an album. Whereas one would probably consider it an EP if it's a sort of odds-and-ends collection of ideas that gives an idea of "what we've been working on" for the artist without delving in too deep, or if it's been put together for promotional purposes. Not that an EP wouldn't necessarily have any depth or feel to it, it's just that it more or less serves a different purpose. An EP should act like a teaser whereas an album offers the full experience.
Hopefully that makes sense?