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M27Barney View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 14 2014 at 14:00
now of course - kids have the internet and a cornucopia of inappropriate materials for your average 13 year old to overdose on!!!
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JakubVS View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 07 2015 at 03:40
Hello everyone,
this is an amazing thread. Some 10 years ago when I discovered Supertramp's debut album and I found out it was actually a great album, I started to wonder who was singing lead vocal in Maybe I'm a Beggar. So I asked on then official Supertramp forum about who sang what on the debuut album and someone replied. I was a bit shocked to see he believed that The Shadow Song was sung by Roger Hodgson, I was pretty sure it was Rick Davies. Anyway noone agreed with me then.

Yesterday I listened to the album again after a long time and during the years and rememebered this so today early mornign I'ce checked internet with a little hope that people have grown up. AND THEY DID :D

It's no wonder that there is a discussion. In my opinion it's caused by the fact, that Rick sang The Shadow Song using technique he has never used again since. He has treated his vocal noduls more agressive creating more male blues/country sound. On the other hand it's great to have both Richard Palmer and Roger Hodgson agreeing with me, because originally I thought I had to be deaf - or the others. I remember I told my then girlfriend about this and she was also against the idea that it's Rick :D But for me - I'm a singer too, it's not that difficult to accept that a singer changes his vocal technique. The difference between The Shadow Song and let's say Rudy is similar as let's say The Fairy Feller's Master Stroke and let's say I Want it All by Freddie Mercury.

To analyse: I think that the lead vocal in verse is Rick, harmony vocal in both verses and choruses Roger.
What I am not sure about is lead vocal in chorus and the second harmony vocal.
Lead vocal in chorus is very very very soft, that could be really anyone if it's not Rick, which would be logical. There doesn seems to be a difference between the end of verse and begining of chorus.
the third harmony vocal sounds like Richard Palmer to me, it has a similar characteristic as in Maybe I'm a Beggar in spots - but it sounds like if he's trying to minimalize the "originality" - hard to describe this - which would be again logical considering those are backing vocals not lead ones.

There are some things which identify Rick: barytone sound (no tenor vocalist can sing like this), spots: 0:48, 0:58, 1:52 (playyyiiiiiing) - guys, that's Rick. It could be confusing, because he's really not pushing his body and throat like in all later songs. the higher tones are all sung with completely released body and with a wide smile. If you are not a singer, just try to relax your upper body, your throat, make a wide smile - but keep your lips 100% relaxed and your chin too and just blow the air, you'll get a similar result. When you goa bit higher, I am sure your wife will be also a bit surprised it's you singing ;-)

if someone's interested I could also make a short video demonstrating this.

thanks to everyone contributing to this thread!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 07 2015 at 04:03
I've created a short sample of reversed phase mp3 for those who are not friendly with audio applications:

you can hear the voice better there.

Also, I forgot to mention that Nothing to Show - which is believed to contain Rick's vocal is a good example of the fact, that Rick didn't use his voice the same way as from IS era onwards - you can clearly hear that he's more relaxed, not pushing that much and sounds a bit boyish.
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 07 2015 at 04:45
Wow, I missed this thread while I was awayEmbarrassedOuchCry...
Lots to read,Clap and I will address it when I got time (most likely not before the w-e, since I must rehear that amazing debut album again)
Originally posted by Flora Flora wrote:

Talking about Brother Where You Bound, so many people say "how much Supertramp still sounded like Supertramp" after Hodgson left, yet what most people don’t realize is that four out of the six songs were all contenders for the Famous Last Words album and were already 90% done before Hodgson left the band.  

Hodgson had worked on the arrangements of Cannoball, Still in Love, Brother Where you Bound, and Ever Open Door, with Davies.  Sometimes it really frustrates me that more people don’t know that, because if they did, they could understand why the Brother album still has that sound even after Hodgson left.

I tried to find the interview where I read that, but I couldn’t find it.  Did other people know this?  If anyone wants to write to Hodgson’s Facebook his staff is pretty good at answering questions and we can get it again from the horse’s mouth.
Well, personally, when listening to BIA and FLW, I don't get much a feeling that the band sounds much like Supertramp ... the spirit is there (of sorts), but the sound isn't - and Roger's departure is not the main reason for the sonic changes. There are a zillion changes between that dreadful FLW (where only the last two tracks are worthy, the rest being very superficial), compared to Brother WYB, which has only one weaker track (Still In Love, which could sound as if Hodgson had written it, IMHO, anyways).
I also never heard that Hodgson worked on the Brother tracks, but it could be possible that he heard some of them before leaving.

Edited by Sean Trane - December 14 2015 at 04:02
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2015 at 04:24
Ok, got around to it this morning

About Shadow Song, it's kind of difficult to believe it's Rick Davies, especially after Jakub's isolation of the vocals. If I trust my ears on that isolation, my money would be on Hodgson, given that we don't have much to compare with RPJ's vocals. However, on the album itself, it's definitely not Hodgson (except in the second verse) and it doesn't sound much like Davies either. So the OP could have a point about it being RPJ, but if both him & Hodgson say it's not themConfused.... In either case, it's maybe the weakest sung track on the album, so I could understand that both RH & RPJ would reject it on Davies' blame LOL

BTW, RPJ is credited by RPM as having played guitar and singing in the German band Emergency in 73, and they recorded one album(Called Get Out Of The Country) that year... Maybe there is a chance to hear more of him.

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claugroi View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2015 at 10:15
No matter how many years go by, my ears can't accept that voice as Rick's. I repeat my argument: it's a simple question of timbre. A good singer is capable of changing his voice to fit the mood or style of the song, but he is not able to change his timbre because that's something physical that depends on the biological constitution of the vocal chords, lungs, diaphragm, nose cavity etc. 

A good example of a singer changing his vocals is Paul McCartney, a very versatile musician. His soft and calm vocals on I Will and Here, There and Everywhere sound nothing like his harsh and agressive ones in Why Don't We Do It In The Road and Oh! Darling, but you can still recognise him for his timbre.

To all who can't change their opinions about this, I suggest listening to Shadow Song and then Maybe I'm a Beggar in sequence. Of course the vocal style changes a bit because the first song is soft/calm, the second is more dramatic/exaggerated, but it's still the same man singing them ! Pay close attention to the trembling voice at the end of sentences and to the pleasant and clean falsetto that Rick was not capable of doing because of his bluesier and rougher tone, as evidenced in future songs like Goodbye Stranger.

As for both RPJ and Hodgson confirming it was Rick singing, my theory remains the same: more than 40 years have passed, so it's very likely their memories are failing. I doubt they listened to Shadow Song recently, even when asked the question about who sang it, so it's only logical to assume that there is a possibility they are not remembering correctly. Sometimes, in the studio, off-the-cuff decisions have to be made, and that includes changing the vocalist, like Paul McCartney singing John Lennon's parts on Love Me Do in the official recording, something that did not happen live before that. So maybe Rick used to sing the song live and they changed roles for the official album recording.
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mika68 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 15 2015 at 04:53
Yes the Shadow Song is deffently sing by Richard Palmer and the Background by Roger Hodgson. He`s exists a film by a German Filmeditor named Haro Senft. In December 1969 make a short documentary film he called " Supertramp Portrait". But at this Time the Band was called " Daddy". The Band performed in this film a song by Bob Dylan " Along the Watchtower". And this Song was singing by Richard Palmer. And i think this is the same Voice of Shadow Song. Sorry for my bad EnglishWink
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claugroi View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 15 2015 at 14:42
I found it ! For those who want to experience early Supertramp playing a proggy version of Dylan's All Along the Watchtower with 20-years-old Roger Hodgson and 26-years-old Rick Davies:

Download video here:

More information (in German) on Haro Senft's page:

I don't think it sheds light on our discussion because his singing here is just too different from Shadow Song (it's more agressive), but thanks for your input !
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 18 2015 at 02:50
Originally posted by claugroi claugroi wrote:

I found it ! For those who want to experience early Supertramp playing a proggy version of Dylan's All Along the Watchtower with 20-years-old Roger Hodgson and 26-years-old Rick Davies:

Download video here:

More information (in German) on Haro Senft's page:

I don't think it sheds light on our discussion because his singing here is just too different from Shadow Song (it's more agressive), but thanks for your input !

Thanks for this Censored amazing videoClap
The quality is really good
It's amazing that RPJ stopped playing and singing after Supertramp (outside that pre-Crimson Emergency stint in 73)

OK, I had a buddy rediscovering the first album, last night.  He's been a life-long Supertramp fan (like me), but he had never appreciated the first two albums, (like most of the Tramp fans), because it wasn't the classic line-up... he didn't even own them anymore.
But the buddy had sung a few Tramp songs as a part of Globalys, when they were still doing mostly covers , even if his voice only allowed him to do the Hodgson songs: they used to do Hide In You Shelf, School and Fools' Overture regularly, but he was always sad he couldn't do Davies tracks.

So telling him about this Shadow Song mini-controversy (without telling him the full thing before hand), he sat his eyes closed and listened intensely (I mean really intensely)

His conclusion: Rick Davies, without a doubtStern SmileBig smile

He was so impressed/moved with this album that he took my CD home and I can imagine how floored he will be when I'll show him the Munich video

Edited by Sean Trane - December 18 2015 at 02:59
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claugroi View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 18 2015 at 09:03
But he wasn't used to the album, so he wouldn't recognise Palmer's voice even if it was him. I mean, I listened to the album half a dozen times before reaching the conclusion that it was Palmer singing (apart from, of course, listening to the rest of Supertramp's career, having been used to Rick's voice from the beginning until the very end in 2002).

So what I mean is that maybe your friend should be more familiar with the album and then make a judgement again. Tell him to listen to Maybe I'm a Beggar many times to get used to Palmer's voice. And do ask him if he doesn't find the voice in Shadow Song very unusual for Rick Davies, even when you compare it to the only song he surely sung on that very album (Nothing to Show, in unison with Roger).
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 18 2015 at 14:36
I'm sure he will listen to the album a few times before buying it for himself

Yes, he did find Davies' voice fairly different than what we bacame used to afterwards, but most likely Rick was still looking for his own voice.

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Formentera Lady View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 20 2015 at 00:57
Aww, I have missed this thread!

The debut album is one of my favourites of Supertramp. Even if I had not known the Palmer-interview the vocal credits on the english wikipedia would have also been my guesses.

For Shadow Song, I think that Rick is doing the lead vocals and starts the song. Great song btw.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 20 2015 at 01:53
I am adding an argumentation:

The beginning parts of Aubade, Maybe I am a Beggar and Shadow Song all start in a low timbre.
It can be clearly heard, that Aubade is sung by Roger and Maybe I am a Beggar by RPJ.
In my opinion it can be also heard that Shadow Song is sung by a different singer than the other two.
From the three RPJ is the worst (sorry RPJ!), he cannot really hold a note. He might be a good front man though, as can be seen and heard in 'All along the Watchtower'. (Btw. this rare video tends to disappear now and then from the internet, so if you find it, download it by all means and keep it at a safe place! Shocked I did that already a couple of years ago.Approve)
Rick has a more harsh voice, RPJ and Roger have more clear voices, and this 'harshness' can be heard in Shadow Song, too.
Rick is not always sure about the note to sing, that's why he sometimes puts a 'nnn' in front the 't' sound, as can be heard in the first lines both in 'Shadow Song' and 'Times have changed'. Roger never does that, while singing. So that's why I think it is Rick.
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JakubVS View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 21 2015 at 12:23
Originally posted by mika68 mika68 wrote:

Yes the Shadow Song is deffently sing by Richard Palmer and the Background by Roger Hodgson. He`s exists a film by a German Filmeditor named Haro Senft. In December 1969 make a short documentary film he called " Supertramp Portrait". But at this Time the Band was called " Daddy". The Band performed in this film a song by Bob Dylan " Along the Watchtower". And this Song was singing by Richard Palmer. And i think this is the same Voice of Shadow Song. Sorry for my bad EnglishWink

Doesn't seem so. If you mean that in All Along the Watchtower you can hear Richard Palmer in a more similar setting to Shadow Song, it's - I am sorry - wrong. AATW live was sung very loud, I would say as loud as he could and the special quality of the vocal performace was created thanks to pre-amp setting - the sound is very overdriven/distorted. Shadow Song - I must repeat myself - was sung with an opposite setting of both pre-amp and singer himself. it's relaxed - completely and quiet. This is what I believe so confusing, because never since has Rick sang like this. He normally sings very loud and pushes his body and vocal noduls. You can hear it in I would say every song, very typicall are his EEEE and OOOO, which sound like HHHEEEYYY made by a football fan - actually talented football fans use exactly the same technique as Rick does in this spots. This technique (sometimes called overdrive) is basically between 90-100% of the loudness man can provide. There is not that much difference between these tones and the rest of the vocals he provides regarding volume so that shows how loud and powerful he provides his singing.

a good example is this, late Freddie - so already f**king experienced and with strong singing habits, the same era, one song sung almost completely relaxed (sadly for this case he gives a bit power to the words You are the Only One, when he turns into chest voice)

vs a song from the same era sung very agressive.

Edited by JakubVS - December 21 2015 at 12:24
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 21 2015 at 12:26
Actually a good comparison is also David Gilmour and the verses in Point Me at The Sky, this also sounds not very like him, because it's so relaxed.
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 30 2017 at 07:50
Can anyone find that All Along The Watchtower (Munich 70) video, please...

Cos both links have died
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Formentera Lady View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 30 2017 at 15:13
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Can anyone find that All Along The Watchtower (Munich 70) video, please...

Cos both links have died

There you go:

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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 30 2017 at 18:42
Originally posted by Formentera Lady Formentera Lady wrote:

Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Can anyone find that All Along The Watchtower (Munich 70) video, please...

Cos both links have died

There you go:


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